"I would say find a nice cabin, out in the woods isolated from everything else..." He looked around and sighed. "But I guess that won't be an option for a while. When I retired I thought I'd be done with this kind of shit."
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
As everyone gathered around Megumin, the voice from earlier voice appears again. According to Jason, the man’s name is Crane. “I’d like to see you control me when I’m busy beating you senseless!” And then. Darkness, yet again. Normally Sora and Rex would be taken to somewhere that’s bad or has a chance they’ll die, but actually, they’re back at the start to where this little journey first started.

“Destiny Islands? Why am I here? Is this another trick?” Right as Sora question this, his phone goes off. “Chip and Dale?”

The same would hold true for Rex. “How am I back here?”

Bobo Looks at Rex funny. “Uhh. Are you good chief?” Everything would play out the same for both Sora and Rex. They pretended to play along until they make it to Wakanda.

“Aw man. Please don’t tell me you don’t remember either.”

“No. I remember.“

“Good. Why isn’t anyone remember anything. They’re actually like none of this never happened. What actually did happen?”

“Hmm.” Sora thinks to himself.

“You got something?”

“Just a theory. Let’s go inside to see if anyone else remember first.” They go in only to see Red Hood doesn’t recall a thing either. “Really? You too, Red Hood? Why don’t any of you guys remember anything?” They weren’t the only ones there that remembered though, Ben, Lucky, and Lealan would be there too. “Okay. At least you guys remember, do any of you have a clue what’s happening right now?”

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore Crow Crow P PopcornPie DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
"Looks like everybody remembers except the troop leaders." Lucky cocked his head to Jason. "So either we're in some kind of dream or VR, like Lealan says, or we've actually, physically, been sent back in time to do something differently. The only question is, what did we fuck up the first time that Crane wants us to do over so badly?"

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
“VR? What’s that?”

“Anyways. Enough about that, look Sora. Didn’t you say you had a theory?” Sora’s reminded of what he had earlier.

“Funny you should mention time travel- no, but.. I defeated him. Never mind.”

“So what you’re saying is that you don’t have a theory anymore?”

“No. At the very least, I think it could be that gas again.”

“I hope it’s the gas. I’ve had enough time travel for one lifetime.”

DerpyCarp DerpyCarp P PopcornPie
Weiss Schnee and Yang Xiao Long

CHallucinogen Alley, Gotham City Wakanda..?
#99D5FF and #FAC51C = Speech
(Freezer) (Burn)

Weiss nodded, seeing as she got approval from both Lucky and Rex to carry Megumin's unconscious body. Of course, then, she picked up Megumin and held her, bridal-style, but as she did so, Scarecrow showed up, sporting the same voice that she had heard play from the record player. Except, with him now speaking on his own terms, she and Yang could hear the voice more clearly, though a bit of the veil was still present...just not as prominent.

Before the two could do anything, a dark smoke filled the area...

— — — — —​

Weiss and Yang opened their eyes.

No longer were they met with the unwelcome, borderline claustrophobic surroundings of a run-down alleyway in Gotham City. No longer were they up against Scarecrow...for he probably already won. Now, they were somewhere completely different: A futuristic city, far beyond what Atlas could accomplish. An expansive city, giving off the illusion that it was far bigger than it actually was.


But, were they actually here?

Jason certainly didn't appear to recall the events in Crime Alley. Not even the ones in Camp Crystal Lake. Not even the ones in Dr. Facilier's Voodoo Emporium and the Excess Express. Not even the ones back in Remnant, where they had come.

Not even.

"We remember what had happened," Yang said. Weiss, who was simply stunned, said, "We were in Crime Alley, no..?"

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (GM, Jason, Scarecrow), TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher (Blake), Thepotatogod Thepotatogod (Hiryu)

Tanya looked pretty pissed as she spoke to the rider.

"This is definitely the work of Being X. I'm certain. As for how to fix it I have no idea whatsoever"

She looked over her weapons and reloaded them all just to be prepared.

Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
"Virtual reality." Lucky explained. "Remember how we were put in stasis by the Freelancers? Could be like that, but with these special goggles over our eyes that make it look like we're somewhere else."

Even so, the idea of Fear Toxin being responsible was also plausible. "Hm...but it seemed like that stuff only made us see our worst fears. If this is that drug, it's gotta be a different strain...and, also, we should brace ourselves." With that in mind, he was now picturing Jason suddenly gaining a second set of teeth and trying to eat them all.

Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts

Captain Falcon walked out of the mansion and began to walk away from it onto a path that leads towards a darkened forest with foggy light somewhere up ahead. He wasnt sure what was but...He had an idea. This isn't the first time he dreamt this. Wouldn't be the last neither. He wasn't much of a believer in visions but perhaps...This was one. Falcon stopped and looked back at the mansion one last time and gives a small smile. He thought to himself how he was going to miss hooping with Snake, or how he was going to miss Peach's tea parties, or miss doing yoga with WiiFit Trainer, or miss doing Ballet with Ganon and the guys, or he was going to miss sparing with Lucina, or how he was gonna miss making ramen noodles with LinLin, or how he was going to miss doing 'bacon runs' with the guys, or how he was going to miss playing catch with Pikachu, and how he was going to miss Samus...He was going to miss them all....Save Ness....Maybe Mario....Possibly Bayonetta....Falcon wished he was better for them all. He knew didn't deserve most of their friendships with how unbearable he could be sometimes...Then...This was for the best. Captain Falcon removes his helemt and loks down on it. Caressing the golden falcon piece almost for clarity. But Falcon remembered how happy they all were. He just...Wished he could be happy with them too....But maybe they were better off being without him. And if they can be happy without Captain Falcon....Then Maybe Captain Falcon himself could be too. If that made sense. Falcon looks back down the path in front of him. He sets his helmet down on the path before walking towards the faint light at the end

  • Price nodded to Ciri, not all that convinced she was telling the truth about her being fine. And, really, John can't say he was either. Not entirely. Being confronted with your deep fears of inadequacy tends not to be pleasant. Nevertheless, he helped the others awake the rest of the hallucinating MPF members. In time, they were all back, if quite shaken from what they had experienced. Not normal hallucinogenic gas, clearly, something particular. Something that brings out the fears in you, even if you've shoved them down to the depths of your mind. John knows that first hand. He stands ready, waiting for Scarecrow to make his next move.

    And he did, very soon. He taunted them in his terrible voice, telling them they haven't won, touting his control of the situation. A claim John believes wholeheartedly. Especially since he, in an instant, blacked out.

    Just as soon as he blacked out, he awoke again. Though, "awoke" would imply he was asleep at all, but this didn't seem like it. Instead, he just appeared, as though he were there the whole time. The MPF was in a crowd, all of them in the same state as when they left, but... in Wakanda again. T'Challa and Red Hood were there, but the latter wasn't the same Red Hood that was in Crime Alley. No, this one was speaking to them as if they were new members, recruits to the organization. He gave a speech with the same information he gave Price when he began this mission. Everyone else was just as confused as he, so this certainly isn't an isolated hallucination. It doesn't seem like a hallucination at all, really.

    Everyone already began doing their own thing, some confirming that this is something that's happened before. The recruitment, not the time travel thing. Though, maybe they've all time traveled, too. Price was a robot for a solid day and then died, so anything can happen, really.

    Lucky started blaming himself again, if briefly, so John nudged the rabbit with his foot. "I doubt it. If this is this Crane's doing, we're not here for a second chance. Not only would his gassing us not make any sense, but for a bloke who's obsessed with fear? Not a very frightening motive. I doubt it's time travel, either, but you never know, I suppose." His theory? Some kind of mass hallucination or illusion would fit what they've experience already, if this Crane is working off the same theme. Their reality is about to get very warped if he continues with the fear motif, as well. Price is not keen on experiencing his fears again, as... productive, as the last hallucination might have been.

    Fighting it certainly wasn't pleasant.

    Price checked his watch for the time. He'd then look Red Hood up and down, before approaching him. "Todd," he started, speaking seriously. "Bit of urgency here. We're dealing with Crane, and as far as I'm aware, you're the only one who knows the bloke. We were in an alley, and now we're here. With all the changes around the multiverse, does he have the ability to send us back in time? Or change our... environment, in an instant?" They need answers fast, and Todd is a good place to start, even if he isn't the most recent Todd. Hell, he might not even be real, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
The little hare padded alongside the rightfully skeptical Price. "You're right on that end, Laddie. Even if he does want us for an errand, it can't be a good one. The gassing could've been tryin' to scare us into submission, though. Or maybe he just wants to keep us distracted by makin' us think we're in a time loop." Lucky continued to theorize, feeling the scars across his ears. "Thinking about it, bein' trapped in an eternal hallucination of a time loop while the world crumbles around you is pretty fuckin' terrifying."

Then Price would do what nobody else had thought of: talking to Jason. "Good thinkin', Laddie!" Lucky folded his arms and nodded. "Hey, Jason, don't ya think we should do a little research on the brutes we're about to go up against? Namely Cobblepot?"

jigglesworth jigglesworth
"Unfortunately, I doubt we are going to be getting out of this soon. Here's hoping we survive to Re-retire." Lealan takes another drag, blowing out a gout of smoke.
Venom Snake Venom Snake
"Amen to that." He took another long drag, burning out his cig. He dropped and stomped it on the ground and grabbed another one, lighting it and sticking it in his mouth. DerpyCarp DerpyCarp
Leaning towards Hiryu and Tanya, Ben whispered, "well, someone's controlling time, so why don't we control it back? Whatever we end up doing, we need to hide it as a sparring session."

