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Fantasy Cursed Island

"On the floor, somewhere." Sal glanced down to the floor before getting up to sort her clothes from his.
Jalin sighed, "I really should have done the buttons." He got up and fumbled around for his tunic, pulling his amulet from the inside pocket, holding the golden amulet up for Sal to examine. "If you promise to keep in contact, and sometimes come to meet us when I call, I will do my best to convince my group to leave you and the Air Stone be."
"No, a communicationn device," Jalin tapped the stone, "That functions very similarly to a Sending Stone, it is part of a set of five, of which the other members of my party possess." He set it down on the table, "We use it to communicate over long distances without waiting for a courier." He nodded at Sal, "If you'll keep in touch and be able to come to us when the time comes, it's yours, and I'll convince my party to let you keep the stone."
"Hm..." Sal considered the offer for a moment before she nodded. "Alright. Just keep in mind that even my ship needs time to get somewhere. If I don't have enough advanced notice, you will be waiting for me."
Jalin smiled, "That's fine." He slid the medallion towards Sal, "I'll call them in the morning." He turned towards Sal and took her hand, "In the meantime..."
Jalin nodded and took Sal's hand to go back to the bed...


"Hmm," Sinach looked around the table again, "it's getting late, guys."
Roy nodded. "We'll have to sleep soon."

Katsuo spoke up. "You will. I will wake you if Jalin calls overnight."
"Alright, just don't be creepy about it," Sinach ruffled his sheafs before fluttering back up to perch on Roy's horns. "Girls, you heading to bed?"
Nidia gave a nod. “Yeah.” She started nudging Emilia to get her awake enough that she’d be able to get to the room.
Roy sighed as he got up before heading to his room. Katsuo followed after him.

Nidia and Emilia went to their own room shortly after to call their parents. Hopefully they won’t be able to tell they’d been drinking.
In the men's room, of which the occupants were presently just Roy, Sinach, and Katsuo, Sinach fluttered onto the end table and refolded back into his, still black with ink, tome form. The women's room was similar to the one they'd occupied at the inn across the ocean, with Siege passed out drunk on of them. She was on her knees with her upper body over the mattress, the now emptied mug of strong alcohol laying on its side on the floor.
Katsuo settled into a chair to wait out the night. Roy set his call amulet on the table next to him before settling down to sleep.

Nidia took some time to move Siege's legs onto the bed with the rest of her. Emilia had to help, but they got it done. After that, they both settled on the other bed to call their respective parents.
It took a bit for their parents to answer. Emilia's mirror took a few moments, and when Adran and Erina appeared on screen Adran had wood and stone dust on his clothes and in his hair like he'd been building something.

Veo wasn't at the mirror when it was answered, but in the background Nidia could see her moving around the tavern delivering food adn drink.
Emilia smiled when Adran appeared. "Hey, Daaahhh..." She took a moment to finish yawning. "Hey, Daddy."

Bastet was the one to answer the mirror. "Ah, hello!"

"Hi, Bastet. Mom and Dad working?"

Bastet nodded. "Yep. We're busy tonight."
"Hey, sweetie," Adran smiled, "Erina, Emilia called!", he looked back at the mirror, "Timezones, huh? It's noon over here."

"Is that Nidia?", Veo called from off-screen, "Is she okay?"
Emilia blinked. "Is it really? It's just about bedtime over here."

"Coming!" Erina showed up a few moments later.

Bastet looked over. "Yes, she's fine." She looked at the mirror again, leaning in briefly before calling back. "Just a little tipsy."

"I am not!"
"Well, you did cross an ocean," Adran reminded Emilia as Erina came over, "Different parts of the world get different sun." He smiled as Erina showed up, "How's adventure going?"

"Nidia!", Veo dropped a tray on the counter and clip-clopped over as fast as her hooves could carry her, "I thought you knew better than that!"
“It’s going great! The ship we sailed on turned out to be a pirate ship.”

Erina’s eyebrows shot up. “Pirates? Are you alright?”

“Yeah, yeah, they were nice.”

“Nice or ‘nice?’”

Emilia giggled. “Nice.”

“I’m not!”

Bastet pointed at the mirror. “Yes, she is! Look, her ears are uneven. She only does that when she’s been drinking.”

“They’re not uneven.” Nidia reached a hand up to correct her ears, but sure enough one of them stubbornly kept turning just slightly to the side.

Veo’s fuss got Emil’s attention, so he wrapped up his song to head over.

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