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Fandom Darker Stars || OOC

Starting things off with a bang is not a bad way to go! I'm up for the ship crashing. If we start earlier, that's okay too, gives an opportunity for us to interact though I imagine we'll have that chance afterwards too.
Magadude Magadude I don't believe there would be. Ori is a pretty unimportant planet, and no records of evidence of civilization have been found for it. It might have been mentioned once or twice on holocrons because of its unusually evolved creatures, though.
Karcen Karcen ok. I'm putting out a post now, but in case you forgot, Weyx had told your character to see if the hangar door was jammed or not. It's up to you if it is.
skulzortheskeletalsamurai skulzortheskeletalsamurai Magadude Magadude Epiphany Epiphany Donder172 Donder172 capMARVELOUS capMARVELOUS Aratani Aratani Karcen Karcen

Hey all! Time to talk plot points. I'm having a lot of fun with this RP so far, and i hope you are too. We have a diverse cast of characters, which means there's a lot we can include in this RP.

Now that our party is beginning their journey onto Ori, anything can happen. I was thinking that we could time-skip to the end of their first day, when they find a cave or something to camp in. I have a little something planned for then, but I think I'll keep it a surprise.

But I'd like to hear your thoughts. Give me input! Give me an idea you'd like to see included! This RP is yours as much as it is mine.
Some suggestions, ideas and comments in no particular order:
  1. Fun RP so far. :) Thanks for sticking with it!
  2. Resist the temptation to split the party, unless you really enjoy pain. I know it's a big group and it's an 'easy' way to allow groups to be more focused on individuals. But it also splits your focus, clutters the thread with posts others will either skip past or be confused by if it doesn't pertain to them, and varying post rates usually mean one of the groups will stall. Which is less of an issue with a big group which will just keep rolling.
  3. Instead, consider events that allow for small groups within the group to converse/do stuff that doesn't necessarily physically separate them from the group. Things like one of them stumbling across an artifact that several others see, or perhaps the environment affects different species differently, meaning some of the characters need to rely on a partner or buddy.
  4. This is a survival story (as far as I know) so I don't imagine most of our characters will have an opportunity to accomplish much in the way of personal motivations. Given we're all playing Padawans, most of us probably don't have much in the way of meaningful motivations anyway! So most of the usual plot points to hook characters based on backstory won't apply. But if this planet's been visited by others before, there's always the prospect of finding a wrecked ship with another survivor or two, perhaps of a species that one or two of the Padawans comes from, or perhaps from a traditional hostile species to one of the PCs.
Those are my two standard galactic credits for thought. :)

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