2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B Thepotatogod Thepotatogod
Chronology: Ultimate
MENTAL CONDITION: Liberated, Annoyed
LOCATION: Wakanda?

INTERACTIONS: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Celestial Speck Celestial Speck FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla
MENTIONS: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore

As the gods inside Alexis squabbled, the kitsune failed to notice much of anything going on around her, especially Sage’s own little rampage. His flames didn’t even come close to doing any damage to her, much less through the ball of fur created by her tails. Alexis just wanted to shut off from the world around her for a moment so that she could… what would she do? Process? Was there anything to process? In her mind, she assented that what she saw wasn’t real. It couldn’t be real. She could sense that her children were fine, she knew her friends would never betray her like that, and she knew that Zachariah would never leave her.

But did she really know? For the most part, yes. However, what she just saw had sown the seeds of doubt that tore her apart. What if Alexis didn’t actually know her friends as well as she did? Unlike her husband, she couldn’t just look at someone and see their soul, and she wasn’t willing to touch someone to see for herself. Paranoia was setting in as Alexis ran through every little thing Gabrielle, Lazarus, Elissa, and Malibu had done trying to convince herself that they would never betray her, but at the same time, looking for evidence that would remotely point to their betrayal. She just wanted them to come up to her and reassure her that they would stay by her side. She just wanted Zachariah to come and hold her in his arms and make her feel safe in their relationship.

Needless to say, Alexis didn’t notice as Kassandra ran through the flames and tried to shake the kitsune out of her depressed state. She didn’t even notice when the Spartan found a gap between her tails and stood right in front of her. However, when the warrior brought her armored hand across the kitsune’s cheek… Alexis responded.

A chuckle escaped Alexis’s mouth as she unfurled her tails and stood back up, wiping the tears and snot from her face with a tail as a charcoal black spilled out from where the tails met her spine, eclipsing all nine snowy tails except for the very tips. The woman glared up at Kassandra and gave the Spartan an ominous smile, “You f###ing b####. Get your f###ing hands off me. You’re lucky Alexis considers you an ally… barely, but hit me again? I don’t think the contract protects allies that are trying to kill us. Though I suppose I do have you to thank for the opportunity to take control… So thank you... Still won't stop me from killing you if I get the chance though.”

It was abundantly clear that this was not Alexis, though it was her body. In the pilot seat, it was Kagutsuchi, Goddess of the Flames, and she was loving it. She grinned at the chaos occurring around them, but she really took interest when she heard the utterance of her name from the half oni, Kyou. The kitsune brushed off Kassandra and strutted over to the half-naked demon as he dueled with some white haired man. By the time she got to the oni, the fight was over, and he was looking over the scene of the battle. The Goddess of the Flames' voice had an ominous curiosity to it as she spoke to herself, “Oh… what do we have here? A halfling demon playing with fire.”

Before Kyou would know it, Kagutsuchi was just inches away from him, looking him over, judging his appearance. She smirked as if she approved of the steaming, scarred body. She reached out with a hand and placed her finger tips on the oni’s bare chest before slowing it towards his chin to stroke his cheek, not showing any signs of discomfort despite the unnaturally hot skin. The kitsune’s eyes glinted with interest as she got a taste of souls inside the oni. There was something powerful inside of Kyou, something burning hot, something that Kagutsuchi wanted-no-needed. As long as her fingers touched Kyou’s bare skin, he would most likely feel calmer than he should be as tiny bits of his soul got sucked in. In fact, the feeling could almost be described as euphoric. Such was part of how kitsune feeded; the feeling of euphoria that they imparted on their victims made them less inclined to separate themselves and numbed them from the painful process of taking a soul such then when they do separate, the pain would be greater than it otherwise would be. “Aren’t you an interesting one, Kyou Tana? Or should I call you Kagutsuchi? No…I don’t think I will. You didn’t do anything to earn that title. But that doesn’t matter. What does matter is whether you want me.”

Unfortunately, the moment was ruined as the creepy hooded man named Crane decided to appear and pull a stupid little trick. For a moment, Kagutsuchi’s vision went black before she stepped out of a portal that led to a sprawling futuristic city: Wakanda. While the kitsune didn’t always pay attention to what Alexis was doing, she had enough sense to note some important details, including the place where the MPF’s little adventure started. Kagutsuchi snarled, “That little b####.”

