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Fantasy (;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)City of Shadows...(Accepting)

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Delilah's voice caught in her throat at his sudden actions, her face warming to a bright red as he started leaning in. Nodding, she murred out a "yes... " with her eyes slowly closing, hands rising to grip his shirt.
Selkie stood with wide eyes for a couple of seconds as she processed what had happened. She was standing a couple steps away from where she was a few seconds ago and the reason had fallen down on a pavement nearby. She had felt a burning heat just before she had been pushed... Had that person pushed her out of the way? She was too much in shock to notice he was slightly transparent.

Selkie snapped out of her stunned state and looked around her to check for any danger. She couldn't see any so her attention turned to the person who had pushed her out of the way, probably saving her life. He was staring at her.

Selkie felt guilty. This guy had saved her life and she was staring at him. She walked towards him and held out her hand to help him up.


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The girl was fine, mission complete for the brave (and/or reckless) Crow. The girl approaches him reaching out her hand and she thanked him. Crow was astonished of her reaction of course, most people would probably scream as they see a ghost in the human world except for her. He reaches out his hand and stands up. "You're welcome.." He says while still catching his breath, being almost burnt to crisp isn't really part of his daily routine.

With nothing else to say or do, Crow shrugs and walks away heading home. Crow waves as he was walking.

Selkie stared at the retreating figure with disbelief. After all that he was walking away! She started to run after him.

"Hey! Wait up! At least let me know your name!" she shouted.

Crow was quite embarrassed of the way he's acting but he ignored that fact and turned around to speak to her again "The name's Crow, don't bother remembering, I'm the least person to be encountered in this city and most likely not for a second time" He looks at her with his mime-like expression and finally turns back to human since a minute has already passed.

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When the man in front of her became more visible, Selkie noticed this time. She stared hard at his retreating back. Was he a ghost?

But that was silly, there was no such thing as ghosts. And when she had helped him up, his hand was firm. It didn't pass through her. Maybe she had imagined it. And anyway, he had saver her life, she wasn't going to question him.


She stopped him and put her hand on his arm to stop him walking away again. "Let me buy you a drink, to say thanks," she said. And maybe to find out what's going on.

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Again Crow was interrupted and he realizes it's helpless to refuse. "Sure, I don't mind at all" He said as he turns around once again to face the girl whom he saved. He shrugs again and says "Come on, I don't have all afternoon/night". He removes his mask that covers the upper part of his face and for a second his yellow pupils has turned black.

Dramatic Reveal


@Aella(I edited some typos)
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Selkie smiled. "My driver's waiting, he's somewhere down that way," she said and pointed back towards the road she had come from. "It's not that much of a walk. I'm Robyn, by the way."

She started walking away, hoping that he would follow.

Crow nods as a response to Robyn and puts his hands in his pockets. As it gets darker a bit the temperature becomes slightly cold, Crow tucks himself inside his coat a little bit and heads towards the car with Robyn. Crow notices that the car wasn't something most people would use unless your a celebrity or a gang member and from the looks of the girl, she doesn't seem like a gangster of some sort.

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Selkie shivered slightly with the sudden drop in temperature. "Hop in," she said. "Anywhere in particular you want to go? Just tell the driver and we'll go there."

Crow enters and sits on the left side "It's your car missy" He replies "and you're the one who offered me a drink, didn't you?" He looks around the car and sees that the driver has been giving him a cold stare ever since he entered. He ignores the driver and instead looks outside the window

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"Okay then. I have't been in this city very long and I don't know many places. There's a good restaurant in the city centre, we can go there."

Selkie caught the glare of the driver and stared straight back. "You know where that CEO has his HQ?" she said to the driver. "His name startes with A. Alfie or something. There's a restaurant nearby. Take us there please."

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"You mean Alfons? I don't recommend meeting that guy. I haven't met him but I heard of how dangerous he is. Steer clear of him missy." Crow calmly said as he was resting his eyes and leaning on the comfy seat. Crow decided to change the topic "So, what brings you in this city?"

