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Fandom Disney: Lost Magic ~OOC~

nymphadora. nymphadora. Okay so I thought I understood but apparently I don't...?
I thought Leo didn't know Raquel, since he's a Classic character, but in his last post, he remembered getting drunk with her?
So I guess what I'm really asking is

heโ€™s just simply playing along with raquel, i thought i wrote it somewhere aha lemme fix it
Hey! So I've been chipping away at my CS's and, well. Honey's is done and I already know how her first post is going to go, but I'm really afraid of writing Nani's, because I really want to get Hawaiian culture right and I'm scared I can't. Would It be alright to just post Honey's and her first post for now and keep working on Nani?
Hey! So I've been chipping away at my CS's and, well. Honey's is done and I already know how her first post is going to go, but I'm really afraid of writing Nani's, because I really want to get Hawaiian culture right and I'm scared I can't. Would It be alright to just post Honey's and her first post for now and keep working on Nani?

Of course! I would suggest finishing her soon, however, as there are already three pages of the IC and I plan to move along very soon, maybe even tomorrow.
HI, sorry. My computer was being all wonky, and I lost the stuff I was planning the characters on. I still remember a lot of Gogo and Caspian, but I can't remember what I decided to do for Bamax. I'll redo it, but it might take me a while because we're in the middle of safe testing until the end of next week. Maybe it would be better if I just kinda dropped out of this project ? I have a lot going on. I'm really sorry.
HI, sorry. My computer was being all wonky, and I lost the stuff I was planning the characters on. I still remember a lot of Gogo and Caspian, but I can't remember what I decided to do for Bamax. I'll redo it, but it might take me a while because we're in the middle of safe testing until the end of next week. Maybe it would be better if I just kinda dropped out of this project ? I have a lot going on. I'm really sorry.

It's no problem at all! Do what's best for you! IRL ALWAYS comes first. :)
I'm really sorry, everyone, about the length of my latest post- I tried to use a scroll for it, but the scroll kept breaking and not working, so eventually I had to give up on it. Again, I am very sorry about the inconvenience and annoyance of the length, though. >.<
AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
I'm sorry darling, I'm going to have to withdraw myself from this RP.

I apologize, and please, feel free to tag me in any future RP's you do (if you want to, ofc.)
AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
I'm sorry darling, I'm going to have to withdraw myself from this RP.

I apologize, and please, feel free to tag me in any future RP's you do (if you want to, ofc.)
As will I - Im sorry but life got way too busy way too fast. :( do let me know with any future ideas you got cooking up if you want ^^

Good luck Gengen!
AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
I'm sorry darling, I'm going to have to withdraw myself from this RP.

I apologize, and please, feel free to tag me in any future RP's you do (if you want to, ofc.)
As will I - Im sorry but life got way too busy way too fast. :( do let me know with any future ideas you got cooking up if you want ^^

Good luck Gengen!

Funny how you two seemed to think this was still breathing....

God, I'm an awful GM
Funny how you two seemed to think this was still breathing....

God, I'm an awful GM
No Gen you are not. It's not your fault that you cannot be active all of the time. Life happens like it happened to us :c

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