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Fandom Divergent: Faction Before Blood // plot & chat

Free-for-all or simulation duels for tomorrow's training?

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Yeah I made it unknown on purpose because I wasn't sure what was happening, but we can say it was Indira. If you want Randi's persp3ctive, perhaps she just sees a shuriken/knife in Aubrey's back and not who threw it. Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1
Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Omg your characters' dialogue while fighting is outrageous! :')

Now that the free-for-all is wrapping up for most people, there are no more planned group events for the rest of today in the RP. This is an interval of free time, and it's pretty open-ended, so pretty much anything goes! If you guys haven't done so yet, I highly encourage you to plot with some other RPers to figure out how you want your charries to spend the rest of the day!
Now that Jax is freeee I’ll be getting my post up tomorrow. That way I can have both my babiessss involved.
xayah. xayah. You are someone I've been meaning to plot with for quite some time!! I think that Mercy and Leah could be either really sweet friends when they get to know each other or really funny "enemies"/frenemies/rivals. When looking at them(and, granted, I don't know how much she's developed since the start of the rp), they seem like kind of harmonious foils if that makes any sense? A lot of their underlying issues and core values/traits seem to be similar to me, but the difference is the way they present themselves. Leah seems cool, calculated, and smart while being a purposive introvert and arrogant. On the other hand, Mercy is reckless, emotional, and extremely extroverted. So, I could definitely see them either having a yin-yang type of dynamic, or constantly squabbling and fighting for no reason but "she looked at me funny!!". Either door is open, idk what you're looking for, but I just really wanted to throw that out there before I forgot!!

Also, @/everyone, for the sake of getting it all out there & getting Mercy more rooted into the story, I think I'm going to make one big post of my ideas! Whether it be Mercy's opinions or my ideas for future plots down the road. So keep your eyes open!! Clearly not everything has to fly & it's more for my own convenience, but I just wanted to let everyone know what was probably coming up. If you're looking for more plots, even if it's not necessarily with Mercy(since I am still planning on making Dani here soon), feel free to throw it out there! Who knows when inspiration may care to strike me?
Sorry for taking so long with my replies! I do promise to have them up tomorrow. I’ve been working today on getting ready for my beach trip still which is more hassle then I thought it was gonna be. Lmao
Here's the first half of my plot ideas/Mercy's opinions!! Will post the second half soon :) I'm omitting Wanderlust's characters until they're back, since I don't want to just decide anything without their input < 3
i also realize i didn't get to sanctuary or xayah, but i was just following the list

GHOST ( Aviator Aviator )
Mercy desperately wants to impress Ghost. To him, Ghost seems like the instructor on top of the food chain, which means he's the one he has to show that he has what it takes to be dauntless. At the same time, he wants to defy Ghost. Something about him reminds him of his eldest brother, Bravery, who he can't stand. He's caught between two different emotions caused by him & finds himself in a lot of internal turmoil regarding the situation. He hates the way Ghost makes him feel, but keeps running back in hopes of receiving some sort of approval.
He can't honestly tell you how he feels about Ghost. He doesn't know. Ghost is smart. He's some how fought his way to the spot that he's in. That demands respect. But something about the way Ghost conducts himself scares Mercy. Ghost makes him feel uneasy. He's always on the defensive around Ghost, always carefully approaching. Tense, ready for whatever attack comes next. But, he also trusts Ghost for some reason.
Mercy doesn't think Ghost likes him. And for good reason, probably. It just makes him need Ghost to like him more.
★ He currently feels really weirded out by Ghost's recent behavior
Mercy is determined to figure out what's wrong with Ghost because that was weird
★ "Sir, you're not going to wink at me again, are you?"
★ Potentially an "evil" Mercy plot arch? He's very willing to do what it takes to impress Ghost & will do whatever it takes to get that approval, including betraying his own morals in an attempt to make himself indispensable.
★ Will absolutely make it a habit to carry granola bars in his pocket because what if Ghost doesn't eat again? ):
★ Absolutely tries harder in Ghost's presence, whether that's noticeable or not.