Well, at least it looked like where they started. Kagutsuchi didn’t get the impression that it was time travel as some had implied. She doubted a little hallucinogenic gas could send people through the Temporal Axis so easily. Whatever. It didn’t make a difference to Kagutsuchi’s plans. There were only two people she was interested in: the entity inside Sage and Kyou. The former needed to die for thinking it could one up her, and the latter… would be a nice meal.

As Kagutsuchi attempted to look for Kyou, she managed to see an unconscious Sage just lying on the ground. That was not the state she wanted him in. The boy needed to be awake and channeling Toayî for Kagutsuchi to get her revenge on that entity and perhaps even consume it. In the meantime, as much as Kagutsuchi hated it, she needed to keep him relatively safe. The kitsune strolled over to the boy, picked him up with her tails and roughly shook his shoulder to wake him up. Whether that worked or not, she would use another black tail to slap him awake… though it wasn’t exactly gentle. “Come on, you little cry baby. Wake the f### up so I can burn the s### out of Toayî”

Last edited:
Jett & Thorne
Chronology (1).jpg Chronology (2).jpg

Location: Nightmare
Expression: Quite Confused
Interaction: Open

Jett will look at Thorne as she & her will are now in a nightmare saying "Um, did we get a fear too now?? Ugh, I hope this won't be as bad." Thorne nodded saying to Jett "Yeah, I think we are since you out there to Lucky talking right before we got in this nightmare."
Orbeck of Vinhiem
status: Ending a Unlkindled one, reversal, and Alexis.
Condition: normal, some what shaken, drinking the dipresso​

"Orbeck!" Weiss shouted, "Keep going! Don't give the enemy exactly what they want!"

It wasn't as if he suddenly forget about his ally's, he knew in some way that this was a figment of the mind. Still, would it be wise to completely disregard what was said to him? Even if he wanted to make it end, the Unnkindled ash, knowledgable on those very same spells and then some, as well as possessing a weapon that scales it's power on the intelligence of its user, bringing it out in the form of moonlit energy. Even if this literation is somehow a pale copy of those from ages past. The battle was tense but fairly ordinary, a roll here, a swing there, a block, a stab, a parry, and so on.

But it will have to end at some point. and in this case...it ended when Orbeck grabbed a stray bucker from the ground, parried the blade of the unkindled one...and

That would seem to be the end of things. Has the fear gone away? No. something as deep as the curse would take more than fear gas from a guy with a sack on his head. But at the very least he will now need to accept that understandable fear, and not simply deny it's influence on his decisions.

Then Crane reappeared...and all faded to black...

"Do you really think you've won?"

The voice was the same one that you had heard earlier. The same one from the man in the hood, who's face had been obscured. There was a touch of venom in everything he said, like venom flowed through the man's veins and poured out his mouth alongside his words. "Show yourself, Crane! It's over!" Jason would shout, though his screams only earned a chuckle from the Scarecrow.

"Your fear makes you predictable. I am in complete control..."

And then, after those words had been spoken, everything around you went black.

Jason cleared his throat. “If you have any questions, ask ‘em now. Otherwise, chat among yourselves and get to know each other if you don’t already. We’ll be setting out in a few hours.”


Back here? Of all places?! Not a chance. This was clearly still the work of this Crane person, it's no far stretch to say that whatever...gas he used on them was being used to create some mass...illusion. Is that even a real phenomenon? multiple people being fooled by the same trick of the mind?

Tanya looked pretty pissed as she spoke to the rider.

"This is definitely the work of Being X. I'm certain. As for how to fix it I have no idea whatsoever"

She looked over her weapons and reloaded them all just to be prepared.

there was also Tanya, who was yapping about whoever this Being X is. Possibly shaken from the fear gas, and shown some sort of nightmare related to this unknown figure. He would have considered telling her to calm down...

The kitsune strolled over to the boy, picked him up with her tails and roughly shook his shoulder to wake him up. Whether that worked or not, she would use another black tail to slap him awake… though it wasn’t exactly gentle. “Come on, you little cry baby. Wake the f### up so I can burn the s### out of Toayî”

If it wasn't for a certain...someone spewing vulgarity and demanding a meetup with that aggressive being of fire within Sage. Was this really the same person who was trying her hardest to defend sage through all of this? Or did Alexis somehow have her own secondary influences to deal with? Because this does not sound like her. so instead fo dealing with tanya's fears over being x, he has to deal with Kagutsuchi and her insistence on ignoring the whole situation in favor of causing more issues. Sadly, unaware to him, he may only end up causing more issues for himself.

So Orbeck walks over to the kitsune and tries to get her attention by a simple few taps on her shoulder, made posable by the lack of her tails getting in the way.
"I don't mean to be so overbearing Alexis...if that is even who you are at this point, but we are clearly not out of harm's way. Yet here you are wanting to do nothing more than to bring out that vile manifestation of flame..."