"Alfons! Yeah, that's him. And I wasn't meaning we go meet him, just that there's a good place near his company HQ. I can't remember what it's called, Le Creme de la something. Turn here," Selkie told the driver, not answering the question. This guy seemed nice enough but if he knew who she was, he might start acting weird. "Almost there," she said. "Just take the next left an then.. Here we are!"
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Crow opens his eyes and opens the door to head outside. The restaurant was quite a gem in the city, it reeks of the fancy cologne and perfume. The whole place is pretty much glass instead of concrete walls and the only supports are the marble columns. In the middle of the restaurant is a fountain made of pure gold, some say the water is sparkling wine. Crow waits for Robyn to exit the vehicle.

Selkie got out of the car and looked at the restaurant. She counted two film stars, a celeb blogger and three journalists sitting at tables. She glanced at Crow. Sitting down with him would be the fastest way to push him into the limelight, and Selkie didnt think he would apreciate it.

Selkie walked across the street. "Here." She guestured to the plain-looking bar in front of her.

"All the fancy spots to sit on and here we are" He thinks to himself but who was he to judge. He follows Robyn to the bar and sits on the least eye-catching spot. He taps the table gesturing for a drink from the bartender. "You got some Dack Janiel's there?" The bartender nods and Crow gestures for one.

Alfons leaned forward, his heart picking up in pace. Lightly, he laid his lips over her's. "Good night," Alfons murmured softly into the small kiss. He felt inept however. Alfons still didn't understand how these feelings worked. If the kiss was sweet enough. If it was too sweet. Whether she enjoyed it or she was pretending for his sake. All he had was his logic and it was entirely unhelpful in this situation, in the matters of the heart. Alfons had long learned that people operated at a level in which he could never understand. Actions that made no sense. Words that held no meaning. Of course, Alfons was beginning to understand but he was still half of a person. A person acting on things that he had only seen before, acting on feelings with which he had no experience with. To be honest, he didn't know how satisfactory he was at this point. Probably not very.

"On me," Selkie told the bartender. When she had placed her order she turned to Crow, partly so she could talk to him and partly because a man sitting in the corner was staring at her. The last thing she needed was for a mob of fans to attack.

"So Crow. That's an unusual name. Is it your gang name?" Selkie joked.


Unconsciously she had lifted onto the tips of the toes to help close the distance between them. Somewhere deep in her mind, she was rather irked at herself for being so short but all thoughts left her mind when their lips touched in a short, sweet kiss.

Even with her eyes closed, bathing in the warmth he radiated, she could feel the change in the air about him... Had she done something wrong...? Her eyes fluttered open slightly, pulling back to study his face critically with furrowed brows. "..Al...?"
"Nah, it's just a name given to me for my love of the color black. You see I was nameless before.." Crow looks down and drinks. "So, why are you here, I mean at this city?" He asks again while staring at her with curious eyes. He has not learned much of the girl he is with at the moment and everything about her has peaked his curiosity

He looked at her with gentle eyes. Of course she could see past him, she was so intuitive. It was her job, after all. "It's nothing," Alfons said quietly. He reached up and brushed the back of fingers against her cheek. He was somehow satisfied to see the pink that still remained there.

Alfons didn't want to concern her. But it seemed to be in her nature to worry. If only he could take all of that worry away... But alas, Alfons didn't know if he was capable of such a feat.

"Oh, the same reason as a lot of people. To get away from the world, take a little break. But honestly, I'd rather just go back to my parents' farm. City life is so... noisy. I'd love some silence."

Robyn sighed. Noisy was a metaphor for everything that had happened since she'd become famous. The fans, the parties, the ceremonies. Life had been simpler when she was a farm girl who only went out on festival day.

"But enough about me. What brings you here?"


Robyn wishes she had a more peaceful lifestyle and sometimes regrets becoming a star.
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At the gentle caress of his fingers along her warming cheek, Delilah instinctively closed her eyes, leaning into his touch with a sigh escaping her mouth. There was so much she didn't know, didn't understand... So much about them and everything between them... And it scared her. She was so unsure of what lay ahead and how she would deal with it... But if it was for Alfons... She would do anything..

Breathing out slowly, she said, "Alfons... If i ever do something wrong...You must tell me... " her voice was low and soft as her eyes lifted to watch him, worried.
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