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Fandom DC: Another Generation of Heroes (and Villains)

Cloak smiled " if your planning to knock us out then your not bad... and we apoligize for intruding into your home.... we thought this place was being used for something else" she said as she was still petting his head ' his fur is fluffy....' She thought as she stopped before she got carried away. She looked at M.C , then at the wolf and waited for him to answer.

Martha half smiled at William's bedside manner. He really had a way with words.

"Your home? I don't mean to judge but this is not quite what I would call a home. Before we leave though, what did you mean when you talked about testing?" Maybe that had something to do with the Venom. Maybe he was a watchdog?

(y'all get the timing right?)
"Well maiming makes it so much better. Now, if you don't mind, we're doing the whole hero thing right now. So if you would kindly step aside and take a number. I'll get to the whole testing thing soon. Now, the dealers are gonna know a fight went down, we'll have to box them in."
Alfa openly glared at M.C. "If you don't know already than it is of no importance to you. Oh, and what do you expect me to do? I have no money and am a 7 and a half foot wolf thing!" When Marksman spoke he just gritted his teeth and said "Gladly." He stood up and began to climb the wall again, much faster this time.
Abigail entered the cave and looked around. It was very- er, big. But of course it was, it was controlled by The Justice League! Or, what's left of 'em anyway. She saw a metal surface and placed her backpack down on it, before she looked around. This place was not big, no, it was huge. Abigail was flabbergasted at how spacious it was, and how sleek everything was, and how it was a... a... a GOD DAMN CAVE!

She couldn't believe what was happening. She'd be living here for the next several years, maybe? She continued looking around, but, she didn't come across anyone. "Hello!?" She bellowed as she sat down on a fairly comfortable sofa. Maybe she was the first one here? Or- maybe she was the last one here? Abigail didn't have a clue, but, whatever the case was, she was glad to be on the verge of joining a team of meta-humans!
Cloak blinked ' he recovered that quickly?' She was surprised and looked at M.C and Marksman " can't you two be more careful with your words?" She snapped at them which was very unlike her. " people are after him! He need our help!" She looked at the wolf that was climbing up and sighed.

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"He literally just said he tried to maim us, believe me, once we have the Venom thing under control I am all for helping this guy. I think we're being more than generous." William then looked to Alfa "So, genetic testing, and whatnot, you have my word that once we take care of the illegal drugs, you'll have our complete attention, but as of now, it's very likely they'll be here any second."
Shog said:
Red Tornado was in charge of keeping the team in check and spent much of his time in the cave. He was pretty much the only original Justice League member still in action simply because he was a robot. He walked up to meet Martha and shook her hand, formally introducing himself and welcoming her to the Cave.
( Oops, did you mean Abigail in this post? :P )

After wandering for a bit more, Abigail was approached by a red-ish guy, with a "T"-like shape on his chest. He introduced himself as "Red Tornado", and welcomed her. "Thanks, I'm Abigail, call me Abby, if you'd like." She said with a grin. Red Tornado was synthetic, no doubt about that- but, he seemed so real. It's amazing what technology has achieved in the past few decades.
Alfa stopped climbing for a second, considered his options, and jumped back to the ground. "I think I can help you with that. Follow me." He didn't wait for a response and started moving along on all fours through the maze of the warehouse. Eventually he stopped next to a large walk in safe. "This showed up a couple of days ago while I was out. Haven't figure out the combination yet, but I think what you are looking for is in here." He backed away and let them do whatever it was they came for.


"Nightwing is off in Gotham dealing with his own problems and the rest of the team is currently on a mission, so I regret to say there is on one else here. I can show you to your room, if you desire," Red Tornado offered.
Abigail nodded. "Uh, sure!" She chirped. She quickly grappled her backpack and followed Red Tornado to her room. The sleeping quarters were about a eight minute walk from the entrance of The Cave. "Any idea when the rest of team will get back?" She asked him, trying to make conversation.
Cloak smiled a little and follkwed the wolf who lead her team to a big safe. She tilted her head as she stared at the safe. Trying to determine if it was titanium or not. If it wasn't titanium then she can melt the door down, if it was then she can't since her flames oddly dont effect tjat metal. She looked at her team to see what they think.

"Should the mission go as planned, they will return in the morning," Red Tornado answered. He found her room and opened the door. "I believe you will fit in quite well with the others. Should you need anything, just call."
"There's one combination that works on every safe, I call it military grade explosives." William grabbed another cylinder and attached it to the safe. ."All in favor of going in the loud way?"
Cloak blinked "um... shouldn't we try melting it first?" She asked " if we blow up the door then the contents inside the safe can get destroyed...." she added quietly.

"I agree, maybe the LOUD way isn't the best. We don't know who's around. The people we are after could already be in the building or there could booby traps."
"Thank you, Red Tornado. And I will." Abigail thanked him as he left. She looked around her room and smiled. It was nice. It was quaint. "With a few posters and some graffiti on the walls, I'm sure it'll look like home." She said aloud. She fell back onto her bed and sighed. 'So far, so good' she thought to herself.
Just as the Cryptid was approaching the next set of sewage bars, there was a disturbance above her. Instead, the Cryptid climbed upward and exited the sewer onto the streets, and in front of her, an abandoned warehouse. "Venom..." She growled, running on all fours to the far side of the warehouse, and climbing atop the roof, listening for a conversation. Although, a heavy hunk of metal would not bode well to being so stealthy if it were to climb to the top of a warehouse...
Cloak looked at Aqua lass and Marksman " i...am gonna try melting a hole into it..." she said quietly as she walked over the safe. More than 2 minutes have pass since used electricity to cover her staff, which now turned into a katana. The blade was white and it started to glow red and gave off heatwaves. She stabbed her katana into the safe and moved it in a circular pattern and a hole I to it. Once it was done she pulled onto the handle and moved away as the door fell down. She peeked inside to see the contents of the safe. Her katana turned back to a staff and it stopped glowing red.

Aqualass looked at Marksman, "Next time we need to blow something up, its all yours." She winked at Cloak and walked up to freshly cut hole and looked in. "There doesn't seem to be that much in here. Are you sure we came all the way her for a few boxes of-"

Martha froze as she heard the faintest clanging of metal on metal from above. It might have been her imagination, but she was already on high alert. Yeah, it was probably her imagination. She felt a tightness in the skin around her fist. She had forgotten about the dryness. She stepped away from the safe, looking up, and grabbed her spray. "Marksman, check this out. You know way more about this. Is this the prize?" she asked while she misted her exposed face and tattooed arm.
The Cryptid paused, as stiff as a cat stalking it's prey. It leaned in closer to the platform of the roof, and began to eavesdrop. There were about three or more people. This was critical. Venom was going to be displeased about this... And consequences may vary...
Cloak smiled when M.C winked at her. She looked at boxes and then moved out of the way for Marksman and Aqua lass to do the rest. She already has done everything she can. She sat down and watched them work. She then notice something off about aqua lass and stood up again. ' something is wrong....' She thought as she looked around.

Alfa sighed as he realized he would need to relocate and find a new home. "Anyway, you guys have fun with that. I'm going to pack what few things I have. Oh, and your fourth member is not stealthy at all. That is something you should work on."
" wait... you dont have to go anywhere...we csn help..." Cloak then blinked when he mentioned "4th member?.... there are only three off us...." she said as she got into a fighting stance and looked around.


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