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Fandom Divergent: Faction Before Blood // plot & chat

Free-for-all or simulation duels for tomorrow's training?

  • Free-for-all!

    Votes: 5 71.4%
  • Simulation duels!

    Votes: 2 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Well this was a very unpleasant thing to wake up with today. However I still wish you all the best with the rp!
Aight guys, at this point replying to the RP thread is optional. Like, I trust you to know who you are if you need to post, and I will definitely appreciate it if you do, but I'm done reminding people to post, at least for now. For anyone else who is no longer interested in posting and wishes to drop the thread, I will respect your decision and not judge you for it. Please just let us all know what you're planning in a timely manner. As for me, I will reply to the RP thread whenever Blair and Fable have their next posts up and Ghost is able to take another turn.
You're doing a great job with this thread Aviator Aviator and as someone who has been role-playing with you for way more years than I can even remember ๐Ÿ˜‚ (remember Faeries thread?) I really respect you and would hate to see this die. I truly love this role play with all my heart.
Now that we've lost a significant portion of our original cast... would anyone happen to have any friends from other RPs that they could please invite to our thread? All I ask is that they write at an advanced level.
If your character were arrested for a crime what crime would it be?

Randi - Arson, likeโ€ฆreally bad arson.

Fable - Honestly probably something like vandalism because of how she used to act out and rebel back in Abnegation.

Thorn - Peaceful protest or loitering lol.

Vex - MASS murder.

Bloom - Giving alcohol to minors or given her past possibly murder.
Charlie would be arrested for smuggling of some kind. Medicine, people, etc. Or for hiding something/someone important.

Aubrey would be arrested for being a public nuisance, overintoxication and getting into fights.

Chris would probably be arrested for manslaughter or attempted murder/assault
Hello! I just made Dezdemona and Azazel, my fake badass and deaf himbo. I'll go through and look at characters and come up with ideas after my class, but in the meantime let me know if y'all have any ideas for them!
I feel like Azazel and Thorn would really get along since Thorn is also a big teddy bear and passive guy! He also would try to learn to communicate with Az and look out for him! Thorn is my half blind puppy of a boy!
mood6 mood6 Welcome! :) Right now in the RP the initiates are finishing up their final day of fear simulations for Phase Two. We're nearing the end of today's training, so whether you want your first post to include your babies' fear simulations or just skip ahead to the interval of free time is up to you. Free time is largely open ended and unstructured, so pretty much anything goes; it might be helpful to plot something ahead of time with another RPer to best utilize the free time, but it's not necessary.

WanderLust. WanderLust. xayah. xayah. Please reply with Maverick and Leah sometime tomorrow, you guys!
So sorry, I've been in finals for law school and am currently drowning in personal stuff but thankfully was able to get a post up with Mav tonight. I hate seeing people leave the thread but I love RPing with you all so much, and although I have a lot going on right now I firmly anticipate being able to post more frequently in the future. That being said I do wish to continue RPing and do hope there are no hard feelings.
Hi everyone, I've notified Jovial but all of you guys should know as well. Following Baratheon, I'll also be departing from this roleplay due to a major life changing circumstance coming up soon that I need to dedicate all my energy towards to prepare for. I don't think I'll have the time to properly give this roleplay the posts it deserves, but I truly loved roleplaying with you all! This was my first return to roleplaying after years of hiatus a few years ago and Leah will always be one of my favorites. Thank you all for the good memories over the years on both RPN and FF. I really felt myself improve in all of your presences, and I hope you guys continue this and give Leah the ending I can't. See you all around when my life settles down! <3
We will miss you xayah. xayah. The thread won't be the same without Leah but we all believe that our real personal lives are by far more important. Hope all goes well with you.
xayah. xayah. I am honored to know that our thread was the one to have brought you out of hiatus! Writing talent like yours should not go to waste. The good memories are mutual, and don't be afraid to check back in with us sometime after your surgery, even if it's just to chat.

WanderLust. WanderLust. Your post, as always, was a pleasure to read.

Nerdy. Nerdy. I am so excited to see what kind of backstory Cassie's WIP form is leading up to! Since Leah and Poppy are no longer active, is Chris now idle? If so, would he be available to interact with either Desdemona, Azazel, or both? mood6 mood6
Oh yeah absolutely Chris is so free ๐Ÿ˜‚ I guess he only has fable now that the others are gone. So absolutely Desdemona and Azazel can join him for zip lining or something else. I was just at a loss for something to do with him. I'm keen for any ideas?

Also mood6 mood6 I was wondering if you'd be okay if my character had hearing loss severe enough to need good hearing aids? I just don't want to steal your characters stuff and I saw Azazel is deaf! But also thought it could be cool! (because my character will be growing up in abnegation, so it would be a cool thing for them to know each other?)
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I am so sad to see you go xayah. xayah. ! Even tho we didnโ€™t get to have our characters interact much I still adored Leah! I hope everything goes well and we will miss you so much!

Tonight or tomorrow I will have some posts up!
Thank you for the warm welcome!

Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 I totally think Thorn and Az could get along! And Des will act as a translator for as long as they need

Nerdy. Nerdy. I'm afraid I don't have many ideas just yet, but Az would absolutely go ziplining and would drag his sister along!

And you can absolutely make a hard of hearing character, and I'd love for them to know one another
Aight, here's Ghost's opinion on all the new charries!

Desdemona: Since they both have strong personalities and Dez dislikes authority every bit as much as Ghost likes being one, I'm tempted to say that they'll initially clash. However, both of them believe in the importance of strength and standing up for one's values, so if given some time and patience they might come to a hard won understanding of one another. But Ghost is usually pretty reserved and standoffish, so Dez will likely have to make the first move. If they don't tear each other's heads off first, there's potential for them to become partners in crime.

Azazel: This one is harder to say. Unlike a lot of Dauntless members who might immediately dismiss Azazel as weak due to his disability, Ghost knows firsthand that it's nothing to be ashamed of. He judges people on sensibility and strength of character rather than something superficial like that, and he would certainly respect Azazel for making the tough decision to transfer to such a vastly different faction. Ghost has a soft spot for underdogs, and given Azazel's gentle demeanor, Ghost will at least try to root for him. But Azazel will have to first prove himself before he wins any substantial loyalty from Ghost.

Cassie and Griffon will be coming shortly!

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