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Realistic or Modern Dead Girls Don't Lie


❛ it's only love, nobody dies ❜

a roleplay by ama & tink

dead girls don't lie

"Why didn't you say this to me when I was alive?"


user one, user two


tag one, tag two

"it has to get better..."

lord huron

  • introducing



    It's me.

    Emily Rosemont.

    While our girl didn't leave behind thirteen tapes explaining why she took her life, the end result was the same. Emily Rosemont died at her own hand because life had become so twisted, so fucked up, that she couldn't take it anymore. She was only seventeen, and a year away from graduating. She left behind her family, her friends... if you can call those people she knew friends. Did they even know her? What was Emily's favorite color? Her favorite song? She was branded a slut when nobody even knew the whole story behind that night. Or was there someone who did? Who knew who Emily Rosemont was behind closed doors? Because everybody knows her face now.

    How did you know Emily?

    If you couldn't tell, this roleplay is heavily inspired by 13 Reasons Why, and there will even be a little bit of Pretty Little Liars inspo thrown in as well. No, you do not have to have seen (or read) either series, as we will be creating OCs. While this roleplay may surround the high school age, we won't say no to a couple of older characters, either. I'll throw a list of stereotypes to choose from down below, though you're not limited to those! You're welcome to make your own, of course.

    We want all the drama, so bring it. This roleplay will include heavy and dark themes, so if you're not comfortable with that, this might not be the roleplay for you. We want your character(s) to have had some sort of history with Emily, and some secrets they don't want to come to light. Feel free to get as creative as you want.

    Stereotype Ideas
    - The Popular
    - The Princess
    - The Prince
    - The Cheerleader
    - The Party Animal
    - The Wild Child
    - The Nerd
    - The Goody Two Shoes
    - The Emo/Goth
    - The Jock
    - The Artist
    - The Class Clown
    - The Stoner
    - The Drug Addict




♡coded by uxie♡
Count me in this!~

Could I possibly tell you a character idea in pms?~
interested! is there still place?

edit: i would love to maybe make emily's ex boyfriend? if that's a good idea, otherwise i have a few other ideas too!! : )
interested! is there still place?

edit: i would love to maybe make emily's ex boyfriend? if that's a good idea, otherwise i have a few other ideas too!! : )

Absolutely, go for it. The character thread is linked above. We're looking forward to your sheet!

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