HARPER ( Baratheon Baratheon )
Of cource Mercy wants to impress Harper. She's an instructor and her praise and validation would mean everything to him. However, in his eyes, he views her as second to Ghost. Nonetheless, he tries a little bit too hard to get her attention(non-romantically, more as an initiate).
He thinks Harper is the purest example of Dauntlessness he's come across in his time in the faction yet. There's something about her that fits in with the faction so well, and it's exactly what he wants to be. He has a habit of copying her mannerisms just the teensiest bit because he wants to be liked by her and he wants to be like her. It surfaces mostly by just mirroring her a little when she's in the same room, but is most apparent on the battlefield. If she's in sight, he's constantly taking in what she's doing and trying to equip it to his own situation.
Lmao Mercy definitely has had a crush on one, Harper included. But his crush for her has become entirely admiration for her. Their similarities to each other is what draws him in as more of a platonic admirer and less of a romantic one. He has mad respect for her.
Mercy feels very much at ease around Harper. He gets a sense of familiarity around her, and without actually knowing her very well, feels fairly comforted by her presence. Definitely prefers training with her to training with any of the other instructors.
She may not actually notice, but he will turn red and refuse to look her in the eye for the next few days before he forgets about it.
Wants to be good with swords because she is, but he's very very bad at them and just makes a fool of himself
Possibly gets distracted and gets stuck in accidental staring contests with her?

CHARLIE ( Nerdy. Nerdy. )
Being around Charlie is the only time is quiet. He's so enamored by her, he's afraid to open his mouth and mess everything up for himself(not that he has a chance anyways). He becomes very bashful and barely says anything. When he does, he has a stupid smile on his face and tends to stumble on his words or repeat himself— or both.
Mercy wants to impress Charlie for another reason. It's less of a desire to be put on top and more of a desire to just look good in front of her.
I imagine he ends up in the infirmary quite a bit, usually because he fell off a high place and scraped himself pretty bad or because he started a stupid fight and needs something checked out. He wants to be around Charlie a lot, so sometimes he just wanders in to ask for a bandaid, no matter how severe(or not) the wound is.
Anything that needs serious treatment he gets very weird about, as he can’t stand hospital-like settings anymore and will come up with any reason to leave if it can’t be taken care of in two minutes.
Perhaps he spends a bit of time with her whenever needles are involved in training, either because he passed out or because he needs someone to calm him down.
Ever-rosy cheeks around her
This one is a little bit out there, BUT, what if after a particularly nasty injury they have a tender moment(perhaps he opens up to her about his family?) and he tries to kiss her(or does) only to be rejected?

AUBREY ( Nerdy. Nerdy. )
Mercy does not like Aubrey much at all. It seems like every little thing she does bothers him and he’s needlessly competitive with her. He makes faces behind her back and rolls his eyes at just about everything she says.
Recognizes her as a fierce opponent and constantly tries to out-do her. Will start petty arguments with her for no reason, without necessarily being aggressive. They’re rarely started for any particular reason.
Jealous of her. Jealous of her closeness to Charlie, not necessarily because he has some obvious romantic feelings for her but because his relationship with his older brothers was well. Jealous of her ability to be so flawlessly Dauntless. Jealous that she has a home and rootedness in Dauntless.
He’s not fast enough for good comebacks, so it’s more like “oh yeah? Well. Well. At least I don’t have a handsome boyfriend!!”
Definitely tries to beat her but falls short frequently, which only makes him more upset. Would never punch her outside of training, but has lowkey thought about it

FINN ( Baratheon Baratheon )
Finn... Mercy likes Finn. He doesn't find himself around the other boy often, but when he does, he can truly appreciate the younger Day sibling.
Lowkey feels like the off-brand Finn. Very similar, but possibly he's more chaotic and way less athletic and cool.
Definitely also jealous of his relationship to Harper. A little bitter that he seems to have a healthy family dynamic.
Respects Finn enough to not be mean about Aubrey around him.
Is he learning how to do a backflip JUST because he saw Finn do it once? .... Maybe.
He's literally one day older than Finn. It grants him personal satisfaction.
For some reason, he's not the most comfortable socializing around Finn, either.
Potential future friends?

CHRISTIAN ( Nerdy. Nerdy. )
If Em was gay, he'd be gay for Chris
It literally doesn't matter that talking to Chris is essentially like talking to a stone wall sometimes. He does a lot of the heavy lifting in the conversation department, but he loves it. Chris is his homie.
Chris being an outsider is part of why Mercy gravitates towards him. He feels like, on some level, even if he never says it, Christian gets him.
THIS [x] is exactly how I imagine their friendship, just Mercy is both Steve and Dustin for both of them (:
Lmao maybe Mercy gets into a fight on Chris's "behalf" but it's really for no reason?
Workout buddies 👀
Will enthusiastically go drinking with Chris anytime, and is the one to enthusiastically chant "SHOTS!" over and over again
It has literally never crossed his mind whether or not he might be annoying to Chris
He has a better relationship with Chris than he had with his actual brother
Chris is his adopted Dauntless family, the Parks family has no say in the matter

