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Fantasy (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)City of Shadows...(Accepting)

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Hisan said:
I make a plate of tuna for the cat and set it down on the floor, I slide it towards you. I go back to cooking and every once I'll look over and make sure you're not getting into trouble. "You talk? Like English or just in meows purrs and growls." I ask mainly because of the fact that city is weird but it was what I was looking for.
Cecil looked around and gave a small musical purr. this was a secondary spell that allowed him to talk. "Well that depends what you consider

speaking. i can speak English, Spanish, Arabic, and some french...so yes. the Name is Jaxon and i dont know where my owner is. we just moved here and i lost him. Please help me find him mister." he put on his best cute cat voice.
loyalwolf said:
Cecil looked around and gave a small musical purr. this was a secondary spell that allowed him to talk. "Well that depends what you consider
speaking. i can speak English, Spanish, Arabic, and some french...so yes. the Name is Jaxon and i dont know where my owner is. we just moved here and i lost him. Please help me find him mister." he put on his best cute cat voice.
"Interesting...you and whoever is controlling you must be pretty cunning." I say as I turn the stove off and pull whatever I was cooking off of the stove and put it onto a plate. "If you don't mind me asking, who wants to know about me? I honestly hoped that no one noticed me come into town."

Delilah didn't reply for a few seconds, watching him silently. He doesn't mean it in a bad way, Delilah...he just doesn't want it to be boring for you... I wouldn't understand anything he was doing if i stayed anyway...she reassured herself. Nodding slightly, she took a step away from the table. "Yeah, i need to change out of my work clothes and wash up...is it fine if you message me when you're going to do the incantation? I want to watch." She hadn't realized how hot it actually was wearing the catsuit and proceeded to tie her hair back to cool herself down.
"Yes, of course," Alfons promised her. "Go wash up, I'll let you know when I'm done." It was a pity to see her go, but Alfons knew that they both had responsibilities elsewhere. She was probably uncomfortable. That thought made Alfons feel slightly sad, since he had forced her to stay so long. But so much had happened, it couldn't have been helped.


Delilah too seemed just a little sad, but it didn't show much, just the slightest chiange in the curve of her eyebrows to the darkening of her eyes. As if like a parting gift, she instinctively appraoched him and gently placed a light kiss on his cheek that left her lips tingling before she pulled back. "I'll see you later then..." She murmured softly, turning and walking to the door in silent steps. Grabbing her coat and then, she was gone. Out of the door.
Hisan said:
"Interesting...you and whoever is controlling you must be pretty cunning." I say as I turn the stove off and pull whatever I was cooking off of the stove and put it onto a plate. "If you don't mind me asking, who wants to know about me? I honestly hoped that no one noticed me come into town."
the cat looked sideways like he ddn't know what the man was talking about. "I figured you would be able to see through the spell. doesn't really matter considering i got what i wanted. this cat is simple an empty husk that i let roam for me. the name is Cecil and i am a information broker. i was recently hired to look into you. if you want more information maybe you can stop by my office. or you can continue talking to a cat, its really up to you. im not bothered either way." the cat walked around the place inspecting everything."You know you dont really live in the most luxuries house. it's actually kinda sad, in a fun way dont you think Missy."
loyalwolf said:
the cat looked sideways like he ddn't know what the man was talking about. "I figured you would be able to see through the spell. doesn't really matter considering i got what i wanted. this cat is simple an empty husk that i let roam for me. the name is Cecil and i am a information broker. i was recently hired to look into you. if you want more information maybe you can stop by my office. or you can continue talking to a cat, its really up to you. im not bothered either way." the cat walked around the place inspecting everything."You know you dont really live in the most luxuries house. it's actually kinda sad, in a fun way dont you think Missy."
"Well this isn't my permanent home so." I smirk and open the door for the cat. "Are you done? Or are you here to stay?0
Maud hailed the bartender for another beer. So far, she had drinken about 5 or so. Receiving the beer, she gulped it down as fast as she could. Tired...sleepy..more beer...more!
Melody-Jane cocked a brow at this. 'Definitely supernatural, oh the fun!' She thought. Her mind already playing out various methods of 'fun'. "Oh! I'm terribly sorry, I was working on my subjects that died today." She gasped, her voice highpitched and Posh. The sarcasm hidden beneath layers of manners.

