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Realistic or Modern 𝓒𝓻𝓲𝓶𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓐𝓬𝓮𝓼 || Main Thread


  • how she's feeling...

    annoyed as hell but booze makes it better


the leader's daughter

So far, everything was amazing. Smoke woke up with her body still tangled with Marco’s. She was about to wake him up in her own way and her lips were already traveling down his body when the door flew open and the circus started. What the fuck was he doing here? Couldn’t her boyfriend wait for like thirty minutes longer? Nah, it was Brady. He would never. And so he came to the bedroom, finding Smoke in the middle of going down on Marco and all hell broke loose as it usually did every time Brady was involved.

Rolling her eyes almost painfully, the girl left the bed. Brady grabbed Marco, buck naked as he was and blows rained down on the poor guy's face. Smoke just shook her head and dressed up. Brady was in his revenge mood so she didn’t interfere. He was like a rottweiler, he needed to let his rage flow and then calmed down. So, when Smoke came out from the bedroom, Marco was gone and crimson-faced Brady stood in the living room. “You do this one more time and you might have a heart attack. Then again, I don’t suppose I’d be so lucky.” she said matter-of-factly, applying a dark purple lipstick on her lips. “If you ever do this again, if you ever embarrass me like this, Brady, I’ll cut your balls off and feed them to you for dinner.” she added with her voice stone cold.

Brady went after her with some smartass comment and she just rolled her eyes again and walked out on him. Smoke had heard all of it before and was definitely not in a mood to hear it again. She’d much rather cut both her ears off than listen to Brady’s hurt ego rants. If he didn’t like how things were, he could very well break up with her. She herself would have done it eons ago if she could. Her dad thought Brady was good for her, a fucking god’s gift, and was really invested in this relationship. And that was driving Smoke nuts. Not that she would ever become a good little wifey. Bitch please. But the two stayed together, fought, hurt each other, yelled and poisoned not only themselves but also their surroundings.

Smoke got on her steed outside and rode away as fast as she could. She knew Brady wouldn’t stay in for long enough and she wanted to put as much of a distance between them as possible. Not that it would ever stop her beloved but she could at least try. These rides always helped her to clear her head. Cold air swishing around her as she raced down the road to the clubhouse. Her plan was clear. Get there, do a few rounds of shots while working and find herself a companion to make her feel good about herself. Good plan.

Too bad she never got far since Brady caught up and second before she could disappear inside, he grabbed her and turned her around to face him. Her first instinct was to fight him but she just spat in his face. “Let me go, you piece of shit! Right now!” she hissed at him and it all went down from there. One of their many fights in public. Smoke could care less and Brady was way too irritated to realize there were a few people lurking around. He looked like he was determined to hurt her. It wasn’t like he never did, quite the contrary. Smoke herself could throw the punches like the best of them and she broke Brady’s nose or busted his lip more than once. But still, it wasn’t her favorite thing to actually score a few hits. And Ink was like an avalanche at this point, grabbed her arm and Smoke saw the blow coming from miles away. And hell if she was not ready.

Before he managed to slap the living jesus out of her, Smoke herself punched him in the guts which stopped the tattooed man from anything he was about to do and loosened his grip. The brunette used it and hurried inside, straight for the bar. “You can take a break, Tricia, I got it.” she smiled at the other bartender and the girl nodded, leaving the base to Smoke who immediately got into the work mode, pouring drinks here and there, forgetting about Brady and his fucked up ways. And every third shot she poured disappeared down her throat, burning its way through her system.

♡coded by uxie♡

  • how he's feeling...



the hot-head

“I swear to god, Smoke. I love you but I will kill you if you ever pull this shit again.” Ink yelled across the room but to no one. Response to him was a loud slamming of the door as his old lady had left the building. Brady was so incredibly pissed he could barely breathe. Why was she doing this to him? Every single fucking time. And no words, just eye rolling and cussing. Typical Smoke.

Brady and Smoke were together for a few months shy of a year now. It was always this passionate turbulent relationship full of yelling, fights and delicious makeup sex. Smoke was a total crazy ass and there was literally nothing she wouldn’t do. And Ink loved her in his own twisted way.

What was even more important, her father, whom everyone in Aces knew as Shotgun, supported this relationship as besides Ash, Ink was almost his son. From that moment Shotgun found little Brady on the edge of the road, he took him under his wing and raised him as a biker. Brady never knew his biological parents and never even looked for them. What for? They didn’t want him so why should he even bother? And as the years went by, he also climbed the hierarchy and became the SGT at Arms for the Crimson Aces. And Shotgun was convinced he was good for his daughter, thinking Brady could tame her. But as it would appear, no one could do that.

Brady knew about Smoke’s side lovers only too well. But coming home and finding her in their bed with Marco, the one who was supposed to guard her and make sure nothing happened to her, truly rubbed him in the wrong way. He sure was very thorough. Brady’s temper got the better of him and he threw Marco out with a bleeding nose. And he was lucky. Then there was his girl, once again rolling her eyes as if this was something unheard of. Brady was furious. And then she left.

As Ink suspected, his old lady headed to the pub and he got hold of her seconds before she got in. “I was not finished, Smoke. I was still talking when you left.” he hissed and spun her around to face him.

“I don’t care, you ass! I was finished with you. I’m not interested in your jealousy rants, go find a therapist.” she tore into him which only added fuel to Brady’s fire. Why did she always do that? All...the...fucking...time! He could just pluck those beautiful eyes out so she couldn’t roll them anymore.

“Listen up, you cheating bitch! I’ve tolerated enough of your bullshit. All your affairs and side fucks. I don’t care how but this ends now. I’m done being the fool. Everybody’s laughing at me for letting you pull any shit you want but I’m done. And you’re gonna learn your place or else...I swear to god, Smoke…!” he grabbed her arm, yanking her towards him when a move came from the side. Ink didn’t expect it but soon was ready to strike when her fist came from out of nowhere and made him lose his grip. The girl was slippery like a snake and there she was, running away again. Brady exhaled sharply and pulled a pack of smokes, staying outside for quite a while. He needed to get a proper breather and he was not in a mood to watch Smoke flirt with every wretched bastard. The meeting was about to start soon as well but Ink was also not ready to face Smoke’s father. Not just yet.

?coded by uxie?

/*left side*/

escape the ordinary.

nervous as hell



no one yet

/*right side*/


Juniper couldn't believe she was back in Newcrest. Honestly, the blonde girl never thought she'd be back in Louisiana at all. A few years back, she'd left this place to go to school to become a nurse. In fact, Millie had gone with her. They'd been roomies throughout their time at college, and they'd graduated together. Juniper got a job at a local prison, while Millie had actually returned to Newcrest, leaving Juni behind. But the girls had stayed in touch, and honestly, knowing that Millie was around somewhere was the only reason Juni was even going to the clubhouse tonight. After arriving back in Newcrest just a couple days ago, Juni had been staying in Shotgun's basement, which was almost like a fully furnished apartment in itself.

A few months ago, Juniper had started getting strange phone calls. She'd answer, but nobody would be there. Or if someone was there, all they would do was breathe into the phone. At first, she'd thought someone was just pranking the wrong number, but then the messages started appearing on her car. Just a couple here and there at first, but then they started becoming more frequent. Then the letters started appearing on her doorstep, or even taped to her door. She was starting to freak out, but at the same time, she wasn't going to be bullied into running. She already didn't feel welcomed in the place she'd grown up in, considering how her father had gone downhill so quickly, leaving her and Robbie behind to fend for themselves.

Robbie had started acting a little weird before she left, but she'd chalked it up to him maybe not wanting her to go. But he'd always encouraged her to leave Newcrest, and after she did, she didn't think any more of it. But then came the night he called her. There was so much noise in the background it was hard to hear him, but she heard the gunshots clearly, and felt her heart nearly stop. Even thinking about it now, thinking about how the line had gone dead, gave her a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She'd taken some leave time from work and gotten on the next flight to come back, and now here she was. Shotgun had been the one to tell her that Robbie had betrayed them all, and that he was missing. Most likely dead.

Juniper didn't know how long she was staying at this point, and so far, she hadn't really left Shotgun's basement. Tonight was the first night she was heading to the clubhouse, and she doubted she'd receive a warm welcome, especially after everything Robbie had done. But Shotgun was the leader of the Crimson Aces, and he'd promised her that no harm would come to her while under his protection. So she'd swallowed her fear and left the basement, walking the short distance to the clubhouse. There were a few people outside, but she didn't look at them as she made her way inside. She made her way to the bar, her blonde hair framing her face as she leaned against it, waiting for someone behind the bar to acknowledge her. She definitely needed a drink or five to calm her nerves.

