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The Silent Z

Just Here
9:30 of Dragons age.... We sit upon the precipice of a war, the likes of which has not been seen in over four centuries. How foolish to believe the darkspawn were wiped out in the last blight.

Once more how dark times would seem to change the nature of man. Amidst the chaos, betrayal lurks in the shadows, lust for power and the sheer greed such men have. The blind corruption of ego and long since earned deeds that have won much pride and favor.

To the north rests one of the two remaining terynirs of fereldan, Highever. ‘Tis where the Couslands prepare to send their forces south to Ostagar to answer the kings call for aid as the army battles the bulk of the Darkspawn horde.

But the humans see not what lay upon the horizon..... few ever do. Just as war is waged in the south another battle looms over the fair city of Highever, but once more it’s not foreseen by humans nor elves or dwarves......

A act of treachery that will shake Highever to its core and risk the end of a proud and noble line that’s well respected and dates back to the black age. However that’s only a summary of what’s to come and not the story yet to be told......

*A stout figure sits upon the cold stone floor of a dark room. Back pressed against the wall, voice recalling that night when all changed and signaled what was to come*

The Cousland heirs were both given tasks, Fergus was to lead his fathers men to Ostagar ahead of him and Zeddicus was to remain back and take charge while his father was away. The younger child hadn’t been told quite yet, least not absolutely so, he still held out hope that he’d get his way and ride with his father and elder brother, fight with them and the king against a mighty horde.... A true adventure worth any warriors sword. However his parents had been fighting over it for days and his mother proved the wiser, or shall we say the victor of that battle. Though Bryce saw reason and he’d not have both his heirs in danger even if it was hard to deny his pup a chance to ride with him and Fergus. Still, he would have plenty to occupy him while they were gone and his mother wouldn’t be around to complicate his authority.

Now I wasn’t exactly in the room as Duncan, Commander of the grey wardens in fereldan, Arl Rendorn Howe and Teryn Bryce Cousland gathered in the great hall whilst Zeddicus was called to join them and receive a message from his father. But knowing them as I do, according to what I heard and all of the above, I have pretty good idea of how it went. The young lord never was one to sit idly by while others ride off into battle and have another adventure, even if it meant staying back and in charge of the Terynir during that time. Zeddicus adored his family, especially young Oren, his nephew. He loved the people and knew the importance of it all yet he was never one for politics and leading in such a way, he preferred excitement, fun and adventure not bickering between Nan and the staff, disputes over land and the occasional bandit or two. The thought of holding court gave the young lord a headache.

Atleast Sir Riona would be around, unless she ended up getting recruited by the grey warden? That was a possible reason for Duncan’s visit.

That gathering was just the start of what was to come. Here’s how it all seemed to go down....
News out of the south spoke of darkspawn hordes, a kings army and the grey wardens rallying to stop them. Some would have you believe it’s a blight and not just a rather large darkspawn rising from the deep, dark abandoned roads that once belonged to the dwarves and their empire in which they still fight for nearly every day or so Zeddicus Cousland was told. But in Highever while the news still was spoken across the city and castle in rumor filled gossip, plans and calls were being made and the nobles seemed busy with it all and more. Truthfully, Zeddicus desired to join the kings army and fight the darkspawn in defense of his people and his family yet his mother and father began fighting over it ever since the topic came up by Zeddicus himself in fact, not out of seeking to start a argument between his beloved parents but to make a claim for such a opportunity for a young warrior such as himself and lord. Even amidst his own desires and wishes, he wasn’t a foolish, cloud-headed young noble the fact was he very much knew the odds of him joining his father, brother and Highevers forces to battle the darkspawn at the legendary fortress in southern Fereldan known as Ostagar was quite low and would play heavily against him.

Still it was worthy a try despite the odds and knowing his mother was a stubborn, strong willed and feisty woman who rarely lost a argument where it concerned her children and grandchildren. But such was a family trait, feisty and strong as well as stubborn but few could match mother in the long run of things. Zeddicus thought about persuasion to convince them to send himself instead of his elder brother Fergus, after all he had a beautiful wife that loves him, a adorable son that looked up to him and was the best choice to succeed his father as Teryn some day... Zeddicus didn’t even desire to lead highever as Teryn and become a political figure in the landsmeet, he dreaded such a life and was quite happy that he was the youngest child and more likely to succeed Fergus when that day would come. Which was even more reason to gain experience now, not experience being in charge while others were away, unless mother was remaining here and not visiting elsewhere? But while tempting he couldn’t betray his brother like that and play a sneaky, underhanded trick like that, truthfully both brothers sought adventure and enjoyed the thrill of battle, even if Fergus mellowed a bit since getting married and having Oren he still liked adventure when he could get it.

Besides he would have loved fighting beside his brother in battle too much to play such a cheeky move. Which reminded him, Oren’s birthday was coming up soon, just a couple days away in fact. Amidst all the thought of darkspawn and wanting ride with highevers forces to join the king answering that call, he nearly forgot about his adored nephew. There were so many ideas of gifts to get him, but Oriana likely wouldn’t approve of teaching him to use a sword, like Oren often asks if not asking for a sword to see up close for himself. Zeddicus loved his sister-in law but she did make it hard to find a present for Oren sometimes then again maybe he was a bit young? That’s when it struck him.... A puppy?

It certainly seemed like a good idea, Oren loved grace and would absolutely love it should he have his own Mabari warhound. The young lord then with a smile and curious thought looked down to his faithful Mabari, Grace, “You wouldn’t get jealous girl, now would you?” He nearly chuckled in asking as the pair came to a stop outside of them alienage gates. The Mabari cocked her head in a tilt looking up towards her master curiously, a soft sound escaping her as those big brown eyes met his dark crystal blues. “Oh come on, admit it you might get jealous if another pup was getting Oren’s attention.” He added in response to her look of wonder. The Mabari looked up and stomped her paw against the ground * Argumentative bark* in reply. Zeddicus beginning to laugh as Grace seemed to make her point and make it quite clear to him. “All right, all right.... I was only joking.” He said to her through his chuckled tone meanwhile Grace barked again. “I was... I was, I promise Girl. You’d like another pup around... wouldn’t you?” Zeddicus replied trying to convince her it wasn’t only in jest and then asked if she’d like another pup around the castle in trying to change the direction of their little banter.

However Grace only barked some more to which Zeddicus replied “There is no fooling you is there, my smart, adorable girl?” The hound seemed to like and respond proudly to that statement. “It’s all about pride and praise with you isn’t girl?” He joked causing Grace to bark again in protest and retort. “Joking, Joking.... I know you better then that just having a little fun is all.” He laughed while assuring the hound it was just a joke. Meanwhile as they stood outside the alienage gates and within the city of highever, basking in the cool air and bright sunlight as the day seemed rather clear and beautiful. Zeddicus pondered over the idea some more and where he’d find a good breed of Mabari pups to choose from for Oren’s birthday present and Grace next to him, looking about the city streets happily with a smile like look about her as her tongue hung out of the side of her mouth.

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Ser Riona Gilmore

It was still within the day's early morning hours when Ser Riona rode her light-armored pinto into Highever's Alienage. The Alienage was the usual sort, Riona supposed, having heard enough from her times there to note there were places far worse to live, including many of the other alienages located outside of the teyrnir. But still, although the locals who made their home there were accustomed to Riona's visits, they remained cautious of her personage, allowing her and her horse a wide berth as she made her way through the ghetto's thin cobbled streets. When she was younger she had taken slight offense to the way the elves eyed her and her father apprehensively each time they had visited, the men grouping in front of their women and children as if ready to guard off some sort of inevitable altercation. As she grew older and became more learned in Thedas's politics and societal norms, however, she began to internally justify the elves' defensiveness, realizing their actions as mere side effects of their long-withstood and undoubtedly abhorrent treatment. And so now as they stared (yet somehow avoided eye contact altogether) and lightly whispered as she passed, she paid them no mind, knowing herself to be the intruder on their otherwise peaceful morning.

