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Creatures of the Night ((Closed))

"No. You have to come with me, not only do I not want to leave you here, but I need you with me because I don't know your land."He spoke softly as he left. He wasn't sure however, if Ember didn't come with him, that Nicoli would be able to meet him and take him to Alex."Not to mention I don't know where he lives."
Ember bit her lip but then nodded. "Alright." She whispers. She knew perhaps a selfish part of her was afraid of anyone on her Clan land seeing her so...helpless. Without realizing it she reached up to where he had marked her and traced the bite with her finger tips. Fresh tears welled up in her eyes as she realized she'd never get to see what it would look like. To take pride in getting to see it as well as anyone else. But then she blinked the tears away, it was a petty thought. "Maybe you can call him while we walk?" She suggests. 
Asher turned his attention to her, watching as she traced the bite."When we get back, I know you can see it, but I'll figure out a way for you to know what it looks like through feel."He spoke softly, and gen nodded."Yesh. I'll call him."He pulled out his phone, and called Nicoli, waiting for him to answer.

Alex jumped in surprise at the sound of Nic's phone ringing, since she had been so focused on trying to push her thirst away.
Ember nodded her thanks and understanding, leaning into him as they walked. Listening closely while he was on the phone with Nicoli. 

Nicoli didnt startle but he did sigh. He and Alex had been making the time rather pleasant. Or as much as they could with her mind not fully focused on what they were doing. He looked to her apologetically and then answered the phone. "Yes?"
"It's Asher. I've got Emberlynn with me and I need to see Alex. I'm at your border but I don't know where you are. I don't care if she isn't ready for me to be near her, I can take care of myself."His arm wrapped around Ember's waist gently.

Alex just gave a small shrug, and stood up. She walked over towards the fridge, and sighed before beginning to walk around the room. She was so thirsty but she was trying to hold out.
Nicoli frowned a little but then nodded to himself. "Alright. Just come to my place, Ember knows the way." He says, then hesitated. "Has...has her sight returned?" He asks. He and Asher were the only two that knew she hadn't been able to see. 
"Not yet. She's starting to get adjusted to it though."He said softly as his gaze turned down to Ember, and he kissed the top of her head."I'll see you soon Nicoli."He said before hanging up. Then he looked to Ember."Alright Ems. It's your turn now to lead me to Nicoli's place."He said softly.
Nicoli nodded and then hung up. Then he got up and went to the fridge to grab Alex another bag. "Asher's coming." He says. 

Ember held in a sarcastic laugh and then nodded. "Alright." She says quietly. "We'll walk until we're at the edge of our clan...neighborhood. Then he'll be at the edge closest to the King and Queens. Do you remember where that is?" 
Alex smiled a bit."That's good. It'll be nice to see him."She said softly, before frowning."I wonder how long he'll stay for..."She said softly as she thought, before gratefully taking the bag from him, and beginning to drink."How long will it be until I can have another?"She asked him softly.

Asher nodded."I remember that yes. I should be able to pick up Alex's scent by then."He said with a long breath.
Nicoli smiled. "Try to make that one last until Asher gets here and then we'll see after that." He says. 

Ember nodded. "Alright, you should still be safe to pass through for now too." She says. 
Alex nodded."I'll try."She said softly, before pulling Nicoli down and cuddling into his side."I wonder what he's gonna think..."She said quietly.

Asher nodded."Okay. That sounds good to me."He said with a smile.
Nicoli gently ran his fingers through her hair. "Nothing? He loves you Alex, you're his family. He'll only be worried." Nicolisays gently. 
"I know that but.....I mean my need for blood. I know he won't leave me or anything like that, but I don't know how he'll respond to the fact that I need blood now. I know he's with Ember, but it's different wren a wolf starts needing it..."She said quietly as she closed her eyes.

Bu the time Asher and Ember had reached Nic's house and knocked on the door, Alex had finished the bag she had been given. Asher knocked on the door and waited anxiously.
"It will work out." Nicoli promises gently. When Asher and Ember arrived he looked to Alex. "I'll be back soon with Asher and Ember." He promises, kissing her cheek. He then got up to go let them in. 
Alex nodded softly, and tried to relax in the room after disposing of the blood bag while she waited for them.

Asher was waiting outside with his arm wrapped snugly around Ember's waist.
Ember had her arms wrapped around his waist as well in a sort of sideways hug. She was spacing out, all of her senses focused on the sound of his heart beat. She didn't even noticed when Nicoli opened the door. 

"Asher, Ember, come on in. I have Alex in a special room to help her with her blood lust." He says, stepping aside so they could come in. 
Asher guided Ember into the house."Is it really so bad that she's stuck in a room?@He questioned him as he looked at him. He didn't think that Alex would ever harm him or anyone else for that matter. Especially not pack members. Which is part of the reason he is so confused about her being cast out from the pack.
Nicoli shrugged. "The blood lust taps in to the most primal need of survival - and survival means getting blood. She almost lost it when Kyle came back from a hunt." He says. He led them into the room where he kept Alex and Ember frowned a little as she recognized the scent of the place. It wasn't bad but the smell of it reminded her of some darker times. 
Alex looked up to the door as Asher entered, and she gave him a smile."Hey Asher."She said, then looked over to Ember and she frowned a little.

"She really did that? I never would have believed that she'd do something like that."He said slowly, before smiling as they entered the room."Hey Alex."He greeted in return.
Nicoli looked between them and then to Ember. "Here," he says gently. He moved to them and took Ember's hand, guiding her to where she could sit so Asher could focus on Alex for a moment. Ember said nothing as she let him lead her and then when she sat she just stared ahead blankly, listening to what was going on around her. Nicoli frowned a little and then looked over to Alex and Asher. 
Asher walked over and wrapped Alex into a tight hug, running his hands gently through her hair."Hey, how are you doing Alex?"He sskedbher softly.

Alsx wrapped her arms around him in return."I'm doing okay. I mean, I could definitely be better, but it's not so bad with Nic's help. It's really hard though cause I'm constantly craving and wanting more blood.
Nicoli watched them a moment and then looked to Ember. She hadn't moved. Her back was straight and her hands were folded neatly in her lap. She looked like a doll, pretty but lifeless. "Hey, how have you been holding up?" He asks her. Ember just shrugged. 

"What about you? You're mate's a hybrid, going through this stage can't be easy." She says gently. 

"It hasn't been too bad." He says. At least not yet. 
Alex buried her face into Asher's chest, and closed her eyes, inhaling his wonderful scent."I don't know when, or if I'll be allowed back in the pack. I'm technically a rogue..."She said softly.

Asher's eyes widened, and he stood up quickly, angry."Jason kicked you out of the pack!? He made you rogue! How dare he do that! He raised you like you were his own fucking daughter!"He snarled in anger.
Nicoli got to his feet in a hurry as Asher raised his voice. He knew Asher would never harm Alex, but Nicoli's mate instinct kicked in when he raised his voice all the same. "Calm Asher. Jason did it out of protection of Alex. She is not safe while in a blood lust Asher. Either to her pack and from it." He says. 
"I don't give a sh|t! He never should have made her rogue! No wolf should ever be rogue if they don't have to and now she is!"He snarled angrily as he began to pace."I can't believe Jason did that! You're like his freaking daughter!"He was definitely getting worked up.

Alex stood quickly."Asher! With my blood lust the way it is, if anybody came into the pack with blood on them, I might just lose it!"

"So he should move you to the house on the far edge of our land instead of making you go rogue!"Livid wasn't the right work for how upset Asher was at this point."And you just let him do it? You didn't put up any sort of fight!?"This question was directed more towards Nic, but he was still looking at Alex as well.

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