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Nation Building Chronicles of Aldelor ooc

I'm going to request players edit in dates soon...once I figure an interesting calendar system for Aldelor...

What year do you guys want anyway?

Yep after you establish your country as a thing I'll do another roll

Lol, Annabelle is a slow starter. But it's nice of you to wait^^

Hmmm, should I make a post now?

Yes. No. Whatever your heart tells you.
I lack creativity so I'm just thinking...

Day 1, Month 1, Year 1, 500 C.O.K (Convergence of Kings) for the start of the rp.

30 days in a month, 12 months a year, 10 years in a Convergence of Kings. Then it recycles. There have been 500 Convergences thus far (random number). If anyone can think of fantasy-ish names for months/years, I'll applaud you for helping to build the rp's lore. Otherwise, we're going to stick with numbers.
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OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi
I'm also considering using the Sea Serpent names as months (only if it's okay with you) because they're epic and I like tying things together.

45 days in a month, 8 months in a year, 10 years in a C.O.K

Gonna wait for player opinions before I settle on anything tho. The standard, numerical, calendar might be easier for some.
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To the people who still watch this thread:

So would a kingdom of treeants (as respected elders, leaders and mages) with dryads as the lesser workers and people be acceptable.

I was thinking a smaller kingdom but since their lives are tied to trees or they are trees. That individuals may live to be 100's of years old and a quantity VS quality type thing. A kingdom of nature, by nature.
This has been quiet

I'll be making another post soon.

How was your Christmas, btw?

So would a kingdom of treeants (as respected elders, leaders and mages) with dryads as the lesser workers and people be acceptable.

I was thinking a smaller kingdom but since their lives are tied to trees or they are trees. That individuals may live to be 100's of years old and a quantity VS quality type thing. A kingdom of nature, by nature.

Sounds good to me. Make sure to detail the race in the character sheet though.
So would a kingdom of treeants (as respected elders, leaders and mages) with dryads as the lesser workers and people be acceptable.

I was thinking a smaller kingdom but since their lives are tied to trees or they are trees. That individuals may live to be 100's of years old and a quantity VS quality type thing. A kingdom of nature, by nature.
Sounds fun
lol. Luxus being who he is, I imagine a lot more economy rolls to come for Trotopolis^^

hope no nation comes along to steal it

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