/*do not remove credit*/


/*left side*/

life is short. fuck it.

muy importante



Ink/Smoke [ _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ]

/*right side*/


Ash smirked as he rolled over in his bed, spotting the cute redhead laying there that he'd brought back to his place a few hours ago. They'd been having the time of their lives over and over again, and he was ready to go again. She giggled as he moved the blanket to cover them completely, shifting until he was on top of her. Biting his lip as he stared down at her, he chuckled himself and then leaned down to kiss her. She giggled again and he grinned into the kiss, his hand already snaking up to grab some of her hair. He heard his phone ring from the bedside table, but he wasn't concerned with it. At least, not until it started ringing again, and then again. He shoved the blanket back, glaring at the device as it continued to ring.

"Who the fuck-?" He moved off of the girl in his bed, snatching the phone up and answering it. "What?" He snapped into the phone, not realizing who it was. Perhaps he should have looked at the caller ID, but he had not. His father's voice echoed through the line, and Ash immediately sat up. He pissed a lot of people off, but pissing off his father was not on his to-do list. The man was scary enough when he wasn't angry with you.

"I just got a call. Your sister and Ink are making a fuckin' scene at the clubhouse again. I need you to go handle it until I get back in from my ride." His father growled over the line, and Ash promptly rolled his eyes.

"Really? Why do I have to go babysit?"

"Don't whine, Ashton. Go." And with that, his father hung up the phone and Ash wanted to throw his at the wall.

"Sorry, doll, I've gotta go." Ash told the redhead, whose name he couldn't even remember. She got out of his bed with a huff, grabbing her clothes off the ground and leaving. Ash rolled his eyes again, finally dragging his ass out of bed and to the shower. He made quick work of it before he got out and pulled some clothes on. The clubhouse wasn't far from where he stayed, and he knew Shotgun had gone on a ride earlier that day and likely was close but not back yet. "I swear to god, Smoke, you're gonna be the death of me." Ash muttered, making sure he had everything he needed before he left. Hopping on his bike, he rode the short distance to the clubhouse, parking in his designated spot. Swinging his leg over the bike, he dismounted and turned to look at the clubhouse.

He spotted Ink almost right away, standing outside smoking. With a smirk on his face, Ash approached the tattooed male and slung an arm around his shoulder. "Pissing off my sister again, are we?" He asked, but he was laughing. "Tsk, tsk, you know Shotgun knows everything." He fixed Ink with a flat look before he turned them towards the door. "Come on, let's go kiss and make up." Without giving the other male an option, he led Ink inside and straight to the bar where Smoke was working. "Sis! I need a shot of Jameson, and whatever my man here wants. And then I need you two to stop fucking fighting where everyone can see you, alright?" He slid onto one of the barstools, doing a double take when he saw a blonde girl down the way some. "Who is that?" He leaned back in his seat some, squinting to try and make out her face. And then suddenly his eyes flew wide. "Is that... Juniper Dawson?"

/*do not remove credit*/


Milana felt like she had been at her desk writing for days. She had several case notes she needed to make from her appointments that day, and it seemed as though she hadn't even made a dent. Letting out a frustrated sigh, Millie leaned back in her office chair and stared up at the ceiling. Her head hurt, feeling as though her brain was throbbing inside her skull. She had been so stressed with work lately that necessary things like food and sleep were thrown to the wayside. Instead, she had been living off coffee and computer screen light for the past few days. As the only licensed psychologist and therapist in town, she was expected to keep up-to-date with every patient on a daily basis, often taking after hours emails and calls. Burn out was in her future.

Juniper. Millie briefly wondered what she was up to, how things were going. Aside from a few texts here and there, she hadn't really talked to her much since she got back in town. Maybe that's what she needed: a pep talk from her best friend and a well-made cocktail from her other best friend. With one last glance at the computer screen in front of her, Millie opened her desk drawer to pull her phone out. It was definitely passed her scheduled business hours, and that was enough to give her the motivation to get up and leave. Luckily her apartment was directly above her office, and it didn't take long for Millie to return her things and change into something a little more... outgoing.

Her office outfits were what someone would expect of a therapist. Prim, proper, and professional. Sure, they hugged her curves and made her look like an adult. But Millie couldn't get the thought out of her head that they made her look boring. All her life, Millie had experienced the easy life. Two parents that married young and still loved each other to that day. A golden retriever that practically grew up with her. A standard two-story house with window shutters and a white picket fence. It was all so easy. And that's what she disliked about it. Millie needed something more in life, something exciting. Maybe that was what drew her to the Crimson Aces, why she kept going back despite knowing how dangerous it could be for her. She craved the adrenaline.

Dressed in her hottest attire, which was still a modest white top, a red skater skit, fishnets, and cream heels, Milana drove her car over to the clubhouse in search of some excitement. She wanted to see her friends, Juni and Smoke. She couldn't help but think that there would probably be some strife between the two, and she would be playing mediator. But, that's what she did in her daily life, so it couldn't be all that different between her friends. Maybe she would run into Ink or Bear or, God forbid, Ash. A ride on one of their motorcycles would certainly get her heart racing. Stepping inside the clubhouse, turquoise blue eyes peered through the smoke and crowds in search of a familiar face. And luckily, she found one. "Juni!" Millie called walking up to her friend and immediately pulling her into a hug. "How are you? I feel like it's been forever. Tell me what you've been up to!"

the good girl


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:

This was it. His big break. His chance at finally becoming a lieutenant and potentially making his parents proud. His chance at avenging the death of... No, he didn't want to think about her. Not that either of those things were his major driving force in taking on such a dangerous operation. But it would be nice to sit around the dinner table on holidays without all the marginalizing glares aimed at him. And it would be nice for someone to pay for her death. Early on, Jason had been working on his mission for months, spending his days in the darkest parts of the city just to find a chance at getting in with the gang. He'd done some things he wasn't exactly proud of, like drugs, women, and fighting. But it was all for the greater good, in hopes of taking down one of the biggest organized crime units in the state.

But now, he was in deep. The patch on his black leather jacket signified that. He was the 'Bear' of the Crimson Aces, the burly prankster who would through himself in front of a bullet for his fellow Ace. He had made it to the table, had a say in the inner workings of the gang. Hell, the leader's son trusted him for fuck's sake. He had been the one to recruit him. But despite all that, Jace still didn't have all the information he needed, or that the state department wanted. He wasn't sure of all the import routes, he didn't have the names of all of their suppliers or who they were supplying to. There was so much more he needed to learn.

Bear adjusted his hooded leather jacket as he approached the two men standing outside the clubhouse. He shoved his hands in his pocket, putting on a tough exterior that was only improved by bruised cheekbone and split lip from his most recent bar fight. He had to keep his image up, prove that he was a Crimson Ace through and through. Lifting his chin to the guys, Jace grinned and smoothly said, "Evening fellas." Without even saying a word, the one of the guys opened the door and let him into the clubhouse.

From what he saw on there, Jason could have probably arrested fifteen guys or so. People doing drugs, waving around what was most certainly illegal firearms. But that wasn't the point of the operation. He needed to fit in, make the others believe that he was loyal. Some days, when his knuckles were bruised and bloodied and he stood over some unconscious jerk on a bar floor, he wondered how blurred he could let the line between cop and gang member get. Regardless, Jace continued to tell himself he was a cop first and all of this was a temporary arrangement. It didn't look like the meeting was starting yet, and so Bear approached the pool table to play a quick round. He might as well have a little fun before things got serious.

the cop


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡

  • how she's feeling...

    annoyed as hell but booze makes it better


the leader's daughter

No encounter with Ink these days ended with kissing and making up. Simply because neither of them really wanted that. Well, maybe Ink wanted it a little bit but Smoke was getting to the point where all she needed from her boyfriend was peace. If he just left her alone, if he was just the bigger man and broke up with her so even daddy dearest saw that this was utterly dysfunctional, everything could be thousand times better. Instead, they kept their charade up and poisoned everything and everyone around them. Just like tonight, screaming, yelling at each other and delivering punches here and there. What Smoke didn’t know was that there were people already calling her father. Lucky for them, she had no idea.

