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Fantasy (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)City of Shadows...(Accepting)

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"That's unusual" Crow raises his voice a little bit in excitement "You're here in the city to get away from the world and take a break but you also said that you'd love some silence no way, not in this city." Crow leans forward to Robyn out of excitement "These two ideas clearly contradicts each other, I am sorry but I think you're reason was not well though out as you think it was." Crow excitedly leans a little closer not knowing of the current situation " Now tell me miss Robyn, or is that really your name, why are you here?!" Crow's face was blank and was filled with curiousity, a split second after that Crow flinches back to his seat silently drinking.

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Robyn blinked. She blinked again. "Umm, my reason wasn't well thought-out? I suppose I could've chosen somewhere else. But I've never really had the chance to live in the city before and I really wanted to know what it was like. It's so different to back home but at the same time, some things never change."

Robyn took a breath. "And yes, Robyn is my real name-"

She was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder. It was the man who had been staring earlier. "Miss Ragnelle? I'm with the Daily-"

"No comment."

Robyn sat up straighter and put her shoulders back. It was probably the lighting but her hair seemed to darken and her eyes changed slightly.

"What I do in my free time is my business and no-one else's. If I choose to have a drink, the world doesn't need to know about it," Selkie said. "That's all I will say. No pictures please."

She turned away from the man, ignoring him completely and spoke to Crow. "Sorry about this, I didn't think this would happen here of all places."

Selkie glanced at her watch. "I'd better be going, it's getting late," she said, pulling out enough money to pay the bill. "Nice meeting you. Thanks again."

@SteelPhoenix (is Crow bipolar?)
Crow nods slightly as he finishes his drink. Yet again his personality has taken full control of his head again. Crow was not used to talking, he wasn't social or some sort. He heads home using the fastest route as he noticed that it's getting a bit darker. (Crow gets overly excited especially when he is curious. He just went silent since he realized he was overdoing it.)

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"Then... What is wrong..Al?" Delilah murmured softly, her warm breathe tickling his throat. There was something bothering him... Something in those beautiful eyes of his... Why was he sad? What plagued him? She wished she knew. Her gaze rested on the darkness around them, growing ever more darker as lights within the headquarters were switched off.

"I won't force you... But.. I don't want you to be sad.. I'd do anything for your happiness.."
Alfons made a small sound. He knew that she would, and that's what scared him. Petting her soft brown hair, Alfons turned to kiss her crown. "I know. It's okay. It's something I have to work through myself," Alfons assured. "Now, get some sleep, Del. It;s been a long day."


Delilah pulled back slightly, studying him with eyes as if she was trying to read his mind. For a second, she looked like she would say something, but seemed to hold back her words, nodding gently. "I...I understand..." She finally spoke, eyes holding something like worry yet acceptance.

At first, she wanted to pull back but changed her mind. She nestled her face into the curve of his neck, breathing out a sigh as her eyes closed, "but can we please stay like this... Just for a few more seconds..?"
If that's what Delilah wanted... Alfons went along with her request, holding her tighter to him. "Yeah..." However long you want, he thought. Alfons didn't mind staying where they were either. So he kept her close until she decided to pull away.


A few seconds turned into a minute before she slowly pulled away, reluctance evident in every movement she made. "Sorry... You need to sleep Al..." She said, smiling yet she seemed just the slightest bit sad. Her hands trailed down his arms, as if reluctant to lose contact with him. "Good night, Off you go...."
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He looked down at Del. Alfons could feel her sadness, but he knew it was for the best. "Good night," he whispered. "We'll see each other in the morning." Even though he said that, Alfons felt unwilling to let her go. It's for the best, he reminded himself. We'll see each other tomorrow...


Delilah took a step back from him, giving him a silent nodd. It was for the best... They would see each other in a few hours... So... Why did she feel so sad? Turning, she took steps to go, each one harder than the last. She dared not look back... For she worried her feet might stop. What was it that made parting, even for such a short time, so painful? What was this feeling that caused the tightness in her chest the farther she drew from him?

Her mind whispered to her a dangerous four letter word... But she brushed it away... There was no such thing as love...she learnt that the hard way... love didn't exist... Right?

For the first time in years, she doubted it.
Thoroughly exhausted and only just starting to really feel it, Alfons retreated into his bedroom. It was a lavish setting for the rich man, but he ignored it all in favor of his large bed. Without changing his clothes, Alfons fell on top of his bed and proceeded to fall asleep.
Delilah reached her bedroom in no time. She opened the door to a darkened bedroom that was only lit by the light of the moon through the undrawn curtains. Locking the door behind her, she collapsed onto her bed, watching the moon rise outside through drooping eyes while her mind replayed the day's events.

She soon curled up, falling sleep to the sound of his voice in her head.
Even though Alfons was sound asleep, his instincts cut in whenever there was a noise. So when his phone rang, still in his pocket, Alfons jumped. Upon realizing it was only his phone, he pulled it out, answered it and pressed it to his ear. "This had better be important," he grumbled in a groggy voice, sleep clear in his tone.

"Sorry for interrupting your beauty at 12:48 in the afternoon. Did he get the mask?" Jekyl asked rudely. He personally didn't care for anyone, not even Hyde. (Sorry but he's a rude character I feel like shit for playing as him.)
"Of course he did, who do you think you're talking to?" Alfons sighed, rubbing his face. The man's rudeness only added to Alfons' ire. Though such ire was already diminished from what little sleep Alfons was able to get and yet expanded when his five short hours was interrupted.

Jekyl smiled. "Good to know. I'll have the rest of your money in the morning. And has he found out it was I who paid you to do so?" Jekyl asked as Hyde grimaced on the inside.
"Interesting. His tracker said that he was at your manor. Perhaps he's spying on you? Or....no it'd be wrong of me to assume your lying. My apologies." He had a suspicion the wizard was lying, however if he was then he would deal with him and the mystery man. Misery on the other hand wasn't waiting until the morning. He had already researched on Dr. Jekyl and found out where his office building was.
"Just focus on your end, Jekyl," Alfons replied, sounding amused instead of threatened. If worst came to worst, he had the power of all of Hexlair at his command. Something he forgot when dealing with this man earlier. In fact, Alfons had no idea why he was apprehensive in the first place. This was his game, and everything was laid out in his favor. One singular man with a split personality wasn't going to change that.

Leaving it at that, Alfons hung up the phone, set it on his nightstand and rolled over to get more sleep.

"Tch." Jekyl said annoyed. "You may be a gang leader but you're not invincible. Three more loose en-" As soon as he said that however a man came flying into the room as if he was thrown. He landed on the floor next to Jekyl dead. Misery walked through the door his gauntlets bloody. "Excuse Dr. Jekyl?"

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