Advice/Help Deal makers? What makes you love an RP?

Lord Aphrodite

To conquer death, you only have to die.
I love people that have really nice ideas. Your idea is nice, detailed, and plotable. (god yes, plotable ideas make me fall in love) I'm currently doing one on a current Cold War. It's amazing.

People who do research, even in the smallest details. If I go to search an area code for your made-up phone number, and it has the area code for the area our characters are in... I'll follow you to the ends of the earth.

Nice characters. I tend to hate abusive sadboys and mary sues, if your character isn't that, and is well written with the plot in mind, I'll love you.

Some wiggle room. I like having freedom in my responses, with multiple directions we can take the RP as long as we get to the main goal.
I love when a partner is flexible (is willing to double up, can play both a male and a female, etc.).

If we have a good story going and we're both carrying it well, that is the best.

Characters who are well-developed and fit into the setting of the RP well.

Developing a friendship with my partner and talking to them casually OOC (not getting overly attached and associating each other too much with our characters).

Grammar! I am sort of a stickler about it and hate seeing constant errors (I understand if it was a typo or English is not your first language, but all I ask for is effort).

Details. I write novels and am an English Creative Writing major, so my appreciation for both reading and writing detail is like no other.

People who understand a busy schedule and can wait for a reply. If any one of my partners are here, please know that I won't drop you without notice. If I have to drop, I will tell you. The longest I won't answer is a day (if I get really busy), so if I'm gone for a few days without notice (which I doubt will happen), then feel free to hit me up. If I'm spammed for a reply, I will message you last out of everyone I'm messaging. So I appreciate patience. It is a virtue, after all.
I find a lot of it boils down to how comfortable I feel around my partner. It's hard for me to quantify exactly what makes me feel at ease but genuine enthusiasm and encouragement are a big part of the equation, I think. I need OOC chatter on the side, and I need to spend a little time beforehand talking with a potential partner about what exactly we'll be doing.

Detail is definitely important to me in terms of making the setting feel like an actual place the characters are interacting with. Sometimes that means research, other times that just means spending a little extra time describing the current location where things are going down.

I like relaxed partners who bring a little bit 'extra' to the roleplay. For example, making a playlist or a moodboard based on a character or the roleplay itself, or just sharing something fun that reminds us of something in the roleplay. It's never something I require from a partner but I always love it when it happens.
I am very detail oriented and enjoy when I get along with my partner and are flexible around one another. I enjoy getting to know who I am being creative with and are invested in the details of both sides of the RP and idea making, creative process. I usually do romance RP so if you can remember details and keep with him and still have originality I will love you forever.

Not giving up when I may not be on for a few days is really a sell for me. I got a life, school, college in fact and a job to work around, sometimes I'm free a lot, like a lot a lot the other times I'm not. It's pretty up and down and unscheduled but if you don't give up on me and vested, I will remain just as vested in you. Being understanding from both sides is important, if you aren't it can put a sqeulch on the whole experience you are having together. It just has to flow naturally I suppose.

Fast pace. I don’t mean post speed, I mean in-world events should always be happening or imminent. If our characters are having a nice casual downtime we should still have the feeling that something important will happen really soon. Essentially every post should either move the plot forward or provide something else of interest.

People who can write any type of character, and would never even consider putting ‘I only write females’ in a search. People whose characters have flaws and make stupid mistakes and fail. Failure is a virtue!

I love OOC chatter, where we can talk shit about our characters and speculate on what’s happening. Ideally it should be like watching a sport crossed with a soap opera with a good friend. It’s also a feedback loop, because that way if the other player is liking something you can focus on that more. Honestly if someone is silent on my chatty OOC messages but responds to the main thread I get really confused.

Also I have a fetish for really shitty dystopian universes so if you can handle my ~*~*~*~*~*~Dark Themes*~*~*~*~*~*~ that’s nice too.
Nothing beats that feeling when you find someone to roleplay with who is a lot like you skill-wise.

- Someone who contributes to ideas and doesn’t just agree.

- someone with good grammar and good RP’ing skills

- Fast response times (not really an issue, but definitely nice!)

- Someone who is actually creative and doesn’t let you do all of the work.

