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Creatures of the Night ((Closed))

"No." Nicoli says sternly, he wrapped an arm around Alex's shoulder and held her close to him. "It is not permanent Asher." He adds. 

By now Ember had gotten to her feet and was moving towards Asher. She remembered the room of course but it had changed. "Asher calm down." She says gently, stopping as she ran into...something. She couldn't even tell what.
Asher snarled at Nicoli, he wasn't happy with this."She might end up a rogue for good Nicoli! Being away from their pack is hard on any wolf! And eventually, they won't be able to adjust back to pack life!"Asher looked towards Ember, and he frowned as she ran into something."You alright Ems?"

Alex sighed quietly and just nuzzled her face into his chest."Asher, if you don't calm down, you're gonna shift. You know how your anger gets. And you shouldn't be shifting on clan land."She warned softly.
"She will adjust Asher she's stronger than you think." Nicoli says calmly. "I will help her through this. We will do it quick and then she can be pack again in no time." He assures him. 

Ember was holding in her growing frustration. "I'm fine." She snaps. She didn't mean to, she was just upset. "He is right Asher, you need to calm down. It will all work out." She promises him. 
Alex watched as Asher's face relaxed at the frustration Ember was showing."Fine."He said with a sigh."Do you want to stay longer Ems? Or do you wanna head back yo pack land?"she asked softly.

Alex smiled softly as she watched them, then she turned to Nic."He should be fine now, Nic. He just gets really protective of me a lot of the time."She said softly.
Ember just shrugged. "Whatever you want." She says. She didn't want to make him leave sooner than he wanted. "Just...show me where the stupid chair is." She adds with a forced smile. 

Nicoli nodded. "I don't blame him." He says, kissing her temple. 
Alex smiled softly at his kiss to her temple, and she cuddled into her side, before sighing."Nic....I'm kind of thirsty again..."Sje said quietly.

Asher guided her to the chair, and then he sat down beside her."So, Nicoli, how long will Alex be cooped up here?"

((sorry, I had no internet for a while))
He nodded. She had gone nearly 20 minutes and he figured that was a good start. He kissed her cheek and got up to get her another blood bag. 

Ember curled up beside him and then glanced towards Nicoli's direction. 

"I don't know, it'll all depend really. I'm hopeful it won't be long." He says. 

((No worries I understand that.))
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Alex waited, anxious, but patiently for the blood. Since Asher had come, she had gotten a bit thirstier for blood.

Asher sighed."Me to. Because I want her to be back with the pack as soon as she can. I'm worried that if she's gone too long, then she might get rogue enough that transitioning back to being in the pack could be harder for her."He said as he wrapped his arms around Ember gently.
Ember leaned into him and listened carefully. She gently brought a hand up to one of his in a comforting manner. 

Nicoli looked to Asher after he brought the blood to Alex. "Then I'll make sure to help her as quick as I can." He promises. 
Asher gripped her hand gently in his and rubbed his thumb along the tip of her hand.

Alex took the blood and quickly Egan drinking it. She paused to speak before resuming the drinking."I really don't think I'll go completely rogue. I have Nic to keep me safe and fairly tame."
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Ember closed her eyes, not that it mattered, and held in a purr as she focused on him. 

Nicoli smirked. "I will keep her ready to return to the pack." He promises Asher. 
Asher kissed her hand softly, and rubbed the top of her hand more."Good. Because if she goes compoletely rogue, I'm blaming you."He said with a low growl before cryying out in surprise as Alex threw something at him."What the hell Alex!?"

Alex was beyond pissed with Asher questioning her mates ability. She didn't understand why she got so pissed so fast. She made her anger known though as she chucked her shoe at ASher, and smirked as it hit him with decent force straight in the nose."Fuck you ASher! Nicoli is perfectly capeable of taking care of me!"She growled as she stood up, alowing the half empty blood ag to  lie on the bed as she walkedd towards him, her eyes almost com[letely red.
"Alex," Nicoli says gently but warningly. Ember, feeling the tension, got to her feet and placed herself between Asher and Alex. 

"I'm not in the mood for this Alexandria." She warns. She didn't care if Asher could handle himself better than her, it was instinct. 
ASher quickly stood, and pulled Ember to him gently."It's alright Ems. Wolves get in fights like this all the time. In Alex's current weakened state, I can keep her under control."He said softly to Emberlyn.

Alex growled."Stay out of this Emberlynn. This is a wolf to wolf confrontation. We can often be more territorial when it comes to our mates. So butt out."She smarled s she took anothre step towards Asher.  

