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Fantasy Cursed Island

"What's a knife?", Jeri asked, cocking her head. A shive was dislodged in the movement, falling out of one of her mysterious hiding places and impaling the ground on it's tiny point. "I didn't know I could do that!" Jeri apparently thought that was a quirk of her anatomy, like Fia's fire.
"Oh," Jerry shook herself to see if more knives came out, but none did. Either they were secured a little better or that was the last. "I promise!" She tossed the 'ball' in the phoenlix's direction, low and slow so the harpy could jump over it if she couldn't hit it.
Fia’s initial response was to avoid it, flapping her wings to let it pass under her. She looked at the ball for a moment before she seemed to realize the point of the game. She remained airborne as she picked it up in her talons before trying to throw it back, but she only managed to throw it down at the ground between them.
"Yay!" Fia was cool with the game! Jeri wasn't sure why she expected the harpy to not be cool with it, but she was glad she was! She sent the ball back with a swing of her tail, kicking up a bunch of leaves and dust and sending the ball into the air towards Fia. And so golf was invented, if Jeri had the presence of mind to imagine such a game.
Fia’s main concern when seeing something coming towards her was getting out of the way, so she dodged around the ball before chasing after to get it. Once she had it in her talons, she flew back, swinging her legs forward to give it a toss. It was better than her first attempt, but it still lacked power.
This time Jeri met the ball and caught it, and then tossed it back with her hands this time.
Fia moved up again, but this time she did try to catch it, just barely grabbing it with the tips of her talons. She let go and grabbed it again to get a better grip before tossing it back.
While Jeri and Fia had their weird and lopsided game of catch, back at camp Emera continued her burn, Emfa kept chopping trees down, and Veo was starting to wake up properly this time, going to check on the paladin and Beri.
Niudisa kept an eye on Emera, also making sure Emfa didn’t take down the tree she was in. Shuffle had taken to pacing around the camp, trying and failing to not be bored. Emil was quietly strumming on his lute.
After a while, Adran eventually got back to his feet, hastily looked around, and brushed himself off. "Where's the demon?", he looked around to find Emera still burning her mana against Niudisa's. "Oh."
Niudisa spoke up as she noticed Adran getting up. “She’s trying to get past the magic block on those bindings by burning off her mana and feeding off lingering souls to replenish it. She doesn’t seem to realize that I could just knock her out at anytime and undo her progress, but it’s fun to watch her try.”
Adran chuckled at that, "Good luck, she's durable." But with Emera's mana being burned off, he couldn't attempt to seal her again. Well, one of the two would win this competition, in the meantime he needed to find something to do. "Hey Shuffle," he called the flesh golem when she passed by again. "I've got a favor to ask."
Niudisa grinned. “So is Jerry.”

Shuffle perked up as she looked over, before quickly approaching. “Yeah?”
"Can you go around and get the rest of Jerry's stuff together?", Adran gestured to all the loose stuff that had been kicked around. "i think Poli got most of it, but we're gonna need it all together."
Shuffle glanced around and gave a nod. “Alright.” She turned and headed off, picking up anything and everything that carried Jerry’s scent.
Emil stopped his playing to point. “She walked off that way. It seems Jeri is in control at the moment. Er...the dragon one.”
"Is she still charmed?", Adran asked. Jerry probably wasn't if she'd gone to do something besides try to kill them or free her controller, but it was possible that Emera had given her another command.
"Good," Adran nodded.
A few days later, and the group was starting to get back together. Joanne was still in a coma, but Veo explained that she was healing mostly perfectly. Beri had recovered, for the most part, and was walking around with his master again. Emera... Emera did not stop burning mana, and the drain on Niudisa's mana pool was growing more severe each passing moment.
Shuffle’s boredom quickly got the best of her, and she’d started asking Adran for marksman training on day one. Erina’s legs had healed, but she hadn’t moved much regardless. The only time she moved was to track down members of the group to measure them for making them clothes, whether they wanted new clothes or not. Niudisa was feeling the strain, but she played it off and kept it to herself. She did keep Urothrall posted next to Emera at all times though, with instructions for him to stay ready for anything.
Adran eventually relented and put up a person-shaped target with bullseyes on critical areas, on one of the trees Emfa hadn't destroyed, got Shuffle the proper stance, and told her to shoot the center of the thing, occasionally coming back to remind her to keep her form. She had to be able to hit the target while standing straight before they could switch to while moving.

Veo didn't take any issue at all with Erina's learning to make clothes on her loom. Her own clothing was a disaster since even before the party had met up, and the vines hadn't made that any better. The back of her shirt was barely held together by the good will of the Depths, and she was scared trying to wash her clothes would destroy what little her parasite hadn't already. Veo hadn't been conscious when Adran used Mending, and she'd experienced some memory loss around the trauma when the seed punched into her. Emfa being Emfa, and angry about her horn, refused Erina wholesale, not even letting her measure.

Jeri eventually lost interest in the game with Fia, mostly after Fia got tired, and went back to see if anyone else wanted to play. Finding no one, she eventually settled down to sleep, and pestered people after that.
After Shuffle’s first few shots missed the tree entirely, it was quickly determined that no one should stand in that area while she was practicing. Her aim got better over time, though she kept having to correct her posture as she slouched when not thinking about it.

Erina got her measurements when allowed, setting up the threads around her workspace so that she would know what’s what. She had a general idea of what she wanted to make for those who let her, all except Fia.
"Joanne should be okay to wake up and walk around when this dose wears off," Veo explained after a bit.

"That's good," Beri gave a nod. "We will be able to move on, then."

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