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Fantasy Cursed Island

Adran looked the bow over, muttering something under his breath and running his hand over where the bowstring would be. A line glowed a pale shade of blue where he touched the nonexistent bowstring. "This is a heavy-duty bow," he remarked, "Custom. Most are custom to some degree, but this is entirely handmade." He pointed at the vertebrae that made up the arms. "That's a spine, I doubt it's humanoid, since there's two and these are difficult to make. You can see how they had to be reinforced just to stay in shape." He took aim with the bow as they walked and he explained that, drawing as he would a normal bow. The shaft of light appeared as an arrow formed, a small magic circle appearing over his eye to match the one forming over where he gripped the bow. Within the circle, he could see an orange circle appear on a rat. Four more circles appeared around the rat and all focused on it, and when he let go, five magic bolts shot out of the bow and homed in on the rat, obliterating it.

"Looks like there's nothing wrong with it," Adran said, "You need practice, I'll teach you during your watch, since we'll both be awake." He winked and handed the bow back. "Don't overthink it, it's like shooting a normal bow, but you have to know what you want from it."
Shuffle watched as he demonstrated the bow's ability. "Woah..." She took it back when offered, looking it over. "Now I really wanna figure it out. Doesn't help that I've never used a normal bow either."
"That's okay," Adran replied, "Jerry and I will teach you."


"She's your responsibility and you can shoot, you're helping," Adran cut the rogue off as the group came up on the next area.
The room was a decent size. There wasn't much there aside from a group of people. They looked to be adventurers. One wore heavy armor and carried a shield and mace, two wore mid-weight armor and were armed with swords, and two wore light armor and carried bows. At present they were just...standing around. They weren't camped or investigating anything, they were just standing there.
"Please don't be corrupted," Adran muttered, "I swear, there's too many corrupted things down here." And then he put his hands to his mouth like a bullhorn. "Hello? You men or monster?"
The group slowly looked over at them. There was a pause before they all drew their weapons. Shuffle dropped to all fours, a bit of smoke puffing out of her mouth. Emil sighed as he readied his flute. "I feel it'll only get worse as we go."
"Well, shit." Jerry muttered, drawing the bow and nocking a water arrow. Adran held out his hands and called for Fia.

"Fireball," he instructed the phoenix as he worked his own into existence and flung it at the center of the group of hostiles.
Fia took flight next to Adran and fired her own fireball alongside his. The knight of the group raised his shield and stood his ground to take both blasts of fire, while the rest of his group dodged to the sides. The swordsmen charged from two sides while the archers readied their arrows. Shuffle ran forward to face one of the swordsmen head on. Emil played his support songs.
Clearly, there was no way to avoid a huge fight, Jerry decided as she nocked an arrow and took aim. Joanne strided forward with both swords drawn to meet the two swordsmen and Beri jumped around the party to go tackle an archer to the ground and start clawing and chomping. Irritated at the night, Adran opened his book and the nightmare sprung forth, charging at the night with hooves of fire leaving glowing red marks on his shield where they struck.

That left the archer, which Jerry took aim at, and fired.
The swordsman that Shuffle chose to fight managed to sidestep her initial lunge, scoring a hit along her side as she passed. Shuffle turned as she landed, pausing to eye him before she charged again. He slashed at her as she got close, but she managed to swerve past, slashing his leg with her claws before jumping away to avoid the counter.

The other swordsman clashed with Joanne, starting off with a thrust.

The archers proved to be agile as well. The first one rolled to the side as Beri lunged, drawing his arrow as he righted himself to fire at the big cat. The second archer likewise managed to dodge as Jerry fired, though just barely, before firing back at her.

The knight held fast as the nightmare charged up his shield, staying on his feet and swinging his mace upwards around his shield, aiming for the legs.
Although Joanne's armor made her somewhat slower than the swordsman, the layers of chainmail of steel plates rendered her almost weapon-proof, so she batted aside the sword with her forearm guard and then elbowed the swordsman's arm, forcing it to bend backwards in order to break it, before following up with a guarded thrust at the vulnerable armpit.

The archer's arrow glanced off, taking some fur with it as the cat surged forward just as the arrow left his bow, leaping up onto the archer. The arrow fired at Jerry lodged itself in Poli, having been shot faster than Jerry could initially react. "Sorry!", she hissed to the mimic as she took aim with a poisoned arrow, her crystal glowing as she instinctively drew on it to deal with that, making the arrow turn purple as it was shot, a single word ringing in the back of Jerry's mind, 'Good'

As the mace made contact with Amdis' hoof, there was a pop, and both of them vanished into the ethereal plane where the nightmare could move more freely, Amdis pranced off of the shield over the knight, delivering a hot-as-hell kick to the back of the head as she went.
The swordsman charged Shuffle with a diagonal slash aimed down at her. Shuffle watched before dodging to the side the attack came from and slipping behind him. She swung her arm as she turned to face him, hitting the back of knee to make his leg buckle. As he stumbled to one knee, Shuffle grabbed his head and jerked him back, throwing him onto his back before breathing fire onto him.

The other swordsman dropped his sword as Joanne countered, his sword arm effectively disabled.

The first archer could only hold his bow in front of himself as Beri pounced, trying to keep him back. The second archer hesitated a moment too long and took the arrow in the ribs. He faltered before firing back.