- somebody who is detailed and can match post length.
This is a really tough question, actually. It's hard for me to really put a finger on whether something will definitely, for sure, make me love an RP. It wouldn't be possible. I mean I guess you could point out that having good partners, a good story with good characters, and so could make one love an RP or being even more redundant that simply having tons of fun would make one love an RP... but that ain't very useful. This is a long way of saying that I'm gonna try to be specific of what like, but just having a particular set or even all of the things below does not absolutely guarantee that I will love our RP, but the odds will be astronomically higher.

1. I love an RP when my partners show enthusiasm
I simply love it when my partners show that they actually care about what's happening in every step of the RP. My favorite partners are not those that agree to everything I say, the opposite of that, nor those that fill in what they need like it's a part-time job to pay for college fees, the interested partners are those who are asking questions and making comments about my posts, who are constantly brainstorming and offering suggestions, taking the innitiative, those that have a critical eye but also know how to praise, the kind that tries to make their post with taste and interest, rather than mechanically to move the story to an action point, those partners that can savor an RP's every moment.
It also helps a lot if this partner shows entusiasm in knowing me as a person as well. Trying to know the partner, being talkative, being open, all good qualities of a great RP partner. While this is all especially true for 1x1s, it's no less important in group roleplays.

2.I love detail with direction
I LOVE reading posts. But I love reading good posts with juicy content even more. I don't even care especially if it's moving the plot too much when I read it, provided I have something to reply to effectively and that I can appreciate the other post's perspective of mine. Detail is really the best to get this emersion and feelings out of me, but just stuffing a post doesn't cut it. It takes someone who has a bare minimum understanding of writing to really get to me, someone who knows how to pace their foreshadowing and characterization, someone who knows what's just stuffing and what's detail with a purpose.

3.I love roleplays that awe, not by what they hide, but by what they show
It's common and almost instinctive to resort to hiding things to keep them a mystery. However, the truly great out there do not have to resort to this trick, as instead they can simply show you something truly unique and fascinating. Again, this isn't mandatory for me to enjoy your roleplay, but if you truly want me to love it, then you gotta show me a good reason to care, not just tease at it.
In fact, this goes double for players. I absolutely hate getting vague character descriptions or those "you'll find out in roleplay" types, so by reversal I adore those that look super exciting and get ME to think about them, not force questions down my throat.

4.Structured Roleplays + Planning
From solid, expansive and self-consistent worlds, to intricate original magic systems with internal freedom (but again, consistent), well-laid out rules... These are the most fun to explore, as they really mesh with the emersion, and create a sense of safety in my roleplaying, plus they show the dedication of the creator to the roleplay. And with good solid grounding, can come good organic development.
But perhaps even better than that, it's planning. I am a planner by nature, so I absolutely adore roleplays and peeps that can really outline a plan and stick to it. Who like to make a great story and understand that improv just doesn't cut it, but aren't going to cease putting work into it just because there is a skeleton. If planning makes the bones, then eveything else should bring that plan to life with the rest of the body.

5.I love RPs in which my character develops a close relationship with another character
This is pretty self-explanatory, since we are getting to the much more "just personal interests" kind of part of this response. Basically, whether it be my character becoming lovers with someone, or just good friends, maybe even a decent rivalry at times, though those would be much rarer appreciation-wise, if my character is forging strong bons gradually and organically, that makes me super interested to see where it's gonna go.
There is one catch though. It can really leave me down in the dumps when these relationships, for one reason or another, break up.

6.RPs that make direct use of tropes, specifically anime tropes.
I embrace the generic, because the best originality comes from exploring what's been done already in a different way. Plus, knowing the tropes, being able to see your favorite tropes in action and exploring them etc, I find that extremely interesting and amusing. The very meta of those types of roleplay is fascinating in of itself as well.
PS: I have also found that I generally prefer to roleplay with people using cute anime girls in their profile pics and/or CSs.

7.Game-like RPs
Namely VRMMORPG RPs, I simply have an almost unconditional love for that genre if the Gm is competent. However they tend to suffer from either being too restricted or too open in their system. I think I may edit this part later to explain my interest in these better.

I hope someone finds these helpful! Have a great day and happy RPing!
I love a plot with a complex setting/lore without becoming convoluted. Every aspect of the worldbuilding has a purpose that will somehow affect the characters. Unfortunately, not enough RP's like this stay active long enough to see those effects occur.
Fast pace. I don’t mean post speed, I mean in-world events should always be happening or imminent. If our characters are having a nice casual downtime we should still have the feeling that something important will happen really soon. Essentially every post should either move the plot forward or provide something else of interest.

