Advice/Help Chat--or faster-replying--RP (WAIT HEAR ME OUT I'M NOT ILLITERATE XD)

So here's the thing.

This is a forum, obviously. And most RP here is forum-style. But the difficulty is...I prefer chat RP.

Okay, so before I'm chased by angry torch- and pitchfork-wielding mobs, let me explain/go on a little lecture/digression/argument.

I don't mean necessarily the style of chat, with the *starred actions* and such. Though I am perfectly happy to play in that style, if people want to. But my favorite style is novel style, either past or present tense (they both have their advantages).

Henry breathes out in shock, and as the little whoosh of air passes his lips, he immediately regrets it. "Is--is that so?" he murmurs, a little absently, knowing he's messed up and waiting for the silent reprimand from his sister.

That is a typical to short-ish reply from me, though, to be honest, my replies vary in length. The more emotional the RP gets, the more I tend to write. And if things are just average, or if they're going along the same way they have been for a while (if my character has been smiling gently and encouraging the other person to keep venting their woes for the past 3 replies, for example), sometimes I even fall back on the dreaded one-liner:

She nods sympathetically and remains silent, waiting to see if there's more.

I can be reasonably flexible with style. The problem is that forum RP drives me ABSOLUTELY BONKERS. The oft-seen "I should be able to reply at least once every day or every other day"...ugh. Insert dramatic shudder here. And the assumption that the more detail you have, the better you write kind of rankles, too. Do I sound like a bad writer? Maybe I do...but I hope not. I may be nothing special, but I like to think I'm at least reasonably good, average-ish, despite my lack of post length.

Mostly, though, I just get impatient. I feel like the story can't possibly go much of anywhere if we only reply once or twice a day, even if the posts are the most detailed ones possible. Unless the characters are not in one another's presence, every little thing they do can affect what the other one does. If A talks about their grandmother's death and starts to cry, B can do any number of things. Maybe they're most likely to sit and listen patiently. But what if, for some reason that A's player doesn't know, B suddenly decides to run away with their fingers in their ears? Or what if they are harboring secret feelings for A, and, instead of just listening, they actually pull A into a hug and let them cry on their shoulder? But then, what if A feels like they don't deserve comfort, and pulls back? Then that will affect what B does, and so on and so forth. And that's not even touching on the conversation topic. RP, like interactions in life, is made up of a multitude of tiny choices, and every single one affects what the other person does, and they all overlap. So with RP, the longer the reply you're writing, the better you have to know the other character, to be sure they won't make a choice that will change the whole situation. And it seems to me that that surety takes away some of the point of role playing with another person, rather than just writing a story yourself. Part of the fun of RP is never knowing what the other person will do next, whether that's in a "the future is completely unknown and this story could go anywhere" kind of way, or "we know that event X is going to happen, and the question is, how will our characters' choices make us get to it?" way, or anywhere in between. Now, obviously we can't simulate the multitude of overlapping choices and cause and effect exactly in writing. But a dozen short replies can allow the course of an interaction to change depending on the characters' actions without either invalidating parts of previous replies or godmodding, which I feel like are inevitable to some degree with long replies. And what's more, I have a hard time if I have to get in character again every time I write a reply. Much easier--and less frustrating--to get IC and stay that way for a couple hours.

With this in mind--and, admittedly, with my own impatient nature in mind as well (yes, I'm a millennial. I apologize)--I much prefer a couple of hours of slightly shorter, consistent back-and-forthing, or even a slightly shorter reply every one to three hours, if players find it difficult to be both available at once, rather than one or two super detailed replies every other day (or every day if you're lucky). I think the story can take more shape in less time and less writing if it's allowed to change in what I see as a more realistic manner, based on the millions of tiny choices each character makes. This is also harder to do the bigger the group. But especially with 1x1 RP, I'd take this way of playing any day.