Jean slid a curious glance at the woman drinking herself stupid. His black brows narrowing as she hailed the bartender for another round. "Dumbass" he muttered, snorting as she drank.

Hisan said:
"Well this isn't my permanent home so." I smirk and open the door for the cat. "Are you done? Or are you here to stay?0
"I see... Well would you kick a kitty out of your home when She is homeless? So tell me about yourself, Mister?" the cat seems to make himself at home. Laying down on the floor like it was her house.
loyalwolf said:
"I see... Well would you kick a kitty out of your home when She is homeless? So tell me about yourself, Mister?" the cat seems to make himself at home. Laying down on the floor like it was her house.
Misery chuckled. "Curiosity killed the cat." He said as he sat down in a chair. "I wouldn't kick a cat out of my house but I would to a spy. Or a coward." Misery says.
Hisan said:
Misery chuckled. "Curiosity killed the cat." He said as he sat down in a chair. "I wouldn't kick a cat out of my house but I would to a spy. Or a coward." Misery says.
"Sticks and stone may break my bone but word will never hurt me. either way if you wish to kill me go ahead...im not that bothered." the cat stretched and yawn as if he was bored. "anyway if you with to meet me in person you can always come to my office....i dont mind having company around my place. maybe ill even take you out for diner."
Weigl smirked his eyes slowly becoming more and more redder,Weigl looked into her eyes "I knew it,You shouldn't lie miss i hate people who lie"Weigl laughed afterwards showing his back to her and facing the road infront of them

loyalwolf said:
"Sticks and stone may break my bone but word will never hurt me. either way if you wish to kill me go ahead...im not that bothered." the cat stretched and yawn as if he was bored. "anyway if you with to meet me in person you can always come to my office....i dont mind having company around my place. maybe ill even take you out for diner."
"I'll pass on dinner. However I'll meet you at your office." Misery said becoming quite interested. "Who sent you?" Misery asked dead serious. "And what do they want?"
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Melody-Jane paused, recalculating her words. "Oh? Now how did I lie? I happen to be a genetic Engineer. I have no human subjects. All my experiments are animals." She replied innocently. Her grey blue eyes twinkling with delight. Absent mindedly, Melody-Jane stroked her pistols hidden underneath her lab coat.

Alfons a little empty when she left, her lips leaving a intangible imprint on his skin. For a moment, he just stared at the door that closed behind her form until Al shook himself out of it. Instead of Delilah, he should focus on his work. Picking up the off white notebook, he went on to sorting out the spell.


Once the door shut behind her, Delilah leaned back against the cold wood, closing her eyes for a second. For some reason, walking away from him... Or just being farther from him.. Hurt. Unconsciously, she wrapped her arms around hersekf before pushing off from the door.

Her room was only a corridor from his office. She had an apartment outside the headquarters, but preferred to stay here, closer to home. Upon unlocking and entering her room, she locked the door behind her and precided to strip out of her dark detective clothes.

It was only once she was in the shower with the cold water pouring down onto her head and body did she finally start thinking about everything that had happened in the span of and hour or two. Now that she was alone, did she really think about Alfons, about their new relationship... About everything. Unconsciously, her hand went to her lips where she had kissed him moments ago. It was still tingling lightly.

It took him about half an hour before he finished. After setting down his notes, Alfons released a sigh. He couldn't wait until he got to bed. For whatever reason, today was harsher on him than a regular day. More emotional, something he hadn't had much experience with. His world was ruled by logic, not feelings. The longer Delilah was away from him, the more muddled and yet more clearly he could think. It was a strange experience.