Asher frowned."Alexandria. KNock it off befpre you get hurt. Friends or not, I will not hesitate to dominate you and win."
Ember clenched her jaw. She was staring blankly in the space between Alex and Nicoli. "Don't speak to me like that. I don't give a damn how territorial you are. Asher came to be a friend. Is he over worried? Maybe, but we didn't come here for this. And frankly I don't see a point for us to come again until you have gotten yourself under control." She snaps, stepping towards her a little. 

"Emmy don't..." Nicoli starts, a slight warning snarl in his tone. 

"Don't Emmy me Nicoli. I am tired, in pain, and I can't fucking see. I am in no mood for stupid wolf dominance and territoriality." She snarls, her canines and nails elongating some. "I think it's best we leave." She adds. 
"He had no right to fucking blame ANYTHING on Nicoli! This is how wolves deal with this."She snarled as she slowly pushed Embber out of the way so she could stand face to face with SAsher. She cocked her fist, and brought straight to his face. The hit landed square on his jaw.

Asher stumbled back in surprise, and glared at Alex and her blood red eyes."Nicli. What te fuck is wrong with her eyes? They're blood red."He stated befor ehe grabbed Alex's wrists tight enough that she winced when she tried to charge at him. Their wolves had challeneged each other and they planned to continue the fight.
Ember stumbled a little, only because she wasn't prepared for herself to be moved. She growled in annoyance and clenched her hands tightly into fists, breaking the skin on her palms. 

Nicoli rushed over and wrapped his arms around Alex, making it so he could trap her arms. "It's blood lust...and anger. It may be best if you step out for a little bit." He explains to Asher. 
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Asher first made sure Ember was okay, before he looked over to Nicoli who was holding a struggling Alsx."Of she can't get that under control, there could be a few issues."He said simply before taking Ember's hand and stepping out of the room

Alex growled and struggled against Nicoli. She wasn't done. She wanted to fight Asher and something was fueling her in to do it.
Ember stumbled again as he led her out of the room and then fought the urge to scream. "I want to go home." She says simply. She didn't care if that meant her home in the clan or the house she'd been staying in with him. 

Nicoli just held her tighter. "Alex you need to try to calm down. This is the blood lust. Don't let it do this. Think of me, think of our happiness together." He whispers. 
Asjer frowned, and gave a soft nod even though she couldn't see it."Alright. How about you come back to the pack with me? Or would you rTher be at home in the clan? I just don't trust Seth around you because of what he tried to do and I don't know if he would try it again."He said quietly.

Alex growled lowly."He threatened you!"She yelled angrily before taking a deep breath and trying to calm herself down as she thought about all the good times she had with Nicoli.

Kyle was pacing the boundary line in hopes that Seth would catch his scent and come speak to him. He didn't feel like dealing with a bunch of blood suckers if he tried to step foot onto their land.
"I want to be with you." She says gently, holding his hand tightly so they could go. 

Nicoli held her close and rested his chin on her shoulder. "I love you Alex. That will never change. Asher is just worried. Don't worry my love." He whispers. 

Seth was furious with how things had gone. When he picked up on Kyle's scent he debated not going. But then took a deep breath and went to find him. 
"On that case we have to go to pack land. They won't let me stay with you here."He said softly as he began walking towards his pack.

Alex growled softly but she wasn't struggling as much."He threatened your ability to care for me."She said slowly.

Kyle quickly stood as he caught Kyle's scent, he knew things didn't go right because Asher had marked Ember.
She nodded. "We can go back to the house." She offers gently, starting to calm down. 

"I know love, he's just worried for you is all." He says, trying to keep her calm. He was irked by it, but not enough to keep making her upset. 

"What do you want?" Seth asks as he approached Kyle. 
"Alright. Let's go then."Je said with a soft smile as they began walking back to the pack.

Alex nodded quietly to him, and allowed her body to relax against his."I'm sorry Nic. I don't know why I acted like that..."Shs said quietly.

Kyle sighed."I know your plan didn't work, and I am deeply sorry about that. But, if we piss off Asher enough we could probably lure him away for Ember which will be difficult since she's blond now. But something is up with Nicoli's mate, she was rushed out of the clan by Nicoli, and I can scent her on your land. I don't know why though. Do you have any idea?"
Ember nodded and let him lead her away and back to the house. 

"It's okay Alex. Don't worry." He cooes gently. 

Seth hesitated but then nodded. "I like that. But he marked her. There's nothing we can do. And I'm sure about Alex but I'll find out."

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