She was all too aware of her high status in Highever's Knighthood and the nervousness it caused the Alienage's elves when she arrived; her family had served the Cousland family for generations and had always led the teyrnir's knights, the most experienced of the Gilmore's knights usually directly assigned to the current teyrn. Her uncle, Ser Roland Gilmore, held that position at present working as, essentially, Teyrn Bryce Cousland's right hand. Ser Riona herself had been assigned to Lord Fergus almost immediately after her ascension to knighthood, a position she accepted with great honor; she loved and admired the Couslands as much as her own family, and had, over the years, taken a great shining to the young Lord Oren, spoiling the boy as much as his grandmother. It was this adoration of Oren that brought her into the Alienage on this day to see her closest friend, a well-gifted carver by the name of Nelos, to claim the gift she had commissioned for the boy.

The shanty that Nelos and his family owned was modest, as most buildings in alienages tended to be, and the young man raised his head and smiled up from the wooden miniature he had been whittling as Riona approached.

"Oof, you look like shit," the elf jested as Riona slid off her horse and removed her helm, pocketing his small knife and miniature to raise his hands towards the knight's face, softly tucking a stray strand of hair back into her braid.

Riona sighed, ignoring the act of familiarity and the gossip it continued to spread, instead choosing to rub her eyes with a still gloved hand. "I've hardly slept at all this past week," she grumbled. "His Lordship has had us running drills in preparation to join His Majesty's army in battle against the growing Darkpawn threat."

"Ah." Nelos grasped the reins of her horse and tied it lightly to a nearby post, opening his door and leading her inside his home once the creature was secured. "Has it been decided the knights shall join the fray?"

"It's still the cause of some argument within the castle, I'm afraid." Collapsing onto one of only two chairs in the elf's household Riona slapped his side genially. "But enough of that," she grinned in anticipation, "Let's see your work!"

With an assured chuckle Nelos shook his head and left the main room momentarily only to return with a long object blanketed by a thin cloth which he confidently dropped in Riona's lap. The young woman wasted no time unveiling the object, an intricately carved wooden sword the likes of which she had never seen. Its hilt was decorated in expertly filigreed carve work inlaid with lines of shimmering gold, the flat of the blade beautifully bore the initials O.C., and the way the play weapon slid through the air when swung was to die for.

It was perfect.

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Even on the most calm of days a manor buzzed with activity just below the surface. There were dishes to wash, laundry to be done, and endless amounts of cleaning. Those souls that did this work so the nobles could enjoy their day free of worry were the maids. The Couslands employed quite a few maids to keep their manor both human and elf with no discrinatation that other nobles might have. Sene was one such elven maid working the long days and late nights it took to keep everything nice and clean. There were rumors of a blight the knights leaving the lands and of more mundane gossip. But Sene mostly ignored it for there was only one thing that concerned her. Something that had always been in the back of her ming. Would today be the day it came? Sene was no normal maid and she was just waiting fearing the day she was meant to kill the people that had been kind to her. This was her biggest concern over any other rumor. Still it had been ten years maybe just maybe those that had put her here had forgotten her.

Currently Sene was hanging up some of the laundry to dry with a few others maids. Sene could over hear them going from serious possable issues to just your normal talk of guys and who was with who. There were rumors about just about everything and everyone, they came and went almost in a cycle. Sene did her best to just blend into the background and be forgotten. Sene just hoped that these days could last just awhile longer as here she had some peace even if it meant having to hide everything about herself.
Zeddicus Cousland

The thoughts of presents for his nephews birthday ran rampant through his mind. Even while he seemed certain a mabari pup was a great idea, the trouble was finding a good litter of pups within mere days from the actual birthday itself. Another idea seemed to be a wooden shield, a small carved wooden shield fit for the young noble child yet it wouldn’t be as good without a sword. The thought of imprinting and how difficult it could be when it came to mabari had crossed his mind but something made him confident such a thing wouldn’t be a issue for Oren. Besides it would just be a pup and Oren was still a pup in his mind too.

Funny word pup... Zeddicus himself was still called pup by his father and he was nearing twenty now. Deciding on taking a walk through the alienage since he was there anyhow crossed his mind, it wouldn’t be the first time he passed through these gates nor would it be his last. Zeddicus made a habit of getting to know the elves of highever both those who worked in the castle and those he met in the alienage or least he made the effort. He wasn’t the eldest and expected to succeed his father, nor was he shouldered with much responsibility yet where it concerned the terynirs army. Granting him much time between tournaments and melees to become even more aware of his people, Highever as a whole and the status of things. He was a very personable young lord and never saw the elves nor the dwarves as lesser races, instead considered them his people... humans, elves, dwarves and even the occasional qunari that may or may not pass through were all looked upon as the same.

Only physical differences and the history of their respective races made them different. It took some time for the elves not to become overly concerned any time he popped in the alienage yet still even after all these years they still seemed not entirely at ease whenever he came walking through. The young lord was determined to bring change though, he grew up playing with elven children as well as human and any other race that were in highever, he grew up with a different view point that stood out from most nobles and even humans, he sought to bring his people closer together and thus strengthen his home even more. He was open minded and that always seemed to bother some yet it never seemed to change his ways. Change often did however and this was no simple change, no, it would take time and much effort on his part. Much patience.

Striding through the village with grace at his side and a smile upon his face, the young lord walked about the alienage greeting each elf as he passed by and made eye contact with each man, woman and child of the small sectioned off part of the city. He’d find that mabari pup later for now he’d take this opportunity to build upon his relationship with the people and see how things were going today.
People living their everyday lives among the alienage were enjoyable for most people, but not for Horith. The sounds of the alienage were almost overloading Horiths head. He hated going anywhere within the cities walls. It’s only gotten worse the older the elf got. The cities were only constricting him and his wolf companion, Herc. The young wolf appeared to enjoy the sights and sounds of the cities alienage.

Many of the children always loved to see Herc when the pair came to town, but most of the adults were still hesitant. A wolf at the end of the day is still a wolf, an un-domesticated creature of the woods. But Horith always reassured the adults that Herc is well trained.

Herc nuzzled on his masters leg as they navigating through the alienage. Horith looked down as he gave his companion a quick petting. “No boy, we’re only coming here to visit the wood carver, then we’re heading home.” Herc pawed Horiths leg, begging for a treat of some kind. The smell of the nearby meat stand caught wind of both the elf’s and the woods nose.

The elf took a quick whiff before he shook his head away from the temptation. “No, you have a deer bone back home. Just wait till then.” He whispered to his companion as they arrived to the shopping center part of town.

Horith pulled out some pelts he collected from his trip out in the wilderness when he saw Zeddicus Cousland with his Mabari hound. Which brought up a mental reminder to Horith.

“Lord Cousland!” He shouted before he reached into his bag of pelts. The elf strained for a moment before he pulled out a large pelt by the time Zeddicus walked over to him.

“That cave bear your father informed me. The one that was terrorizing those farmers, finally found it. Hope your family enjoys it.” Horith looked around his surroundings for a second before he leaned over.