The first shot helped but she took a few more just to be sure her nerves were back in check. Work was always one of those things that helped Smoke to regain her balance and confidence and no matter how much Ink got to her, a few moments behind bars, throwing drinks together, sliding them across the polished wood of the counter. Smoke knew every single person in that bar, name, nickname and their favorite drink. As the leader’s daughter and the bartender, it was basically her job description to know.

It was after some time that two people joined the bar and Smoke almost choked on her shot when she noticed Ash dragging pouting Brady to the bar, asking for a shot of Jameson. With a deep inhale, the brunette reached for the bottle and would even let this slide without any comment but Ash went on. She was not born yesterday and knew that Ash was not throwing that comment her way from the sheer goodness of his heart. “Aww! Did daddy call you again and spoiled your fuck?” she asked in a fake cuddly voice, offering a two-second pout with her lower lip stuck in the front. “Get over it. Nobody asked you to come here and stick your nose in my business.” she added, setting the shot glass on the table. She then moved to put the Jameson bottle back where it belonged and grabbed another one, mixing a Fireball shot for Brady. As the glass landed in front of the tattooed male, Smoke fought hard not to throw it at him but it was Ash’s next comment that threw her off.

“Juniper? No…no…she wouldn’t dare…” Smoke spoke in a tone that was firm but carried specks of doubts anyway. Turning her head to see for herself, she noticed a blonde at the bar waiting to be served and tried to convince herself it couldn’t have been Juniper Dawson because that traitor would not be so dumb as to come to the middle of the pot. Not after what she and her brother pulled. “Should’ve taken night off…” Smoke mumbled and threw yet another shot down her throat. She heard a scoff and knew exactly who it belonged to but there were other things on her mind than that retard Ink. Another voice cut through the air and Smoke realized she completely failed to notice when Millie came in.

“Oh for fuck’s sake…” she groaned when it hit her that one way or another, she needed to approach Juniper. After all, it was Smoke who sent the other bartender home and decided to hold the fortress on her own. With a few routine moves, Smoke made Millie’s drink, one she knew her best friend liked to drink the most, and moved to the pair. “Evening, ladies.” she chirped. “I do come bearing gifts, here…” she grinned at Millie, moving the drink to her, before her dark eyes found Juni. “I’m sorry, we’re out of Traitor Cocktail but I might find a bottle of Bitch Wine or mix you one Dick Sucker, what do you say?”

♡coded by uxie♡

  • how he's feeling...

    calming down...sort of


the hot-head

Ink would be lying if he said he was not annoyed to no end with Smoke’s antics. Why was he even trying? Why was he doing this to himself? There was no reasonable answer to why he actually enjoyed the torture and stayed with Smoke. It would have been so much easier to simply send her to seven hells and find a girl who was definitely not that high maintenance. Or just take the road Ash decided to take and just hook up until, maybe, the right girl appeared. And if she didn’t? Oh well, would that really be that bad? At least Brady would save himself quite a few injuries and his consumption of cigarettes would be rapidly reduced. And yet, he stayed with her as if he enjoyed to torture that relationship offered.

Once Smoke disappeared, Ink immediately placed the filter of a fresh cancer stick between his lips and lit it up, inhaling deeply. Smoke and the taste of tobacco filled him up immediately and he even closed his eyes as he savored his dose of nicotine. Of course, it never even occurred to him that there was a wretched snitch somewhere in the dark who was already making a call to Shotgun, telling on him and Smoke for arguing again. With his eyes closed, he almost jumped out of his skin when a hand suddenly snaked around his shoulders and he was ready to throw a punch. His hand was already balled in fist when he noticed it was Ash.

“Dude!” he sighed. “I almost hit that prince-y face of yours. You can’t sneak up on me like that.” Ink grumbled and brought the cigarette to his lips again while Ash spoke his piece. “Yeah, because she’s innocent…” he muttered under his breath and threw the finished cigarette away. “Who bitched to your dad anyway?” Brady tried to find out but he already knew what the answer would be. “I don’t want to kiss and make up. And she doesn’t either so…” But Ash was already leading him inside and straight to the bar. Brady could be like a child and he was pouting real hard at this point, not in the mood to see his girlfriend.

Ash asked for his drink as Ink took the bar stool by his side and barely even looked at Smoke. She knew his order for all that it mattered so if she decided to grace him with her attention, he didn’t have to tell her anyway. The Valencia siblings went back and forth for a while and Brady decided it was smarter to just shut up. Smoke set his Fireball shot in front of him and for a moment, the boy thought she was going to throw it in his face. But Ash saved his ass again even though he definitely didn’t mean to. Smoke became distracted by the fact that little Juniper Dawson appeared at the bar and Ink scoffed over her comments, ready to poke the bear again. But before he had the chance, the brunette was gone. “She has some serious attitude problems, someone should tell her that. Maybe you could ask Millie?” Ink smirked and knocked back his shot.

Tapping the counter a few times, Brady stood up. “Gonna play something before your father gets here. Might be safer anyway.” he shrugged, motioning his head towards the girl trio. He was not in a mood for catty drama and the pool sounded much more appealing at that point. However, the pool table was already taken by someone Ink was not as close to as the others. But still… “Need a partner for a few rounds?” he asked Bear, taking his jacket off to throw it over a chair. “I’m also down for a bet.”

?coded by uxie?

/*left side*/

escape the ordinary.

nervous as hell



Millie, Smoke [ _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ; MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ]

/*right side*/


Had Juniper known who would be behind the bar that night, by herself, she might have lost all nerve to go out. She and Smoke had started drifting back before Juni left for school, and things had only gotten worse between them. She had no doubt in her mind that Smoke would not be happy to see her, but as she moved to stand by the bar, she didn't look up from the counter to see who was working. She barely moved as she stood there, her hands clasped together in front of her, until she heard a familiar and thank god friendly voice calling her name. Her head snapped up as Millie stepped up beside her at the bar, pulling her in for a hug that Juni happily returned. "It's so good to see you, Millie!"

She really had missed her friend, and she was grateful for her friendly face and attitude. Doubly so when another voice, a less friendly one, reached Juniper's ears. “Evening, ladies.” Juni looked over at Smoke as she slid a drink in front of Millie, and she felt a pang of sadness as she realized that the other two girls were still close. “I’m sorry, we’re out of Traitor Cocktail but I might find a bottle of Bitch Wine or mix you one Dick Sucker, what do you say?” Juni had noticed how the grin directed at Millie slid from Smoke's lips when she turned her attention to Juniper. Her ears and face burned at the insults, but she had been raised around that type of talk, and it wasn't the words themselves that got to her. It was the smugness and bitterness behind them.

"Well, Smoke, it's nice to see you again too." Juniper's eyes narrowed as she looked at Smoke, a slight huff leaving her lips. "And it's nice to know your insults are still juvenile. Seems like you drank the bottle of Bitch Wine, though, hmm?" She tilted her head slightly, knowing she shouldn't have played into Smoke's game but unable to stop the words from falling from her lips. "If you can find it in your heart to pour me a shot of Fireball and pop the top off of an Angry Orchard, I'd really appreciate it. From the bottom of my traitor heart." Her words grew snappier the more she talked, but she couldn't help the anger. She wasn't the traitor here, and she didn't even know if her brother was alive or dead, but everyone seemed to hate him and that meant they hated Juni by extension. It was unfair.

/*do not remove credit*/


/*left side*/

life is short. fuck it.

muy importante



Ink/Smoke [ _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ]; Millie [ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ]

/*right side*/


Ash was really not in the mood to go to the clubhouse and babysit his younger sister, though he knew he would have had to make his way there eventually for the meeting. Upon arriving, he saw Ink standing outside and made a lazy beeline for the fucker, dragging him inside the club even though Ash knew that was the last place he wanted to be. But if he was going to date Smoke, the two of them needed to be able to work through their problems, right? What better way to do that than actually fucking talk to each other? Of course, both of them were stubborn as fucking mules, which meant Ash was probably going to have to be the mediator. Fuck, he didn't get paid enough for this shit. Hell, he didn't get paid for it at all.

But seeing Juniper Dawson there shocked him, as he hadn't even known she was back. The fuck? He wasn't really angry, just moreso shocked, though he was sure there were some people here not happy about her presence at all. Ash himself was indifferent. People were shitheads, but as far as he knew, Juni hadn't done anything. Yet. Smoke went to go greet the blondie, and Ash glanced at Ink as he heard the other male speak. “She has some serious attitude problems, someone should tell her that. Maybe you could ask Millie?” Scoffing, Ash grabbed a bottle from behind the bar and an empty glass, pouring himself his own shot. He downed it and looked over at the two girls, though his words were directed at Ink. "Yeah, I'll get right on that. Telling my sister she has an attitude problem. You trying to get me killed, Ink?"