This doesn't mean that I'm totally fine with having one-liners thrown at me all the time, either. Having a constant stream of He smiled and "No way!" she said irritates me to some degree, if not as much as the average RPer. But I do think that a lot can be done with word choice as well. "No way!" she gasped is a lot different from "No way!" she scoffed. And "No way!" she complained, with an annoyed huff can say quite a lot, for such a short reply. There's also the matter of action versus speech. I had a character who, for a while, wouldn't speak due to a traumatic event in her life. While my style with her often focuses more on what she says, with a little action thrown in (She sighed, biting her lip in hesitation. "I...perhaps you would be happier if we were to leave, then? I am not at all certain we ought to...but if you wish for it, I think they will very likely understand," she replied at last.), I knew that when she wouldn't talk, I couldn't just resort to an action or two. So I made sure to give the other player more of the thoughts behind the actions, so they would have something to work with. (She nodded, her cheek coming to rest on his shoulder as she tried hard to keep the tears in, hoping he wouldn't pull back. This was too much. It was all too much, and everything was wrong, and she didn't know what to do. He was her only lifeline to a world that hadn't shattered, or perhaps he was what held the broken pieces of the world together. Either way, she knew that if she let go of him, or if he let go of her, something dreadful would happen, and nothing would ever be the same again.)

And sure, I could include that level of detail in my posts even when the character does speak. But that is also a very emotional moment, and it matters more to me as a player to know exactly what she's thinking than if she were just in any normal situation. Not to mention that some characters say what they're thinking, and some show it through their actions, and in cases like these, it feels repetitive to me to write their thoughts out. Even if I have a character who's hiding their true feelings, sometimes I keep repetition out by doing something like this:

"Oh, no! My parents...well, I think they might wish me to marry him, if only so that I will be off their hands." Well, they /might/. But that's not exactly likely. Still, he doesn't need to know that.

This is not to say that lengthy, detailed replies are bad--really, that's too strong a word. I suppose it all depends on what you want out of the RP. Maybe you want to stretch events out to the maximum by being as slow as possible real-time. Goodness knows that stretching the story is an advantage. But I have a hard time with the number of people out there who will only accept "literate" role play--"three paragraphs minimum" is a phrase I hear far too often for my liking. To be honest, I don't object to terminology very often, but that "literate RP"...that does bother me a little. As if, if you don't play in detailed, multi-paragraph style, you are illiterate. (I assume I have the definition of that term right. That's how it seems to be used when I see it. But feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!)

Regardless of terminology, though, I think maybe we should consider how we play a little more. Maybe those who want high detail and word count might consider occasionally bending, if the other player is a good writer. And maybe if our replies were shorter, we would get further with a story sooner, instead of having to wait on a cliffhanger with our characters having only performed one or two actions, or said one or two things, per RL day. After all, think of a conversation you've had in the past day or two, whether that be chatting about everything and nothing with a friend or loved one, a short encounter with your boss or teacher, or an angry, emotion-charged argument with someone you dislike. How many individual actions and replies were in that encounter? Now add the number of actions and replies in every interaction you had that day. I bet it's up in the hundreds, right? If you took even one semi-long conversation and broke it up into even one long, detailed RP reply per many days would it take for you to play out that conversation?

The answer, for me, is almost always "Too many." With that in mind...where and how can I find people who are willing to do things more in the style of chat? I mean, I don't really mind how long the other person's replies are, as long as they don't expect me to write the super detailed ones every time (or maybe even most of the time). Mainly, what I want is that--that not expecting me to write huge, detailed replies--and a willingness not necessarily to take more time on it overall, but to structure that time differently. And chat RP, I've found, fills that. The problem is that I haven't had much luck finding chat RP, and I feel like people will judge if I ask for it. And I guess I also don't really want to put out a call for RP in general because I may be likely to get a bunch of replies from people who are...less capable of good writing. Lack of reply length may not always mean the writer isn't as good, but I think it does mean that more often than some things. And I would be nice to have partners who are reasonably literate and mature RPers without demanding long and detailed replies...but I'll take what I can get, I guess, so if that is the only way to do it... *shrugs* Still, I'm hoping for another way.

So yeah, if anyone knows how or where I can find others who may think similarly...let me know?
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> person overtly describes their problem about multi-paragraphed roleplaying and their preference for chat roleplaying in a multi-paragraphed post/sarcasm

Anyway, it does seem to be a precendent on this forum that every post in a RP has to be at least a paragraph long. It does sound like your form of chat roleplaying would be more suited towards dice roleplays or Dungeon and Dragons RP with a GM who is willing to type out long roleplays.

If you do want to seek out people who prefer chat roleplaying, I would reccommend Shamchat to find a roleplayer on there. It's always worked for me. It might take you a while but I think you can find a person who would be willing to RP in that manner.
Haha yeah, the irony--or whatever it is, I'm so bad at remembering what actually is irony and what's my brain is mush right now. But yeah, that did occur to me XD And I suppose part of the reason I wrote it that way is that I wanted to prove that I am capable of writing long and detailed, even if I don't always want to.