“I also found some odd happenings in the woods outside the city. It appeared to have increase human activity. I haven’t had time to investigate it further, but I was wondering if your father had some troops doing drills in there recently?” Horith kept his voice down just for precaution, he didn’t find any need to raise any alarms just for nothing.

Horith hasn’t been in Highever for almost three weeks, hunting the bear took far into the wilderness. Horith also got most news of human activity from Bryce himself whenever Horith was at the castle, or from the guards if Bryce was too occupied with more important matters.
Ser Riona Gilmore

"It's perfect," Riona announced with a smile, placing the wooden sword down to offer her friend his well-earned coin for the work. He hesitated only a moment before accepting the payment, placing it in his pocket as Riona started towards the door.

"You're not staying for tea?" He asked with surprise, raising his eyebrows slightly as he squeezed himself in the space between the young knight and his front door. "At the very least, I've some gossip for you." Immediately interested Riona seated herself once more with a chuckle, waving her hand in amused permittance.

Sitting across from her with a slight smirk, he lowered his voice although only the two of them currently occupied his small home. "They say Queen Anora is barren-"

"Everyone knows that," she cut him off with a roll of her eyes. It was true- at least those were the rumors. Although married for five years, King Cailan and Queen Anora had failed to conceive a single child, and she herself had heard whispered opinions shared amongst the nobles that the queen should be replaced. Of course, it was also true that Queen Anora worked tirelessly for the nation, assuming all of the duties that her husband regularly shirked; she loved her country and its people, and they, in return, loved her. Still, having an heir was a necessity, and Riona wondered what Teryn Loghain would have to say if he heard the recent rumors... perhaps he already had.

Nelos shook his head slightly, leaning back into his chair, his smirk still planted in place. "Yes but, I've heard on good authority that our King has got himself a mistress, a long-distance relationship, I'm afraid, and the woman herself is none other than a certain Orlesian empress."

"Empress Celene?" Riona all but screamed in shock, "You're trying to tell me that King Cailan has designs to marry Empress Celene?" The laugh that emanated from the young woman was long and deep, and, despite herself, tears began to form at the corners of her eyes. "You're mad! If that were true every noble and freeman in Ferelden would riot in retaliation; there's not a soul in this country that does not remember the Oreslian Occupation, and the King would be a fool to think otherwise! No. No, no, no!"

Nelos merely shrugged as Riona's laughter rang through the air, amused by her reaction but unable to do little but watch. He was about to defend the source of his information when suddenly a loud knock interrupted their conversation.

Riona quieted instantly, her eyes widening at the source of the sound. "Are you expecting company, Nelos?"

Despite the day being peaceful, even for the maids for the most part, it seemed plenty of people had some business outside the estate. Sene only went out rarely and almost actively avoided the alienage. Sene knew that while the alienages and the clans were the same people they were as different as any human nation was to its neighbors. So Sene would without a doubt stand out like a sore thumb as while each alienage was different they had certain customs that were shared and Sene would not know them. If she had been a better spy Sene might have tried to learn these customs without standing out to much, but she was not a good spy or a spy at all and so she was an elf that would not know even what a child might of the alienage. Sene in truth tried to not leave the estate to much even to go to town, to many humans, while the cousalnds seemed to try to tear down the barriers not all shared their way of thinking. it was far safer to just stay away from to much open interaction and just pretend to be devoted to your job, this excuse had even worked as to why Sene never tried to pursue anyone while other maids seemed to fall in and out of love every week.

Sene was currently in the kitchens having come in after hanging up the last of the laundry she had in order to help wash various pots and pans. No matter how many they washed there were always more dishes to wash as the cooks made the next meal and burned through plate s like coals. While she worked two other younger maids were gossiping about who knew what. The two had been talking for far to long leaving Sene with more work to pick up for their slacking. " For the love of the maker would you two cut the chatter and get back to work" Sene said annoyed at their slacking.

Despite calling on the maker Sene didn't really believe in him, though really she didn't believe in anything to much anymore. If there really were any gods out there she had trespassed against any and just about all of them that may exist. Still it was a safe bet to just pretend the followed the maker most humans did and it made her stand out less. As Sene was a mage she knew there was more out there she had been sent to the fade once or twice before seen the city in the distance as all visitors did so there was something to it. Sene just didn't know or care any more who was supposed to rein in the city or have reined. The two maids looked to Sene annoyed but relented while she was not the head maid or anything more than a simple maid she had years of experience on them and in any job seniority often was just as important as rank.

" You need to loosen up we were just talking about the rumor about the king" On said as she moved to some of the dishes starting to slowly scrub to make sure they really were clean.

" Yeah apparently he is in a relationship with the Oreslian empress " The second said nodding.

Sene just sighed " Really you need to learn to tell fact from what the friend of someone's friends heard from an acquaintance that over heard it in a tavern from a drunk man" She said pausing for a moment" With how these things go and how people change rumors he likely said something nice once to someone in passing and it grew " She explained clearly she didn't buy it or she wanted to appear not to buy it. Sene knew that the Oreslians were a tricky bunch after all they got her here and they likely made up this rumor themselves. " just focus on your work and not on the latest gossip" The two just sighed and nodded mumbling some half heated apologies before the three could really get to work.
While there was still a unease with a armed human about the alienage it wasn’t near as bad as it could have been. One thing going for Zeddicus was that he remained as personable as possible with all people in highever, he once played with elven children as a kid, since he’s kept as social and outgoing as he could be with the elves treating them as well if not better then most humans. Despite what elder Aldous would have you believe the young lord was a bright enough fellow never claiming to be the greatest mind of his time yet he liked to learn. Loved stories and hearing about older times. Lost lores, myths and much, much more. He’d talk with some of the older elves just to hear stories if they’d share them and ask questions to better understand them. One couldn’t be ignorant and still hope to achieve a greater level of true peace with the other races and classes.

Yet while there was both a unease and a question of what he might be doing there in the back of some of their minds. The lord Cousland did have those more familiar with the mans ways and greeted him more openly and less carefully if at all. It brought a smile to see some of his old friends again. Whilst the aroma of meats cooking over a fire caught sight of his nose and brought grace to a full mouthwatering, tail wagging stand as she was about to bark however Zeddicus knew full well what she’d ask and saw her look about her as soon as he smelt the meat himself.

“No, my Grace. We can’t be asking for the food of others just cause it smells so good. It could be someone’s lunch or something.” He spoke fairly though quite understood the temptation. “And besides you just ate Nan out of larder and kitchen before we left the castle. Why else do you think we’re keeping clear of things. I can’t keep Nan calm and agreeable all the time, You know?!” The Cousland added with a smile and chuckle. Grace of course whimpered and aimed to use her adorable pout and seemingly trained ways to wear down her master, though it didn’t work and when it didn’t she tried barking to convince she was still hungry amongst other things no doubt to banter with him and disagree. “Oh, don’t even try it girl. It’s not working you know.” He replied to her whimper “And no, I can’t! I might have a way with her but that only goes so far. You keep sneaking into her larder and she might just have your arse or claim to be leaving.” He reasoned with the mabari though he never did truly believe any of Nan’s claims to be leaving after reaching her wits end. She was his nanny after all back when he was a wee lad, she wouldn’t leave and that much he was certain, confident about really.

It wasn’t long afterward that he heard a shout and his name called no less. It nearly took him by surprise he was certain the guards weren’t aware of where he’d gone nor others. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the alienage he couldn’t quite be certain of who’s voice that might be. When Horith came appearing before him pulling out a pelt from his pack, Zeddicus smiled and greeted the elven game warden.

