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Fandom DC: Another Generation of Heroes (and Villains)

"I… I just don't know" Alfa replied. He had a strong instint to run, but faught it off for the moment. "If I go then they will surely find me, but at least I will have a team. Then again, they will need my blood and with my blood they can get my DNA, and who knows where they could go from there." His voice was picking up speed and it was clear he was begining to have a panic attack. With wide eyes he fell to his knees and dropped his bag on the ground. His grabbed the sides of his head and began to shrink down to a human size. The fur receded away as did his claws. Soon he was just a teenager with red eyes and black hair kneeling on the desert floor, clearly having mental issues.

(In case you can't tell, he has some paranoia and trust issues. Among other things.)
Cloak watched him panic and frowned a little. She was about to say something but stopped when she saw him fall to his knees and revert to him human form. She went over to him and gave him and hug " it's going to be ok.... we're not going to hurt you.... we're not going to let them hurt you..." she said to him in a soft and gentle voice. She put a hand on his head, it glowed which should help his headache go away and relax a little.

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The splash of water all over her body brought MC back. She blinked repeatedly as the wolf shrunk into a person. "Oh hey. You're not so bad lookin' as a human," she said trying to ease the tension. She slowly began to sit upright, feeling every muscle twinge. Someone was missing. She looked to William, "What happened to the robot?".
Whatever Cloak wad doing helped Alfa to calm down a bit. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After a little less than a minute he stood up and looked and Cloak. "Thank you for your help." he then turned back towards the city and looked off into the distance. It wasn't too late if he wanted to run. No, he had to do this. He then looked at Marksman, who he perceived to be their leader. "I will go with you. I have nothing left to lose, but at the slightest notion of a cage I will disappear."


(@drummerboi I'm going to continue)

The helicopter landed at the coordinates Alistair had sent him. Alistair was already waiting for them and Max walked up to him and shook his hand. "A pleasure to meet you, Mr. Taggert. Would you mind restating your proposal?" It still struck him how young such a politically powerful person could be. But then again, so was Max.
Connor walked towards next to max. He then looked at Mr. Taggert trying to read his mind he seemed comfterble and not on edge. So his mind tricks would probably be able to find his true intentions. He looked at Max and Mr. Taggert wonering if the proposal would work in there favor. He then waited for his mind to give in.
"Hey, guys don't mean to ruin the mood or anything, but we probably need to get Aqua Lass to a doctor. No offense to you cloak, but I don't think you know how to treat Atlantean physiology. Oh, and Wolf-Person-Teen.......okay first of all, I need your name because Wolf-Person-Teen just doesn't have the same ring to it as Marksman, and second of all, you don't need to worry about a cage, unless you call a luxury bedroom with a silk comforter a cage."

Alistair was standing next to a metal suit larger than himself, of needed, it would unleash a flurry of bullets. He said "Greeting gentlemen, so glad you could make it." Alistair gestured to a small building that looked similar to a log cabin. Once the three had entered, Alistair began briefing Max on his plan.

(I'm not going to say the plan in chat, good-doers could overhear)
Cloak looked at the wolf and smiled " no problem, I am glad it worked" she said to him and let go him and looked at William and nodded " ok... it's understandable..." she said. She didn't really much of anything about Atlanteans and only that they need water. So she did what she learnt and healed M.C's wounds and gave her water. She got up and lend the wolf boy a hand to help him up.

Alfa took Cloaks hand and stood up. "My name" he said with a slightly faded tone. "Um... uh... you can just call me Alfa for now. I'm not sure the last time I used my real name so I will need to remember it and will tell you once I do. What about you guys? What should I call you?"


"Well, I can see this being beneficial to both of our companies" Max said. "It is my belief that this plan of yours will succeed and we will have that much more control. however, I would like to first talk to my advisor in private."
Connor nodded and looked at Max as he then looked at the guy in the suit. He wonderd if he could trust this guy he wonderd if this was a trap. He then delved deeper in the man's mind to see if he was lying or trying to kill them since he was relaced and not as stressed before hand he finaly after a while gained acess to his mind and begun to read his true intentions.
Cloak smiled " nice to meet you Alfa. You can call me Cloak for now. I'll tell you my real name when we get back to the aircraft... which I have to fly again...." she said as she started to become nervous again. She shook her head and looked at William " are the contents in the safe what we are looking for?" She asked him.