QizPizza QizPizza Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore marc122 marc122
Agent 3

"You're welcome!" Lucky grinned. "Heh, I guess I really can be good at this 'kindness' stuff."
"Give it a try from time to time, maybe you'll learn something." She joked to Lucky with a weak smile on her face. She remained standing idle as long as she could, still under the effect of the fear toxin - as she just tried to ignore whatever her fears were throwing at her.
"Agent 3, remember what we said!" Yang said, "Keep up the good fight!"
"Like this is going to keep me down, I have a job to do!" She said sharply. "You can expect it done, because this is not gonna stop me!" The Inkling looked up to Yang and that smile of hers widened - fuelled by nothing but confidence. "You keep yourself up, too - gonna need it!"
After enough time had passed in your own respective fear-induced hallucinations, one by one, you all had managed to either overcome your fears or you had been knocked out entirely. Eventually, the last of you had overcome your fears (forcefully or otherwise), and you were all left standing there in the alleyway, left with nothing but the haunting silence of the cold, night air. Jason looked around as all of you came to your senses, though before he could say anything, a voice could be heard around you.

"Do you really think you've won?"

The voice was the same one that you had heard earlier. The same one from the man in the hood, who's face had been obscured. There was a touch of venom in everything he said, like venom flowed through the man's veins and poured out his mouth alongside his words. "Show yourself, Crane! It's over!" Jason would shout, though his screams only earned a chuckle from the Scarecrow.

"Your fear makes you predictable. I am in complete control..."

And then, after those words had been spoken, everything around you went black.
The one responsible for all of this had their voice creep around the surroundings, as once more, black followed - after he had spoke. The void welcomed everyone again, as darkness followed, and then, when it all returned to light...
“Final Hope”

You all received the same message. It was short, but you understood the gist of it. The multiverse was in a state of immediate emergency, and it needed your help.


Your arrival through the portal that had appeared before you granted you access into a world that was nothing short of breathtaking. The buildings were built in such a fashion that made it look like you were standing in some kind of science fiction film. The air of the world screamed “advanced” to you, and for some, the sight might have even been too much to take in at once.

“Thank you for coming on such short notice," Spoke a deep, authoritative voice from behind you. When you turned around, you would find a bearded man clad in a skin-tight black suit that resembled what looked like a panther. “I do wish you could have met me in a much more formal situation, but as you already know, the situation itself is dire.” The man glanced over to one some of you may recognize as Jason Todd, AKA the Red Hood.


“Dire’s the nice way of putting it,” He said as he stepped forward. “Look, some of you don’t know me, or what’s going on, but all of you have been involved in the multiverse some way or another. I don’t care where your allegiance lies, because none of that matters anymore,” Jason stepped to the side, and suddenly, a holographic image of a tall, orange-bearded man holding a sword appeared beside him. He had a sinister grin on his face, and he was wearing ancient looking armor that was dark in color. He was about eight feet tall, and all of his hair seemed to be in small buns on the back of his head. One noticeable feature was what looked like a glowing scar in the center of his chest. “This is Ganondorf. He’s not the friendliest guy, as some of you may know. A few years ago, generally speaking, his crony…” Another man who was just as tall but more lanky appeared beside him, and he was wearing a tall, chameleon-like helmet, which obscured his face. “Zant, tried to take The Tesseract while also trying to revive Ganondorf. The Tesseract being a highly powerful artifact with the ability to travel the multiverse in a matter of seconds, if its power is harnessed correctly.

He failed thanks to the efforts of some of you here, and because of his attack, The Multiverse Protection Foundation was founded.”
Several images of various places, including a small town, the galaxy, and a canyon appeared behind the projections of Zant and Ganondorf. “Several more incidents, some of which are unrecorded, have happened across The Multiverse since then. How much Zant was directly involved in said incidents is unknown, but each of them helped his goal regardless: to reincarnate Ganondorf. He feeds off of malice like a parasite, and go figure, a few malicious actions on a multiversal scale will help him more than robbing the local Ma and Pa Shop across the street.” Yet another image appeared, this time of a building. “This is The Cape, which is the MPF’s base of operations….” The building was soon set on fire and collapsed within seconds, before being enveloped in a dark cloud. “Or should I say, it was. Approximately six hours ago, relatively speaking, The Cape was destroyed by none other than Ganondorf, who finally finished reincarnating. And, to make matters worse, we have reason to believe he’s taken The Tesseract for himself. And, to make a worse situation even worse, when he destroyed The Cape, he killed half its members and trapped the other half, including its acting leaders, in Twilight. For those of you don’t know, Twilight is a corrosive substance that slowly but surely kills any humans or non-Twili-being that comes into contact with it.