“Ah Horith!” He replied and looked over the pelt. “ Nice work! And here I thought you’d found a home in the forests. It seems a while since last seeing you within the city walls.” He remarked cutting to a silent moment as to hear what Horith had to say in lower voice. It gave him a reason to ponder what was said and recall is fathers plans as of late with the men, though it shouldn’t have been too large a scene he’d imagine. Then again he could be wrong.

Responding with lower voice while trying not appear suspicious or being cause for concern. “I believe my father had the younger soldiers sent out for some additional training in order to sharpen their skills and wits. While giving them some experience and teachings before they might leave with the main host of men that will leave for Ostagar in the coming weeks. Or those who might be left here to better perform their duty as fewer senior guards will be around to guide them should they falter or have doubts.” Zeddicus responded though it gave him wonder if something more was going on... perhaps bandits have began using the forest once again for hiding out besides just the men?

“Perhaps more then just our men have been out there lately. I’ll have a word with father later however just in case.”
Ser Riona Gilmore

Nelos merely shrugged at the unexpected visitor, unabashedly opening his front door wide to reveal the figure of a small elven child. The child looked at Riona curiously before brandishing a gilded white envelope whose shimmery paperwork caused a reflection upon the elf's otherwise plain walls. Riona tilted her head, her eyes narrowing in slight suspicion as her friend hurried to conceal the envelope in a pocket and shoo the child away with a quick payment of a few of coppers too many.

It was not at all common to see that type of stationery within the Alienage's walls; those types of embellished letters were generally reserved for Ferelden's nobles, or at least those with enough extra money to flaunt on such frivolous displays of wealth and prestige. Where have I seen that design before, she wondered to herself, I swear I've seen Oriana receive a letter just like it!

"Who is that from?" She finally managed to ask, choosing to ignore Nelos's nervous smile as she collected the gift for her young lord.

"Oh, just someone I know..." he trailed off.

Riona glanced at her friend harshly for just a moment, scanning his face for what was hidden behind his gleaming smile before she shook her head and sighed. She had other matters to deal with. "Fine, keep your secrets," she said in half jest as she exited the home.

"Don't worry about me, love. You've got more trouble on your hands."

The young knight's hands were reaching for the reins of her horse when he spoke, and she almost turned to question him when she realized the meaning behind his words. Shit, she cursed to herself spying Lord Zeddicus, his hound, and one of the castle's game wardens. She locked eyes with Zeddicus just as an audible click sounded behind her. Nelos had closed the door to his home, and soon she would be forced to interact with the young Cousland.

It wasn't that she disliked Zeddicus, in fact, she had barely ever spent enough time around him to separate his true characteristics from the strange rumors she sometimes heard of him. It was only that Riona herself was a horrible liar; she could never quite manage one successfully. This was a problem where her sister Rowena came to play, as she constantly prodded her older sister for information on the young man in hopes of securing him for marriage. Riona was never good at making up enough unfavorable facts about him to lure her sister away from the notion, as she failed at every lie she attempted to tell, so instead, she purposely avoided Zeddicus when she could. The less information she had of him, the better.

"Good day, my Lord," she bowed her head politely as he approached, hoping he wouldn't question her ever much.

A clear silence had passed by during the encounter with Horith, the highever game warden and his wolf companion. They had been discussing traffic within the woods outside the city walls, potentially curious tracks and activity, if they were not all of his fathers younger soldiers out for training and that would require attention, immediate action and investigating of such findings. But there was a bit of light banter the young Cousland lord attempted with the elf.

Meanwhile his hound, Grace, began to stir from observing the wolf companion of Horiths and attempt to interact with the fellow beast. She noticed a approaching and familiar face, a presence the mabari couldn’t mistake for another... Ser Riona, a knight in service to the Cousland family and highever a whole. She was the second of Fergus Cousland, Zeddicus’s elder brother and the likely and traditional choice of heir for Teryn Bryce Cousland, their father.

The eyes of grace soon were matched by that of her masters, Zeddicus soon turned his gaze and looked on toward approaching knight. He was now curious, reasons beyond his knowledge and certainty, the lady knight often was absent whenever his presence was near or around at all. It was either great coincidence or intentional that she managed to avoid him so... Did Fergus say something in jest about him to cause such a thing? Perhaps she disliked him so? The young lord may have been many things but so naive to believe he was beloved and well liked by all was not amongst them. Or perhaps she simply had her own tasks and it couldn’t be avoided to spend further time in his company or arrival?

Truly a wonder. But while curious he wasn’t about to be a cat and allow it to kill him in anyway. Instead, he dismissed the thoughts for now and offered a smile to the approaching knight. “Good day, Ser Riona.” He greeted pondering another thought but pushed it aside. It wasn’t his business to probe her for why she was in the alienage nor was it wise to engage in potential gossip, he could hear enough of that elsewhere, especially amongst the nobility at the lands meet amongst other places.

“I trust all is well? And how is your dear sister, lady Rowena faring these days?” Zeddicus asked genuinely and with a small sincere smile remaining. He often noticed the younger Gilmore from time to time when she was around but he felt like he still didn’t really know her at all. Though, perhaps she wasn’t around as often it seemed, if so, he wouldn’t feel as guilty for knowing her not so well. Truth be told, he didn’t really know Riona all too well either despite her being his brothers second... A funny thing.
In the estate not long after Sene had finished dishes she was taking a break. No matter how much work there was everyone needed a break and given their lords were not exactly the most strict for long as people got their tasks done no one was to bothered if to sat down for a bit. Sene was thinking about what she would need to do next when to her surprise she was handed a sealed letter.

" Looks like you got mail that's a first" The other servant said with a chuckle as Sene never had mail and looking at the letter she was filled with dread.

" hahaha yeah well i guess there is a first for everything" Sene chuckled back taking the letter and trying not to look scared.

Looking the envelope over Sene noticed it was addressed to her from the Denerim Alieange, but she knew who it had to be from. Sene excused herself wanting to read a personal letter in private. Once Sene was safely away she opened the letter and at first it looked normal it was talk of family her younger brother having a kid her father dying, all lies to hide the truth. Running her fingers over the words a hidden magic would be revealed reacting to hers to show what the real message was. Sene could not help but be impressed she didn't know people could do this but the rich and powerful had their ways. The message was simple to be prepared as she would be needed soon. This was not the most specific message but it got the point across. Sene had long decided she would not obey the command, but they knew she was still around they were watching and Sene was rather scared to not obey.
Ser Riona Gilmore

Despite wishing against it, Riona blanched slightly and her eyes widened for just a moment at the mention of her younger sister, Rowena. Riona and Rowena both had received the usual upbringing of noble young ladies in Ferelden— that was until Damien's horrible accident in the barn... But still, one thing Riona had managed to recall from those days has that a lady should always keep her features schooled, especially in the presence of those above their own station. The young knight's face quickly returned to its usual color and Riona offered a light smile.

"My sister has been fairing well these days, how nice of you to ask," she bowed slightly. Of course inside her mind was running faster than ten horses. Damn it, Rowena, what have you done? It was one thing to frivolously waste her life with delusions of grandeur in the comfort of her own home, but it was quite another thing entirely if Rowena had become impatient with her elder sister's lack of information and had begun to write to Zeddicus herself. No, that would be a disaster.