The tattooed male left to go play pool, and Ash sighed. Bringing the bottle and his shot glass with him, he moved closer to the females, just in time to hear the end of what Juni said. "Ohhh, shit." He stood there, bottle in one hand and glass in the other as he looked between Juni and Smoke. "Shit just got real." He poured himself a shot and knocked it back, moving to stand beside Millie. Pouring another shot, he offered it to the girl. "You might need this." He smirked down at her before he looked back at the other two, seeing the anger in his sister's eyes growing. "Someone's gonna get hit." He whispered to Millie, even though his whisper was not really that much of a whisper. "If they start swinging, I'm taking twenty bucks out on my sister."

/*do not remove credit*/


Milana remembered meeting Juniper in high school at the beginning of freshman year. She was a sheltered kid, having never broken a rule or told a lie in her entire life. Despite her easy, want-free life and nuclear family, she still felt as though something was missing. And she couldn't quite figure out what it was. Millie and Juniper shared several of their advanced placement classes, really connecting in a way she had never experienced before. Sure, Millie had had friends in the past. But most of them were organized by her parents, and none of them were really all that interested in her or her life. And, to be honest, the blonde couldn't quite blame them. There wasn't anything spectacular or interesting about her. She had no cool stories to tell other than the time she fell out of a tree and nearly broke her arm. She just... was.

Despite all that, Juni seemed to enjoy her company, and Millie was happy to have someone she connected with so well. And that feeling was increased two-fold when Smoke was introduced into their little group, though at the time Millie only knew her as Marisol. It was Smoke who introduced Milana to the Crimson Aces, and from there, she knew what was missing in her life: excitement. Adrenaline. Anything that could give her a story to tell. And she found that in her time hanging out with the gang. Of course, Millie hid her involvement with the illegal organization from her parents, knowing full well they would forbid her from ever returning to the compound. Like a drug, the blonde wasn't about to give up the feeling she had become addicted to.

Juniper quickly hugged Milana back, and it felt as though they were right back where they were as roommates in college, like she never had to leave and return to Newcrest. As she pulled back, a familiar voice sounded from across the bar, belonging to her other best friend. Millie was fully aware of the toll their college escape had taken on the brunette. And it was something that she still felt guilty about to that day. She also knew that after Juni's brother disappeared, Smoke no longer trusted her. It was a falling out for the ages. The psychologist could tell by the body language and facial expressions of her friends that the dislike was still there. Nevertheless, she returned Smoke's grin with one of her own as a gin and tonic was sat in front of her. "Thanks, love," Millie responded, immediately picking up the glass and taking a sip. She was going to need something to help her get through what was probably going to be a rough evening.

Traitor Cocktail. Bitch Wine. Smoke's sharp words nearly caused Milana to choke on her drink. "Hey now, guys. Maybe-" she began, attempting to diffuse the situation. But Juniper was quick to cut her off with some snappy words of her own. It was clear that their conversation wasn't heading anywhere good, and Millie felt torn. After all, they were both still her best friends. Taking another sip from her cocktail, her painted red lips parted, wanting to say something to calm the two girls down. But once again, she was interrupted. Annoyed turquoise eyes turned to glare at the dark-haired man now standing alongside her, a bit too close for Millie's liking. "You can't possibly think you're being helpful right now," the blonde stated, ignoring the shot that Ash held out to her. Instead, she threw back the rest of the gin and tonic for liquid courage before sitting the glass on the counter and glancing in between Smoke and Juniper. "Come on, guys. We're all here to have a good time. Maybe we should take a few breaths and forget about grudges for a moment?"

the good girl


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The room was filled with idle chatter, and Jason stopped every so often to greet a pretty woman or shake hands with a guy he recognized. He may only be a patched member for the Crimson Aces, but he liked to get to know the people he worked with. So there were very few unfamiliar faces in the room. After a few minutes of small talk, while slowly crossing the room, Jace finally reached his intended destination: the pool table. There were several Aces gathered around it, joking around with one another and throwing money onto the table in a series of what was most likely bets. Jason grinned, clasping a man by the name of Mark over the shoulder and featuring to the rest of the group. "Don't let this one fool you. He hustled me out of a hundred bucks my first time playing with him. Man's a shark," the brunette man grinned, letting out a low chuckle when Mark jokingly punched him in the shoulder and grabbed his money from the table. With a roll of his eyes, he said, "You ruin all my fun, Bear. I guess I'll take my scam elsewhere," before moving on to the bar.

It was surprising to Jace how at home he felt amongst the group of people known as the Crimson Aces. Though he would never admit, especially given his real job title, they felt much more like a squad, a family than his precinct had felt. The other detectives and cops weren't exactly supportive when he was going through some things. Hell, when she died, half of them hadn't even shown up to the funeral. The Aces, though. He had seen them beat the shit out of someone else just for insulting a respected member. Maybe that was a little extreme, but it was better than nothing. Whatever the case, Jason didn't want to think about that. Instead, he nodded at one of the women who had approached him, clearly interested in him. "Mind grabbing me a scotch from the bar, sweetheart?" the bearded man asked, and the woman was quick to oblige. It wasn't long before he had a lowball glass of the delicious amber liquid in his hand.

Taking a sip, Bear returned his attention to the guys gathered around the pool table, tossing his own hundred-dollar bill onto the green. "Anyone wanna take a chance on an all-or-nothing?" he questioned with a grin. As if on cue, another Ace approached, one Jason recognized as Ink. They hadn't talked much, only when was absolutely necessary. But. as far as he knew, there were no hard feelings between them. "I think a game of doubles would be fun, and I could use a decent partner. I hope this isn't your first time playing," Bear said with a grin, throwing back the rest of his scotch. He sat the empty glass on the edge of the pool table before picking out his cue. Chalking the end, he turned back to the table and nodded to Ink. "Want to break?"

the cop


  • filler tab!

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  • how she's feeling...

    annoyed becoming angry


the leader's daughter

This was all just getting better, wasn’t it? Not only Brady fucked up her evening delight in bed with the guy who was supposed to make sure nothing happened to her, Smoke then had to look in the face of the past. And for sure, that face was not exactly what Smoke was in the mood for. Ink and Ash were sitting at the bar and riled her up just enough that when Smoke actually approached Juniper, the words coming out of her mouth were way more insulting than she might have uttered before.

Quite frankly, Smoke was still very much hurt. While Juni and Millie went to college, she stayed at home, with the Aces. It wasn’t the worst, Smoke was not complaining. Aces were her family and she loved them for the rotten fuckers they were. But Juni and Millie were her best friends and with them gone, loneliness was hitting the brunette bartender harder than she expected. Smoke was raised to be tough and independent and she definitely was but she was also a girl and there were a few soft spots under that rough surface. Her little bitchy heart hurt and she was trying to forget the pain by doubling on her bad habits of smoking, snorting, popping and drinking anything she could lay her hands on.

Millie returned later and it was the first step for the leader’s daughter to start getting better. She was still a real addict and sleep-around but she pulled a handbrake on some of those activities. Her best friend helped a lot and while Smoke didn’t want to admit it to anyone or herself, it was true. Millie was the MVP in turning over Smoke’s game of self-destruction and the blonde got her back on track. And maybe when Juni returned, the legendary trio could have been reunited. But then the news about Robbie Dawson hit the gang and Smoke just couldn’t ignore the talk.

And now, there she was. Juniper Dawson, sitting at the bar, spewing insults back at Smoke. Admittedly, Smoke started it with her pokes but if Juni thought she was going to spill the last word here, the blonde traitor was about to find out she was gravely mistaken. For a split second, the smug smile on Smoke’s face waivered but she put it back on right away. Millie started to say something but it was already falling on deaf ears. When Juni returned the Bitch Wine blow, Smoke’s eyes narrowed. "If you can find it in your heart to pour me a shot of Fireball and pop the top off of an Angry Orchard, I'd really appreciate it. From the bottom of my traitor heart." Juni snapped and Smoke parted her lips to spit more venom. But then she closed her mouth again and offered the fakest of smiles. “But of course. Anything for a…friend.”