And no, none of you are Twili. Except Midna, who was formerly the Princess of Twilight, before Zant fucked her over thanks to the power Ganondorf shared with him.”
Midna waved to everyone with a toothy grin, and Jason resumed his speech. “You all are, as pissed as it may make you, the Multiverse’s last hope. You were all we managed to get in contact with, and you’re all we’ve got.” He turned to face Black Panther. “King T’Challa here managed to store enough of The Tesseract’s energy into these watches…” Jason pulled out a small, ordinary looking black watch and held it up for you all to see. “He did so years ago as a contingency plan in case Ganondorf ever reincarnated and got a hold of The Tesseract.

By now, Ganon has spread his influence to several universes, and will continue to do so until he has dominion over the entire Multiverse. Luckily for us, T’Challa managed to pinpoint where his influence is the strongest. If we can somehow take it out and remove his influence from those worlds, we’ll have a shot to face Ganondorf head on. The Cape has already become too compromised because of the influx of Twilight. But there are other places that, luckily for us, haven’t received such treatment yet. We just need to free them from Ganondorf’s control before that can happen.”


Jason cleared his throat. “If you have any questions, ask ‘em now. Otherwise, chat among yourselves and get to know each other if you don’t already. We’ll be setting out in a few hours.”

...OK, so, good news... there's the context she missed, but... the heck is going on here? As she looked around, it seemed like others had seen this all before, but... The Inkling just stood there in confusion - even as she learns who Ganondorf is proper, but now she's just... even more confused! She opted to remain silent for now - standing and watching the scene as it would unfold, keeping her eyes on the others.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Confused​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: "What's going on?"​
RP Information
Location: Wakanda (?)​
Mentions: None​
Nearby/In Group: (Everyone?)​
Chronology: Ultimate
MENTAL CONDITION: Annoyed, Intrigued
LOCATION: Wakanda?

INTERACTIONS: Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun Laix_Lake Laix_Lake

Kagutsuchi was in the process of shaking up Sage when some undead nobody decided it appropriate to interrupt and even challenge her. She stopped her assault on Sage, carelessly holding him in her tails as she turned towards Orbeck. A scowl formed on the goddess’s face as she poked her shoulder and called her Alexis, “Don’t confuse me with that b####. Sure, we share a body, but you better not make the same mistake again. Check the tail and ear colors if you aren’t sure.” Kagutsuchi used a free tail to point towards her black ears and gesture towards her other white tipped black tails.

At the criticism of trying to “bring out a vile manifestation of flame” while “being in danger”, Kagutsuchi just rolled her eyes and yawned. “Look, I don’t give a single f### about how much imminent danger you guys are in. I have a score to settle with the little s### inside the boy, so you can get in line with all the others that have a problem with me.”

In her annoyance, it came to Kagutsuchi’s mind that she may as well get a little pick-me-up out of whatever remnants of this revenant’s soul. She didn’t expect much out of a dead man’s soul, seeing as necromancy is not kind to the souls it manipulates, but she still reached out and cupped the man’s chin. The moment she made contact with Orbeck’s undead skin, she had a pleasant surprise, “Oohhh…OH...You are something special, aren’t you, with all those souls in you.”

In the blink of an eye, Kagutsuchi’s hand moved from Orbeck’s chin to around his throat as she lightly squeezed. It wasn’t enough to choke him, only to make him uncomfortable as Kagutsuchi leaned in closer. The kitsune’s nose was just an inch away from touching Orbeck’s own. Bits of low quality souls dripped in slowly as long as they maintained contact. If Kagutsuchi was going to make this go any faster, she either needed Orbeck’s consent or to use more extreme measures. “Okay, I’ll make this simple. Let me drink in as many of your pathetic little souls as I want. If you don’t… I’ll get them regardless, but in that case, I won’t promise that I’ll leave any for you.”

"Well, I guess that I know some of you...?" Jason would reply to Ben in a completely oblivious tone as he looked around at the various heroes that had gathered. Eventually, he just shook his head. "But... not all of you, no." He then looked directly at Tanya. "Well, I haven't. But maybe you have?" Jason suggested, once again sounding completely oblivious to the world around him. He shrugged and said, "You're part of the MPF, so Multiversal travel ain't too far fetched, I guess."

Meanwhile, as Benrey decided to take a look around, he found that various objects almost seemed... fake, in a way. There was a strange black mist that appeared to shroud them somewhat. It was random, but there was definitely a pattern present.