The knight stumbled forward before swinging his mace as he turned, his clouded mind unconcerned with the change of scenery.
With the swordsman disarmed and with only one arm, Joanne brought down both pommels onto the top of his head to knock him out.

Beri's jaws clamed down on the bow, the wood splintering with a crack and a growl as he pushed through to the archer behind, the full weight of the animal on top of the man. This time, with the crystal still glowing, Jerry managed to dodge the arrow by rolling to the side and firing three back in quick succession.

Back in the normal world, Adran whistled for his nightmare, who looked in his direction from the plane where she'd gone with the night. The knight's mace connected with her hellish armor, making the horse stumble as she turned to the knight and growled. There was a reason these fiendish warhorses were called nightmares, and the knight was about to learn that reason as the horse unleashed a flurry of hooves, nipse, kicks, and hellfire upon the night, leaving metal she touched glowing red with head and dents in his plates.
The grounded swordsman managed to swing his sword through the flames, catching Shuffle on the shoulder. She stopped her flames as she stepped back. The swordsman tried to shake off the flames as he started getting up. He just barely caught a glimpse of Shuffle’s foot as it came at his face, shoving his head back with a crack. He fell limp after that.

The other swordsman collapsed as well as Joanne finished him off. The first archer was helpless to defend himself against Beri, while the second took all three arrows and fell to the ground.

The knight tried to guard with his shield, but the attacks came too fast for him to react. All he could do was rely on his armor, which was only starting to burn him more and more as it heated up.
As the enemies fell, Adran whistled again. Amdis looked up momentarily from the knight that was baking in his armor. Giving one last shove into his glowing chestplate, caving it tight against his chest, she turned and galloped back into the material plane, appearing before Adran as though nothing had happened at all, a little too happy to have just fried a man. "Good girl," Adran said, patting the nightmare before she returned to her page.

Beri sank his fangs into the downed swordsman, ripping out the corrupted throat and spitting it aside as he looked around as though to ask "Who's next?" He seemed a little disappointed to just see corpses and an unconscious swordsman before Joanne. He sat off to the side of his master, cleaning the blood off of his muzzle as best he could while the group regrouped.

Jerry made sure the archer was dead before reclaiming her arrows. "Sit still," she urged the mimic around her body as she gripped the arrow embedded, "Don't bite me." With a yank, the arrow came out, a piece of Poli and some silver blood attached to the arrowhead. Jerry braced herself for the mimic's reation as she dropped the arrow.
Shuffle found a place to sit away from the bodies, feeling a little bit of her hunger returning.

"Gah..." Poli tightened a little as the arrow was pulled out, but they relaxed once it was done. "Yeah, that hurts..." They paused. "How are you not bleeding though?"
"How much of your mass is contained in the fabric?", Jerry asked, "It would be like shooting a brick wall to try and go all the way through you." That made logical sense, anyway. "You sure you're okay?" As she spoke, she was rummaging through the corpses, taking useful things from them, like their arrows and stripping their bows of their strings.

"Fia, where'd you go?", Adran called, looking around for the harpy, while Joanne tied up the unconscious swordsman and asked Jerry for the flask of water. Jerry handed it over and Joanne forcefed the swordsman some of it to help dispel some of the corruption within the man and also heal any potentially dangerous injuries he may have received. It wasn't a concern that it would hurt, considering that the swordsman had tried to kill her earlier, not that he could have succeeded in that endeavor.
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I can regenerate, so I’ll be fine. But you’re not quite right on the protection I offer. Maybe mimicking armor, it’d be tough to get through me. But right now I’m pulled thin imitating fabric. I didn’t stop that arrow at all, it just went through me.”

The bodies didn’t have much, just some gold. Fia was standing off to the side near a corner. The others seemed to have had the fight under control, so she’d stayed out of the way to conserve energy.
"That's...?" Confused, Jerry pulled aside the fabric of the top to see where the arrow had actually penetrated. There was no blood aside from Poli's, and a piece of the arrowhead lodged against the magic fabric stuck to her below. "Oh. Yeah the under-stuff's apparently indestructible, I'll probably have a bruise, though. We tried burning, cutting, and pulling, it just doesn't break." She put her hand on the spot where Poli had taken the arrow, still trying to understand that.

Adran made his way over to Fia and made sure she was alright, before turning to the rest of the party. "Ready to move on?", he asked.

"I am prepared," Joanne said as she put the swordsman over her shoulder and stood up. Jerry seconded that as she put away the recovered items. Once the group was ready to move on, they continued onward.
“Ah. No wonder you didn’t want the armor then.”

Fia smiled and joined the group along with Emil. Shuffle looked at Joanne as she walked along with them. “Oh, you purified him, right? That means he’s safe to eat?”
"No, armor makes me slow, it's hard to hide when I'm wearing armor, I'm not that strong," Jerry corrected, catching the flash as Joanne tossed it back.

"No, you are not eating this man," Joanne replied to Shuffle, "The food situation is not so desperate."
Shuffle's ears drooped. "Aw. Then why are you bringing him along? Is he gonna fight with us?"
"Unlikely," Joanne replied, "But he will likely know things we do not, and he will tell us what he knows if he wishes for freedom."

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