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Fantasy Code: Feral - OOC

*crosses my fingers*
hopefully there's a solution ! <3
And my guy will love talking about every episode of the TV series and about every actor who guest starred as a villain. Including poor old Georgio Romano, who guest stared as the Baseball Maniac.
SilverFlight SilverFlight
This is what the Baseball Maniac looked like. Coincidentally, this is also the theme he came out to on the show.

Also, do you want me to provide you some fun facts about the show so Duick can later spout them off? SilverFlight SilverFlight
Alright, here is some now.
The show was created in 1979 and was based on a popular comic book series created by Abraham Simpson created in 1942.
The show starred Jim Carswell as the title character and a Jaguar Bonded as his spirit animal.
The shows rouge's gallery included Doll Man, a insane Dollmaker, Tomas Scarapani, a Italian Mob Boss, The Baseball Maniac, a baseball obsessed madman, Miss Viper, a crime boss who can tame snakes, and much more.
The show spawned a critically acclaimed movie in the mid 80s that introduced a new villain, The Scarlet Death, a villain obsessed wit Edgar Allen Poe, who killed off Scarapani.
Jim, who did not know Martial arts, had to be trained by a coordinator from Japan in basic martial arts.
I can give you more if you want.
SilverFlight SilverFlight
Flutterby Flutterby Bolts Bolts Killerclown Killerclown deer deer all accepted. Very well done.
I can't wait for Duik to meet your character KillerC, he's gonna flip :3

Lioness075 Lioness075 zCrookedz zCrookedz just the length addition we discussed and your are accepted too.

I'll get to the others now.
IIRC, I needed to lengthen the personality sections for my companions, Luness and Falarion, and I have done so. I double checked Leandra and Manjano's personality sections and they meet the standards that were set. ^^ Let me know if I have missed anything.
I wonder how people besides Duik will react once they see the guy who used to play as this world's equivalent of the Green Hornet is now playing spy?

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