Same here. Adventure roleplays work best imo when the players and GM keep the story's momentum flowing.
What I enjoy most out of an RP, are quick responses. It just gives off a sense of disinterest when someone takes days to respond. Dozens of paragraphs daily are my preference, with a lot of back and forth replies. Take your time, but get back to me as soon as you can, and I will do the same.
Most of this mostly applies to One on Ones.

- Diversity. Self-explainatory.
- A roleplay that isn't serious 24/7. There's nothing better to have funny and ridiculous, "Oh my god what the hell? LMAO"-moments. Nothing better than a character waking up at 3am and knocking on doors, asking if anyone else craves fast food. "Jesus Christ why are you craving food now?" "Dunno. I'll go to KFC now. You want something?" "I want to sleep." "Sheesh, then go to bed.". and yes, one of my character did this once. He then left the building with a young woman, drove away with their car and they appeared half an hour later with fast food. This is so dumb and small I love it.
Those "ridiculous" scenes are, for me, weirdly fitting for, normally serious, zombie roleplays.
- A partner that allows "experimenting". As in, trying something different. My current 1x1 partner is very chill with trying out something new, so now I have a traumatized, depressed character with a very dry humor. (Also have one with schizophrenia planned, but until that character appears, a lot of time will pass) Oh my god. Now I am rememberering the "empty room"-dialogue I have planned. A enters an empty room with B (?? DONT ASK), then says "This is a room full of your will to live.", to which B just looks very annoyed and says "This is a room full of people you will hop into bed with.", before turning around and leaving. I died when I decided on that scene of my god. Why do I think this is funny? I dunno! Because it's so unfitting! There's an apocalypse going on and my characters annoy each other. GREAT! (No, don't worry, I don't use those overused tropes a la "Depressed person who cries 24/7")
- Planning. I. Love. Planning. If you allow me to plan a crapton of stuff, especially if I get hyped (*cough* this awesome One on One I have going on), I will be so happy!
- Bloody and gory roleplays
So many good ones already said... For myself it's the unexpected. I don't want to be able to guess every move and word you're character is going to do and say. Surprise me. Follow the story line, but be creative with it. I, admittedly, can be controlling of the story and take the lead on where it's going, but you'll have me at your knees taking it over if you do it well. Someone who can get as into their character emotionally/psychologically as I can- perfect.
Most of the ones already listed are valid.

But somehow, for me, it's a feeling that comes when things suddenly fall into place and you and the other person just click. And even with a perfect writer that isn't always the case.
Most of the ones already listed are valid.

But somehow, for me, it's a feeling that comes when things suddenly fall into place and you and the other person just click. And even with a perfect writer that isn't always the case.

D'awww. Absolutely.

For me, it's when other people can acknowledge my character. Like, sometimes you role-play with people and they layer drama upon drama onto their character, and it's like my character barely matters to the plot as an actual 'person'. It's like they're turning my character into an NPC merely to push their character plots forward instead of having the plot grow together from both of the characters.

Especially with romance, ughhhh. It makes me gag when a character is unnecessarily 'sassy' and expect my character to worship them for it. Ew.
I love it when someone else matches my exitement about a specific roleplay. I am....extremely over hyper and over friendly. And i've been told this about a billion times before. I despise it when you start a roleplay and than your partner gives things like "yes" "no". It's not these words but its when they seem to have no interest at all. If you're doing a roleplay with someone than you should at least be a little bit excited! I also hate it when someone doesn't want to rp anymore and because they're to scared to tell you, they make up some excuse and than they continue on this site.
I love when my partner says any of these:
A) I don't do seme/uke.
B) I like to play male characters.
C) I like Nonbinary characters.
Finding MxM partners is difficult enough without this seme/uke shit in the way and I LOVE when people say they ain't into that. I love a partner that's flexible, it seems these days like 90% of 1x1 RP searches are people saying "I only play females" and that just immediately says to me: inflexible. I love when someone says that, not only are they willing to play a male character but, they like to play guys. And, lastly, it's SO HARD to find partners who are willing to play with/as NB characters and I die of happiness when someone says they do.
Then, there's also if they ship the same stuff as me. That kills me. And then there was one person who actually GOT ME INTO a ship. Like, RPing the ship with them actually made me like the ship (I was neutral on it before), if that's not good RP chemistry, idk what is.
D'awww. Absolutely.

