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despite despite despite
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Warring Lane.
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“All for one and one for all, united we stand divided we fall."
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It’s 1941 in the bustling, booming, sleepless city of New Orleans, Louisiana. This world we inhabit is ruled by segregation - unchecked by any formal laws, it has flourished, extending its ugly, prying fingers into the private lives of every single individual. We are defined by the way we appear, a product of our diverse and varying genetic makeup. Here, we are judged by the animalistic features we inhabit and display, some able to control their appearance, and many others at the mercy of its power.
Yet we attempt to coexist.
Despite our best efforts and intentions, we all need our private retreats into spaces with people who look like us - and feel like us, having shared those same lived experiences that give us joy and pain and identity. So we established this bar here on Warring Lane as a testament to forging a desperately needed community for just people like us: downtrodden, tired of the prejudice, and in need of an escape into liquor and live music.
But there are many, many people who would like to see this place crumble to the ground.
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What is Warring Lane?
Recently, there has been a movement to bring the culture of the species into the higher class sanctuary. This movement is specifically to place a singular bar on the most popular street in the downtown higher class area, known as the “First Lane”. It was unknown at first with the human population of this movement as the few people working to bring this project to the surface were meticulously scouting out the bars in the middle and lower class in search of the perfect people to manage and perform at the new bar. After months of hand picking specific people to be a part of this development, it was finally put into place, and officially announced to the public that it was currently well into the process of being built. Immediately following the announcement of the bar, it began to be heavily protested by the human’s in the higher class as they wanted nothing to do with such an ordeal. It sparked a fire of rage, uncertainty, and fear amongst the human’s as they already lived in angst and repulsed the other species. After months of disapproval and attesting against the upbringing of this bar, it was finally settled by a certain few to ignore their cries and do it despite their objection. It is unknown for who exactly brought such an iron-handed crusade to the forefront of such a drastic change to take place amongst the pristine high class development. This being a mystery to everyone involved, the person in charge is just known as “the owner” by the management and performers of the bar. The people who worked under him in the beginning were also hesitant to accept such a strange request to join the owner in such a monumental change for the human’s and the species to agree too. After much convincing of the species to be a part of this movement, in hopes of making a difference in both different worlds, to try and bring everyone together in acceptance and tolerance for each other. The owner stressed to them that this is the right way to go about bringing that to light, and that everyone would eventually have a change of heart if they just got to know each other better after centuries of rejecting one another. Finally, they all agreed to this, now trusting the owner to be of a good heart, wanting to make such an effort to change the minds of everyone, and actually wanting to make a difference without any strings attached. Unfortunately, some things are just too good to be true, and another agenda has been boiling to the surface unbenounced to the optimistic and eager workers of the new bar. They are soon going to find out what the true meaning behind this movement is to bring about change, and the real reason for all of this.
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[div class=tags]- RULES:
1#. Be sure to follow all of RPN’s listed rules of conduct. In addition, do your part to make this roleplay a fun, safe, and inclusive space for all the identities our members may hold. Treat one another with respect and take care of this community. 2#. This is a strictly advanced roleplay—your writing needs to be compelling and interesting, and correct grammar and spelling are an expectation. I expect at least five to eight hundred words per response at the very least. Please assess your strengths and limitations as a writer as you decide whether or not this is the best environment for you. 3#. Due to the mature themes in this roleplay, I am asking that each applicant be over eighteen years of age. I will not be making any exceptions (please do not private message me to ask). This is to ensure that each member is comfortable discussing more sensitive aspects of the plot without the presence of a minor. 4#. Roleplay planning and general discourse will take place on Discord once the member list is finalized. This is a mandatory part of the roleplay, as it is a convenient platform to quickly share information and collaborate with each other.
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[div class=tags]- ABOUT:
Hi there! This is a new RP I've been working on with a few of my friends. I'm hoping this does pretty well in the interest check so this can possibly get going. My co-mods are baird and Aarfy who will be helping me through the process of getting this together! Thanks!
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we only see a relatively small group too! it still runs on apps, but regardless its supposed to be tight knit and fun to communicate
a swanky, 1940s-style new orleans bar filled with supernatural beings? COUNT ME IN!
is it too early to start working on a cs? i noticed you put up a template.
I'm really lovin' the idea ya'll have goin' on here! But I do want to say, I am still a bit new to this website and to longer style role plays yet I would still definitely love to join and better my own skills as a writer with everyone. That's if, of course, ya'll would consider havin' me~ <3
I'm really lovin' the idea ya'll have goin' on here! But I do want to say, I am still a bit new to this website and to longer style role plays yet I would still definitely love to join and better my own skills as a writer with everyone. That's if, of course, ya'll would consider havin' me~ <3

of course!! this rp runs on the application process, so your character sheet for your oc will rely on if you are able to get into the rp or not.
of course!! this rp runs on the application process, so your character sheet for your oc will rely on if you are able to get into the rp or not.
Oh I see! thank you so much for explaining that! I will for sure keep an eye out for stuff to come, and for oc character creations to possibly meld into this idea!~ <3
Sorry to be a bother again, but I have a quick question for you guys! How long will the application process be open for? and when will ya'll announce when it is done? Thank you for your patience with me I very much appreciate it <3
Sorry to be a bother again, but I have a quick question for you guys! How long will the application process be open for? and when will ya'll announce when it is done? Thank you for your patience with me I very much appreciate it <3

it won't take long! once you post your cs, we'll start deciding and get back to you on it!
also quick update, we are only allowing in 2-3 more peoples applications to be approved before getting into the rp to get started pretty soon! so if you are making a cs, trying and get it done as soon as you can!

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