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Fandom DC: Another Generation of Heroes (and Villains)


The Infinite Being
Years have passed since the original glory days of the Justice League. The original heroes have retired and are their side kicks have taken their place. Many of then have even adopted their own side kicks. However, for every new hero that rises a new villain does as well. Technology has advanced a great deal as well as a few natural phenomena. The villains have a new master plan; will the heroes be ready in time?
"Team, report to the Cave for mission briefing in 10," Nightwing said into the communicator. The Cave in Happy Harbor was the current headquarters for the young team, and Nightwing, previously known as Rob9n, was in charge of assigning missions to them. The League still took care of every major event, but the team had a few smaller, usually covert, missions. Once everyone showed up Nightwing began the mission briefing. "We have word that Venom, yes the same Venom that allows criminals such as Bane to gains super strength, is being delivered in Phoenix Arizona. This is not a normal location for any Venom shipments and we believe the Venom might be changed to create stronger, potentially permanent weapons out of people and animals. To back this theory, several reports have been circulating of some sort of mutant wolf creature roaming the city. Your mission is to go in and figure out what the Venom is being used for and who the supplier and buyer is. This is a covert mission, so avoid conflict with the enemy. Any questions?"

(you have an aircraft for transportation)


Max was inside his skyscraper home. This building housed everything he and Lexcorp could possibly need. There was everything from a nice and homey area, to expert scientists and their rooms, to Max's personal tinkering room. That was where he was now, in fact. He was designing a new weapon for his Titan suit. Connor lived here too, but Max didn't know where he was. Lex Luthor had died around two years ago, so Max now owned the rights to Lexcorp. He had done plenty of research on how to properly work this business, but still had several advisors. He liked having Connor on had for that reason. Connor could tell if they were hiding anything from him, and he had fired more than a few of them.
Connor was in his bedroom. Thinking over his proposal to get a global expansion of lex corp he grabbed his clip board. While running over his few notes he had been thinking of haveing lex cops all over the world. China, England, Spain all over the place. Once he was ready he went to see Max he knocked on the door "Mr luthor it's me Connor" he said he always kept formality's with max when business is involved whatever the purpose may be. He waited until he was allowed to come in knowing that Max was probably working on something really delicate.
One of the team members called cloak was already at the cave. She was in her room watering some plants, that decorate her room. She has long auburn hair, acid green eyes, ligtly tan skin and was wearing a pink top and blue pants. She was humming softly and smiled when she listened to the plants enjoying the water. She smiled and stopped " your welcome" she was about to lay down and read a book but stopped when she heard Nightwing. " Roger Mr.Nightwing" she said.

A blue bowstaff appeared in her hand, her clothes turned black and she was wearing a white cloak with a face mask. She pulled the face mask and the hood down. Since she didn't to wear them now and went off to the briefing room. Where she listened to the mission. ' a werewolf....' She thought when he heard him mention him.

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Max stopped working when Connor knocked on his door. "Enter" he called back and began to put his tools back where they belonged. "You bring good news, I hope" he said and turned to face Connor.
William was tossing a ball up in the air when he heard the briefing. It hit the ground with a light 'thump' and Will stood from his bed. He grabbed his crossbows off a wooden dresser and strapped then to his costume before walking out the door. He got to the cave and walked in with swagger. Will then met with Nightwing and Cloak saying "So, venom, tried to fight a guy using it back in Star. They do not go down easy."
"yes indeed sir i was planning are global lexcorp proposal to different contys in less then 10 years we will have lexcorp HQ's all over the world all under your control sir" he said looking at him "and plus now that superman is retired the only people who can stop you now are just snobish company owners. You can leave them to me sir il tell them what thay want to hear and you handle the other things" Connor said looking at him then begun to walk towards the window "this world was bad to us treated us like filth thinking we can't succes and look at us now head and head executive of a soon to be a global company hmhm seem's to good to be true we started on the streets" he said laughing a little.
Alistair was looking over Star City in his newly-renovated office. He said to his secretary, Martha "Bring up communications with Luthor. A blue screen filled with charts and camera feeds covered the window. If all went well, his plan would go into phase 1 soon.
Max stood up and followed Connor over to the window. "Wonderful. I know you will get what we desire from those weak minded fools. Just be sure to give yourself more credit. I couldn't have gotten this far without you". He was about to continue when there was a notification of a video chat. He backed up from the window and pressed a few buttons on the device over his lower left arm. The large window darkened and soon a picture of Alistair appeared on the screen. "What is it?"

(going to a friends house for a few hours, so I can't reply for a while)
Connor smiled as he continued to look until the window darkened he walked beside Max as he then saw Alistair he knew of max's plan but he didn't know other people were involved he an't read the mind of Alistair eh needed to see him in person to do that which gave him great unease. He continued to look at Max and Alistair he knew his place and decided to keep quit at the time.
"Taggert industries would like to extend an Olive branch. Phase one of my plans is being blocked by Queen Consolidated, I like to suggest a trade pact, financially starving Queen would be a great advantage to the two of us. With Queen's cybernetic competition out of the way, Luthor stocks would rise ten points."
Cloak looked at William and tilted her head, she hasnt been here long enough to know about vemon, she only know a handful like Lex luthord, Brainiac, joker and so on. ' I still have a lot to learn...' She thought as she looked at William " um... can you tell me about Venom?" She asked him quietly.

