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Fantasy (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)City of Shadows...(Accepting)

What Part Do You Play?

  • Gralance Gang

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  • Hexlair Gang

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  • Delayaran Gang

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The one you left behind...


The great old City of Shadows! That of course is just it's nickname, yet not everyone exactly knows how it got it's name. That is except for the gang members, celebrities, and all of those people. Throughout the city there are 4 supernatural gangs, although you wouldn't be able to spot a member easily if you aren't in a gang yourself, it is very surprising for some of the members of the gangs. For example there are movie star/Actors +Actresses, famous singers, business men, respected corporital groups, and even famous dancers. Really anyone you wouldn't expect to be in a gang at all. What brings the gangs to attention is not only their fighting with each other but throughout the blackmarket auctions, the gangs are one of the groups profiting off of illegal human trafficking, mainly for slaves. Though cops can never trace it back to the gangs no matter how hard they try.

What part do you play in this crazed city?

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Christine stood from her seat within her office, grabbing her phone and coffee, she opened her door, turned off the lights, and descended into the hallway where her secretary was.. Bidding a small good bye she went into the elevator, pressed the first floor, waited, then walked out and toward the huge door leading outside to cold crisp night air. Taking in a deep breath of all of the scents around her, she looked around and sighed before she finished her coffee, threw it away in the trash and walked down the street as cars whizzed by, looking like a colorful blur....


(You can start now! (^-^) )
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Accelerator was at the first floor as he was drinking some coffee as he notice Christine walking down the lobby as she walked through the huge door. Accelerator was bored as he hadn't had any plans tonight as he grins to himself as he slowly ascend from his seat as he follows Christine in the cold crisp night. Accelerator was still drinking his coffee as he was following Christine.

Christine kept walking till she heard a pair of footsteps descend behind her, yet she hadn't heard them before when she first came out. From her past she learned to be cautious of everything at all times, no matter what, this had helped her many times in the long run.

Being a vampire she had enhanced abilities in many things, and that included her flexibility and agility. Within a second she had quickly jumped into the air about 20 feet, did a backflip and landed behind who ever was following her, and from the scent she knew it was Accelerator.
Sheesh, I overreact too much...

Poking him in the back of the head and walking beside him she looked to her side, peering into his face.. "Hello.." She said casually...

@Pyka the Pikachu
Rex was sleeping in his swirly office chair at his desk in his private eye office. Then the phone rang and woke him up and startled him making fall to he ground. Then with a sigh he got up and answered the phone. "Hello, this is Frost Detective agency... Ohh mrs.Creek you calling about the case I was doing for you. Well I havnt found anything dirty about your husband and he real does have a bowling night. So I think he not real cheating on you... Good to hear your releaved... Ya just send the check to my office... Yep goodbye to you to." Rex said before hanging the phone up and stretching. Then he looked at the time and decided to head out for some food. And with that he walked out of his office, locking it before he left, and headed to a diner near by.
Christine turned her head away from him and watched him from the corner of her eye... Sighing she went ahead of him going in the direction she was heading before she- Ran into? - Accelerator. Heading down the street to a nice diner at the corner of the street, she hadn't been there before yet something was nagging at her to go there. "Would you care to join me for something to eat?" She asked Accelerator whom was now behind her, due to her going faster...
Christine nods and walks up to the door at the end of the street to the diner, she then walked in as she let it close instead of holding it open for Accelerator. He can handle opening a door ;p, she thought as she ordered a table, and waited for them to look for an open table fit for a few...
Accelerator was walking to the door as he simply ran into the door as he held his face "O-Ow...why that little pest!" He mumbles to himself as he walks into the restaurant seeing Christine as he walks behind her and karate chop softly the back of her head "Why didn't you hold the door for me?!"
Christine turns around and frowns.. "Thought you were man enough to open a door... Guess not!~" She said before following a waitress to a table by a window, then sitting in one of the seats as she looked at everything at the table as if studying them before noticing the waitress walked away...
Rex was almost to the diner when he saw somone get hit by the door. Rex chuckled to himself as he entered the diner and waited behind the the man who got hit by the door and the women who he assumed slammed the door into him. Is this a couples coral or just a bother and sister fighting... Rex thought to himself before the waitress came to him and guide him to a table.
Accelerator follows behind her as he mumbles to himself "I am stupid Christine" He said making a pout face as he sat down in the seat in front of Christine
Christine sighed and rolled her eyes as she looked around the whole entire diner, taking in everyone making sure no member from another gang was to close to them. Yet instead of a gang member she spotted someone who immediately caught her attention, turning her head back to Accelerator she thought of what could be different about the guy from everyone else. Coming up empty handed she sighed and grabbed a bunch of the butter containers that were in a bowl at the end of the table near the window and started to build a pyramid..

