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Realistic or Modern /Detailed Cat Cafe

famouslyNobody said:
hey lovely, i was wondering when is the deadline to have the cs's in
if you have one planned out right meow

im leaving tomorrow from idaho to head back home

so i might be until this upcoming sunday or monday

just got back to the hotel im staying at and wasnt able to code what id hoped ^~^

im horrible to myself and felt bad so i threw something together tonight

mistoffelees (hehe) is still a wip but i'll have to do that some other day

its 1:52am lol
Uh I don't think there is a deadline, I'll just wait till I think we have a pretty good cast. How was Idaho, and for that matter what/where is it? I haven't read through your character yet but the bb codes look great, a whole lot better than anything I could do, and don't feel bad mate :) take your time. And sorry for accidentally editing your post, I didn't change anything it's just winter and my fingers are numb and goin everywhere

Edit: Cs looks good so far, I'll save critique (not that there's much of it) for when your done
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Alrighty, law's a pretty very brand new character so if you do have ideas or changes you'd like to make id love to hear them

Also, about the cat. Did you want all the cats to be shelter cats or did it matter for the personal ones? If so, i'll be sure to change things up regarding Mistoffelees

And @idaho, its an american state. Sort of more towards the west coast and northern united states. Land of the potatoes. It was fun though it was more of an information gathering trip since the fam wants to move up here =^^=
I would prefer it if all cats were from the cafe, but like I put in the critique for the other character sheet done, there can be exemptions so read that for a general idea.

And nice, America has way too many states for me to keep track of tbh, but I'm sure it's nice if your fam does decide to move I hope you enjoy it
I'd like some critique if it wouldn't be too much trouble. This is my first time doing this and I feel some critique will stimulate my creativity on my character.
Breadsalt said:
I'd like some critique if it wouldn't be too much trouble. This is my first time doing this and I feel some critique will stimulate my creativity on my character.
Breadsalt said:
Picture/Face claim:


Cecilica "Cece" Wright







Role: Cook

Appearance Description:

4ft 6in, always wearing a heart locket, metal implant and scar on her right ankle.


A kindhearted, trusting and somewhat shy girl, doesn't take long for her to warm up to someone. Completely oblivious to anything regarding romance or innuendos.


Upbeat Music, Candy, Video Games


Activities that are harder for short people Ex: Basketball. Overly aggressive people. Public Speaking.


Other people hearing her sing(Bad at it). Darkness. Aliens.


Urged by her mother to take a year or two off before starting college, Cecilica decided it would be best to find a job during this off time so she could have some money of her own. Following her dads advice of working somewhere in need of cute girls, she decided a cafe waitress would be the perfect job for her.

Cat Image:


Cat Name:


Cat Gender:


Cat Appearence Description:

See gif above

Cat Personality:

Easily distracted and toyed with. Loves to beg for food from employees, especially the cooks.

Cat Biography:

Mako was taken to the Shelter moments after she was born along with her ill mother. A few months into their tenure at the shelter, Mako's mother passed away, leaving the kitten on its own and eventually finding its way to the cafe. At her first visit to the cafe, Cecililca fell in love at first sight with the young kitten, sympathizing with its small size compared to its peers.
Your character looks really good and was enjoyable to read through, especially since it's your first (we don't speak about my first role play experience. The cringe) but there is constructive criticism for even the greatest masterpiece, so here we go:

1) Appearence Description; Perhaps add a bit more detail for example why does she wear the locket? Where is the implant and what is it for? How did she get the scar?

