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Fantasy Code FERAL

I'll have a post later tonight :)

&& I'm thinking of maybe Lucy Liu and someone from FF7 or something for Xiao Hui (since I based them sort of off of them and then realized ayeeeeeee)
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I want to go to sleep so badly, but I need to wait on my laundry so I can at least get it into the dryer before I go to sleep. T.T I hate having to do laundry at college, thus having to share washers and dryers with everyone on my floor in the dorms.
Lioness075 said:
I want to go to sleep so badly, but I need to wait on my laundry so I can at least get it into the dryer before I go to sleep. T.T I hate having to do laundry at college, thus having to share washers and dryers with everyone on my floor in the dorms.
Oh my gosh... Okay... If that happened to me... I would've fallen asleep already, no joke. D: STAY AWAKE DEAR
crucialstar said:
Oh my gosh... Okay... If that happened to me... I would've fallen asleep already, no joke. D: STAY AWAKE DEAR
I will be strong. :P Sadly, the Starbucks on campus is already closed so I am lacking in the caffeine area. I'll just keep watching Naruto and playing my little Star Wars app. Must. Stay. Awake. For the laundry that will be very warm and comfy to wear tonight!
Okay, all of the dryers are full and the one closest to finishing won't finish for another 20 minutes. *sigh* Guess my laundry will have to wait until the morning. At least I always wake up early for ROTC crap lol.
zCrookedz said:
Flutterby said:
this is for when @Lioness075 spots an error in your post:


I saw it on Twitter and it made me think of my first few spelling errors in Fablewood, such fond memories *wipes tear*

I mean this in the absolute most affectionate way, Lion, and am totally kidding
crucialstar said:
I'll have a post later tonight :)
&& I'm thinking of maybe Lucy Liu and someone from FF7 or something for Xiao Hui (since I based them sort of off of them and then realized ayeeeeeee)
I was totally thinking of Lucy Liu.
I have no physical therapy this morning so I'm really hoping this becomes crazy active like it seems to normally do on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I'm too busy to respond. :S
Lioness075 said:
I have no physical therapy this morning so I'm really hoping this becomes crazy active like it seems to normally do on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I'm too busy to respond. :S
Lol, just working on a story advance post :P
I hope this story advance post involves our characters finally getting some well-deserved sleep. :P
Lioness075 said:
I have no physical therapy this morning so I'm really hoping this becomes crazy active like it seems to normally do on Tuesdays and Thursdays when I'm too busy to respond. :S
Lol, just working on a story advance post :P

Lioness075 said:
I hope this story advance post involves our characters finally getting some well-deserved sleep. :P
There will be bedtime, no worries. Stuff'll hit the fan in the morning.
crucialstar said:
She's bae, loved her since I was little
Lucy Liu was my first celeb crush xD well, Sophia Vergara is my wife now >_> But she's always been my asian sensation xD haha also, wtf saw the first 3 episodes of Hakuoki -__- Saito is Rin, and Rin is Saito. It's crazy how I created someone and his personality is based on someone I never saw before T_T "I wouldn't sleep well if you'd died. But protecting you is not my job." So caring, yet so cold lol and he uses the quickdraw method? Like Rin? #badass <("<) <(' ')> (>")>
Has anyone played Fallout 4 yet? Cause there is a characters in the game that I here speaking for Gigi every time i read her. ^^
Only played like the first hour or so =/ Idk why I cant get into heavy rpg games like I used to. I'm sure it has something to do with thinking how pointless it is to try and enjo myself when I know within 10 minutes of playing I'll have to get up and deal with something -___-
SilverFlight said:
@crucialstar Are you working on a post rn or should I put one up?
I just finished my micro exam, and so I'm able to post now ! :)

andujarprime said:
Lucy Liu was my first celeb crush xD well, Sophia Vergara is my wife now >_> But she's always been my asian sensation xD haha also, wtf saw the first 3 episodes of Hakuoki -__- Saito is Rin, and Rin is Saito. It's crazy how I created someone and his personality is based on someone I never saw before T_T "I wouldn't sleep well if you'd died. But protecting you is not my job." So caring, yet so cold lol and he uses the quickdraw method? Like Rin? #badass <("<) <(' ')> (>")>
OMFG YES DO YOU SEE WHAT I MEAN?! He's so bad ass and I love his quiet but deadly yet cold and caring side. He's epic <3 THIS IS HOW I SEE RIN AND ITS PERF.


Sorry guys D:

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