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Realistic or Modern /Detailed Cat Cafe

I so want to join! Can I reserve the a waiter position until the CS is up?

Also, do we get to create our own cat-character with the human- or are they already made up?
[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]I so want to join! Can I reserve the a waiter position until the CS is up?
Also, do we get to create our own cat-character with the human- or are they already made up?

Sure, and you can create your own cat character, I'll be putting the character sheet skeleton up soon for you and hopefully that will help people understand :)
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Awesome! I have an idea for him already. Also, I'm willing to play a worker for the rival cafe whenever you need.
[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]Awesome! I have an idea for him already. Also, I'm willing to play a worker for the rival cafe whenever you need.

Nice, thanks!
[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]Dx The character sign-up tab has disappeared.

Yeah, I've requested to get a tab that can be used as one though, sorry bout that
sweet, if the barrister is still open id love to reserve that role

if not, id be fine coming up with a character for the manager
famouslyNobody said:
sweet, if the barrister is still open id love to reserve that role
if not, id be fine coming up with a character for the manager
Sore thing, barrister is still open, the character cs substitute tab should be up soon
Oh and a quick question actually

Did you mean barista cause thats what im thinking you meant

Unless you did mean a barrister which upon doing a quick google search has realized thats a lawer
Haha okay cool

I can rest another day believing im not insanE

I wouldn't be so sure... ;)

Any all the CS is finally up, though please read the rules and such before creating a character. I'm working on the settings/locations tab now and I'll tell you when that's up as well
ViolntSian said:
Is the other waiter position open? :3 I'd like to reserve!! :D
Of course, although as is said in th rules reservation doesn't quite work the same way here so no need to ask whether it is open :)
ViolntSian said:
Picture/Face claim:
View attachment 320860


Jenna Thompson









Appearance Description:

Height : 5'4


She's a fun-loving person and a neat freak to the point that it's almost becoming a perfectionist trait. She always observes the things around her especially the things that catches her interests. She doesn't really talk much to new people but she smiles at them. She can be a very random person, sometimes asking a question very off topic or say a trivia out of the blue.


Animals, tea, listening to indie music, drawing, living alone


Rude people, crowded places, animal cruelty, being compared to


Spiders, very loud noises, and clowns


Despite having good grades in high school, Jen doesn't really know what she wants to be. Her parents would always compare her with her brother since he turned out to be successful in the business world. Offended as she may be, she tries to hide because she knows it's true enough. Despite that, her parents supported her and convinced her to at least get a full-time job. She realizes that this opportunity could prove to her parents that she can also be successful even if she didn't enter college.

Cat Image:


Cat Name:


Cat Gender:


Cat Appearence Description:

The cat breed is Russian Blue

Cat Personality:

Sits on your face or tries to climb you when he needs something from you. Likes looking out the windows and staying in high places. He is usually reserved and stubborn. He always follow Jen everywhere.

Cat Biography:

Having born in the streets, Blank was taken in an animal shelter. In a short span of time,his siblings were adopted except him. Jenna originally planned to adopt another cat but she saw how the cruel man violently shook Blank's cage, causing the cat to tremble in fear, and heard that he wanted to adopt the poor thing. Even the staff behind the counter seemed displeased and hesitant to hand him the adoption papers. Add to the fact that Blank was already making frightened noises, Jen couldn't help but step up and argued with the man, telling him that she wants to adopt Blank and that he doesn't deserve to adopt the poor cat. Eventually, the man stepped down and left the animal shelter with angry humiliation. Ever since that time, Blank would always follow Jen. Since she was the one who saved his life.
Ok, a few problems with this. I apologize in advance if you take offense to any of this.

1) Your character, despite being well written and a good character in whole, is somewhat similar to Charlotte, an already existing character, and although I enjoy the out of the blue comments part, the rest of it seems, although not the same, similar, like the clean freak comment among the rest. If you could just make some slight changes to make her more unique, as I really want the characters to be unique in personality, that would be good.

2) Appearence description, when I said height I did mean other things as well, distinguishing marks, piercing, tattoos, a brief description of what can already be seen ect, although that may be my fault. I should have made it clearer sorry

3) You don't seem to have read the rules, unless i'm mistaken in which case I apologize

4) Some things in the bio just don't match up, if she has such an opportunity for a future, even if she doesn't want to go to college, why would she work at the cafe? As stated, there are ridiculously long hours, the lowest pay possible and almost no chance of becoming successful. If she really wanted to prove herself she would have chosen something that is more likely for success, so if you could explain or change that...? I liked the brother part, though, and it was pretty well written :)

5) Finally, perhaps add a little more detail into the cats personality, like his thoughts ect, and the cats are all to be part of the shop, not from home, sorry if my wording confused you. So if you could specify or change that, again, maybe state it happened after starting at the shop and she took it there to keep it there as her parents wouldn't allow to have it in their home or something like that.

Sorry for all the criticism, although I hope you take it as constructive like it is, and other than that she's a great character and I enjoyed reading her sheet, thank you :)
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[QUOTE="A Simple Egg]Ok, a few problems with this. I apologize in advance if you take offense to any of this.
1) Your character, despite being well written and a good character in whole, is somewhat similar to Charlotte, an already existing character, and although I enjoy the out of the blue comments part, the rest of it seems, although not the same, similar, like the clean freak comment among the rest. If you could just make some slight changes to make her more unique, as I really want the characters to be unique in personality, that would be good.

2) Appearence description, when I said height I did mean other things as well, distinguishing marks, piercing, tattoos, a brief description of what can already be seen ect, although that may be my fault. I should have made it clearer sorry

3) You don't seem to have read the rules, unless i'm mistaken in which case I apologize

4) Some things in the bio just don't match up, if she has such an opportunity for a future, even if she doesn't want to go to college, why would she work at the cafe? As stated, there are ridiculously long hours, the lowest pay possible and almost no chance of becoming successful. If she really wanted to prove herself she would have chosen something that is more likely for success, so if you could explain or change that...? I liked the brother part, though, and it was pretty well written :)

5) Finally, perhaps add a little more detail into the cats personality, like his thoughts ect, and the cats are all to be part of the shop, not from home, sorry if my wording confused you. So if you could specify or change that, again, maybe state it happened after starting at the shop and she took it there to keep it there as her parents wouldn't allow to have it in their home or something like that.

Sorry for all the criticism, although I hope you take it as constructive like it is, and other than that she's a great character and I enjoyed reading her sheet, thank you :)

Okai! :) Thank you actually haha :) I did that on purpose to know what should I change :) )
hey lovely, i was wondering when is the deadline to have the cs's in

if you have one planned out right meow

im leaving tomorrow from idaho to head back home

so i might be until this upcoming sunday or monday

just got back to the hotel im staying at and wasnt able to code what id hoped ^~^

im horrible to myself and felt bad so i threw something together tonight

mistoffelees (hehe) is still a wip but i'll have to do that some other day

its 1:52am lol
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