"You must excuse me, My Lord," Riona raised herself onto her horse, perhaps a bit rude from anyone else's perpective, but she was now desperate to remove herself from the situation at hand altogether. "Your elder brother has only allotted me an hour's break to collect the gift I had commissioned for Oren's birthday, so I really must return." And with another slight bow and a pull on the reins of the beast beneath her, she was gone.

Riona had a horrible habit of biting her nails when deep in thought, and so engrossed was she in this task that she all but ran into one of the castle's servants on her way back to Fergus, dropping the wooden sword she had planned to gift to the youngest Cousland.

"My apologies," she spat out, bending over to pick up the gift and only just barely noticing whom she had run into. It was Sene, an elven maid who had served the Couslands for nearly two decades. If she were honest with herself Riona would admit that there was something about Sene that made her uneasy, perhaps her aloofness with the other servants, if rumors were to believe. Some part of Riona wondered if she would wake up one day to hear that the older woman had left the castle and returned home, an act which would surely put the Couslands in an uproar, as good help was hard to find these days.

Re-wrapping the wooden sword back into the cloth that protected it, Riona offered it to the elf. "If you're headed towards the family's bedchambers, would you be so kind as to hide this atop Oren's bookcase?" Oriana Cousland had brought with her from her homeland of Antiva a family tradition that she had continued on with her husband and son in the Highever Castle. Every birthday Oren had to search for his gifts in the form of a game, a scavenger hunt to be precise, and Riona knew that the boy had been far too excited about his birthday as of late to bother picking up a book. He would never notice his present on top of the bookcase.

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There was no more a sight then to see a woman’s eyes widen and a slight change come over her complexion as Riona did now... Shortly after a mere asking after her sister, Rowena. It was rather curious and yet seemed so innocent of him to ask and see all was well. Perhaps there was more to this story then he could have ever thought? Did he touch a nerve? No. It seemed like there was something beyond just a question and her reaction. Perhaps the young lord wasn’t in the fair and acceptable position to ask? Truly, Zeddicus found himself at a loss... though he wouldn’t press further by asking if he offended.

Instead he smiled and nodded in turn. “Good to hear... Its been awhile and just thought I’d ask.” Zeddicus replied gently not wishing to press his luck and offend somehow further. When the knight spoke excusing herself from the young lords presence, he nodded politely and accepted her reasonings well enough. It was indeed something his elder brother would do, likely had enough need for her outside of the allotted time given for Oren’s gift. “Of course, Ser Riona, I understand. Tell my brother hello for me when you him.” He smiled and nodded with a arm raised across his chest as he did. While he wasn’t sure where he stood with the knight as he watched her take her leave from him. The young lord Cousland knew of how well she looked after his brother and seemed to adore his nephew.

As the time passed from her leave and his own soon after errands he intended to accomplish. Zeddicus has met with a few merchants, like over their goods and met with a young family with aging mabari hound and some pups, it was almost fate and great luck he managed to find someone in highever with some mabari pups after all. Grace barked happily and seemed to play a bit with the young hounds, while the young lord asked after the intentions with the pups, eventually agreeing upon a fair price and picking out a strong but playful little fella from the litter. “You’ll be quite the friend for my little nephew...” He began to say while picking up the pup meanwhile Grace chimed in. “And you.... I didn’t forget you, my girl, but it’s Oren’s birthday not your day to play with his new friend and present.” Zeddicus remarked with a chuckle.

The young Cousland met with a old friend, a childhood pal that served his father in the guard and likely would be either remaining with the castle once the army set off for Ostagar or ride with them in fact. The man was a rather averaged height fellow with blonde hair and a clean shaven look aside from a mustache, he didn’t dress like a typical guard often wearing a set leather armor instead of the more typical chain mail most of the guards wore. He was a archer and decent tracker, lockpick and traps novice that served well in the guard but often was used as a scout of sorts. “Well, color me pink and call me tomorrow... I thought you’d be preparing for the next melee.” The man spoke in small laugh upon seeing his old friend and lord Cousland. “Ah, I thought I smelled old cabbage and a poor stench of bad ale.” Zeddicus replied back in chuckle embracing single arms while holding the pup in his other hand. “I think my tourney preparations can wait... It’s my nephews birthday soon after all. Besides after the last one, I can wait a bit.” He continued

“Oh? You? I thought I’d never hear the day where you weren’t seeking action and a fair maidens attention. But wish the little man well for me and a happy birthday.” The archer responded with a chuckle and small jab. “I gather that fine young pup is your gift for him then?“ He continued in curiosity. “I keep telling you, Mathias, I’m more mysterious and complex then you claim old friend. And yes, this young fella maker willing shall be Oren’s new troublesome hound in the making... and as faithful as one could be.” Zeddicus smiled and joked while a thought came to mind. “Say, would mind doing me a favor... my old friend?” Zeddicus asked with a sly smile.

“Yeah, so I keep hearing but still am not convinced... it’s those pretty smiles and clinging of swords you like.” He joked back while giving a nod and smile. “Sure, so long as I don’t end up drunk and in some married woman’s home in nothing but my small clothes this time.” Mathias replied in agreeing to a favor. “That was your own drinking and not of my doing... I tried warning you she was a married girl.” Zeddicus replied laughing a little. “Ah, but you didn’t say she was married to a chevaliers visiting son. I almost lost my hide escaping that trouble.” The man shared a laugh and took the pup after some talk about the favor. “My thanks Mathias! I’d deliver my gift personally but a matter has come to my attention and id like to see to it myself.” The young lord spoke and with that was off taking his leave from an old friend and with grace in step alongside him.

Meanwhile shaking his head smiling Mathias looked to the mabari pup. “That one is off for some more trouble and adventure I’m sure. Now let’s see you to your new home my young furry friend.” Mathias smiled and nodded heading off toward the castle.
Sene was distracted her mind was far from here and now. The letter made Sene rethink her life and remember every last screw up she had made. The only stable part of her life where she didn't mess everything up was now. Still despite having decided to not actully follow through with her job Sene was scared enough to think she might have to. Sene didnt want to hurt the family, but she didn't want to get killed by her far off masters. It was unlikely but the fact they still had tabs on her made Sene just nervous enough to debate her actions.

It wa in this half aware state that Sene ran into the lady knight Riona who seemed equally distracted. Sene noticed the wrapped package she carried and remembered the coming birthday. That might be a good chance to do something maybe she could slip out and escape both employers she could go back to magic. That was a bad idea there was likely a way to track her a phylactery she was unaware of. The request the lady knight had seemed odd but Sene didn't feel like prying.