Red Hood, on the other hand, merely turned to T'Challa, who would simply shrug in response to Sora's question. "Remember what?" Then, Price had approached him and said his piece, and once he was done, Jason merely rose both of his hands. "Woah woah. I dunno what you're on about, but if you mean Doctor Crane, he's right here." He said, and then suddenly, from around the nearby corner, he made his presence known.


"I see the betrayal in their eyes, Mister Todd." Scarecrow spoke in his sickening voice as he looked to the group. For the first time, his face was fully visible. One of his eyes was almost completely white, as if it had been blinded by something. He was missing any form of lips... in fact, it appeared as if whatever sack he was wearing on his face had completely been molded into his skin, replacing it for the most part. He also lacked a nose, leaving a gaping hole. As he spoke, he revealed a severe lack of teeth as well, and the ones that remained were extremely crooked. It was as if he'd been attacked by something at one point.

"You sure, Crane?" Jason would ask from the side as he folded his arms.

"Yes... they are blinded by their fear. Unable to face reality." He held up his right hand and squeezed down his fingers, filling the syringes that had been attached to it with a golden, thick liquid. "This will show them how truly meaningless their efforts really are." With that, Scarecrow plunged all four syringes into Lucky's neck before he even had a chance to react. However, unlike his worst, personal fears, he saw something much worse.


Everything around Lucky would suddenly be shrouded in a bright orange, like it had been set on fire. The world around him would crumble in on itself as what sounded like the screams of thousands - perhaps even millions of innocent lives, rang out in a symphony of horror around him. But that wasn't even the worse part. Suddenly, everyone around him, even his allies, appeared to turn into horrific demonic beings. They now lacked hair, having gone completely bald. Their skin was extremely shriveled and wrinkled, with burn marks stretching across them, as if they were literally cooked alive. They had pitch black eyes and mouths, with teeth pointer and sharper than knives.

And then, to Lucky, they would begin attacking each other. Slamming each other down, ripping their faces off with grotesque claws, even eating each other.

"Now you see it, don't you? The true power of pure, unaltered fear?" Scarecrow's voice hissed in Lucky's ears, egging him on. Suddenly, a gun appeared in his hand. "My toxins have merely shown you reality for how it truly is." Suddenly, Scarecrow turned around, and injected a dose into Price. Then, into Sora. And then Ciri. And then Kassandra. And then Akari. There was nothing anyone could do. Any attempts to punch Scarecrow or attack him, and he'd merely disappear out of thin air, and then re-emerge.

Gretar, Whisper, Corvo, Jak, Dennis, Lealan, Jett, Yang, Captain Falcon, Ben, Sage, and Shanoa had all been injected by the time Crane was finished. All of them saw the same thing. The same horrifying sight that Lucky had seen. All of them had a single pistol appear in their hand, materializing itself out of thin air. To the rest of you who hadn't been affected, Crane spoke, saying, "Fear is nothing if not theatrics. So permit me the indulgence of putting on a show for you." As everyone who had been affected by the toxins got a look at what their allies had supposedly become, Crane appeared behind them, whispering in their ears,

"Now you see them... the monsters that will be your end... unless you pick up that gun and deny them..."

QizPizza QizPizza jigglesworth jigglesworth DerpyCarp DerpyCarp AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc quadraxis201 quadraxis201 marc122 marc122 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Zamasu Zamasu Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla darkred darkred Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun BoltBeam BoltBeam Venom Snake Venom Snake
Agent 3

"Well, I guess that I know some of you...?" Jason would reply to Ben in a completely oblivious tone as he looked around at the various heroes that had gathered. Eventually, he just shook his head. "But... not all of you, no."
Agent 3 listened to this simply - yup, that makes sense. Some people he sees here are people he doesn't know... Wait, doesn't know? Agent 3 seemed confused, and then just took a moment to think on it. He knows some of the group, not all of them... Is that important...?
"Remember what?" Then, Price had approached him and said his piece, and once he was done, Jason merely rose both of his hands. "Woah woah. I dunno what you're on about, but if you mean Doctor Crane, he's right here." He said, and then suddenly, from around the nearby corner, he made his presence known.


"I see the betrayal in their eyes, Mister Todd." Scarecrow spoke in his sickening voice as he looked to the group. For the first time, his face was fully visible. One of his eyes was almost completely white, as if it had been blinded by something. He was missing any form of lips... in fact, it appeared as if whatever sack he was wearing on his face had completely been molded into his skin, replacing it for the most part. He also lacked a nose, leaving a gaping hole. As he spoke, he revealed a severe lack of teeth as well, and the ones that remained were extremely crooked. It was as if he'd been attacked by something at one point.

"You sure, Crane?" Jason would ask from the side as he folded his arms.

