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Fantasy Code: Feral - OOC

I wonder how people besides Duik will react once they see the guy who used to play as this world's equivalent of the Green Hornet is now playing spy?
You will have at least one clueless pair from me ^^ Beth and Totus are not big on screens of any kind, but both will be curious in their own way!
Same for Xiao Hui and Laohu!
they’ll be confused agshsjskkss

— we need someone to update them on pop culture y’all wfsgshjskss
Leandra is all for pop culture stuff, so she should know. My other three characters will definitely be clueless, though.
IIRC, I needed to lengthen the personality sections for my companions, Luness and Falarion, and I have done so. I double checked Leandra and Manjano's personality sections and they meet the standards that were set. ^^ Let me know if I have missed anything.
You're almost there, I just need a few more lines for Luness' personality and Manjano's backstory needs one more paragraph (min is 3).
You're almost there, I just need a few more lines for Luness' personality and Manjano's backstory needs one more paragraph (min is 3).
Sorry, my weekend was so insanely busy, I couldn't exactly remember what I needed to correct. >.< I'll fix that stuff up in a bit.
SilverFlight SilverFlight I added more lines to Luness' personality, please let me know if I need to add more. I will have to revisit Manjano's backstory later today when I have more time for it.
I feel tempted to have a scene in the IC where my guy dresses as The Jaguar one last time. Though, i should wait and see if something like a costume party happens so he can.
So, not sure how anyone would know this kinda knowledge lol, but I wanted to add Manjano’s history of being in an Australian gang for his last history paragraph. Part of the twins’ history was them joining a gang for a couple years because one of their families was desperate for money at the time. Anyways, I can’t find too much info on there being one big gang that kinda is over everyone else. At this point, I’m leaning towards just simply saying they joined a general street gang since I can’t find much else.
So, not sure how anyone would know this kinda knowledge lol, but I wanted to add Manjano’s history of being in an Australian gang for his last history paragraph. Part of the twins’ history was them joining a gang for a couple years because one of their families was desperate for money at the time. Anyways, I can’t find too much info on there being one big gang that kinda is over everyone else. At this point, I’m leaning towards just simply saying they joined a general street gang since I can’t find much else.
I have no idea, but I kinda want to say the Yakuza might have a presence there.
I have no idea, but I kinda want to say the Yakuza might have a presence there.
Well, I won’t be back at my computer to make the proper edits for a few more hours, but I’ll gladly just claim this gang unless someone else knows more. ^^’
Okay! I finally added in a third paragraph to Manjano's backstory. It ended up being the second paragraph, though lol. SilverFlight SilverFlight Let me know if I need to add anything else! I really hope I'm good to go now. :s
Is this still alive?
I can only assume something suddenly came up IRL for Silver. She’s in a very different timezone from most of us, too, so we may just have to wait later in the day to get the IC post from her.
Chill Killer, I only skipped a day being active here, I was really busy :P

Lioness075 Lioness075 Technically Manjano's bio is shorter than most but I'll accept it. You're good.

Everything is ready to go! Expect the first post in about an hour.
Chill Killer, I only skipped a day being active here, I was really busy :P

Lioness075 Lioness075 Technically Manjano's bio is shorter than most but I'll accept it. You're good.

Everything is ready to go! Expect the first post in about an hour.
Sorry. >.< Thank you, though. It was hard to think of a lot to add to his since most of his backstory is also in Leandra’s backstory.
Sorry for being impatient, i am not on discord, i don't have a account. I would have to borrow my bros' account.

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