Walking towards the fridge, the bartender grabbed a requested bottle and popped the top off of it with a routine move. The dull thuds of her thick heels echoed on the floor and dissolved in the loud tones of loud music as she approached Juniper from the outside of the bar. “Here. Angry Orchard, as requested.” Smoke announced in the sweetest voice and as she reached towards Juni, her hand tilted and the content of the bottle poured out. Golden cider spilled onto Juni’s lap and a faked surprised grimace twisted Smoke’s pretty features. “Oh my! Now look at that, clumsy me!” she breathed, setting the bottle back on the counter as Juni jumped up.

Smoke was so focused on her childish charade that she didn’t even notice they were getting a little audience. “Now you gotta go home and change. Such a pity!” she added and approached Juni, shoving her into the crowd. “You’re not welcome here, Dawson. We don’t serve traitors in this clubhouse!” Smoke went on, taking a few steps closer to continue her assault. “And if you call me a bitch one more time, you won’t walk out of here on your own!”

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  • how he's feeling...



the hot-head

There was no point in dwelling on whatever shit Smoke was pulling and Ink already had plans for the night. And no, they did not include his current girlfriend. If she could go around and find wretched bastards to share bed with, Brady was not going to hesitate and would do the same. Not that anyone would care. The clubhouse was usually full of girls worth of his attention. And sometimes, even little chicks from outside of the Aces community came. They were naïve and cute, hoping to live the life in the arms of a biker, perfect for a one night stand. Brady used this relief sometimes as those girls hoped they scored a stallion but Ink would be gone from their adorable pink rooms long before they woke up next morning.

Tonight, he had enough of Smoke’s antics and Ash was not adding to his good mood with his pokes. The Valencia siblings were both so incredibly charming it hurt and Ink could only handle them because he was raised with them. Shotgun Valencia never pulled punches and he raised Ink the same way as Ash and Smoke. Sure, Brady was not the heir to the throne so in some ways, he was let go off the hook more than the crown prince and the princess but still, the basics were there.

Instead of taking Ash’s mockery, Ink downed his shot and left his brother to play some pool. The table was already taken and admittedly, Bear was far from a good friend to Ink but the two never really had a problem. Their talk was mostly business-related and neutral but one game of pool couldn’t hurt either of them, could it? Bear was already asking if anyone wanted to take a chance and he was right there to go for the challenge. "I think a game of doubles would be fun, and I could use a decent partner. I hope this isn't your first time playing," Bear grinned at the fellow Ace and Brady returned the face expression. “Careful there, Bear. Let’s not get cocky.” Ink laughed and took his leather jacket off, throwing it over a nearby chair. Grabbing a cue, he waited for Bear to chalk his and did the same.

Bear offered him to break and Ink nodded, walking around the table to do so. He leaned down, waited for a moment and then hit the white ball, sending the other colorful ones in all directions. The red three ball landed in the hole as well and Brady grinned. He opened his mouth to be smart about it when a small crowd caught his attention. “What the hell…” he mumbled and tried to make something of it. “Dude, what’s happening over there?” he asked Bear, motioning his head towards the bar, hearing angry voices cutting through the music.

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/*left side*/

escape the ordinary.

pissed as fuck



Millie, Smoke [ _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ; MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ]

/*right side*/


Seeing Millie again filled Juniper with the feeling that maybe things wouldn't be so bad. Juni had missed the other girl terribly, and had felt so alone when Millie returned to Newcrest. Juni herself didn't want to come back; she was happy with her job, and her life away from the Crimson Aces. She was making something of herself, which was what she'd always wanted. If Juni were being honest, though, she'd missed Smoke as well. The three girls made the most perfect trio, and though Juni and Smoke could have some heated arguments, Millie was always there to bring them down and be the mediator. But Juni hadn't forgotten how Smoke had turned on her right before she left Newcrest, and that still stung, even if Juni didn't want to admit it.

Smoke's words and actions when she approached the two girls from the other side of the bar proved to Juni that Smoke hadn't forgotten about that time, either. Juniper hadn't been perfect back then, nor was she now. She'd said some things she'd regretted, slammed some doors here and thrown a few things there. The only thing that had brought Juni back to Newcrest was not knowing what happened to her brother, though she'd found out pretty quickly after arriving that he was presumed dead. Juniper could have easily gotten back on a plane to go home, but she hadn't. Why? For a few different reasons, though a few of them she wouldn't admit out loud. Her biggest reason was that she didn't want to believe Robbie was dead, even if no one in the Aces seemed to want to help her find him.

Millie took a sip from her drink, though she nearly choked when Smoke started in on Juniper. But if the girl behind the bar thought Juni was going to just take those nasty words without some of her own, she was sorely mistaken. Juni saw the smug look on Smoke's face falter, but not for long before it was back in full force. Perhaps Juniper should have seen it coming, but she didn't, and that was on her. She turned to look at Millie as Smoke slipped away to grab the drink Juni had requested, and the blonde realized that someone else had joined them. She didn't get a chance to say anything before Smoke appeared from around the bar with the Angry Orchard. “Here. Angry Orchard, as requested.” Her voice dripped the fakest nice Juni had ever heard, but still, she started to reach for the bottle.

And then everything went to shit. Smoke tilted the bottle at the last minute, spilling the cider all over Juni's lap. The blonde immediately jumped out of her seat, her jaw open wide as she looked down at herself. "Smoke!" She practically shrieked, looking back up at the brunette, forgetting all about everyone else and the crowd they were attracting. “Now you gotta go home and change. Such a pity!” Smoke moved closer, and suddenly, Juni was stumbling backwards from being shoved. “You’re not welcome here, Dawson. We don’t serve traitors in this clubhouse! And if you call me a bitch one more time, you won’t walk out of here on your own!” She shoved Juni again, and the blonde's face burned from embarrassment. But fuck this, and fuck Smoke. "Fuck you, you fucking daddy's girl whore!" And with that, Juniper straightened and her arms shot out, shoving Smoke as hard as she could.

/*do not remove credit*/


/*left side*/

life is short. fuck it.

muy importante



Juni; Smoke [ _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ]; Millie [ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ]

/*right side*/


Ash was no stranger to bar fights, and it was almost as though he could sense them from a mile away. He also knew about the drama between Juniper, Smoke, and Millie-- even if the last one wasn't a part of the drama, not really, she was still friends with both of them and that grouped her in on it in Ash's mind. He'd been happy when Millie came back into town, remembering the fun times they'd had before she left town to go to college. What a waste, honestly. Not that it was a waste to use the smarts in that brain of hers, but the fact that she'd left. He could still feel her arms around him as he drove her around on his motorcycle, feeling the wind in their faces and letting the adrenaline take them where it wanted them to go.

And then there was prom night. She'd been so upset when her date stood her up, but he'd swooped in at the last minute and taken her. He was a few years older, but he'd saved the day, and that's what mattered. It's what friends do, right? Heh. Friends. His feelings for her had run deeper than that, but she'd left before he could say anything. Fast forward to now, and what the hell was he supposed to say? 'Hey, Millie, I really liked you back then. Wanna go out'? Not that he was opposed to being that forward, but he felt like Millie deserved better than that. Or maybe she deserved better than him. Whoa, hold the phone there horsey. Ashton Valencia was god's gift to women, and any woman would be lucky to be with him. Right? Right.

Shoving those thoughts aside as he approached Millie, he frowned when she turned to look at him, her eyes narrowed as she hissed at him. "Am I not?" He asked, looking down at the untaken shot in his hands. Well, he certainly wasn't going to let that go to waste, and if she didn't want it, then who was he to deny? He lifted the glass to his lips and downed the whiskey inside, making a face before he poured another one. "You sure you don't want?" He asked Millie, his eyes lingering on her just as Juni noticed he was there. He turned and gave her a slight nod, but had no time to say anything before his sister appeared, bottle of cider in hands. Ash lifted the second shot to his lips to drink it, though he choked on it when he saw Smoke spill the cider on Juni.

"Oh, hell." He coughed a few times, slamming the shot glass and the bottle back onto the counter. "Anyone touches this bottle, kill 'em." He clapped the guy at the bar on the back before he turned back to the other three. Juni had jumped up from her seat, and now Smoke was yelling at her, and even shoved the blonde backwards. But Juni was and had always had a fighter spirit as well. Ash's jaw dropped at her insult to his sister, and she shoved Smoke back as well, causing the brunette to stumble. "Okay, okay, fine." Ash glanced over at Millie, crossing his arms. "I take that back. My twenty is on Juniper. What do you say? Wanna take that bet?" A grin tugged at the corner of his lips, but he made no move to stop the impending catfight.