"Venom is a potently addictive strength-enhancing super-steroid. It's based on the Miraclo formula developed at Bannerman Pharmaceuticals in Gotham. Bane is one of it's more infamous users, but thugs all over the country use it. It makes it's users stronger, faster, and a whole lot dumber. Gotta say, it's one of the nastier street drugs out there."
"Which is why this new buyer needs to be checked out" Nightwing said. "I have sent you the coordinates of a mostly unused storage facility where we believe the transaction will occur. Remember, you are to not engage the enemy unless your hand is forced. Now go."

(I'm just going to pretend that everyone who is going was at the briefing and will be with you)


"This is true" Max said. The various outcomes of this situation were running ramped through his head. "Perhaps we could meet in person to discus the details? I'm free when you are." What fascinated him most was not the increase in money, but what his plan was. It was clearly well thought out seeing as there were several stages to it. He would have to make sure Connor was there to make sure there was no double cross. It was true he leaned on Connor more that he would like to admit, but at least they were on the same side.
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Cloak nodded at William explaination " ok..." she said to him. As she looked at Nightwing and then at the silver bracelet, which was given to her. She pressed a few buttons and a hologram that was a map appeared with the coordinates. She stared at the surrounding area and nodded and as she pressed a button to map it disappear " understood..." she said and started to head to the aircraft with William and the other members.

William entered the aircraft with a quiver strapped to his back. He waited to begin the journey the Phoenix. William was somewhat confused why they hadn't just sent local law enforcement to apprehend the dealer, but his questions would be answered upon arrival. This trip would make use of a few of his trick arrows. William had also brought along a stamp with his symbol, it had started trending online and was already quite popular.
Cloak sat down at the controls. ' ok.... how does this go again....' She thought. She got the training and done this a few times ' ok... come on.. you don't this in training...' She took a deep breath, put her staff down and plug in the coordinates. She then started the engine 'don't be nervous...' She thought and the gate opened and she made the aircraft invisible and then lift off and head towards their destination. She sighed in relief and calmed down after a bit as she flew the the aircraft without any problems.

Martha was not thrilled with the idea of going to the Phoenix. The desert was the polar opposite of her comfort zone. She had listened to the briefing Nightwing gave with as much attention she could muster, but she was mostly concerned with which water sources she was going to bring with her.

She sat in the aircraft and ran through her list again, Spray bottle for the skin, camelback for hydration, and filled collapsable pouches for weaponry. Was that it? Three things? She gripped onto her armrests trying to calm her fears. Cloak seemed to be doing fine now, but her unsure takeoff had not helped MC's anxiety. Breathe. . . you'll be fine, she whispered to herself.
William couldn't help but take notice of Martha's anxiety which was understandable. Atlantean biology would not mesh well with Arizona. Luckily, the deal would probably be going down at night. Wasn't this a triple A team. An Atlantean-Alien princess, a spoiled rich kid that likes to shoot things, and a well-meaning amnesiac.
Cloak started to hum softly as she started to enjoy flying the aircraft. She looked at the map and saw that they were getting closer to their destination. She press a few button as she started to land the aircraft a few miles away from their destination. Once it was done and she leaned back on the chair and let out a soft sigh in relief. She checked everything to see and double checked to see if the invisibility was still on which it should be so enemies down spot it. Once done the door opened for her teammates to leave. She grabbed her staff and followed after them.

MC really had to do something to get her mind off of being a fish in the air hurdling towards a desert. She took out her camelback and slid out a little of the water. She formed it into a ball in her fist, let it start to fall, and then pulled it back into a ball. She looked over to William. Lots of green everywhere. Apart form the looks, the charm, the athletic ability, he had nothing. . . except a ton of money. "I've seen your symbol pop up online quite a few times recently. Workin' on your brand?"

The craft began its descent and MC's attention snapped back to the mission. Nerves had to but in the past. She directed her water back into the camelback and stood. Cloak had actually done a great job piloting The heat hit her as the door opened. It was night, but it was still hot. She stepped out into the desert.
Keon was sitting atop a small building. She loved the view, and hated the people. She hated humans. She watched as the sun blazed over her skin. There was a sense of relaxation, for that, the legendary Cryptid did not dare to overestimate the human mind. Even though it was much more powerful, she felt like running an experiment. Well, not really. It was more of a murder. She stood up on the edge of the building and her body began to increase in its size, plates interlocking and the Cryptid becoming present in Earth's realm. Facial plates moved forward, covering its bright blue audits and dropping down the side of the building and into the alley way. The Cryptid's talons clanked against the concrete and dank puddles. Her structure utilized itself, the underglow brightening as the shadow of the alleyway crept over the monster, and became thirsty for murder...

(Open, if anyone needs to find me haaaaaaaaaa.)
William was kind of surprised at Martha's statement, he didn't peg her for the social media type. He responded nonetheless "Nowadays there's more heroes than you can shake a stick at. It's important to advertise. If you'd like I could have marketing whip up something for you."

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The door closed and the aircraft was now completely invisible. Cloak put on her hood and cloth mask that cover her nose and mouth. She looked around the area and then pulled up the map. She smiled " not that far..." she mumbled and looked back her two teammate and tilted her head a little before she started walking. She quietly listened to their conversation.

Alistair spoke once again "Shall I prepare my pilot to chart a course to Metropolis, or will I have the pleasure of meeting you in Star?" That went over well, surprisingly well. With Luthor's backing, all of Alistairs enemies would go tumbling down.

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