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Fandom DC: Another Generation of Heroes (and Villains)

"Just a moment sir" Max replied. He used the device on his arm again an a hologram of his calendar appeared. It was designed in a way to prevent anyone from seeing what was on it from the other side. He tapped a few things and decided a little road trip could not hurt. "I shall not bother you with traveling and meet you in Star City. Will we be meeting at your new office or somewhere else?" He made sure to make eye contact frequently, but he was also managing the hanger and informing his underlings to prep the jet.
"I'll have my employees send you coordinates for a meeting place just outside of town." A message displaying a location just out of town was sent to Max. Meanwhile, Alistair left his office and entered a limousine that began driving to the meeting place.
After the video chat closed a frown appeared on Max's face and his brows furled. This was not what he had been expecting for a meeting place. Even Alistair had to know that it was obvious something was being set up. However, he had to go. He did have a reputation to keep up in the business world, but he was also immensely curious as to what he had planned. He would have plenty of defenses if things went south, including his Titan armor. "Ever been to Star City?" he asked Connor and started walking towards the door.
The Alleys of Star City were to be tainted in the blood of the Cryptid's victims. She was ready, even excited to purposely reap fear among the human race. Her target: A secure drug manufacturing base that the SCDP have been hunting for a few months now. She was excited, and proceeded down the alleyway, searching for the nearest gutter.

She had gone through numerous gutters, trying to allocate toxic fumes that the drug lab may emit. The Cryptid approached a gutter, stretched open the bars, and could see the fume beginning to float atop. Bullseye. Quickly, she looked around, and jumped through, and splashed the sewer water in all directions, the underglow getting even brighter as she began to follow the haze.

(If anyone wants to, they could track me, if it's okay if I have a little NPC fun haha.)
Cloak and her team soon arrived at the scene arrived at the abandoned storage facility. She has been quiet throughout the entire walk and now is staring at the building that is said to be the place where the vemon and the new customer are she looked back at her team and was starting get nervous again. She took a deep breath and calmed down " ready everyone?" She asked quietly.

Alfa woke with a start, his ears twitching in every which way. Someone opened the door. No one ever entered here any more, so something was off. More importantly, someone was breaking into his home. He stood up on top of a large red ship crate to his full height of almost 7 and a half feet. He listened and heard footsteps off near the other side of the large building.

Alfa wasted no time in jumping to a support beam and silently, and invisibly, making his way to the origin of the noise. He finally saw three intruders; one dressed in green with a quiver of arrows, a figure in a white cloak, and a female of unidentified origin to him. He figured the one with ranged abilities would be the easiest to get rid of and targeted him first. He had no intentions of killing them unless they tried to kill him, but he needed them gone.

He took aim and barked. A blast of energy hit the archer and sent him flying backwards, hopefully to hit his head and fall unconscious. He then jumped to a different support beam and waited to see what they would do next.
William loaded a two cylinders into his crossbows, containing three bolts each. Then was struck by Alfa's attack. Luckily, this wasn't the first time someone had tried to knock him out that way. Silver cylinder spun on his crossbows as a grappling bolt flew to a nearby pillar. "Sorry, you want me outta the fight, you're gonna have to try better than that." William began aiming at Alfa.

In his cylinders

Grapple Arrow- Depleted

Smoke Bomb Arrow- Depleted

Timed Explosive Arrow- Depleted

Concussion Arrow- Depleted

Regular Arrow- 1
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Cloak blinked when William was suddenly send flying into the wall. She sighed in relief when he didn't hit the wall. She looked at the Alfa and then got ready to fight "who are you?" She asked now serious and ready to attack if necessary.

Alfa didn't respond to the cloaked girl. Instead he simply let himself become enveloped by the darkness and disappeared from sight. He knew he was going to enter heavy fire, especially since bow guy wasn't out, and jumped to another support beam. He threw another blast at the cloaked girl, but missed and hit the floor in front of her. She might have been knocked off balance, but Alfa didn't wait to find out. Instead he jumped behind a large metal crate and peaked around the corner, still using his invisibility. He decided toying with them would let them know as much about him as he would know about them so he changed his tactics. While still invisible he charged the nearest of them, but forgot to hide the sound his steps made.

(@Deadkool Agggg! I promise not to look; but it is tempting, I must admit)
Cloak almost lost her balance, when the blast hit the ground in front of her. She quickly recovered her footing and heard footsteps coming form her left. A white symbol what looked like a glyph appear beneath and her her boo-staff became cover in electricity.

Thanks to the glyph her speed increased dramatically and she tried to get behind the wolf without a sound and hit him with her electric covered boo-staff to paralyze him.

"Ah ah ah, why not level the playing field a bit? While we're on invisibility" Will shot a bolt to the ground and the room filled with smoke. "Smoke and mirrors pal, just add mirrors." He cocked his crossbows and attempted to fire a bolt at him thanks to the sound of noisy footsteps and his companions actions.
Martha watched as Cloak moved beyond the invisible footsteps. She whipped out one of her water reserves and threw it into a puddle where she hoped the attacker would go. Hopefully, the electricity from cloak would catch this thing right as he hit the liquid.