Hmm...see, that's difficult, as the kind of roleplay I like is...well, fandom stuff, and right now I'm in a group that does Regency Era RP...stuff like that. I've never played D&D, and I'm not averse to trying, but...I've also never been very excited by the idea of fantasy/adventure RP. As far as Shamchat goes...I tried that once. It...didn't...go well. The person didn't respect my comfort levels and boundaries about adult content. And I'd try again, because I know not everyone would be like that...but...I don't really want to read anything like that. Ever again. I still need brain bleach when I think about it.

Thanks though. I maybe should try D&D, I guess.
It's delicious that you decided to express your frustration with members who demand multi-paragraph posts in their roleplays by putting up this bloated opening post. Well played.

Having said that, I do hope you find what you're looking for. We all have our RP struggles.
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Well I'm sorry the people on this site have made you feel like your style is somehow lesser. I've never personally known chat style or one liners to be functionally any different to any other roleplay in terms of literarcy. It's sort of like assuming people who roleplay in poetry form or over instant messengers are somehow lesser. Which is silly. We all roleplay in the way that makes us happy.

So my advice would to just make an interest check explaining what you want in terms of writing. To be honest plenty of people on this site don't go in for long post and most are willing to work with you if you explain what you want.
Also the reason I think that most people are a little wary of rapid fire responses ( basically a response in real time after a reply is dropped or several within an hour ) actually has nothing to do with post length or that kind of thing.

It's got to do with lack of time and the fact that some people just take their time in responses. I mean it might take me on average a day or two to find the time to even begin to write a reply to a post and while I can type reasonably quickly I can not respond nearly as fast.

So i couldn't for instance get a response and immediately send a reply afterward - or if I do it's a very rare exception.

And a lot of people are like this. And while yeah some of those people are elitist assholes that believe their way of roleplaying is obviously superior to other peoples.

Most people don't take their time out of some kind of elitist mindset - they just lack the time or ability to post quickly.

And a lot of the people who DO have the time to post quickly are younger teens and they tend to skew more towards the one-liner territory out of simple lack of experience with anything else.

I think this is more a problem with age demographics than it is with literacy style. I mean sure there are elitists that think it's their way or no way but those same people will change about five days after hell freezes over so it's not worth talking about them.

For most of the other slower typists or people who do the longer posts it's not some kind of one-up manship or anything it's just

Sometimes you only have enough free time to get one or two posts out a week ( or even a day ) and when your replies are less frequent people tend to make them longer so that more things happen and you can progress the story along faster.

Of course that's just generalizations at work there are variations in everything. As I said above your best bet is just be upfront about what you want from people. Chances are someone will respond who is in the same boat eventually. And when the haters come just ignore them.
And a lot of people are like this. And while yeah some of those people are elitist assholes that believe their way of roleplaying is obviously superior to other peoples.

Most people don't take their time out of some kind of elitist mindset - they just lack the time or ability to post quickly.

And a lot of the people who DO have the time to post quickly are younger teens and they tend to skew more towards the one-liner territory out of simple lack of experience with anything else.

I think this is more a problem with age demographics than it is with literacy style. I mean sure there are elitists that think it's their way or no way but those same people will change about five days after hell freezes over so it's not worth talking about them.

Would you mind detailing what kind of mindset & behavior you believe makes someone an elitist asshole?
Would you mind detailing what kind of mindset & behavior you believe makes someone an elitist asshole?

This is the general mindset that says essentially - well I can do blah blah and that means that is is really the only proper way to roleplay and if you don't match me in blah blah it's because your lazy/illiterate/not fit to roleplay etc.

So to use a specific example

Elitist - Well I can write a reply every hour and make the reply at least four paragraphs long in less than twenty minutes.

And if you can't do the same than your just being lazy and illiterate and don't deserve to roleplay

(( not meant to be a shot at the OP i just remember vividly someone saying essentially that exact same thing once and it was kind of a obvious case of elitism ))
I'm going to put an opinion in here as someone who enjoys both ends of the spectrum.

