Other Do You Use "Fancy" Vocab?


The Duck Overlord
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I know this is really weird, but does anyone else find themselves using big words and "fancy" vocabulary all the time? I know I sometimes do because my mother uses big words all the time, and I pick them up. Words like "facetious" and "obsequious" are thrown around my house like baseballs. It's kinda weird.

This question just occurred to me as I was perusing (there I go again) my summer reading assignment for AP Lit next year and I wrote a note to myself to take "copious notes" on two of the books I have to read.

I'm either becoming my mother or I read too much.

So anyway. How about all of you?
My family is also pretty wordy. I have a large vocab, but by "large" i don't mean "sophisticated". I don't really have a good grasp on which words are considered normal to use and which are outdated or unusual colloquialisms. If I'm talking to someone, I've been known use words like " hunky-dory", "nebbishy" and "sheister" in otherwise normal, serious sentences. I often can't filter my dialogue to only use "appropriate" words (autism, thy name is Chimney Swift), so I just kinda take it for granted that sometimes people will find what I say inexplicably funny.

It's easier online where you can think about and proofread what you say before it's sent out. :ghostl:
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Indubitably, I use eclectic words all the time. It's my legerdemain for making people think I'm eloquent at least half the time.
I always use big words, and I'm quite loquacious. I've recently discovered the word 'troglodyte' and must use it at every opportunity!
I like using big vocabulary for it actually improves my language skills and encourages me not to use the common parlance that others use

Not to mention, sardonic insults go over some peoples' heads and refrains you from using profanity so much
I like using big vocabulary for it actually improves my language skills and encourages me not to use the common parlance that others use

Not to mention, sardonic insults go over some peoples' heads and refrains you from using profanity so much
Bring on the sardonic insults! *heart eyes*
Haha I wish I had a large vocabulary! I have this friend who always uses big words, and I'm always stuck googling them mid-conversation. It's gotten to the point where I screenshot the google search page and show it to him like 'hey, I had to google your words again.' Me personally, though? I'm only rarely able to break out the big words, and when I do I probably use them wrong.
I do so enjoy speaking in highly eloquent terms of speech. It makes me sound rather dapper, intellectual, and cultivated. It really partitions me from the vulgar scoundrels I encounter most often, and I do so loathe them. Anyway, there is no problem with speaking with intricate words, unless you are an uneducated buffoon who does not know the definition of desiderium. However, if you do, then you are quite pulchritudinous.
I do so enjoy speaking in highly eloquent terms of speech. It makes me sound rather dapper, intellectual, and cultivated. It really partitions me from the vulgar scoundrels I encounter most often, and I do so loathe them. Anyway, there is no problem with speaking with intricate words, unless you are an uneducated buffoon who does not know the definition of desiderium. However, if you do, then you are quite pulchritudinous.

I am proud that I understood 96% of this.
I appreciate the use of "dapper"
I find my personal vocabulary for conversation varies between 'esoteric' and "uh what's the word for the thing?? that thing. you know, the thing" but mostly I try to keep it fairly simple (by my standards, at least) unless I'm trying to communicate a more complex idea. I think when I was younger my style of speech tended more towards "my voluminous vocabulary" because I wanted to sound more mature, but now that I'm old and tired (not really old, sometimes tired) I much prefer the image projected by a more casual style of conversation.

When I'm writing, using unusual and obscure words is sometimes one of the ways I differentiate writing style based on the POV character. Like, if I'm writing a character who tends to use those words in his vocabulary, the prose surrounding him might be dyed somewhat purple in places to accentuate this.
i totally do, its become an aspect of my own personality after i created a novel character that has such obscure speaking patterns
I do in my own language and then some of it crosses over to English as well, just less. I wish my English vocabulary was as sophisticated as my Portuguese one without me having to use a dictionary every time I want to use some of those, but alas, this seems to be my daily predicament ^^'

On writing though, I like to change the wording depending on the character I'm writing for, for example, to a more cheerful and of modest upbringing (age also comes into play) character I'll normally keep the narration simple, direct and filled with words that relate to their immediate surroundings and such, but as you inch closer to more serious, lonely, anxious or just plain aristocrat territory the narration grows metaphorical, reminiscent, imaginative, philosophical, poetic and so on, so on... The thesaurus is my friend~ >w<
Ofc, it also depends on my mood when I wrote the post

If someone broke it down, just for a curious experiment, they could probably pinpoint the exact narration patterns and expressions that are unique to this or that character by analyzing the posts I made for them...

I also like discovering new words and then using the heck out of them on all the occasions I get
Past examples include: wholeheartedly, yank (as in the verb), clusterfuck, feasible, vicinity, conundrum (I really like this one) and a couple more that I can't remember right now but keep popping up when I post
I find myself using large words more and more frequently since I began to RP more and more. I think it stems from the fact that large words, at least the ones that I choose to use, are able to capture my intended meaning with nuance that isn't usually connoted by smaller words.
Occasionally, most noticeably when my sarcasm runs thick and when I act as if I have delusions of grandeur for dramatic effect. I can be quite theatrical at times when irritated, haha.
I do sometimes. mostly as descriptions. I grew up with Super Scribblenauts :lennymeh:

Although I hate it when someone describes body parts with a different word like EvEry SeNTEnCE.
*Gasp!* How dare you ser! Accuse one such as I to utter such purple prose!? Why I say I'd never expatiate my grammar to such frivolous extent!


Honestly Id only use complicated and fancy words if I need it on a story.
I tend not to use "fancy" wording. I think it's important to understand that such wording can make you look equally as stupid as it might make you look intelligent. Context is key. If you're having a discussion where those involved or the topic being discussed does not lend itself to more expansive wording then you will actually look like a fool trying to seem intelligent because your conduct is actively preventing the convsersation from proceeding naturally.

It's a common misconception for a lot of people, that the use of expansive wording will make you seem intelligent, but if you start using these words in an unnatural way then it's forced to the point of making yourself seem the opposite of what you're trying to achieve.

Lets remember the difference between intelligence and being book smart. An intelligent person uses language apropriately (being able to use both common and expansive language in the right situation) whilst a book smart person has memorised a lovely list of long words but has no actual experience in using them appropriately, and it tends to show.
For me, if I (or anyone else) uses a "fancy" word all willy-nilly, they just look like an idiot nine times out of ten. There's also the point where if it's some super obscure word that you just about never see around, most people won't know what if means even if they're pretty good with the whole vocabulary thing. Language is meant to get a point across, so what's the point if the other party can't understand what I mean? Of course, this is all just a matter of personal opinion, but I think writing is more about the phrasing and flow rather than just the words itself, so I tend to try to focus on that.

That doesn't mean I avoid "big" words like the plague. If I feel like the sound of it fits better into that sentence, I need a stronger word, or that particular connotation is needed, then by all means, I go ahead. As a general rule of thumb, I use "fancy" vocabulary if it sounds natural in its sentence/context. Doing otherwise probably just makes me seem like I pulled out a thesaurus or dictionary and picked some fancy-sounding word without actually comprehending its meaning/usage.
I enjoy using large words, but it depends on the day and what I'm talking about etc. I'm not always using intense descriptions, but in my writing (stories and RPs); I tend to become extremely descriptive. Whereas when I talk to people, casually; I have a mostly laid-back way of talking. I overuse the words "Like" and terms such as "You know?"; but I also tend to over-explain myself lolz. It all depends on the situation, really! So, yes and no.

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