2) Personality; Your character shares traits with the top two already existing characters, and one of the main points I really wanted in this role play is for everyone to have a unique and new personality, like a cartoon or anime sorta thing not real life. If you could perhaps read through the existing characters and base your personality slightly on the exchanges they will have and the contrast/tension between the personalities. Thanks :)

3) Biography; I'm afraid it doesn't make much sense, why would she take a job at that cafe out of all of them when the hours and pay suck so much. Maybe put a bit of context as to why

4) Cat; First of all, the gif is adorable. Second of all, maybe just add a bit to the personality and the description. Other than that, great work :)

5) Rules; You don't seem to have read them, they are in the overview section

Thank you for asking for my advice :) and I apologize if you take any offense for it is not meant. Good work :)
ViolntSian said:
Picture/Face claim:
View attachment 320860


Jenna Thompson









Appearance Description:

Height : 5'4. She doesn't have any tattoos on her body. She has a mole at the base of her left neck and a crooked right pinky finger(she's right handed). She wears two ear piercings on her left ear.


She is a fun-loving person who would laugh at the wrong situation. She is friendly and knows how to limit herself and when to draw the line. She gets awkward and doesn't know what to do when a person is crying. She can be a very random person, sometimes asking a question very off topic or say a trivia out of the blue.


Animals, tea, listening to indie music, drawing, living alone


Rude people, crowded places, animal cruelty, being compared to


Spiders, very loud noises, and clowns


Jen's family may be middle class but most of her mother's(she works at a clothes shop) earnings go to the family's daily expenses while her brother's go to their father's hospital bills(he got into an accident while working in a construction site and fell into a coma). So instead of going to college, she decided to find a job near her home and found Domicile. She would've opted for the other cafe across the street if it weren't for the rude personality of the employees. Her mother was disappointed when they talked about it and couldn't help but compare Jen to her brother, who's very successful in his job. Despite this, Jen stood her ground and told her mother that the cafe is the nearest shop she could ever find, thus, making it safer for her to travel and less expense for transportation. With that, Jen's mother agreed, after thinking hard about it.

Cat Image:


Cat Name:


Cat Gender:


Cat Appearence Description:

The cat breed is Russian Blue

Cat Personality:

A stubborn, cunning cat that gets scared towards strangers(except the employees, since they are always in the shop surely he's used to them) but would eventually warm up to them if they treat him gently . Sits on your face or tries to climb you when he needs something from you. Likes looking out the windows and staying in high places. He always follow Jen everywhere.

Cat Biography:

Having born in the streets, Blank was taken in an animal shelter. In a short span of time,his siblings were adopted except him. Jenna originally planned to adopt another cat but she saw how the cruel man violently shook Blank's cage, causing the cat to tremble in fear, and heard that he wanted to adopt the poor thing. Even the staff behind the counter seemed displeased and hesitant to hand him the adoption papers. Add to the fact that Blank was already making frightened noises, Jen couldn't help but step up and argued with the man, telling him that she wants to adopt Blank and that he doesn't deserve to adopt the poor cat. Eventually, the man stepped down and left the animal shelter with angry humiliation. Ever since that time, Blank would always follow Jen. Since she was the one who saved his life. He had to stay in the cafe though because Jen's mother is very allergic to pet dander.
Looks good, but have you read the rules? They are in the overview section
[QUOTE="A Simple Egg]Looks good, but have you read the rules? They are in the overview section

Oh! The iiii thing! Sorry!
@Sugar Honey Iced Tea

Are you still interested in this role play? There are now two sheets asking for a cook role and seeing as there are only 2 I was wondering whether you were going to create a cook eventually
I wasn't receiving notifications! I swear it! I will make a character now.
Hmm....only chef left.... great cos i was kinda aimining for that xD

But its been awhile since my last RP so I'm willing to give up the spot if @Lava really wants it ^^
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Lava said:
Picture/Face claim:


Hinata Nakamura









Appearance Description:

Hinata is a rather short man, standing at 5'8", her has thick black hair, dark brown eyes and is clearly Japanese in decent. His face is quite feminine and his face is almost heart shaped and his lips fairly full and rosey in hue. He has quite intense eyes, however, and a harsh brow line that makes him look a little un approachable sometimes.