A child from a table across from hers was doing almost exactly the same thing...
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Accelerator looks at Christine acting like a little kid as she was building a butter pyramid as he sighs and starts taking napkins as he lightly drops the napkin on top of her pyramid
Christine watched as the thin napkin had knocked over her butter pyramid due to a misplaced butter container... Looking up at Accelerator she frowned, "You're one evil little fu*k.." she mumbles angrily to herself a she spoke to both the napkin and Accelerator.. "My pyramid was a beautiful work of art .." She says sighing as she puts the containers away..
Who is she looking out for... Rex you need to stop analyzing people around... Now her friend knocked over her pyramid... Rex thought to himself as the waitress came over to his table. "Hiya Rex, what'll be today?" The waitress asked Rex. "Just the usual, a cup of coffee with extra sugar and a smile." Rex said smirking. "I'll get the first two and if you tip good you'll get the smile" the waitress joked writing down Rex order before giving it to the cook in the kitchen.
I step onto the roof and line up the shot I look down the scope and as I look at my target he looks back up at me my red eyes glimmer in the moon light as I squeeze the trigger and the bullet comes out of the barrel I see the people running away from the body moments later seeing cop cars coming around the bend I site on the ledge looking at the cops and detectives run around like ants after a short period later I get a text "Thayer your money before looking at the building in front of me seeing a man covered in black place a briefcase down and walking away I get my money and go home a sweet in a 5 star hotel as I sit and wait for something to happen for a text to a phone call or something I just wait

  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-4-29_4-16-42.png.b5054d2e3273891163e3e7e6cacbfb1e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122376" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-4-29_4-16-42.png.b5054d2e3273891163e3e7e6cacbfb1e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> The boy jolted upwards looking around in a fit of panic "Pearl you still here?!" He called out while feeling his around the dully lit room for his sister. As he placed his hand on what he was guessing her leg he finally let out the breath he didn't know he was holding. Finally his eyes adjusted well enough to see the figure of Pearl shaking the girl's shoulder "A response would be nice next time...." Ricky muttered while letting the now waking girl go "And letting me sleep would be even better. What's wrong? You usually never wake me up unless something's bothering you." The girl stated while remembering all the time' seeing the both shake in fear while falling asleep only asking her to help him fall asleep at <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-4-29_4-54-38.png.0d72f31671785b2247b45d0047883f1a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="122385" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_05/upload_2016-4-29_4-54-38.png.0d72f31671785b2247b45d0047883f1a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>least once or twice. Don't get her wrong she was willing to help him its just not natural for him to wake her up with no real reason at all "I....had another umm....nightmare..." He told the girl while looking at the floor embarrassed. He hated having to admit that no matter who it was to. Before he could say anything else Pearl has already hugging the boy petting his head humming "No need to ashamed of telling your big sister you got spooked by a dream I'm here to help you silly." She said as the boy hugged her back nodding.

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    Pearl's Theme Song:




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She sits on her balcony looking over a town of people that look like ants looking at all the people she sees a puny her red eyes glimmer as she sighs her phone gets a message a target *sight* she texts back "tomorrow" before shutting her phone off she goes to get something to eat so she goes to a local restaurant as the hotel room service is down and she wants to go out for her own time no work no gang just her so she puts in her blue contact lenses and jacket and she leaves
Anival looked at himself in the mirror, he looked every part the professional, with the exception of the beard stubble. He was trying to grow it out, but halfway through always shaved it. This time he was determined to go through with it. Walking to the living room in his modest townhouse, a movement off to his left. It was his dog Rocky. A 4 year old chocolate lab, and his only companion. Anival bent down and pet it. “Bye Rocky, take care of the place.” The dog just looked at him and wagged its tail. Anival walked outside, a black sedan already waiting for him. No doubt his partner. Anival walked over and climbed inside. A thirty something year old sat behind the wheel. Looking at him with a huge smile. “Breakfast is on me today!” What an idiotic smile thought Anival but took the bag and coffe anyways. Fast food, figured.

“Thanks sorien.” He put the coffee in the cup holder, and took out a pack of cigarettes, he put one to his mouth and lit it, taking a long deep drag before talking. “I wonder what kind of day today will be?” With that the car started onto the main street.
Accelerator sighs as he glances to an open table seeing some butter containers as he get's up and grab some for Christine as he handed it to her as he soon sat back down.
Christine glowed, not literally, as she got more butter packets and started building a tower of butter. Then growing bored after she finished the tall tower, she looked around the room once more, her eye sorta of stopping on the guy from earlier as she kept looking around for any enemies. Noticing none at the moment she looked back at accelerator.
And now she built a bigger butter tower... Wait did she look at me for a momment. And she's looking at everyone else here too... She may have a lot of enemies... Or I'm over analyzing this... Rex thought to himself as waited for his food to be done. The waitress came over to him and placed his cup of coffee in front of him. "Thanks" Rex said before starting to drink his coffee.
Christine sighed and sat more straight as she had felt someone's eyes on her earlier, she then turned as a waitress then approached her table and asked what drink she would like, she ordered water then waited for Accelerator to order as she played with the butter again making an intricate, architectural, designed butter building.


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