/*do not remove credit*/


It didn't seem like that long ago that Milana first met Ashton Valencia. As Smoke's older brother, it didn't take too many visits to the compound until they were formally introduced. The blonde remembered initially thinking how handsome he was. Sure, she was young, maybe a sophomore, and maybe a bit more naive than she was then. But he was three years older and still happy to flirt with her regardless of their age difference or her friendship with his sister. Millie remembered feeling shy at first around him, a constant flush on her cheeks as she stuttered through responses to his flirtatious statements. But, eventually, she got used to and sometimes minor annoyed by, his constant advances to the point that she started to fight back in a sense. Millie still laughed every time she thought about the look on his face when she sassed him for the first time. Surprise followed by annoyance with a hint of a smirk. Their relationship, whatever it was, changed from that point forward.

Things had been fine for a long time. But when she graduated and decided to go to college, it was as if some sort of switch flipped in his mind. He shut down, cut her off, and she didn't hear from him for years while she was away despite her attempts at contacting him. It was as if their friendship just disintegrated. After a while of trying to fix it, she gave up. There was no use in putting in more effort than he was willing to return. And so, Millie moved on with her life, keeping in contact with those she was still close to such as Smoke, Ink, and Juni. Despite being friends with the gang, the blonde spent much of her college life searching for a story to tell, something to prove that she wasn't boring. That manifested in the form of extreme extracurriculars: rock-climbing, cliff-jumping, sky-diving, and more. Anything that could put her in danger and get her heart racing, Millie tried. She was addicted to the feeling, and she wasn't sure that she wanted to break out of it.

Returning to Newcrest wasn't on her list of life plans. But with her mother's illness, she didn't have a choice. Even so, Ash hadn't really talked to her since her return. Not until that night at least. She shook her head at the offer of a second shot, instead focusing her attention on her two friends. The fire in their eyes had been set ablaze, and she knew that it was only so long before fists flew and hair was pulled. They had ignored her up until that point, and Millie wasn't quite sure what else she could say to stop the impending fight. But she had to try. "C'mon, Smoke that wasn't very nice," she said, blue eyes falling on Juni's damp clothes. "Let's just all take a step back and--"Milana tried to say, but it was far too late. The girls began shoving one another, harder and harder with each movement. She took a step back until she was standing alongside Ash once again. Turning her attention to him, and still slightly bitter that he was suddenly talking to her as if nothing happened, the blonde rolled her eyes and said, "If Smoke finds out you're betting against her, you're a dead man."

With that, Millie began to search the compound for a familiar face, one that she knew well. She knew what kind of image she portrayed: the sweet, innocent girl who didn't belong there. So it wasn't entirely a surprise when an older, bearded man covered in tattoos approached her. He was most likely one of the Aces, but not one she had ever met before. With a smirk on his lips, he attempted to place wrap his arm around her shoulders. "Hey, sweetheart. Want to keep me company tonight?" Despite the clear signs of danger, Millie offered him a sweet smile and easily slipped out from his arms. "No, thank you," she replied, blue eyes finally finding the face she had been looking for. Ink had been a close friend for quite some time, and someone she knew she could count on for anything. She slipped through the crowds until she reached him at the pool tables, a look of concern on her face. "Smoke and Juni are getting into it and I don't know what to do. I need your help, alright?"

the good girl


♡coded by uxie♡

Billiards had also held a special place in Jason's heart, despite the dingy bar, dangerous hustle often associated with the game. To be truthful, he was more versed in the professional form of the sport due to his father's interest in it. The senior Dougherty was rarely home due to his taxing job as a corporate lawyer. But, one of the few things that he truly enjoyed, along with his weekly poker games, was playing pool. As a child, Jace remembered begging his father to let him tag along to the pool hall. If the senior Dougherty had a particularly good day at the office, then he would often comply. Bear loved billiards, loved everything about the game. It involved equal parts of mind games, strategy, and skill: all things that were imperative to his career as a detective as well. If he were being honest, those games of pool combined with his mother's army influence created the foundation for his successful law enforcement career.

For the past few years, he hadn't really been a cop. At least, not in the traditional sense. Sure, Bear had been sending in information to the state department as he learned it. But he hadn't arrested someone or shot his state-issued firearm in years. Did he miss it? Absolutely. But was he content in his new world where there didn't seem to be any hard and fast rules? Though he wouldn't admit it, the answer was probably also yes. He enjoyed being able to live his life and do what he wanted without the watchful eyes of his superiors glaring down on him. Instead, it was just the higher-up, patched members and leaders of the Crimson Aces that didn't really care what he did or what trouble he got into as long as it didn't impact the mission or the safety of the Crimson Aces.

Bear nodded towards Ink, letting out a low chuckle at his statement. "Does it still count as being cocky if I know I'm good?" he asked, though it was mostly rhetorical. A pair of Aces grabbed their own cues from the wall, intending to take on Ink and Bear in a game of doubles. There was money on the board to win, and so Jace was taking it fairly seriously. He took a step back, watching as Ink leaned over the table to break the rack. It was a good shot, the cue ball hitting the pyramid in the very center. It sent the rest of the balls in all directions, the solid red finding a new home in one of the pockets. "Nice shot, man," the brunette said, immediately scanning the table for what the best next shot would be. But the sounds of shouting caught his attention, and Bear realized that a crowd was forming at the bar.

"I have no idea," he responded, the crowd blocking them from seeing what was actually happening. He assumed it was probably just another fight, nothing to really write home about. After all, fights happened often in the compound. Disagreements led to throwing fists, and once they were pulled apart, they generally made up and laughed about it later. But the appearance of Millie, the blonde outsider he had actively avoided for most of his time with the Aces, made him realize that there was more to it. She wasn't a gang member, far from it actually. But she was friends with many of them, despite her innocent, naivety to what was really happening behind those walls. He knew what she did for a living and that she was good at it. So he did his best to avoid her and hide his microexpressions for fear that she might figure out his secret. "Smoke and Juni, huh?" he repeated, turning his attention to Ink, "Think we should do something about that?"

the cop


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡


the leader's daughter

Fighting and throwing fists were no unknown terms for Smoke and she was rather infamous for her outbursts. Being the leader’s daughter filled her with pride and she took it as it was. The brunette was untouchable. Well, it was definitely not one hundred percent true and while daddy Valencia loved his children and would avenge them all the time, if Smoke got in trouble for her big fat mouth, she was expected to deal with it herself. And if she returned home with scratches and bruises, Shotgun cared very little as he knew his daughter more than well. Smoke was a hot-headed, reckless bundle of dynamite and her fuse was shorter than short. No wonder she was not a newbie in bar fights.

Coming from the environment she did, things out of the compound were not exactly the easiest for the biker girl. Away from the Crimson Aces, no one exactly cared who Wayne “Shotgun” Valencia was and even less that Smoke was his daughter. To them, she was just Marisol. And Smoke despised her birth name with all the passion she could muster. Whose demented idea it was to name her that, she had no idea but it might have been her dad. Ash was older and his name was rather casual but Shotgun apparently wanted his heritage to be reflected at least in one of his children and so he named his daughter like she was a main character from a Mexican soap opera. But when a few guys from the compound came up with a nickname Smoke, the brunette didn’t hesitate and asked, even demanded everyone to call her that, condemning her real name for all eternity.

With a name like that, she didn’t expect anyone to take her seriously and the teachers at school refused to call her Smoke anyway which pissed her off immensely. Smoke had to fight for everything she had so throwing a few punches to mark a bitch’s face was no problem. Moreover, Juniper was asking for it. Not only was she a labelled traitor, she came to the clubhouse and threw smartass comments around. No way Smoke was going to let that happen and went after the blonde as the petty meanie she was. Once the cider found a new home in Juni’s lap, everyone around knew there was going to be a show and soon afterwards, a nice crowd surrounded the girls as Smoke shoved Juniper away from the bar, her actions peppered with a few snarky comments of her own.

Not that Juni was going to let the brunette bartender get away with it. “Fuck you, you fucking daddy’ girl whore!” she yelled and her hands hit Smoke’s torso, sending her backwards. Dull pain spread in Smoke’s back as she hit the pillar holding the bar on one side and for a moment, a surprised grimace spread on her face. “What did you just call me?” she asked in disbelief and let Juni’s words fully sink in. Rage coursed through her veins and her blood started to boil, bringing up the Smoke many had already met. One that was about to rain vengeance upon those who did her wrong. “You traitorous bastard bitch!” Smoke’s body moved forward so fast it was almost unbelievable and her hand flew through the air. A loud slapping sound cut through the air as Smoke graced Juniper’s face with the first blow. Reaching forward, she grabbed a fistful of blonde tresses and pulled back, trying to get hold of her former best friend some more. Not that it was easy, the nurse was a tough opponent, tougher than it seemed at the first sight. But Smoke was not giving up, hoping Juni would give up soon.

