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Fantasy Cursed Island

"Nothing major, no. I haven't said anything, but I admit that I think they may be right. He was missing for the entire night and didn't contact us until morning. Plus, he hasn't outright denied it, but neither will he admit it." Roy shook his head as he sat back down. "But, it's not my concern either way, so long as we can get the stone somehow. Ah, and it also means we can request that she meet us at a port if we need to travel by sea again, so that's handy."
"I doubt Niudisa's would be anything other than asexual," Jerry rolled her eyes, "Alright, well, it was good talking to you, sweetheart. Be careful."
"Yeah, yeah... Oh, almost forgot to ask, how's Shuffle? Turac said he tricked her into his lake and froze it over before he left."
Jerry looked a bit confused, "That's where she went? We haven't seen her since before Turac left. She killed a margay and vanished."
Roy nodded. "Turac said he convinced her to play hide and seek, then froze the lake over to keep her from following him. If you haven't seen her, she's probably still there."
Roy looked over at Nidia as the call ended. She'd already gone to sleep, so he just placed the mirror near her before settling back into his own spot.

Asta looked at Jerry. "No. Well...we do do it a lot...but I don't see anything wrong with that."
"Hmm," Jerry sighed, "We'll find something. Apparently Roy's gonna call at any time."

As the party settled down for the night, Turac and Katsuo kept watch over the fortress entrance.
Jerry considered for a moment, "Okay, but don't rip up your clothes trying to track her down," she winked at him as she finished that, "I wanna do that when we get where we're going."
Asta smiled at her. "Deal. I'll just look around the house." He headed out to track down the Kobold and send her on the errand. Thankfully she was close by.
"What are you two doing now?", Nyah asked when she saw Asta come out of the bedroom, "Wait... you're wearing pants, did you kill her?"
Asta raised an eyebrow. "What? No. We're going out. Roy called and told us Turac froze his lake with Shuffle in it, so I'm looking for Raine so she can check if there's any sign of her having escaped yet."
"Why did Turac freeze Shuffle into his lake?", Nyah looked even more confused now, "How did Turac freeze her into his lake? Have you seen that water hole?"
"As for why, so she wouldn't follow him when he went to help the twins. As for how, all I know is that it involved baiting her with a game of hide and seek."

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