Before picking up his phone, Alfons decided to check on his computer. She probably wasn't finished with washing up anyway, so it would have been rude of him to call on her. And, he also needed some time to clear his head completely.

On the desktop, Alfons found the Delayaran second had indeed taken up his master's mantle and had even called the leaders to a meeting. Alert in the most supernatural way possible, eh? How vague, Alfons thought with another sigh. What else could you expect from a greenhorn? He'll alert them tomorrow, when Alfons wasn't so completely drained.

Closing the screen, Alfons finally texted Delilah so that she would seen upon finishing whatever she was doing. As for him, he rested his forehead against the desk and, without meaning to, drifted off to sleep.


Upon stepping out of the shower, having done more thinking than actually washing, she wrapped a towel around herself and made her way back to her room with her hair trailing water droplets down her back. At first, she didn't notice the flashing of her phone on the table, instead stopping in front of the dressing table mirror, watching her reflection. Somehow... She looked different to the girl she saw in the mirror when she woke up that morning...something about her had changed...

Looking away, she flipped open her phone to Alfons's message and unconsciously, she smiled. It was almost like he was right there with her already. Putting down her phone, she dressed into a blouse and skirt, slipping back into heels before making her way back to Alfons with her hair dripping down her back. Each step faster than the last.

Upon reaching his room, she stopped. Taking a deep breahe before opening the door to find him asleep on the desk. A smile crept onto her face as she slid out of her Shoes so that she wouldn't make a noise.

Silently, she made her way up to him, peering down into his face for a second. Temptatn got the better of her as she gently trailed the tips of her fingers in his hair affectionately before she found herself leaning closer to kiss his forehead.
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Hisan said:
"I'll pass on dinner. However I'll meet you at your office." Misery said becoming quite interested. "Who sent you?" Misery asked dead serious. "And what do they want?"
"Sadly that is something i cant tell. I have some moral and i get payed based on the information i give them about you. Not For info

i give to you about them." he looks at Misery with bored eyes. "When your ready i'm will to show you to my office."
"Oh" Weigl said as he looked at her pistols "You've got weapons?Why have you got gun?,Mind if take one?"Weigl said showing her his hand,He really wanted a weapon to kill people with he hadn't used a real weapon in years

I glided through the sky, in hawk form, searching for something to eat "i may be a shapeshifter but i am a a poor shapeshifter" i thought to myself while quite literally being on the lookout for jobs (is it night or day?)
(sigh) "Another day another exhausting time at work, Im taking a vacation soon screw that". said the hooded figure with a tail sticking out "Hm if only i could be as free as those birds..." i said while looking towards the sky
"Swoop.." a small sound was made by one peculiar person all dressed in black clothing as he carefully swipes a random guys wallet from his pockets. This certain peculiar person goes by the name of Crow. As he walks around finding another opportunity (as in, something interesting to steal) he notices men from a particular gang messing with a poor maiden in distress (which is what he pictures in his mind). Without hesitation he swings unto action jumps on top of a roof of a random car, does a somersault, and throws his knives unto the heads of the bastards..

All of that could have happened if it weren't for him tripping before he even had the chance to jump. He falls down on the ground which made him roll around in pain "OWOWOWOW!" he screams until the lady screamed for help and ran towards him. Crow puts on a serious face and stands aside as the lady runs by, he trips the men running after the lady throwing one knife on the head of one of the men. The other two notices Crow and didn't hesitate for a second to beat him up. Crow dodges the two men who were simultaneously attacking him. He finds the opportunity to counter one of the men which he did, he then breaks the man's arm, his elbow, and snaps his neck. Only one guy left and he doesn't seem to be afraid even after seeing his comrade get beaten up. Crow has become impatient wanting to end the fight immediately. As the last one approaches with all his might, Crow shoots him on the knees and punches him on the cheek. At last the hero saves the day, only problem is that no one sees him as a hero at all. The crowd screams in terror including the lady he saved, he runs away from the street before the authority arrives. In a matter of seconds, he disappears unto a narrow alleyway leading him back home.

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