♡coded by uxie♡
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  • how he's feeling...

    fed up


the hot-head

Being raised alongside the Valencia siblings, Brady Walsh could never say he was missing something. Though not having the biker royal blood, he was always taken as a part of their family and was blessed by respect from the others. Protective hand of Wayne Valencia was hanging over him so no one dared to ever question his status within the gang. Ink would be lying if he said he had never abused this privilege but he always made sure he did it either subtly or not way too much that Wayne would have found out. If that happened, Ink would be royal. Royally screwed.

His life was good. Brady could never complain about not being taken care of. And he also managed to almost score the keys from the kingdom when Smoke became his old lady. But that went south rather soon and there was not one person in Crimson Aces who would not be aware how those two worked. Sighing softly, Brady tried to push the gloomy thoughts out of his mind and when the blue chalk touched the tip of his cue, the soft rubbing sound helped this attempt a little. There was nothing like a good game of pool with a few stacks of greens at the end to help a guy forget his trouble for a moment. And once Ink broke the pyramid, his game was set on winning.

It was shortly after though that some ruckus from the counter caught Brady’s attention and he asked Bear what was happening. But the big guy had no idea and Ink was ready to sink another ball when a familiar flash of blonde mane appeared. Straightening himself back up, the hot-headed boy looked at his close friend and smirked. “Are you joining us, Millie?” he grinned but when the look of concern washed over the blonde’s face, his grimace disappeared. "Smoke and Juni are getting into it and I don't know what to do. I need your help, alright?" she told him and this simple statement elicited an annoyed huff from the boy.

Bear spoke to him as well, asking whether they should do something about it and honestly, Brady just wanted to stay at the pool table and finish his game. Smoke was not on his agenda tonight, not after the shit she had pulled earlier but apparently, the girl managed to change his plans anyway. “That crazy bitch…” he muttered under his breath and threw the cue on the table. “Come on, I’ll need help.” he added, addressing Bear, and headed straight towards the mayhem.

Just as Ink made his way, pushing a few people aside, the scene unfolded in front of his eyes and he saw Smoke’s arm trying to snake around Juni’s neck while her other hand was holding a tight grip on the blonde hair. Not that Juni was not fighting like a lioness, Smoke was getting her own share of blows. “For fuck’s sake, Smoke!” he groaned and approached the fighting duo, squeezing Smoke’s wrist so hard she opened her hand and let Juni go. Ink shoved his girlfriend away and wrapped an arm around Juni, pulling her further from the crazed bartender. Maneuvering the blonde nurse a little, he hid her behind his muscled form, protecting her more. “The fuck, Brady? You’re gonna protect the traitor?” Smoke snapped and was right there in Brady’s face but he shoved her away again with one hand, the other still holding Juni in safety. “Shut up, Smoke! Just get back to your job and stop humiliating yourself and your father!” Ink retorted and was ready to leave when a whole lot of swear words, both in English and Spanish flooded his ears.

His blood boiled and he flashed Smoke a look full of hatred. “No, Smoke. You’re wrong. This actually is over. I’m done being seen as a loser and pitied by everyone that my own girlfriend is fucking the highest league. Whatever you have to say, just save it for whichever wretched bastard climbing in your bed tonight. We’re done.” Ink’s voice was filled with venom as he spoke and turned his back to his now ex-girlfriend. “Come on, let’s get you out of here.” he spoke to Juni, his voice audibly softer, and nudged her towards the exit. “You okay? Did she hurt you?”

?coded by uxie?

/*left side*/

escape the ordinary.

pissed as fuck

clubhouse ---> porch


Smoke; Ink [ _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ; MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ]

/*right side*/


Juniper didn't really like to fight. She definitely didn't go out looking for someone to fight, and she hadn't come here to the clubhouse bar to get into one with Smoke. Juni didn't hate Smoke, not by a long shot. But the blonde nurse was angry with the dark haired girl, just as Smoke was obviously angry with her, and that anger was coming to a head tonight from both girls. Poor Millie was stuck in the middle, trying to convince them to just take a breath and take a step back, but apparently that was not going to happen. Smoke spilled the cider on Juni one hundred percent on purpose, and Juni was not a doormat. She wasn't going to just take that shit laying down; she was going to stand up for herself. She had a backbone, especially since working in a prison, not to mention Juni was born and raised in this environment.

So fights were nothing new to Juni, though granted, she hadn't been in very many herself. Smoke definitely started it though, even before spilling the Angry Orchard in Juni's lap. Her smartass, nasty words behind the bar set the whole scene, and the cider in Juni's lap was just the icing on the cake. When Smoke shoved Juniper, it was already game over, and Juni spit nasty words right back at Smoke before she shoved the other girl as hard as she could. They had definitely drawn quite the crowd with their petty catfight, and Juni didn't even notice that Millie had disappeared to go get help. Had Juni noticed, she might have felt a little bad for the girl, because she always seemed to be in the middle of the Juni-Smoke spats, and now was no different.

Smoke hit one of the pillars holding the ceiling up, and Juni saw the surprise flash in her eyes, followed by a darkening anger. Without warning, Smoke flew forward, her palm connecting with Juni's cheek. Pain shot through Juni as Smoke grabbed a fistful of her blonde hair, yanking backwards and causing Juni to cry out in pain. Juniper's hand snuck around to grab whatever she could reach, which happened to be Smoke's hair as well. She gripped and tugged on it, her other hand balling into a fist as she swung wildly, connecting with something but she wasn't sure what. Blows just kept coming, and Juni matched Smoke as best she could, her rings tearing some of Smoke's skin here and there. Smoke definitely got Juni too, but she had no idea how bad the damage was just yet.

Suddenly someone approached them, and then Smoke's grip on her hair loosened and Smoke was being shoved away. An arm wrapped itself around Juni, but for a moment in her blind rage, she didn't know who it belonged to. Breathing heavily, Juniper was going to lunge at Smoke again, but her words stopped Juni. Brady? Turning her attention to the arm that had pulled her away from Smoke, she realized that it was indeed connected to Ink. Smoke lunged at Juni but Ink just shoved her back again, keeping Juni safe in his arms and away from the enraged bartender. The two of them exchanged more words, some coming from Smoke in Spanish, but Juni could hardly concentrate on them. Her ears were ringing, she tasted blood, and there was something trickling down her face.

“Come on, let’s get you out of here. You okay? Did she hurt you?” Ink nudged her towards the exit and with one last glare shot at Smoke, Juni wrenched herself out from under Ink's grip and marched towards the doors. Shoving them open, she stepped out into the cool night air, drawing in a shaky breath as she stepped to the side, out of the way. Lifting her hand, she touched the liquid trickling down her face, lowering her hands to find it was blood from a cut on her forehead. Honestly though, if that was the worst of her injuries, she'd live. "I'll survive." She snapped, her voice low as she grabbed the banister on the porch of the club. Hot tears stung her eyes but she tried to blink them away, not wanting Brady to see. "You should go back in there. Your girlfriend might need you."

/*do not remove credit*/


/*left side*/

life is short. fuck it.

muy importante



Smoke [ _amaranth_ _amaranth_ ]; Millie [ MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat ]

/*right side*/


If Ash tried to step in and stop every fight that happened here, he'd never have any time for himself, and if there was one thing Ash loved it was having time for himself. He enjoyed not having to worry about others, and usually only did if shit got really serious or his father basically commanded it. And then Ash would just roll his eyes and take care of whatever needed to be taken care of. He might grumble and complain the whole time, but hey, shit still got done. Hell, Ash might even throw a few punches if it meant getting it done faster. Though when it came to women, he usually just grabbed them, picked them up and deposited them somewhere different, away from whatever drama was going on. He wasn't a fan of getting into fist fights with women, even if some of them were damn good fighters.

Watching whatever was going on between his sister and Juniper, Ash was definitely going to make the best of it. His father was still not around, though Ash had no doubt he would hear about what had happened. Maybe he should step in and stop it before it began, but at the same time, he wanted to see how it would play out. Ash knew that Juni and Smoke had been friends at one point, though it seemed they were far from that now. Standing beside Millie, Ash watched as Smoke dumped cold cider on Juni's lap, the blonde jumping up from the chair in response. Ash already knew they were going to fight, it was just a matter of who was going to win. And when it came to winning, he knew Smoke would do whatever it took to come out on top, so of course his money would be on her.

