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Fantasy Cursed Island

“Thank you. You can have it if you want. It hasn’t gotten cold enough down here for anyone to really need it yet.” She held up the rock-silk gag as she finished. “Done.”

“Nice.” Niudisa looked at Jeri and Emil. “Can either of you tie a knot?”
Jeri looked up at 'Done', tiny attention span having passed, and by the time Niudisa asked her question Jeri was already fiddling with the scarf, and ended up tying it like a tie. "What did you say? I wasn't listening."
“Never mind. Carry this back for me.” Niudisa gestured to the gag before turning to head back to camp. Erina held the thing out to Jeri.
"Okay!", Jeri smiled as she took the thing and followed after the fairy, she stopped and waved at Erina before rushing to catch back up.
Erina waved back before getting to work on the rope.

Niudisa fluttered back to the camp, keeping her magic sense alert for any sign that something had happened.
Emera's burning of her mana against Niudisa's was something Niudisa could sense, a slow, steady decrease in the size of her mana pool, like she was being sucked on by a wither beetle, but there was no beetle.

Jerry skipped along, not really aware of the situation, she was just happy to be doing something.
Niudisa blinked before shaking her head. “Still trying to make trouble, it seems.” She looked to her thrall as she arrived. “Hey, use this thing to keep her quiet.” She looked at Jeri as Urothrall started walking over. “Give it to him.”
Emera stuck out her tongue as Jeri handed the bundle over to Urothrall. Once the cord with a fairy-sized stone was in the zombie's hand, Jeri skipped over to see what Shuffle was looking at. "Whatcha doin'?"
Urothrall went over to gag Emera, tying it tight.

Shuffle kept her eyes on Emera. “I’m making sure she doesn’t get away again.”

Niudisa had her magic lens up, shifting it a bit to really see what was going on. Once she figured it out, she fluttered over to Shuffle. “And you can help with that. I need to borrow those soul gems of yours.”

Shuffle looked over at Niudisa for a moment before she nodded. “Alright.” She reached into her maker’s satchel and started pulling out soul gems. And there was quite a few.

“Perfect.” Niudisa raised her hands as she channeled her magic before she started snatching and soul trapping the souls that Emera was feeding off, beginning with the biggest ones and working down from there. Soul trapping Urothrall had been tiring because it was a long, careful process. What she was doing now was more like picking berries and tossing them into a basket.
"Oh," Jeri nodded as Emera grunted and choked under Urothrall's rough handling. "What's a soul gem?"

Emera could feel her available mana dropping. There were only so many soul gems, though. Until they all had a soul in them, however, it was a competition of attrition. A demon that trades in souls, or a necromancer trying to do the same? The mana burning picked up speed.
Shuffle tilted her head. “A gem for trapping souls. They’re used by necromancers for...stuff. I was made by a necromancer, and this satchel was hers, so I’ve got a few of these.”

Niudisa continued snatching up souls, counting on her large mana pool to let her catch as many souls as possible and still outlast Emera’s use of whatever remained.
"Oh," Jerry looked up at Niudisa and then at Emera, and then at a full gem, picking it up. "They're shiny!" They must be valuable, if they were pretty, at least in Jeri's estimation.
"Magic..." Jeri looked over the gem. "This feels... familiar." It was a weird feeling, to be sure. Jeri couldn't quite place why a filled soul gem felt familiar, it just was.
“Hm.... I don’t know then.” Shuffle tilted her head. All the stuff with the dragon crystal was a bit too complicated for her understanding.
"Hmm..." Jeri cocked her head and looked up at Emera and Niudisa, she couldn't see what was going on with their magicks respective of each other, but they seemed at odds, and Emera didn't seem at all concerned. Amused, actually.
Soon enough, the last soul gem was filled and Niudisa lowered her arms. “There.” She descended to the ground before pulling a berry from wherever it was she kept her stuff, taking a few bites out of it.
Niudisa definitely took a massive chunk out of the loose souls in the immediate area. Emera could see none within reach of her consumption, but they would eventually flow back into the vacant area, and Emera was confident she'd taken enough mana to compensate until then, never ceasing her burning.

Jeri, however, got bored, and got up to go find something to do. Maybe Fia wanted to play? Although, the two of them barely interacted before, and somehow Jeri got the sense that something had happened and Fia didn't like her very much.
Niudisa took flight again once she’d finished the berry, going to sit on a tree branch where she could overlook things.

Fia was on a different tree branch, a little away from the noise of the camp. She was rubbing her face after having just woken from a nap.
"Yeah!", Jeri replied cheerfully. She looked around for something to use as a toy in this endeavor, settling down on a vaguely ball-sized and shaped piece of wood lying around. She held it up and asked if Fia wanted to play a game.
Fia tilted her head before she hopped down, accepting the invitation so long as there were no knives involved.

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