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Fantasy Cursed Island

Nidia looked over at Roy as the call finished, handing over the mirror. "I'm done. Here you go."

Roy dipped his head as he accepted the mirror, using it to call his own parents. He only hoped they weren't "busy."
When Roy connected to Jerry's mirror, on the other end she looked very confused to suddenly see Roy's face in the mirror as she was doing makeup. "Roy!", she put down the mascara wand and looked around for Asta, "What happened, are you alright? Where's Siege?"
Roy chuckled. "I'm fine. Siege is sleeping. I haven't had much chance to mail my letters, but I figured I could just borrow Nidia's mirror and call you guys. Honestly, I should've thought of this sooner..."

Asta was across the room and looked over as he heard Jerry, going over to look for himself.
"Well, nothing too big. We've just been busy. The boat ride over here was...eventful. We had to find a ship that wouldn't question Katsuo's unwillingness to show his face, and we did. We found out at sea that they were pirates."
"Did Turac catch up in time?", Jerry asked, "I thought he would have been able to keep up with you guys." Surely a dragon turtle would have no trouble dealing with pirates!
Roy nodded. "He did, though we didn't notice. The pirates actually weren't that bad. To us, anyway. They targeted a merchant ship, and when the merchants opened fire, something sank them. We figured out later that was Turac."
Roy blinked. "Ah, alright...." He got up, walking over to where Turac was to hand over the mirror. "Ah, sorry, Turac..."
"Why?", Turac looked confused as he took the mirror until Jerry lit into him.

"What happened? Why'd you sink a merchant ship? I thought you were better than that, Turac! You're not some wild drake, we raised you better!"

"Oh," Turac flinched as Jerry kept going, until she stopped for breath and motioned for Asta to say something.
Roy flinched too, and it wasn't even directed at him. Asta rested a hand on Jerry's shoulder as he leaned over to look at the mirror. "You'd best explain yourself before she recovers."
"They had been firing at me all morning, and when they fired at the boat my siblings were on, I decided to sink them." Turac crossed his arms, "No one died, I only knocked a hole in the hull. There was ample time to get to lifeboats."
Jerry frowned, "Turac, I've watched you precisely ice cannons before, what happened?"

"It was spur of the moment."

"Exactly, it was spur of the moment!"
Jerry grumbled a bit, "Turac, you know the rules, don't kill anyone that's not a threat. It gets you in trouble."

"I am aware," Turac nodded, "So far I have only killed bandits that attacked the party."
Asta leaned in a bit. "And you've been attacked by bandits? You weren't traveling at night, were you?"
"Oh, I wasn't attacked," Turac almost laughed, "I have nothing to fear from common thieves. I was keeping an eye on Roy and Siege when some bandits attacked their camp, and nearly killed them all before I caught up and ate most of them." He turned the mirror around to show them the fortress and the corpse bonfire, "We have tracked them to their hideout, and cleared them out."
Asta paused before lowering his head to let out a sigh. "Well, at least you're all alright." He looked at the mirror again. "You are all alright, yes?"

Roy nodded, now within view of the mirror. "Yes, we're all fine, thanks to Turac."
"Everyone is alright." Turac nodded.

"Alright, but if I hear you've done something stupid I'll smack you from across the ocean," Jerry warned, "Now hand the mirror back to Roy."

"Yes, mom," Turac handed the mirror back to Roy and sighed.
Roy took back the mirror, looking into it as he headed back to his sleeping spot. "So, that story jumped around a bit... We did get lucky with the pirates though. Their captain has the first of the stones we're after."

Asta raised an eyebrow. "Has? As in, they still have it?"

"Yes... The plan was to coerce them into drinking when we reach port and steal it. Jalin was in charge of the stealing part. Instead, he made a deal with the captain to let her keep the stone until we have all the rest. Emilia and Sinach are convinced he slept with her and keep pestering him about it."
Jerry put her head in her hands, "Of course they do..." Erina and Adran's daughter would immediately come to that conclusion, wouldn't she? "Is it causing any problems?"

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