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Creatures of the Night ((Closed))

Asher released a breath he didn't realize he was holding once they were safely back on pack land. He glanced around, before looking down to Ember.

Alex nodded and she turned around in his arms, and nuzzled her face into his neck and inhaled his scent deeply.

"I know he's marked her, but can't the ceremony be performed even if they've been marked? If we keep Asher separated long enough from Ember, the bond between the two should weaken some."He said slowly, before nodding."Good. Because Jason won't tell me a thing and I'm his second in command. For whatever reason, Alex suddenly can't handle the sight of blood. I came nack after a hunt and she saw me, and she started begging Nicoli to take her to his house."He said slowly.
I'm sorry Asher" Ember whispers once she smelled they were off Clan land. 

Nicoli happily held her close, running his fingers through her hair soothingly. 

Seth listened. "Doing it now she's marked could be dangerous." But not impossible. "I'll certainly see what I can learn, that's awfully...suspicious." He says. 
"What are you sorry for?"He asked her softly as he held her close to him while they walked.

Alex closed her eyes as she relaxed happily against him.

"Yhags what I thought. Word is going around the pack that she got exiled for a short time."He said slowly.
"Everything. For being stupid enough to let Seth do this to me, for being useless and blind." She grumbles, sounding on the verge of tears. 

Seth thought for a moment. He had an idea, but wasn't sure so he didn't share yet. "How do you plan to get Alex? And to keep Asher away from Ember?"
((Sorry doing some school work so will be slow))

"Hey hey hey."Asher said quickly, stopping and turning her to face him."You are not stupid. It was not your fault. He stabbed you efore you ha a chance to stop him. And jus because you rblind, doesn't  mean you're useless. I'm gonna introduve you to an honored member of  our pack, She has been blind since she was 22. And she just turned 32. She is the best wolf in our pack. She's bested Jason in many things. She's vital to us. Just because you are blind, you are not useless."He refused to let her say she was stupid.

"I'm not sure. The two of them have to e wear I can get to them. I can't get onto your land, but I first need to know what is up with Alex."He said slowly, before sighing deeply."when Asher leaves to hunt for him and Ember, I'm going to have a few rogues that I know, ambus him, and weaken him enough that I can get him. Then, I'll use a siilver collar that weaken hm to the stregth of a normal human. He wont be able to fight us then. I just have to hope that Emver doe not feel anything rom it because that will tip her off as to where we are since he marked her."He said slowly.
((No worries))

ember bit her lip, tears spilling from her eyes as she hugged him tight. "I don't know what to do." She whispers. 

Seth nods. "That'll be soon I'm sure. We'll meet tomorrow with updates?"
"Shh...."Asher said softly, stroking her hair softly."It's alright Ember. You'll get through this. Think of all that you've gone through to be where you are. Being blind won't hold you back for long."He said as he held her close.

Kyle nodded."Perfect. I want to know by tomorrow what's up with Alex. Get your King and Queen involved if you have to."He said, before saying one last thing.It's likely the rogues that will be assisting me in containing Asher, will be at our meeting tomorrow."
Ember bit her lip and buried her face against his chest. She just needed to cry. She had been so frustrated and afraid and she had been trying so hard to be strong.

Seth hissed a little bit nodded. "I suppose if need be. Let's say this same time tomorrow. I'll at least figure out what's been going on with Alex."
ASher picked her up into his arms, and held her flush against her chest as he sat down with her and leaned against a tree."Just let it all out ems....it'll feel beter I promise."He said softly.

"Don't worry about the rogues. I'll ake sure they stay off your land. ALthough they hate Jason so much, that they won't do anything to ruin your trust because they want revenge on Jason."He said simply, and then nodded."That sounds good to me."
Ember curled up as small as she could on his lap, which was not difficult. He was bigger than her - built like a male wolf of course. She just held onto him tight and cried until she had no tears left. 

Seth nodded, he'd need to keep their faces in mind for when a time came to over throw Jason. Though he wouldn't share that thought. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Alright, later Kyle. And good luck."
Asher continue to hold her tight to him and rubbed her back, occasionally making a soft shushing sound as he lelt her cry against him.

"Yup. Thank you."He said as he stood up, and then left to go back to the pack before anybody got suspicious.
After a good hour Ember felt cried out. She was exhausted and ready to sleep. "Can we go home? And will you lie with me until I fall asleep?" She asks, her voice hoarse. 

Over the mext hour Nicoli gave Alex another three blood bags, trying to space them out for her so she could start to learn to not need it. 
Asher nodded."Of course Ember."He said softly as he stood, up holding her still."I won't leave your side for the entire time you are asleep."He promised as they walked towards his house.

Alex worked hard to make them last, but she was tired of restraining and haviog to make the blood last because she wanted it so badly. She began to wonder, if Nicoli would ever let her feed from him occasionally. She had to admit that his blood tastes absolutely wonderful to her. Though that was probably due to the fact that they are mates.
She nodded, walking carefully with him until they reached the house. Once there she had him bring her to their room and almost as soon as she was lying down she was falling asleep. 

As nightfall came Nocoli sighed a little and looked to Alex. "I need you to try to sleep through the night okay? You'll get one last blood bag." He says gently. 
Asher quickly chaanged into a pair of boxers and no shirt, then lied down beside her. He pulled her into his arms, holding er flush to is chest as he began to drift off as well.

Alex nodded softly."I'll try. I don't know if I can though. I could barely make it without needing a blod bag for an hour.
Nicoli sighed and gently brushed her hair back. "Ember would ask for me to give her a sedative. If you would like that too then I can give you one. But it will be worse tomorrow if you don't sleep." He says. 
"I'll take the sedative. Otherwise I won't be able to do it..."She said softly as she looked up at him, smiling softly.
He nodded and lightly kissed her lips. "I'll be back." He says. He knew she couldn't leave so he made sure he was quick. He left the large room and returned shortly after with the sedative. "I'm going to give this to you now, it will help and its strong enough to work on a wolf." He says. 
Alex nodded softly."Thank you Nic."She said as she took the sedative from him, and washed it down with a couple sips of water."I hope those won't cause any issues for the clan..."She said softly.
Nicoli smiled as he sat beside her, gently running his fingers through her hair. "It won't, I promise." He says. And even if it did it was not something she needed to worry about.
Alex nodded softly, and she lied down on the bed, and pulled Nicoli down with her as she enjoyed his gentle touches to her hair.
Thanks to the sedative, Alex slept through the entire night, and until around 11 in the morning before she began to stir.
Ember woke up late the next morning. It was dosorienting though, it was still dark even when she woke and she felt a new sudden bout of tears. She'd never see the sun again....

Nicoli woke much earlier than Alex. He waited multiple hours for her, but he didn't dare leave before she woke. 
Alex groaned softly as she opened her eyes."It did a number on me....."She said, referring to the sedative as her hoarse voice spoke.

Asher immediately wrapped his arm around her immediately sending her discomfort."Shh love....it's alright...."

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