POPPY ( Wolfiee Wolfiee )
Okay, Okay. Poppy is definitely the kind of girl Mercy would have a crush on lmao he has a crush on everyone but also lowkey can't stand?
"Kinda want to kiss her, kinda want to hit her" kind of feels
Ik there's clearly something going on between her and Maverick, BUT, what if they sort of had a thing in the beginning of initiation that ended poorly already and now it's awkward?
Possible petty squabbling with a little bit of a hint of heat in there?
OR/in addition to, what if they had an on again off again relationship while she figures things out with Mav and he figures things out with himself? Really imagining like a stereotypical movie/tv romance that side characters where no one's sure if they're together or not because they fight and make up every other week.
If you have any other ideas, pls let me know!! I really love Poppy and am DYING to plot anything with her (:
Really likes calling her "little flower" & springbean & such, he thinks it's fun and cute
pix-e pix-e Oh my gosh I can't wait to plot with Mercy! Ghost doesn't dislike Mercy; he's just temporarily annoyed with Mercy for meddling in his affairs, because Ghost is an intensely private person. At the same time, Ghost probably wouldn't pay Mercy any special attention unless Mercy did something to earn it. Ghost appreciates initiates who take the initiative to further their knowledge and understanding, so if Mercy were to approach him for advice or lessons outside of training hours, Ghost would make time for him even if he were already very busy. He doesn't mind initiates who question the curriculum or the nature of Dauntless society; in fact, Ghost loves when initiates speak their mind with him, so long as it's done in a polite, respectful way, since many of Ghost's own opinions run counter to Dauntless traditions. If Mercy were to engage him in a thought-provoking debate, he would immediately have Ghost's respect. Ghost also admires ambition and diligence in initiates, so someone proving their willingness to work hard toward a goal would earn his approval. While he doesn't hate all Dauntless-borns, Ghost is prejudiced against many of them because he thinks that, in comparison to transfers, most of them have been spoon-fed a recipe for success within the faction without having to ever work hard and have thus grown lazy and complacent. Ghost is also of the radical opinion that forcing individuals to conform to one of five factions is a form of brainwashing. So if Mercy can prove to him that he has retained the ability to think for himself and has not been absorbed into the herd mentality of Dauntless, Ghost will be his best friend. Ghost believes that all initiates have potential... though most of them choose to squander it. If Mercy goes out of his way to strive for excellence, Ghost will notice. He likes individuals with lofty aspirations and the will to manifest them, and would never tell Mercy that he's not capable of achieving his heart's desire.
Also yaaahhs I love your idea that Mercy dabbles in some shady means to earn Ghost's approval! For all of Ghost's aforementioned virtues (which was perhaps a misleadingly noble portrait of him lol), he is a manipulative bastard and if he senses Mercy's longing for approval, it's not unlikely that Ghost would try to rope Mercy into one of his schemes. Ghost has a strange blend of cynical idealism, in that he believes anything can be accomplished with enough effort... but cutting corners is often the most viable way. If Mercy were to earn his trust and engage him in meaningful conversation, Ghost would gradually reveal his cynical streak over time and tell Mercy what a crock of shit initiation is and how it glosses over the more corrupt and underhanded means to success that initiates are likely to encounter (and fall victim to) as they age.
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xayah. xayah. You are someone I've been meaning to plot with for quite some time!! I think that Mercy and Leah could be either really sweet friends when they get to know each other or really funny "enemies"/frenemies/rivals. When looking at them(and, granted, I don't know how much she's developed since the start of the rp), they seem like kind of harmonious foils if that makes any sense? A lot of their underlying issues and core values/traits seem to be similar to me, but the difference is the way they present themselves. Leah seems cool, calculated, and smart while being a purposive introvert and arrogant. On the other hand, Mercy is reckless, emotional, and extremely extroverted. So, I could definitely see them either having a yin-yang type of dynamic, or constantly squabbling and fighting for no reason but "she looked at me funny!!". Either door is open, idk what you're looking for, but I just really wanted to throw that out there before I forgot!!
this was the exact same vibe i got?? i have a myriad of ideas, but i'm crunched on time so i'll def send them tomorrow! in summary though, leah prob thinks mercy is like a super interesting amity-born because he's the complete opposite of what she's read about amity and its' people. he'd totally drive her up a wall once they start getting to know one another though hehe. i rly like the yin-yang dynamic with just a dash of old couple bickering, and it seems perfect for them? plus, i feel like they'd be able to help one another improve skill-wise in initiation since leah has medical knowledge and mercy seems like he can hold his own better than leah could. if i was to place them like in our universe... they'd be those friends that everyone thinks are opposites and can be found squabbling at lunch over the smallest things?

also Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 i meant to plot with you (and wolfiee AND wanderlust!!) earlier :(( anyways, i'll take the time tomorrow to do so but right now, I feel like leah, thorn, and mercy could either be on clean up crew together after the free for all and just chill and learn more about one another or... the three of them could go do something stupid fun like real dauntless kids. they could be like the three musketeers for the moment but an odd group of three.
I was actually just thinking Mercy, Chris, Leah could be an odd group of three, but how would y'all feel about Mercy, Leah, Thorn and Chris? Those are 4 so totally different characters and personalities that sort of low key fit together?
xayah. xayah. pix-e pix-e Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1
I'm not sure what's happening with Wanderlust and therefore what's happening with Chris and Blair but yeah...
Also pixe I loved reading Mercy's thoughts and feelings towards my darlings and I'll reply back at some point! I just have been out all day today, I'll be out all day tomorrow too so I'll do replying and posting in a couple days time (all going well)
pix-e pix-e Oh my gosh I can't wait to plot with Mercy! Ghost doesn't dislike Mercy; he's just temporarily annoyed with Mercy for meddling in his affairs, because Ghost is an intensely private person. At the same time, Ghost probably wouldn't pay Mercy any special attention unless Mercy did something to earn it. Ghost appreciates initiates who take the initiative to further their knowledge and understanding, so if Mercy were to approach him for advice or lessons outside of training hours, Ghost would make time for him even if he were already very busy. He doesn't mind initiates who question the curriculum or the nature of Dauntless society; in fact, Ghost loves when initiates speak their mind with him, so long as it's done in a polite, respectful way, since many of Ghost's own opinions run counter to Dauntless traditions. If Mercy were to engage him in a thought-provoking debate, he would immediately have Ghost's respect. Ghost also admires ambition and diligence in initiates, so someone proving their willingness to work hard toward a goal would earn his approval. While he doesn't hate all Dauntless-borns, Ghost is prejudiced against many of them because he thinks that, in comparison to transfers, most of them have been spoon-fed a recipe for success within the faction without having to ever work hard and have thus grown lazy and complacent. Ghost is also of the radical opinion that forcing individuals to conform to one of five factions is a form of brainwashing. So if Mercy can prove to him that he has retained the ability to think for himself and has not been absorbed into the herd mentality of Dauntless, Ghost will be his best friend. Ghost believes that all initiates have potential... though most of them choose to squander it. If Mercy goes out of his way to strive for excellence, Ghost will notice. He likes individuals with lofty aspirations and the will to manifest them, and would never tell Mercy that he's not capable of achieving his heart's desire.
Also yaaahhs I love your idea that Mercy dabbles in some shady means to earn Ghost's approval! For all of Ghost's aforementioned virtues (which was perhaps a misleadingly noble portrait of him lol), he is a manipulative bastard and if he senses Mercy's longing for approval, it's not unlikely that Ghost would try to rope Mercy into one of his schemes. Ghost has a strange blend of cynical idealism, in that he believes anything can be accomplished with enough effort... but cutting corners is often the most viable way. If Mercy were to earn his trust and engage him in meaningful conversation, Ghost would gradually reveal his cynical streak over time and tell Mercy what a crock of shit initiation is and how it glosses over the more corrupt and underhanded means to success that initiates are likely to encounter (and fall victim to) as they age.

Okay, okay. I am obsessed with this bubbling dynamic. It might take Mercy a little bit before going directly to Ghost for help because he's afraid of appearing too weak to him(and he's likely going to turn to Chris for help on the fighting front), BUT, when he does, what if it's a lot less of "teach me how to fight!!" and a lot more of "okay, how did you do it? how did YOU make it through? i don't get it". I could also slowly see Mercy getting darker and moodier and possibly more cut-throat under Ghost's influence, which would be a really fun development for his character (:<


this was the exact same vibe i got?? i have a myriad of ideas, but i'm crunched on time so i'll def send them tomorrow! in summary though, leah prob thinks mercy is like a super interesting amity-born because he's the complete opposite of what she's read about amity and its' people. he'd totally drive her up a wall once they start getting to know one another though hehe. i rly like the yin-yang dynamic with just a dash of old couple bickering, and it seems perfect for them? plus, i feel like they'd be able to help one another improve skill-wise in initiation since leah has medical knowledge and mercy seems like he can hold his own better than leah could. if i was to place them like in our universe... they'd be those friends that everyone thinks are opposites and can be found squabbling at lunch over the smallest things?

also Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 i meant to plot with you (and wolfiee AND wanderlust!!) earlier :(( anyways, i'll take the time tomorrow to do so but right now, I feel like leah, thorn, and mercy could either be on clean up crew together after the free for all and just chill and learn more about one another or... the three of them could go do something stupid fun like real dauntless kids. they could be like the three musketeers for the moment but an odd group of three.
I was actually just thinking Mercy, Chris, Leah could be an odd group of three, but how would y'all feel about Mercy, Leah, Thorn and Chris? Those are 4 so totally different characters and personalities that sort of low key fit together?
xayah. xayah. pix-e pix-e Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1
I'm not sure what's happening with Wanderlust and therefore what's happening with Chris and Blair but yeah...
Also pixe I loved reading Mercy's thoughts and feelings towards my darlings and I'll reply back at some point! I just have been out all day today, I'll be out all day tomorrow too so I'll do replying and posting in a couple days time (all going well)
I am totally down for that! Maybe they could all go rock climbing or play some drinking games together? Truth or dare???

YES!! i'M SO excited to hear your guys' ideas. I am 1000% down for the clean up crew, whether they get stupid or just chill(lowkey loving the idea of possibly playing truth or dare. maybe with drinking coming into the mix later in the night 👀 ?) And I adore the idea of Leah, Chris, Mercy, and Thorns being their own little friend group. I agree with Nerdy about them being so different they actually kind of work & I love it.

Will hopefully be getting up the rest of my ideas/opinions within the next couple of days, I believe I just have Randi & the transfer initiates left < 3
pix-e pix-e Actually, that would be a lot more up Ghost's alley, if Mercy came to him seeking tips and tricks for cheating the system rather than fighting lessons. Harper is the warrior among the instructors, and other than with a gun, Ghost can't really fight or do anything physical worth a damn. I'm not sure how much Mercy would respect this approach, but Ghost overcomes all obstacles by either outsmarting or circumventing them; he rarely faces adversity head-on the way a Dauntless-born would. So long as Mercy doesn't get too personal with his questions, Ghost would be happy to help him in whatever way he can. However, if Ghost sees too much of himself rubbing off on Mercy, he will tell Mercy to snap tf out of it in no uncertain terms. Ghost is aware of his own evil and absolutely does not want any initiates following in his footsteps. He has a sometimes overwhelming guilt complex, yet Ghost's remorse for his past misdeeds rarely keeps him from committing future ones.
OOH THAT PLOT WITH CHARLIE I CAN'T EVEN. It is amazing and I love it!!! Okay so, Ghost is a total prude, and that's not just part of his strait-laced façade. If Mercy approached him about girl problems, I'm afraid Mercy would be sorely disappointed; Ghost knows absolutely nothing about romance or relationships and doesn't even think it's an appropriate topic for initiates and instructors to be discussing together. He would clam up in a heartbeat, and maybe Mercy takes this as a personal affront? The thing about Ghost is, if Mercy felt comfortable enough with him to approach him on such familiar terms, Ghost would probably already be retreating from Mercy a little by that point. Ghost is intensely uncomfortable at any kind of intimate relationship, even close friendships. He subconsciously alienates himself from others whenever he feels like they're getting too close to him. He would just be even more direct about it when Mercy presents to him his girl troubles. So here's my idea: Ghost accidentally-on-purpose gives Mercy the cold shoulder when he comes seeking Ghost's advice in this instance, and Mercy gets angry at Ghost in turn and adopts a defiant, I'll-show-him kind of attitude. This perceived rejection by Ghost is part of what drives Mercy to act on impulse and find the courage to kiss Charlie, or try to. What do you think?
I actually love the idea of Ghost's rejection driving Mercy to become more courageous!! I imagine it could be the catalyst for various extremes, which is always fun when creating a character (: Perhaps Ghost's rejection is more so the cause of a darker/moodier Mercy than just his presence, though I of course definitely still want him to get shady to try & impress him.
Oml I want so badly for Mercy to be with Ghost when someone (probably an NPC or relative of a main character) seriously pisses him off and he decides to get even by setting that person's apartment on fire/blowing up their car, etc. Like, Ghost would be super calm and mysterious about what they're doing until he politely asks Mercy, "Be a dear and find me some tinder, please?" Before then, Ghost would provide an opportunity for Mercy to prove his worth by challenging him to get past a locked door or disable a security camera or something and boom Mercy is complicit in the crime perhaps before he even realizes what's going on. XD
I hope my posts were okay! I may have poewrplayed a little bit so please anybody tell me if I did so too much.

Baratheon Baratheon Please feel free to elaborate or ignore any part that I "powerplayed" Harper, I just wanted to post as much of a post as I could with Chris.
And Sanctuaryforall1 Sanctuaryforall1 Please feel free to powerplay Chris as you like in your next post. I specifically made him rather wounded so that you can have the battle go however you like in your next post.

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