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Fandom DC: Another Generation of Heroes (and Villains)

As Marksman spoke Nightwing began to type on his consol. He used the current picture of Alfa's face and ran it through a facial recognition program. He then looked up anything on the robot. "We will need to give your new member a physical and check his overall health. I can't back your promise, but I do trust you and if you think he will do well on the team then I will make sure to keep that in mind. We can work on tracking this robot..." he stopped mid-sentence. "Whoa. I need to get a description from you, but I think you can into Project Cryptid. overall, good work team." He then continued his research on Alfa, but found nothing. "I can't find any records on this "werewolf" of yours, but I will keep looking. Head back to the Cave and hit the showers. There is a new member waiting for you."

(@Deadkool Max is waiting)
Cloak nodded " Roger that, team out" she said and ended communication. She looked back at Alfa " that went well" she said with a smile and went back to looking where she was flying. The though of flying into something, ran through her head, she shook her head again and continued to fly calmly.

Alistair replied by saying "I'm glad you've decided to join me in this venture. I will begin relaying the technical details of the plan with you." A limo pulled up outside and Alistair prepared to enter.
The aircraft soon arrives at the cave. Cloak carefully landed it inside the plane. It took her a few minutes to get it inside without scratching it. She sighed in relief and opened the door and stretched. She smiled happy with her decent piloting skills. She got up and walked out the craft with the rest of her team.

Alfa felt overwhelmed as he left the aircraft and into the Cave. For one thing it was huge, and for another he had traveled more in the past hour than the rest of his life. Hopefully this would be a better place.
Cloak's cloak and black clothing disappeared and now she was wearing her casual outfit, which was a pink top and blue pants. She looked at Alfa and smiled " what do you think?" She asked him a referring to the cave " oh and my real name is Anise" said to him. " I'll show you to your room while Will gets M.C to a doctor..." she said and started walking.

"A pleasure to do buisness with you" Max said with a curt nod. He then walked back to his ride and prepared for take off. "So, want to cause some chaos?" He asked Connor.
William stepped off the aircraft and held his arms high, presenting the room, he said. "Welcome, to Mount Justice, Rhode Island. Super secret, but not that secret secret superhero base. Make yourself at home."
"Wow, this is a bit overwhelming," Alfa said and followed Cloak. 'Hey, why is no one ever just whelmed?' He thought to himself (who gets the reference?). "So you guys live here?"
Connor loked t max nd smiled and nodded "let me get a few things first" he said smerking as he unpaced his gas mask and pure black suite along with his contact lenses
" yep!" She said happily. Members that don't have a home outside being a hero lives here...." she said "i was told that I came from another world... so I don't have a home so I live here...." she smiled at him as they arrived at his room " here is your room... if you need anything I'll be down the hall, first room to the right" she said to him " hope you like it here..."

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Alfa smiled at her. He wasn't sure the lady time he had really smiled, but it had to have been several years. "Thank you." He then turned into the room and closed the door behind him. It was a bit smaller than he was used to, but there was privacy. It supprisingly didn't feel cage-like, probably because of its size. He set his backpack down and sat on the bed, soaking it all in.

"Head to Gotham" Max instructed the pilot. He then tapped on the same device he had been all day and programmed the Titan suit to meet them there. "We will be arriving soon" the pilot informed them.

(@TheSword The team is back in the Cave)
Anise smiled bavk " no problem" she said. After he left she stretched and went off to her room. She hummed as she walked, she soon arrived at her room. She looked at the plants and watered them again for about 5 seconds then stopped. She plopped down her bed and took out a book to read.

M.C. stripped her armor off of her left shoulder. Her hands were still stinging a bit, but they were rapidly healing."I'm sure I don't need a full doctor. I think I'm just going to soak in some sea water. I'll be right as rain in the morning. I'll see you guys soon." She turned to leave, her uncle would be expecting her.
"well... Gotham city never thought il be going back there again.." Connor said looking at Max he told him all the story's he had in Gothem before he moved to metro city. He sighed hevily a little as he sat the opposit side of Max.
After about an hour later. Anise sat up her bed thinking about what to do ' i should go out for a walk in the city...' She thought to herself as she sighed a little and then her stomach growled ' but I should eat something first....' She got out of bed and left the room and headed of to the kitchen to make some sandwiches. She hummed a little ' or I could train to....' She thought.

Nightwing's voice filled the Cave through the intercom system. "Team, report to the briefing area. And that includes you wolf dude." Alfa hadn't been doing much of anything really and was glad for an excuse of something to do. He thought he remembered something that might be what they were talking about and started making his way there.


"I figure blowing a few things up in Gotham can't hurt" Max said. "Well, not us, anyway. Besides, it might be nice for you to let out any pent up feelings for the wretched city. However, we can change course if you so desire."
"as long as i get to blow up that reched wan manor it's about time that place got torn down" he said as he looked at him putting his gas mask on "so shall we begin" he said looking at Max. Switching personality almost instantly.
Anise was sitting on the couch in the living room of the cave and was eating some sandwiches and drawing something. When she heard Nightwing's voice, she got off the couch and put the food in the refrigerator and changed into her costume and ran off to the briefing room like instructed.

Max smirked. "So we shall." He stood up, opened the door, and jumped out. He was free falling over Gotham and his Titan suit caught up to him. It opened up and allowed Max inside. The suit was them put under manual control and Max returned to Connor. "Coming?"

@Deadkool @maclesmouse (It is still going (I think))

William headed to the briefing area, grabbing an apple on the way. As he arrived, William bit into it, listening to whatever Nightwing had to say.
MC had received the little ping on her watch that told her to get back to the base. She hoped this next mission would be by an ocean so she could kick some ass. She walked into the briefing room and took a seat.
Cloak arrived at the briefing room and looked around. She wondered if Alfa is lost, she did get lost multiple times when she first got here. ' I wonder if I should go and get him....' She thought.


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