He can sometimes be quite distant, even to those he is good friends with. He is very serious about his work and focuses on what he is doing over everything else going on around him. He can be a little closed off emotionally, but he is always polite enough to respond to anyone who talks to him, and he always has a polite smile at the ready even when he does not feel like it. He is committed and sencible and polite. But there is more to him, he just doesn't easily let it show...


He likes classical music and opera. He likes cats a lot, of course. And he really loves to sing, but you'll never hear him unless you get him drunk enough at a karaoke bar, or press your ear against the door when he is showering.


He hates mess, he's really OCD about his workstation in particular. He hates any kind of music with too much bass, and by extention he'll never go to a nightclub, and rarely a bar. He also doesn't like laziness or rudeness. He values ambition and manners.


He has a fear of intimacy, something which he is working really hard on controlling.

He doesn't like tight spaces.


Hin comes from a Red Light district area in Osaka, Japan. His mother did not plan to have him. Her boyfriend at the time ditched her when he found out she was pregnant and she had to take more hours at the bar she managed in order to save up money. She wanted to get him aborted, but she ended up not being able to do it, and relied on the help of her friends to keep her alive. When she had the baby she was very weak, but alive.

She raised him as best she could. She couldn't afford a babysitter and she had no family so Hin was passed around to her mothers few friends a lot. When he was old enough to do things for himself he used to try to help his mother out by begging. She worked so hard to support them both on such shitty pay, and the customers she served were either drunk, dangerous, sleezy or all three. He was only a small boy, but over the years he put himself in front of many bad violent boyfriends that tried to lay a hand on his mother over the years.

She taught him many things when she was there. She wanted him to go to school, even though he didn't want to leave her to her two jobs and do nothing. But she told him that if he got an education, he could do anything he wanted. He could make a better life for himself than she had. So because of her he strived to do well. He wasn't good at many things and he actually found keeping up with the rest of the class hard. But he loved music class. He liked the piano, and he liked his teacher who played classical music always in the backdrop of her classroom.

School wasn't really nice apart from music class. He was picked on for where he lived, his height. Then some of the kids found out about his mother being unmarried and working in a sleezy bar and he was made fun of even more. Only married women were supposed to have kids in Japan, or it was abnormal. If you got pregnant you were supposed to marry the father. Hin got into a lot of fights and the grades he was already struggling to keep high went down.

He dropped out of highschool when he was old enough and got a job. He worked as a waitor at a restaurant full time. He made friends there and they liked him. He didn't talk abput his personal life to anyone, except one girl, whom he fell in love with.

When he turned eighteen his mother died. It was foul play. She left a bar after working overtime and some drunk bottled her in the alleyway. After that, he decided he wasn't going to waste his life. He was gonna move away, maybe go to uni. His girlfriend had family in London, so a year after his mothers death, he had saved up and they changed country.

But London turned out to be more than he bargened for. He had pretty ok English because his school taught it and his girlfriend was fluent, but everything was so different. They lived with his girlfriend Suki's parents for a while. They took him out to eat nice places and Hin found out he could name every ingredient just by tasting the food. He began offering to cook dinner some nights and he found he had a natural talent.

But no one would hire a chef with no experience.

The café became his golden ticket into the industry and he wasn't going to waste a second of it!

Cat Image:


Cat Name:


Cat Gender:


Cat Appearence Description:

A middle aged tabby cat with yellow/green eyes. She is fairly big with long tri-coloured hair and dainty paws.

Cat Personality:

He is kind of crabby and might scratch if anyone but Hinata tries to pick him up off the ground. He will, however, randomly pick someone and snuggle up to them if he is ignored for too long. He is temperamental but loving at the same time. He get jealous easily and will almost but other cats out the way if Hinata pays too much attention to them.

Cat Biography:

Jun was given away to the Pound when he was little. He didn't have a family until Hinata bought him when Jun was 6 years old.
Great character and accepted, only problem is the cats are from the cafe not the character's, so maybe just change that please?

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