"Of course ma'am " Sene said while Riona was not a noble she was a knight and this was of higher standing than a common maid thus Sene had to be respectful." My mind was not on my work " She explained not being specific. Still the letter was in her hand so the source of her distraction could be guessed.

spacepanda spacepanda

Inside the alienage , a frustrated Saar-Aqun began to pack up her book, ink, and writing quill. She had hoped the older elves would be able to give her insights into their racial lore and mythology, but all she got was watered down folk tales and “Chantry approved” views on the elven pantheon. They lived in humans cities, under human rules and worshiped, at least on the surface, a human deity. They were just pointy eared humans at this point. If she wanted a real look at elven lore, she would need to find a Daleish clan. Easier said than done, but after her current contract was over, she’d have enough coin to make a start in finding one.
“Sorry I couldn’t be of more help.” The Hahren said, looking nervous.
“No need.” Saar-Aqun replied curtly as she carefully loaded up her satchel. “A different knowledge than intended was gained.”
“Why do you seek knowledge of he Evanuris?” The old elf asked, still seeming worried.
“Curiosity.” Was the horned woman’s reply. “To understand a people, one must understand what they believe.”
She stood up and slung her satchel over her shoulder.
“I thank you for your hospitality and time.”
She pulled out two health poultices and put them down on the table.
“Let these be of use to your people.”
Not seeing a reason to remain, Saar-Aqun left the small house the elven elder called home. She had seen many elves from human cities join the Qunari, and seeing how they lived, she better understood why. Cut off from their own path and only allowed dregs from the humans, the purpose and security of the Qun was an alluring promise. It seemed like the desperate was the target of choice for both the Qun and the Chantry. Well, it seemed like she had all she could from this place.
The Tal-Vashoth considered her next move as she made her way out of the Alienage. She would need to finish her current contract with the local lord. She had been hired by Lord Cousland strangely for her herbalist skills rather than her blade, though she didn’t mind a quite job now and again. She was helping the local herbalist create a stockpile of poultices and special treats for the dog breed the Fereldens were so fond of. Why they needed these items didn’t concern Saar-Aqun. It might mean more employment later on, if she felt like it. She hadn’t been here long, so she still had the buffer of novelty from the locals. Not sure how well these people would handle the continued presence of a Tal-Vashoth. It seemed that most bas found her horns intimidating, unlike among the Qunari.
Saar-Aqun eyed the sun to tell the time. With the buzz around the human child’s anniversary of birth, she had some more time to herself before she had to get back to work. A quick consolidation of notes would be in order when she returned to the castle.
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Ser Riona Gilmore

Being caught off guard was the literal opposite of Riona's assignment as a Knight; despite this, the young woman couldn't help but blink in surprise at the elf's chosen form of address towards her. 'Ma'am?'

While 'Ser' was the usual appellation for a Knight, Riona would have even accepted 'My Lady.' But I no longer have right to that title, she thought to herself, I am certainly no lady anymore. No, Riona couldn't imagine spending her days idling about as her younger sister and mother did, waiting on invitations to some dance or another, working up a fuss about what dress to wear to whose dinner and what gossip to share. Perhaps in her haste, Sene had simply mistaken her for one of Highever's guardsmen, and that was no insult to her. The guardsmen of Highever were a hard-working fellow, more hard-working than some of the so-called Knights Riona had spent the majority of her life around, and their only fault in the eyes of Ferelden's upper echelon was they were not born with a drop of noble blood in them.

Still, the designation had managed to knock Riona off balance, and without correcting her (as the servant had mentioned she had a lot on her mind) the young Knight only nodded and made her retreat down the hallway and back towards the castle's courtyards.

The day had been tiring, and not for the first time in her life, Riona felt muscles ache with exhaustion has she carefully doffed her armor. Changing out her underclothes for a light chemise she sighed heavily as she worked her fingers through her hair, releasing the tension that had built up in her scalp over the day's long hours, her locks now free from the tight braids she usually wore around her head. She frowned slightly as her mind recalled the harsh drills she had been subjected to for the past couple of days. For some reason, it finally seemed to dawn on her that war was truly coming.

Licking her forefinger and thumb she snuffed out the candle by her bedside and slipped into bed, although she doubted she would get much rest. Andraste, she lightly prayed, please guide the Teryn through what is to come, for with Darkspawn, nothing is sacred. Squeezing her eyes shut she attempted to picture in her mind's eye what a darkspawn would even look like but was thankful to come up blank. She supposed, if all went to hell as she suspected it might, she would see one soon enough.

It had been two and one half days since gathering gifts, organizing festivities and continuing on preparing the forces of Highever all in one fell swoop. Today was young lord Oren Couslands birthday where he’d no doubt receive plenty of cake and gifts to fill his joy a lifetime. However there was another truth behind this last two and a half days... The young lordlings uncle, Zeddicus Cousland had not been heard from nor seen since asking Mathias Kendall, a friend and one of the local guards of Highever castle to bring his present, a mabari hound puppy to the castle for his nephews birthday.

Once more neither had Grace, the lords loyal mabari companion and constant presence at his side when not pestering Nan for scraps and treats while wrecking havoc in the larder causing poor old Nan to threaten her resignation and leaving or playing around with Oren. Teryn Bryce Cousland had questioned Mathias on his son’s disappearance as he was the last to see him and perhaps speak with him. But Mathias truly did not know where he went off to this time nor where to begin looking except perhaps of one.

Mathias was not always knowledgeable of his friends whereabouts or plans but knew he was a adventurous sort and one who might just look into certain rumors abound rather then bother his parents and the guards at such a time over something that may be nothing. It was times like these that only furthered the pressure from Bryce, Eleanor and even Fergus if not more on Zeddicus to buckle down and select his second if only to appease them and assure some form of added protection and a extra hand in times of trouble and his adventuring.

The Teryn and Terynir believed the young guard though it did not settle their minds any of the troubling thoughts that entered their heads. Meanwhile the young birthday boy was amidst the celebrations that were to come and preparing for the party with his parents, Oriana and Fergus Cousland. It was without a doubt going to be a day to remember for the young lad
Ser Riona Gilmore

The last few days were a whirlwind of activity in Highever, both inside the castle and elsewhere. Servants made haste in the preparation of the day's activities before guests began to arrive, the guards stood their posts, and Owen was an absolute bundle of excitement, eager to begin the hunt for his gifts. Oriana had spied Riona's present to the young lord just that morning and was less than amused. Once again Riona was subject to the woman's opinions of noblewomen and their place in society; she simply could not comprehend why a woman would ever choose to wield a sword, claiming that in Antiva only the men did so. Riona, however, had heard more than enough tales about the Antivan Crows and Waking Sea Raiders to know that the poor and unfortunate of Antivan's people cared not for someone's sex when it came to combat. Between her and dealing with Rowena, who had visited a with a gift from the family's bannorn and was now in a sour mood, Riona was already at her wit's end.

But there was another matter which troubled the Couslands and the Knights of Highever... Lord Zeddicus had now been missing for nearly three whole days. It was not unlike the young man to seek out information for himself, sometimes finding himself in a small spot of trouble while at it, but usually he would have returned to the castle by now. The Teyrn and Teyrna both had been increasingly adamant that he choose a Second, if nothing but for added protection on his adventures. But still, Zeddicus had not chosen, and now he had simply vanished.