For me, it's when other people can acknowledge my character. Like, sometimes you role-play with people and they layer drama upon drama onto their character, and it's like my character barely matters to the plot as an actual 'person'. It's like they're turning my character into an NPC merely to push their character plots forward instead of having the plot grow together from both of the characters.

Especially with romance, ughhhh. It makes me gag when a character is unnecessarily 'sassy' and expect my character to worship them for it. Ew.
I hate sassy characters. I will NOT RP with "sassy" characters. They say things that no one with any amount of decency would say in real life and then expect everyone to be patting them on the back for saying it. Not to mention, they never have any personality other than "sassy."
Some people have mentioned it already but I prefer partners who are enthusiastic about the story we're writing and are willing to brainstorm with you. I can be a little passive at times, but I often find myself as the person kind of pushing the plot along or the one coming up with everything. It sort of kills my drive when the conversation seems so one-sided. Most of my rping experiences have been like, "I was thinking that maybe the enemy kingdom can work like this or maybe like that. Oh, and maybe the evil sword of doom can be locked away in a mountain guarded by a dragon lord. What are your ideas?" "Yes."
Personally, the biggest thing for me is friendly and honest partners! I love when partners show enthusiasm, but I also like it when they tell me if they don't like something or would prefer something else, because roleplaying is supposed to be a mutual enjoyment where both parties have fun! I especially love it when my partners are willing to actually answer questions and give their own input other than: "I don't care." "It doesn't matter to me." "You choose." Etc. xD

Finally, I love partners who I feel like I can really 'click' with! Talking OOC is a big one for me, but I know not everyone likes it. I just find it easier to keep creative juices flowing when I'm talking with my partner and we're both showing excitement. There's nothing that could kill my motivation faster than if I were to say something like: "Your character is so cool, I'm really excited to see more of their posts and see where everything leads! I bet it'll be really fun!" And then I get no response in return or a simple "yeah." I mean, you don't have to give a super elaborate reply, but at least try to show some excitement, or give me a hint that you're enjoying the roleplay too and that I'm not the only one? If I feel like my partner isn't enjoying the roleplay, I'll honestly start to lose interest.

But yeah, those are my personal preferences!
the #1 deal maker that i can think of is just having a partner that is just as engaged as you are. when you’re both invested and tossing headcanons back and forth and just having a good time in general... that’s what roleplay is all about.
A chill GM.

A chill GM often devides whether or not a roleplay survives (lives long) or not. If I spot a chill GM (often fools around, generally sees himself not better than the members), I am most likely joining.
I love roleplays that don't take themselves seriously. Sure, you want to try your best to sell your story to prospective players, but... a little self-awareness and humor goes a long way, especially when working with an idea that has a reputation for being shallow and overdone (like superhero academies).
Chill GM is nice, but sometimes they're too chill--I was once in an otherwise amazing rp where one girl got in catfights with every other person with a female char and the GM refused to kick her :V I want them to be able to put their foot down.

Anyway personal deal-makers: A lot of people have said so, but I love it when people put in effort - lots of details about the setting, maybe a few NPCs, or they may have maps or other images. That makes me think that GM has really thought this through, really wants this RP to last. And on that note, people who are clearly planning for a long game--an actual overarching plot, provisions for people who may need to leave, compensation for rpers of differing activity levels, etc.

Also, I wouldn't call this a deal maker, but I like interesting profile skeletons. Unique, or maybe it's missing a personality section, because you should be able to get a feel of the character's personality though the other fields (backstory, likes, dislikes, hobbies, occupation)
When the OOC chemistry and planning for the RP flows so smoothly that you can tell before it starts that it will be a great RP. It's always fun getting onto/being on the same page as my partner.
1. Personality of rp partner and being on the same wavelength. If this happens, even the most dull plot will become fun. In worst case, could drop the plot that didn't work and make another with the same person.
2. Characters that are interesting to write interactions for. Ideally if it goes together with #1. Then it means the rp will be great, no matter how long it lasts.

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