But when Juniper turned out to actually have some fight in her, Ash changed his bet. "If Smoke finds out you're betting against her, you're a dead man." Ash's eyes flicked over to Millie as she spoke, disappearing into the crowd right after. Mocking her words under his breath, he just rolled his eyes and nudged the guy standing next to him. "Twenty on the blonde?" He smirked, already reaching into his pocket to pull a twenty out. He smoothed the wrinkled bill and held it up in front of the other guy's face, watching as his eyes zeroed in on the money. Chuckling, Ash snatched the twenty back, nodding to the fight. A couple of other guys approached him, all while Smoke and Juni were going at it just a few feet from them. They'd definitely attracted attention.

A few moments later, after Ash had a steady betting circle going on, Ink and Bear cut through the crowd. The former grabbed Juni, shoving Smoke away from both of them. Ash turned his attention back to them, lifting a brow as he realized that Ink hadn't gone for Smoke, but for Juni. "Well, that's an interesting development." He tilted his head to the side, his typical smirk still present on his face. Smoke tried to lunge at Juni again, but Ink shoved her again and then Bear stepped in. Ash's eyes went wide as he heard Ink basically break up with the girl right there on the spot, before he nudged Juni towards the exit. Still holding the money he'd gathered, Ash turned to look at the men who were looking at him expectantly. "Well, looks like I get to keep this."

He grinned, beginning to tuck the money into his pocket. No one was going to step to him, even if it wasn't really clear who'd won the fight. Patting his pocket where he had a good couple hundred now, he turned back to Smoke, crossing his arms over his broad chest. "You really gotta check that 'tude, sis." He told her, moving back to the man who'd been babysitting his bottle. "I'll take that." He snatched the bottle back, finding himself a new glass and pouring a shot. Turning back, he approached Smoke. "Here. You look like you need this. Take a breather, sis. And go out back, for the love of god." He shoved the shot glass into her hands before he turned to locate Millie in the crowd. "Should we celebrate, Mills?" He grinned as he approached her, slinging an arm around her shoulders. "A ride on my bike, maybe? Back to my place?"

/*do not remove credit*/


When Millie first came to the Crimson Aces, she was even more blissfully ignorant than she was as an adult. The young blonde walked into that compound completely unaware of the danger she was surrounding herself with. Weapons, drugs, murder, assault. And that was just the beginning of the laundry list of crimes the Aces had on their records. While Smoke wasn't necessarily shy about all of it, Millie didn't completely understand the implications. At least, not in the beginning. Eventually, she became comfortable with many of the Aces, a lot of which she considered her friends. Ink was one of those people, someone who saw that naive blonde girl and welcomed her with open arms. She was out of her comfort zone, and he did his best to make her feel at home. He taught her to ride a motorcycle, gave her her first cigarette, made her first alcoholic drink. Millie loved him like a brother, even though he was sometimes an ass.

The tall man alongside Ink spoke up, asking if they should do something about the situation. Millie turned her stormy blue eyes to him, immediately annoyed. She was asking for her friend's help, and he had the gall to just brush off the urgency she felt. The blonde woman hadn't spent a lot of time with Bear, but from what she had heard and seen, he was was a bit of a goofball who was most certainly hiding some things. She just didn't know what. Nevertheless, she let out a huff and turned her attention back to Ink, who looked super reluctant. She could tell that he didn't want to stop their game, didn't really care all that much if the girls threw down. But he put his pool cue on the table, gathered Bear, and walked towards the excitedly shouting group that had crowded around Juniper and Smoke.

Though she couldn't see what was happening on the other side of the crowd, Millie felt a sigh of relief leave her body knowing that someone was putting a stop to the fight between her two best friends. It hurt her heart to see the disdain they had for one another, the two people outside of her blood that she loved most in the world. And the part that made it worse is that, despite all her training and how well she knew both of them, she couldn't get through to them. At least not yet. Milana hoped that one day, they could be the trio again that they were in high school. Because she missed them, and she hated being stuck in the middle. Everyone had disappeared from the pool table to go and catch the ending of the fight, leaving Millie by herself. She leaned against the mahogany wood, relieving the pressure from her heeled feet. Maybe wedges weren't the best choice for the evening.

The feeling of an arm wrapping around her shoulder caught Milana by surprise, and her eyes immediately shot up to find Ash standing alongside her. He had his signature charming grin that probably worked on most women like it used to work on her. When they first met, Millie would be lying if she said she wasn't smitten by the older Valencia. And prom night... No, that wasn't something she could think about. After she left for college, he didn't answer her texts or calls for so long that she eventually just gave up. And then they didn't talk for five years. And now, out of nowhere, he was acting as if nothing happened. "Should we celebrate? A ride on my bike, maybe? Back to my place?" he asked, that Ash confidence that hid the darker components of his personality. Milana wanted to say no, to tell him that it would never happen. But after the night she had, the blonde needed a bit of adrenaline to cleanse her palette.

Millie slipped out from beneath Ash's arm, turning her body to face his. She tilted her head curiously for a moment, arms crossed over her chest as she seemingly considering Ash's offer. "I'm not quite sure what we're celebrating. My best friends just tried to claw each other's eyes out," she answered, sass clearly dripping from her tone. In general, Milana was an indecisive person. So, she reached out to grab the bottle of cider from the dark-haired man, taking a sip from it for some sort of liquid inhibition. Millie really did want a shot of adrenaline at that moment. It was her drug, her addiction. And she wasn't quite ready to give it up. "I'll take you up on that bike ride. But you'll have to find some other girl to take home tonight," the blonde said, taking one last sip of the cider before handing the bottle back to him. Without waiting for Ash's answer, Millie slipped past him towards the side door, stepping out into the moonlight and fresh air.

the good girl


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡

As a child, Jason grew up in a rather strict household. His father was a corporate lawyer. But he wasn't around enough to truly parent. Instead, Master Sergeant Olivia Tayler, also known as Jace's mother, was his primary authoritative figure. She expected nothing but the best from her son, and everything about his childhood was determined by her. His friends, his clothes, the sports he played. Everything. He had no option to fully express himself or his own individuality. Because of this, Jason grew up to really despise authority, rebel against it every chance he got, and truly be himself through humor. In some ways, this was a benefit. He made friends fast and was the life of the party when he got to party anyway. But it also was a detriment in that he acted out, got into trouble at school, and ultimately ran away from home after high school.

Living in New Orleans changed everything for Jay. He worked as a mechanic, went to the police academy, and eventually became a rookie detective. But ultimately, everything came to a glaring halt when he lost his partner and girlfriend Alicia Camp. She was everything to him, and waking up from surgery to a world without her sent him into a spiral. One he wasn't sure he would ever get out of. And that insanity was the reason he agreed to have his entire life erased just to create a new life in the Crimson Aces. It would never be like the future with her would have been. They could have grown old together, maybe had a family and a golden retriever. But that would never happen, and he would be damned if he didn't work his absolute hardest to find the people that ended her life.

Because of all that, Jace was no stranger to fighting. Throwing down in bars. Nearly beating some asshole's face in who looked at him wrong. It was the reason he was accepted into the Aces to begin with. That all being said, he wasn't used to watching a catfight, let alone one where the daughter of Shotgun Valencia was included. Bear could tell that Millie didn't appreciate his question, unable to hide the annoyance on her face. But he didn't have time to respond, nor didn't really want to. Instead, Ink spoke up, walking across the room towards the crowd. Bear shrugged, put his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket, and followed. They pushed their way through the group, surprised to find Smoke and Juni sharing blows that would have made even the toughest Ace pause.

Ink immediately pushed himself in between them, and Bear was surprised to see him protect Juni over his girlfriend. They threw a series of curses at one another before Ink corralled the younger blonde out one of the exits. And just like that, everything died down and people went back to minding their own business. If he were being honest, Bear felt bad for Smoke, her relationship crumbling like that in front of pretty much the entire clubhouse. In some ways, he didn't think Smoke would care, obviously not as invested in the relationship as Ink was. But the hopeless romantic in him wanted to make sure she was okay. Leaning across the bar to grab a bottle of tequila, Bear approached Smoke carefully. He held up the bottle and a pack of cigarettes to the brunette, nodding his head towards the back door. "Care to join me?"

the cop


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡

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