"Yes... they are blinded by their fear. Unable to face reality." He held up his right hand and squeezed down his fingers, filling the syringes that had been attached to it with a golden, thick liquid. "This will show them how truly meaningless their efforts really are." With that, Scarecrow plunged all four syringes into Lucky's neck before he even had a chance to react.
"Betrayal...?" She muttered as Scarecrow spoke and revealed himself, Agent 3 being scared and then noticing what he would next conduct - stabbing all four syringes he had, filled up, into the feral rabbit's neck. "That's... Not good..." She muttered in concern, having no idea what he is seeing - but all she knew is, this is the same person that had been messing with them not too long ago. Either way, it's bound to be scary and/or bad news - a false sight.
"Now you see it, don't you? The true power of pure, unaltered fear?" Scarecrow's voice hissed in Lucky's ears, egging him on. Suddenly, a gun appeared in his hand. "My toxins have merely shown you reality for how it truly is." Suddenly, Scarecrow turned around, and injected a dose into Price. Then, into Sora. And then Ciri. And then Kassandra. And then Akari. There was nothing anyone could do. Any attempts to punch Scarecrow or attack him, and he'd merely disappear out of thin air, and then re-emerge.
Agent 3 would notice what he was doing - and though she raised her gun to try and shoot at him, Scarecrow had vanished out of her line of sight before she even fired - and then he re-appeared, then continued what he was doing. All Agent 3 could see was what he was doing... And it worried her greatly.
Gretar, Whisper, Corvo, Jak, Dennis, Lealan, Jett, Yang, Captain Falcon, Ben, Sage, and Shanoa had all been injected by the time Crane was finished. All of them saw the same thing. The same horrifying sight that Lucky had seen. All of them had a single pistol appear in their hand, materializing itself out of thin air. To the rest of you who hadn't been affected, Crane spoke, saying, "Fear is nothing if not theatrics. So permit me the indulgence of putting on a show for you." As everyone who had been affected by the toxins got a look at what their allies had supposedly become, Crane appeared behind them, whispering in their ears,

"Now you see them... the monsters that will be your end... unless you pick up that gun and deny them..."
Agent 3 seemed fearful as expected, hearing what Scarecrow said. Well, this could be bad. She got an idea to just hit and run - hide somewhere, somehow, perhaps. As soon as this plot hatched itself, she put down a splat bomb and booted it towards the injected - hoping to splash them with ink to hopefully make them realise they're in an illusion (same thought process as before), and when the explosion cleared, Agent 3 had vanished - all that was left was a path of ink, fired by her gun, which she is presumably hiding within in her squid form.
Character Information
Link to CS: Here!
Hex Code: #61BD6D
Status (physically): Fine​
Status (mentally/emotionally): Scared​
Powers: Inkling (species abilities and traits)​
Items: Hero Shot, Splat Bombs, Splashdown​
Skills/Abilities: Highly mobile, leadership skills​
Course of action: Hiding in the ink (squid form)​
RP Information
Location: Wakanda (?)​
Interactions: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentions: P PopcornPie
Nearby/In Group: (Everyone?)​
"Wow, everyone caught the ugly," Ben laughed to lighten his own mood. "Something seems a bit off, let's not try to hurt them. Maybe I'll use this guy! Wait, no, Agent 3 dies in water... well, better stick to the usual guns."

He tosses the illusionary gun that appeared in his hands to the side.

"No pun intended."

Ben smacks his Omnitrix down, beginning to transform.


"Biiiig Chiiiill..."

With that, Big Chill, as this form was called, would turn intangible, phasing through all as he would freeze the floor. All he phased through would be frozen solid, and those who broke out would be greeted by a slippery, sloppy floor.

"Everyone needs to chill out."

He seemed pretty indiscriminant about it, seeing that he couldn't tell who's who. He seemed to be intent on placing everyone under ice.

Putting a gas mask on, Agent Penguin would pounce upon Scarecrow, ready to cut at him with his signature Stinky Cheese Sword.

QizPizza QizPizza jigglesworth jigglesworth DerpyCarp DerpyCarp AlexandraRoseLeclerc AlexandraRoseLeclerc quadraxis201 quadraxis201 marc122 marc122 Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- Zamasu Zamasu Celestial Speck Celestial Speck Lazaro1505 Lazaro1505 Thepotatogod Thepotatogod FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla darkred darkred Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts P PopcornPie TheElenaFisher TheElenaFisher Necessity4Fun Necessity4Fun BoltBeam BoltBeam Venom Snake Venom Snake thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
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Scarecrow would only let out a cold chuckle when Agent Penguin attempted to slice down on him, using the chaos to swiftly dodge it. "That mask will not do you any good. My toxin is absorbed through the skin, or in their case..." He gestured to everyone who was currently affected by the Fear Toxin. "Injected directly into the bloodstream..."

Crow Crow

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