Two days had passed and the estate was buzzing with activity both on and behind the scenes, the birthday was here and Zeddicus had vanished. Sene was worried, more than a maid really should be about the young lord vanishing as she knew forces outside the estate were now on the move. Sene wondered with her letter had anything to do with the disappearance. Sene tried not to think about the connection , how the timing lined up, he might just be out with some girl and lost track of time, it wasn't unheard of for people to lose days. Still in the back of her mind Sene could not help but fear that the young lord had had a run in that he would not be coming back from. The only thing that kept Sene from becoming a nervous wreak was that she had to keep working as a maid, she had to keep up appearances, she couldn't let anyone see her as acting odd. Sene would need to start to pack up what she could in secret she needed to run away. It would look very odd for her to leave when Zeddicus was still missing, but Sene had a feeling in her gut that she should go, still she would wait for him to come back then vanish. Sene returned her focus from thoughts of escape to the normal thoughts of the day, well as normal as the day was. She had to run back and forth with various things from food, to plates, to clothes sometimes. Sene just had to bear with it and hope the party would not last all day and that the servants could start clean up soon enough.
Over the past two days, Saar-Aqun devoted herself to her craft, turning out more health poultices and the like. However, she was beginning to run low on some ingredients. They should be available in the surrounding countryside, but the whispers of the missing Zeddicus concerned the herbalist. Details of the young noble’s disappearance were scant, making a lone exposition into the woods unappealing. Saar-Aqun had confidence in her combat abilities, but it was reasonable to assume that the young Cousland would have had skill as well. So, she would either need an escort or better information. The latter seemed to be the better option to pursue.
While living among the bas societies, Saar-Aqun had noticed that the servant class were often overlooked and heard much more than the nobility thought. She could remember being introduced to an elven woman named Sene when she first arrived. Perhaps a good place to start? The Tal-Vashoth left the little workshop she had been signed and carefully made her way to the back halls and kitchens of the castle. With the birth celebration for the small human, there were more guests around. Such rituals were not something Saar-Aqun’s cared that much about, but the humans did. In their lands and, more importantly, under their roof, it was best to be as unobtrusive as possible.
The castle was a buzzing with excitement over young Oren’s coming party and near busting from his room to begin the search for his presents. While news spread about the disappearance of Zeddicus Cousland that reached nearly three days without a single word from the young noble nor certainty of where he went or what his intentions were. Only a knowledge of his character that hinted it was related to some adventure he caught wind of and instead of informing the guards or knights or even his parents, he’d first check it out for himself before risking others and potentially wasting their time in the process over something that could have been nothing.

Teryn Bryce Cousland gathered a company of selected names into the great hall as he looked towards the roaring, crackling fire in wait. The lord of highever called for the knights, as well as Ser Riona in particular, meanwhile the Tal Vashoth herbalist Saar-Aqun, longtime elven maid of the castle, Sene of whom likely heard many a rumors in her position, while retaining the presence of guardsmen Mathias Kendall of whom had been the last to see and speak with the Teryn’s son as far as anyone knew.

Meanwhile the clacking of heavy steps along the flagstones sounded in approach of the castle. A soft muttering hushed by held shut lips matched by a fierce look of ones gaze as they made for the castle and hall doors.

While elsewhere a kneeled figure down to one knee with a greatsword grasped by clenched hands around the hilt was held firm before them. The blade standing tall before him as it pressed into the ground and dirt below. Whilst words were spoken in chant, a soft whine accompanied the seeming chant by a near companion.
Ser Riona Gilmore

Riona had never seen a Qunari in person, and despite her usual cool and collected countenance, she started at the sight, her eyes quickly turning towards Teyrn Bryce who merely nodded in response. Accepting that as an indication that all was well (or at least as well as they could be given the circumstances) the young Knight took her place closer to the large door of the great hall, discreetly examining the Qunari in curiosity. The woman was indeed as tall as Riona would assume a Qunari to be, but more humanoid in nature than she had expected, having grown up with fearful tales where the Qunari were little more than monsters. Riona knew that to have a Qunari in the castle would soon spread gossip, even if this one was very likely not a follower of the Qun- they had a name for that, Riona was sure of it, but she could not for the life of her recall it.

It was then Riona noticed that Sene, one of the castle's elven servants, was also in attendance. Just what in the Maker's name is going on? She thought to herself, her brows slightly furrowing. The group gathered was peculiar and if she was honest with herself, it made her slightly uncomfortable. The Great Hall was soon filled with more bodies as the rest of Highever's knights began filing in and Riona shared an upward nod with her uncle, Ser Roland Gilmore, who took his usual place behind the Teyrn. With more familiar faces around Riona eased a bit and awaited the instructions she and her fellow knights were likely to receive. Foremost on her mind was the notion that a search for Zeddicus was soon to be announced.

Sene was just trying to do her job making sure everything was ready and everything was clean. she had hidden the sword as asked and didn't know if it had been found she had no chance to check. In the kitchens and washrooms rumors were swirling about the disappearance of Zeddicus. Each retelling got more and more embellished, some had thought they had heard of strange people in the woods. Those had gone from people, to bandits, to soldiers, to darkspawn and the fate of Zeddicus changed in each version. Sene just prayed that the young lord was okay and he was just out with some girl losing track of time. That was unlikely and Sene started to fear the more crazy rumors might have something to them. Sene also had some evidence that her employer was making their move with the letter a few days ago. Still there was no way an army was hiding, they had to just be travelers lost in the woods. Sene just had to focus on her work she was just a maid nothing else she was no one important, she would hide in the background till this all blew over, Zeddicus was fine she was just worried over nothing. Still under her breath Sene whispered prayers to Mythal and not the maker for Zeddisus's safety, though one would have to be right on top of her to hear this. Sene barely noticed the others in the room, she was to focused on her tasks and her fears to truly think about everyone else.
Times were unfortunate with a blight upon their very doorstep pressing the borders of southern fereldan on the edges of the korcari wilds, threatening the old fortress of Ostagar and a kings army that fought the darkspawn in hopes of fending them off. Meanwhile elsewhere other forces prepared to join their king and fereldans great general who won honors and heroics during the war with Orlais. In highever not only were the bulk of their forces preparing to march to war, a birthday for young Oren was in the process of being celebrated this day.....

But that was not the only cause swirling about the castle. The second son of Teryn Bryce Cousland and Terynir Eleanor Cousland had been missing for nearly three days now without word, even for all his adventures and tendencies to look into matters that seemed a potential waste of the guards and knights time when they came to his attention, a small way of seeking his own path towards proving something and gaining valuable experience in his mind while others take the bulk of opportunities. Even for it all there was no occasion where he’d disappear without a single word for this long, it was always a possibility and point of concern while pressing the young lord to choose his second before the choice was no longer his own to make.

No, something likely had gone wrong. It was very unlikely this was all over some girl, even for a young man like Zeddicus, this would have been a bit much and Mathias spoke of another more likely option concerning something that came to his attention before leaving the city.

The lord Cousland stood before his knights, selected staff and hirelings along with a pair of guards on either side and before him, as a large fire cracked and swayed at his back in the fireplace with a painting over the mantle and a chair on either side of him often used by himself and lady Cousland. Ser Roland Gilmore his second stood behind him while his eyes looked up from the floor and out toward everyone, concern and heavy thoughts showing in his eyes and weighing on his mind, he had hoped to have better news by now, he prayed the maker would see his son return home long before now.

But not every prayer is answered....

“I would have liked to preserve today’s events with all the joy and celebrations we could muster. Yet, as all of you are no doubt aware... Not everyone is here today, I hear the talk going about the castle and I fear there is some truth to it.” The Teryn began his arms behind his back and time in selecting his words carefully being taken. “I’ve gathered you all here for one single purpose before this day is through. A small group of you shall be asked to accompany Mathias here and find my son.” Bryce added moving one hand out toward Mathias as he spoke his name. “ Those of you I’ve selected are believed capable of playing a part, a key role in seeing this done. Chosen for different reasons and asked a great favor from myself and my wife.” He continued making clear the task and laying out whether it was believed or not, those chosen had a role and reason for being selected no mater how small or unbelievable it might be.

“I’ve talked this over with Ser Roland, the first name shall be overseeing this group with Mathias proving any info and assistance he can lend based off his knowledge and being the last to have seen my boy. Ser Riona... I know you were looking forward to seeing Oren’s joy over his gift but I ask that you play lead of this task force.” Bryce spoke acknowledging how she’d likely prefer the time off and celebrating with the others and with any luck perhaps she still might. But to him and her uncle, she was the best option to lead this group in search of Zeddicus.

