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Fantasy (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)City of Shadows...(Accepting)

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With a sharp inhale, Alfons' eyes snapped open at the foreign touch. Alfons looked sharply to whom the touch belonged to and relaxed when he saw it was Delilah. "Oh..." He muttered. It seemed as though he had fallen asleep. The raven haired man straightened and tried not to yawn. "Sorry," Alfons apologized, "it seems as though I was more tired than I thought..."

Delilah wore an expression that was a mix of guilt and embarrassment as she looked away from him. "I'm sorry... I woke you up from your nap..." She murmured yet the corners of her mouth turned up slightly when she stole a glance at him and caught a glimpse of his messy hair. Gently, she reached over and brushed some of it back into place. "Are you sure you don't want to call it a day and get some rest? You've been working a lot these few days." Now her eyes carried something like concern for him in those gold depths.

"No, no, it's fine," Alfons assured. Her fussing over his hair reminded him somewhat of a mother hen, but he found he didn't mind it. Instead, Alfons quite enjoyed it. "I want to finish the spell beforehand. I finished the incantation, now all that's left is going through with it. Then I will get some rest as you say." His long, bony fingers brushed over her wrist in an odd way of trying to reassure her. "You don't need to worry about me."


Her brow furrowed slightly, a sign that his reassurance wasn't working very well, but after a few seconds, she nodded reluctantly, letting a smile spread across her lips. "Okay then, we best get this incantation done. Then you really must get some rest." Gently she flicked the last hair back into place, leaning back slightly to study him, a calm expression now melting onto her face. "Shall we?"
With a small chuckle and smirk, Alfons nodded. Then he started to speak, the crystal ball shining a white light and the package Jekyl/Hyde left behind started to quiver slightly. The package rose while Alfons spoke, slowly moving towards the crystal. When they touched, the item fazed through the glass and into the room displayed inside.

When it finished, Alfons felt a rush of fatigue. He was glad that he would be able to get some more sleep. However, before he did that, Aflons started to put the items used away neatly, into their respective places. "Today was a long day," Alfons mumbled in middle of rinsing the eye and replacing it in the green jar where it was usually kept.


Delilah watched him with wary eyes. She could easily see how tired he was... How hard he pushed himself sometimes... She hoped to let him rest soon, lending him a hand by carefully picking up the crystal ball and placing it in its cabinet before proceeding to pass him any of the ingredients he left at the table.

Once everything was back in its place, she turned to him, expression calm. "Come, you really need to get some sleep. It has been a long day... For the both of us.." As she spoke, she was reminded of the events of the day and a smile crept over her lips.
Alfons nodded numbly. "Right, right. Thank you, Del. I'm glad to have you around," he murmured quietly. Walking towards her, his fingers reached up to play with a lock of her brown hair. He looked up at her with a small smile.


Her eyes lowered in an expression of utter peace as he played with a lock of her hair and she gently reached up to his hand, taking it and pressing it to her cheek gently in pure bliss before she looked up to meet his gaze. "...come on Al, lets go."

She took a few steps towards the door, pulling him along gently by his hand.
NekoQueen49 said:
With a small chuckle and smirk, Alfons nodded. Then he started to speak, the crystal ball shining a white light and the package Jekyl/Hyde left behind started to quiver slightly. The package rose while Alfons spoke, slowly moving towards the crystal. When they touched, the item fazed through the glass and into the room displayed inside.
When it finished, Alfons felt a rush of fatigue. He was glad that he would be able to get some more sleep. However, before he did that, Aflons started to put the items used away neatly, into their respective places. "Today was a long day," Alfons mumbled in middle of rinsing the eye and replacing it in the green jar where it was usually kept.

Misery was sipping on his tea about to answer the cat when he heard a noise from the other room. He walked over and saw a white mask. 'That better not be hers!' He thought in a panic. He picked it up and fell to his knees. "Sh-Shit....Joy...." He said trembling. His sadness quickly grew into anger. He felt a trace of the spell used to send it to him. He traced it back to the hexlair headquarters. He flew up to the roof and took care of his bargaining chip and found a way inside. He was seen by 3 members and three members were found dead later. He made his way to the room where the spell was preformed.

@NekoQueen49 @Dominaiscna
Alfons began to follow until he felt a presence. An angry one. His green sharpened to where it was coming from. He knew this might happen. Alfons released a deep sigh and started towards it, passing through the door. Of course he wasn't going to get any sleep tonight. Life wasn't that simple. "It seems that we have even more company. I knew it was a setup," Alfons said lowly, in a harsh voice.

Misery saw a man walk through the door and he pushed him back in. "Where is she?" He asked in a surprisingly calm tone. He looked around the room at everything his smooth black stone mask glistening in the moonlight. He drew his sword still in its sheath. He dropped it and looked at you. "Who set you up?"

Delilah stood just behind Alfons, rigid as she felt the hairs on her back stand at the sight of the strange man. Some thing about him put her on edge... And she didn't like it ... At all. Her gaze slid to the back of Alfons's head... Trying to figure out what he was thinking now... But try as she might, staring at his hair gave her no answers. She remained silent, wondering whether they should reveal the names of their visitors...

So they had been set up...
Alfons stared blankly. It seems as though he knew... "Jekyl," Alfons answer softly. And here he thought he would have to get into a fight. However, just in case, Alfons summoned his remaining energy into his hand, ready to summon force a plasma ball just in case his answer displeased the stranger, likely Misery.

@Hisan @Dominaiscna

Delilah's gaze slid from the plasma ball that was present in Alfons's hands and the gun now cocked in Misery's. Her heart missed a beat as she realized something. If he shot... There was nothing she could do to protect Alfons...

"Hyde..." She said, trying to make her voice calm and collected, "Jekyl and Hyde."
"Calm down. I don't plan on shooting anyone. Now where can I find this bastard?" I say I pull out the gun and drop it as well hoping you would do the same.
Relaxing and letting his magic dissipate, Alfons regarded him coolly. "I'll be able to tell you tomorrow. However, I'm not available for the rest of tonight. I hope you understand, even magic has it's limits."

"I'll have the guards receive you tomorrow. Meet me in the lobby. For now, I need my rest. Prepare ten thousand dollars as well," Alfons added before continuing towards his bedroom. "Good night for now."

@Hisan @Dominaiscna
"I don't have money." Misery said as he walked out of the headquarters without anyone noticing him. He didn't have money however he did have another thing

Delilah had been quiet up till now, having had a mental conflict within herself... How could they have let so many intruders just walk straight into Hexlair... When Alfons turned to walk off, she remained rooted where she was, her gaze following the masked man, watching him warily.

There was something about him..
I flapped around happily after finding my first job in ages, "locate some big gang leader guy named Alfonce? Alfons? Eh, whatever, whoever he is that guy is paying some big bucks for the information, and do i need the money... Haven't eaten properly in about... A week? Two?" I flapped around, hoping for some sort of magical presence,,sadly I wasn't given very much information about him, just that he was someone important @NekoQueen49 (sorry, just looking for a way into the rp >~<)
It was a mistake, she should've not looked at him. Now, he had her rooted there with his gaze and she stood frozen, meeting his gaze without flinching yet inside, she was squirming away from his presence. Theres was something unsettling about him...

She tried to speak but her voice was caught in her throat. His eyes..
"What's the matter cat got your tongue?" Misery says in a cool voice. "I best be going then. Curiosity isn't a bad thing you know. It can be good on occasion."

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