Before she could see if it was successful, William unloaded the smoke. Martha dropped to a crouch, water ready and waiting.
Alfa missed the cloaked girl as she sped behind him. He figured she would try to hit him in the back and jumped. As soon as he was airborne he was grateful as an arrow whizzed passed right below him. Unfortunately, he failed to notice a the water on the floor and landed right in the middle. He had no chance to change his momentum, and in an attempt to do so fell quite loudly on his back. His thoughts were momentarily scrambled and he lost focus on remaining hidden. He knew he was outmatched and quickly left the puddle and ran straight at the wall. He dug his claws in and started climbing as fast as he could, which wasn't all that fast in his confused state.
The arrow almost hit cloak as she side stepped to dodge. She looked around and herd the wolf fall on his back. Her whipped in that direction and she saw the wolf climbing up the wall. She then used her staff that was still cover in electricity and pointed it at the wolf. A lightening bolt was then shot at him to paralyze him. She minimized the power so he doesn't end up getting hurt too badly because of the water that was on him.

Being electrocuted was an entirely new feeling to Alfa, and he didn't like it at all. He lost his grip on the wall and fell back to the ground, landing squarely on his back. He tried to get up and try to lose them deeper in the building, but he just couldn't move. As much as he hated to admit it, he was defeated. He could only hope they weren't with those that made him like this.
Connor looked at max as he was at the door "No i havn't to be honest" he said looking at him "do you think he's lyeing and setting us up for a trap2 Connor said looking at max knowing easily he can just snap the spinal nurve's of the people who are trapping them of course. But still a trap is a trap. Whether it is harmful or not, Connor stood by Max's side as always and gave him a very concerning look "you know i always thought of you as a brother Max i don't want to tred into a path that is covered by thorns" he said looking at him.
The electricity covering Cloak's boo-staff disappeared and she flinched when shesaw the wolf fall fown on his back. She ran over to the wolf who tried to get up. She didn't know what to say, she wanted to asked if he wasn't sure. She looked st the wolf and the look of defeat in his eyes and also a hint of fear. She frowned and put down her boo staff next to him which is a very risky move " um... who are you?" She asked quietly as she looked at him with her acid green eyes. She made eye contact with him.

Alfa looked into the girls surprisingly vivid green eyes. He had nothing left to lose, but he still tried to avoid giving a direct answer. "I am nothing more than a shadow, a myth to those of this city." His voice came out deep and rough, though definitely rougher than normal. "And what about you? Here to take me back and continue your wicked tests?"


"It does read as a trap, yes" Max said. "However, there are many good things that can be achieved by attending this meeting. I will have my own defenses ready, and there is nothing they can do about that. I will need you to look into his mind and see what he is really planning, but I promise to keep you safe." They walked into an elevator and he sent them down to the under ground hanger. "I too fell as if you are family. However, there is a solution for everything. To travel that path of thorns one must simply wear armor to protect themselves, or burn the thorns into ash to clear a safe path. I for one have armor."
"hm as you wish brother i shall attend this meeting as your head councler so it dosn't arouse suspicion" he said smieling as he then walked with him as thay headed towards the copter and begun to think there plan "so when we atculy get there how do we start things off" he said as he looked at Max wondering what thay should do "i think we should do the amateur businessmen approach what do you think" he said smirking slightly "lead them into a false sense of sacurity" he said
Cloak gently put a hand on his head and shook her head as she started to pet him " i am cloak... we're not here to capture you...." she said to him keeping eye contact with him. She then continued " I am sorry we hurt you.... but you attack us first...." she said to him.

(Not to add insult to injury, but I fired a timed explosive bolt that would probably sent him flying)

"We're heroes, I'm Marksman, that's Cloak, and that's Aqua lass." He said, pointing to his team mates, respectively. "Maybe next time you should actually try and talk to us before trying to kill us, just a thought."
"Bye. I... Dad. I love ya' too. Bye Dad."

Abigail Jives had arrived at "The Cave" in Mount Justice. She was ready to start a new life as a super heroine and put this annoying power of hers to proper use. She hung up on her father and looked up at The Cave. For a moment she felt like finding a taxi and gettin' the hell out of dodge. But, she couldn't do that- she was apart of a team now and the next few weeks will be a blast!

Abigail gulped, before she pulled her backpack up on her shoulder and began to enter the place which would change her life forever.
Martha half smiled at William's bedside manner. He really had a way with words. "What did you mean when you talked about testing?" Maybe that had something to do with the Venom.

(Sorry @Shog , we posted at the same time on that one. I'm going to move this after your post.)
Alfa turned his head towards Marksman. "I had no intent of killing you. Only knocking you out and leaving you outside the city somewhere. Possibly maim you if necessary, but not kill. Now if you don't mind, get out of my home." His body was regenerating a lot faster than any normal body should have, but he didn't let it show just in case.

(Sorry, I don't remember anything about a timed explosive shot)


"That certainly is a good approach and one that I agree we should go with," Max replied, taking his seat in the copter. "However, we must also take into consideration that he knows I was taught by Lex Luthor himself and will have a minimum expectation. Our first goal should be to figure out what he is really after here and decide the best plan of action from there."

Red Tornado was in charge of keeping the team in check and spent much of his time in the cave. He was pretty much the only original Justice League member still in action simply because he was a robot. He walked up to meet Martha and shook her hand, formally introducing himself and welcoming her to the Cave.

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