"I think so, looks like our intel wasn't perfect. I'll contact local law enforcement to start destroying the venom. Oh, and I'm William, William Queen." William the grabbed a stencil and attached it to the warehouse before spraying a green mist at the stencil. Now, the warehouse was emblazoned with his emblem.
Martha, now standing, rolled her eyes at her teammates cockiness. "Good to meet you Alfa. I'm Aqualass, but we can talk more about than in the air." She started walking toward the aircraft limping slightly, "You coming Banksy?" she called to William.
Cloak went over to M.C and helped her walk " how are you feeling?" She asked her worriedlu. Her staff disappeared but her costume is still on her. " I am sorry I electrocuted you like that...." she said as she looked at the ground.

M.C. smiled at Cloak, "I'm okay I think. Just a little shock, thats all. It usually zings around for awhile in me." She continued toward the plane, ready to be back in Rhode Island. "It's not really your fault, I should have been watching you and I just wasn't. We haven't really got this team thing down yet, have we?" She made sure to say the last sentence loud enough for Marksman and Alfa to hear. They all had a long way to go if they wanted to actually do good.
Max walked over to a corner and brought Connor with him. He pulled a small disk shaped device out of his pocket, stuck it to the wall, and pressed the button on the center of it. Nothing really notable happened, but the device would jam any device trying to listen to them and would only hear static. A human ear could listen in, but Max made sure to whisper. "So, what do you think? Find anything interesting?"
"well i found out all the steps of his plan but that was it i couldn't find aything else." he said looking at Max "he seems legit sir i went to the deepest aprt of his mind but he didn't have any single peace of a lying bone in his body on what i read althow he could have a device that interfears with my phychoconetic power but i think he would have to prepare for that" he said looking at him. Wispering as well
Cloak nodded " yeah.... sometimes I feel like I react to fast to things without thinking and for Will i my opinion need to give warns for his arrows.... I got blinded and almost squashed by the creature..." she said to her and sighed a little.

"Yup, I'm going to fit in jussssst great" Alfa muttered sarcastically. The jet was close now. He wondered what it would be like, flying. He had never spent any time in the air. In fact, most of his live was below ground.


"I trust you completely" Max whispered, resting his hand on Connor's shoulder. "I will finish the deal and we can head home." He turned off his device and strode back to Alistair. "I am prepared to seal the deal."
When they got to the ship it seemed like nothing was there. Cloak pressed a few buttons on her solver bracelet and the door to the aircraft opened. She helped M.C get in and sit down at one of the chair. She then sat down and pilots chair and got the ship ready for lift off. Once everyone was in she closed the door she stretched and pulled her hood and mask. Revealing her lightly tan face and long auburn hair. She took a deep breath and the aircraft started to lift up into the air. 30 seconds later it started flying back to their base in Rhode island.

Alfa was surprised when a jet appeared out of seemingly nowhere. He entered and found a seat near the back and sat down. After they were in the air he really noted the difference in temperature from the normal in Arizona. He rubbed his arms a bit, but stayed quiet. All he had to where was some really stretchy underwear. Every other piece of clothing he ever wore just tore when changed. Then it occurred to him that there was a single spare in his backpack. He stood up and began to pull on a pair of jeans, a black T-shirt, and a white over shirt with white highlights. He had nothing for his feet, but he actually preferred it that way. He then sat down again and peered out the front window. Then something occurred to him and he figured it would be better to make sure everyone else knew as well. "Um, shouldn't you call in ahead or something and tell them that you're coming back with extra cargo?"
Cloak blinked " I'll send the message" she said to Alfa "thanks for reminding us" she then pressed a few button and opened up a communication channel to Nightwing's com "Mr.Nightwing this is Cloak speaking...." she said waiting for a response from Nightwing.

Nightwing was on monitor duty in the Watchtower; the Leagues orbiting satellite/HQ. He received the message from Cloak and, after double checking there was nothing wrong on the monitors, opened the video link. "Hello team" he replied noticing everyone else was in the jet. His eyes momentarily locked onto Alfa, but he figured that would come up without him forcing it. "I assume the mission was successful? You must be heading back to the Cave, then."
William had been listening in and leaned in the pilot room. "Sorta kind of. Well, we didn't find the dealers, but we did find Venom, local law enforcement is taking care of it. Also, we found a werewolf dude, I may or may not of promised him a spot on the team. Oh, and a robot thing attacked, and hold your applause, I put a a tracker on it. So, a pretty eventful night. Any other questions?"

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