“Select two knights to join you.” He spoke now looking back over the room as a whole. “Next, Saar-Aqun, I’ve hired you for other tasks where your craft is concerned, but now ask you to join Ser Riona and lend assistance where you can. Your knowledge of herbalism will come in handy no doubt. While providing another blade should any trouble arise.” Bryce added then looked toward the elven maid, Sene, she looked rather busy and hardly noticing others. She had been there for years working in highever and within the castle, it was likely going to surprise many including the elf herself. “Finally, Sene, you will be joining them. I’m quite certain you’ve heard just about every rumor that passes through these walls over the many years, including any that have come as of late. Perhaps you can lend knowledge of these rumors while assisting where you can, such as perhaps helping Saar-Aqun with her poultices and slaves are needed. “


There was only a moment of silence after addressing Sene’s part in this group, before a loud and hard kick sounded and sent the great hall doors at the front of the room bursting open. Amidst it all and the cause stood a fully armored dwarf with a dwarven crossbow at his back along with bolts, a dagger at each hip and a hard gaze peering out into the room, his usual gruff manner had been taken up a notch as if someone just ran through his shop and made a mess of things. The dwarf in question who normally wore common clothes and not his armor or weapons was no doubt, the blacksmith and shopkeeper known as Jagnar. He carried upon his face a brand, kept his hair well shaved and styled in a Mohawk with a face of stubble and a pair of earrings worn on his right ear.

The dwarfs brown eyes kept a strong and still gaze eying the human lord of whom he served in a way. The manner of expression silent and rather ticked though it was rather his common look even if a bit more then usual. “All the sodded, unholy, blasted, sky addled, tree legged, *inaudible grumbling*, Can’t you humans pester someone else and leave me to work in peace?!?!” Jagnar complained walking forward into the room and heading toward lord Cousland. While others in his way cleared a bit and gave him room. “ I don’t enter your place of work and bother you with sodded questions. Do I? It seems the only way I’m getting some peace around here while repairing your soldiers blasted armor is by getting this done myself.” Jagnar went on grumbling and declaring in his own way that he was joining this search.

“By the beards of my stone rotting ancestors, you lot wouldn’t survive a day in Kal Sharok or even Orzammar. Now let’s get moving I don’t have all day!” He spoke with a certain nod and folding his arms while looking about the room. While he certainly didn’t show it and what skills he had outside the smithy were unknown, Jagnar had his own way of showing he actually cared for more then just himself and there were rumors of a grump of a dwarf playing the helpful hand in the lower parts of the city where crime aimed to better the guards and wrong the people of Highever especially at night.

Though Jagnar had enough of a reputation that questioned if any of those rumors were actually true. Bryce meanwhile just raised a brow in response and held back a urge to chuckle at the sight though it did his heart good to see such a sight of Jagnar volunteering himself to help find his son. Though perhaps he could have left out the kicking of his doors?


After some time passed and the group of unique sorts made their way for the woods outside Highever and along the coastlands, Mathias shared every detail he could about the time he saw and spoke with Zeddicus Cousland, while sharing some rumor he heard about a unusual number of tracks in the forest suggesting a heavy presence or heavier then normal presence within the woods of some unknown force. Whether it was bandits, mercenaries, darkspawn or unscheduled training for the soldiers that continued on was unknown. If any of this were true was also unknown but Mathias wagered knowing Zeddicus and grace that was likely where they went and the matter his lord Cousland referenced coming to his attention when they last spoke.

Meanwhile Mathias played the role of tracker and scout, playing close attention to the tracks and observing where to go next. However the deeper into the forests they went the more tracks appeared in greater number with hints of both animal prints and boot tracks though it was becoming harder to tell where they all went as they looked to split off in different directions, perhaps intentional? While more then one set of tracks appeared animal suggesting not all of those could belong to Grace. Truly it was not becoming easier to tell which could be Zeddicus and Grace and which belonged to others.

This led to a pause for the group as Mathias studied the tracks closely. Besides the tracks were small droplets of blood mixed into the mud and grass making it hard to see. It wasn’t long before Jagnar grumbled and stepped forward pushing on the shoulder of Mathias and getting him to shove over to the side a bit. “We don’t have all day you beard lacking, sky reacher.” Jagnar spoke shaking his head in patience losing manner. “Who taught you how to scout? Leave a dwarf to see it done.” He added with a audible hmm.

“Ha, not so easy is it master dwarf?” Mathias shot in reply toward Jagnar. Who turned slightly to look over toward his human rogue companion. “Oi, I didn’t say I was having trouble. Keep that tongue going and I’ll remind you of that tab you still owe me for...” Jagnar responsed with a look shot back at the blond haired rogue, leading to the man quickly quieting himself while rubbing the back of his head with a chuckling smile. “Right...” He replied to the dwarf and nodded in turn.

After a moment Jagnar nodded and rose from his kneeled position, he pointed toward the path ahead and began walking that direction. “Let’s move, don’t want to lose whatcha call it, daylight, now do we? That Oren might still want to see some familiar faces today.” Jagnar spoke his tone softening a bit when speaking of Oren. The boy could ramble a bit but for some reason it didn’t really bother the dwarf too much. He even promised to gift the young birthday boy a proper set of dwarven made armor crafted specially for him some day though it was a long ways off especially with Oriana around to ensure it.

As the group pressed forward rays of sunlight peaking through the trees and blending a cool shade with a warm sun kissed air, they would find a scattering of bodies across the ground around them as they stepped into a small clearing in the woods. If the group were to investigate the bodies you’d find evidence of bandits being amongst them but mercenaries too along with blade marks across the chests of the armor and some in the gut, suggesting a larger sword was their fate and how they died. While other bodies would see evidence of claw markings, teeth marks and other signs of a mabari attack.

The amount of bodies reached near ten men and women of various races. If searches further they might find a unusual amount of coin for such common and lowly appearing sort, none were too impressively clad in ways of armor or weapons all seeming of lower tier make and quite common.

however if one looked beyond the bodies and more around the immediate surroundings, they’d find evidence of magic with a marks of fire burnt along the ground, traces of singed into the bark of some trees possible use of lightning or fire based spells.

Furhter ahead came a soft and humming noise, a glow from a glyph spell used by a hired apostate working alongside whoever was responsible for this gathering of mercenaries and bandits, presence within the woods outside highever. Once coming into view of this glyph they’d see signs of another battle and a familiar presence kneeled upon the ground on one knee, a great sword pressed tall against the ground and grasped by his dominant hand, his back to group and eyes shut while a soft chant was spoken over and over, a familiar chant to the faithful of andraste and though lesser in his version of it, the believers of the chantry’s maker. Next to him being comforted by his left hand that gently stroked and petted her strong mass of a head and sides of her face was his faithful companion and constant follower into any adventure, Grace, a tanned mabari with a white underbelly and big brown eyes that could play any man for a softy or a fool given her motives.

Grace whimpered softly, Zeddicus was struggling to hold strong and remain upright within the near crushing and tight confines of the glyph prison and its hold of them. They’d been trapped there for days, held prisoner without food or water to sustain them. No, only their own strength and will carried them these past few days since their early battles with the enemy presence of which had been seen by the group along the way and in search of the young lord and his hound. what injuries they may have sustained during the past battles was unclear and the glyph made it nearly impossible to get a closer look, while those knowledgeable of the chant and to the faithful, they’d learn the one spoken and chanted by Zeddicus was akin to the one spoken more commonly by Templar’s, possibly hinting at the presence of forbidden magic and his own attempts to remain strong, to remain in control over his own mind and body and to ward off any that threaten him and Grace

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