My favorite RPs tend to take place over Discord. You know why? Chat style RP or as I call it, lightning RP. I am someone who will gladly sit back and spend hours upon hours when I'm not working with a partner going back and forth. In fact, I've been doing such with a friend I met on a Discord D&D for months! My only problem is, I don't want one liners. I really like keeping a two paragraph minimum to make sure there is something I can respond to.

With that in mind, I'm also a big fan of long responses, especially when I have to wait a few days. It would severely disappoint me to wait an entire week and only receive: She smiled and nodded, muttering a softly spoken agreement.

To answer your question: just advertise for it. Make sure people understand what you want. Someone will inevitably bite.

**Also, when I use the term literate I typically mean being able to form proper sentences and spell correctly. A lot of people, myself included, lump it in when mentioning some sort of length requirements. Doesn't necessarily mean we only consider that length literate, they are just semi-related so they get paired. It's not the case for everyone but that is how I do it.
Right here mang... right here is what I respect. If this is how you have fun with your roleplays and what not, then go for it. Seek out others that have similar tastes in terms of posting and commitment and have a ball. =w= /
Oh, sounds to me like people are misinterpreting my intentions on this. I mean...okay, yes, I am frustrated, and wanted to express that. But part of the reason the post is so long is that I wanted to explain my feelings in a polite way. When I said I was aware of the irony--or whatever this is--and wanted to prove I was capable of writing long and detailed, I didn't mean that my original post was meant as any kind people who want that. I...quite literally wanted to make sure people knew I was capable of it...because I was afraid I would get judged as either a bad writer or "Oh she only wants to do short-post RP because she can't write long" or both. But I had no intentions of being rude or anything like mean, I'm glad people enjoy the--gah, I'm just gonna call it irony--but...I just want to make sure everyone knows I didn't mean to insult or sneak in any kind of "haha" or anything like that. I wrote that way because I'm a perfectionist who believes that sometimes lots of explanation is needed for an opinion, and to be respectful,, and also because I tend to get worried about being judged. Then as I was posting it, I realized--and my thought was almost exactly in these terms--that it was funny I was complaining about people wanting long and detailed posts, because this post was really long and detailed. But--there I go explaining again--but I really didn't mean anything...mean. I hope I didn't offend anyone, and I'm sorry if I did.

Having said that, I do hope you find what you're looking for. We all have our RP struggles.
Thanks! I do, too. And yeah, haha, I guess we do! I mostly just miss RP--the groups I'm in used to play way more often, and have sort of died or gone into a lull. And right now I have a lot of free time, so I want to be doing more, and honestly thought about just doing more here...but like I said, some of the way things are done just...doesn't work for me.

Well I'm sorry the people on this site have made you feel like your style is somehow lesser. I've never personally known chat style or one liners to be functionally any different to any other roleplay in terms of literarcy. It's sort of like assuming people who roleplay in poetry form or over instant messengers are somehow lesser. Which is silly. We all roleplay in the way that makes us happy.

So my advice would to just make an interest check explaining what you want in terms of writing. To be honest plenty of people on this site don't go in for long post and most are willing to work with you if you explain what you want.

Thanks :) Yeah...and I mean, I don't know, maybe I'm feeling more disdain than is there. I do tend to be a little sensitive sometimes, and I don't want to be unfair to people here by assuming that. (I also posted when I was tired...maybe I should've waited.) I just worry about being perceived as a bad writer or whatever, I guess. And even if people don't look down on those who do shorter replies, they do at least--I don't know, almost every time I've tried to find an RP--and it should be noted that I skew heavily towards one-on-one, and fandom stuff, but I did search for Regency Period recently, and same deal--almost every time I've tried to find an RP in the "Looking for Partners," it's had a note that says "literate only" or "must write at least 2-3 paragraphs" or something along those lines. So if there's not as much disdain as I may think, at least there is a lot of demand for that kind of RP.

So yeah, thanks for the idea. I guess I might just end up doing that. :)

Also the reason I think that most people are a little wary of rapid fire responses ( basically a response in real time after a reply is dropped or several within an hour ) actually has nothing to do with post length or that kind of thing.

It's got to do with lack of time and the fact that some people just take their time in responses. I mean it might take me on average a day or two to find the time to even begin to write a reply to a post and while I can type reasonably quickly I can not respond nearly as fast.

So i couldn't for instance get a response and immediately send a reply afterward - or if I do it's a very rare exception.

And a lot of people are like this. And while yeah some of those people are elitist assholes that believe their way of roleplaying is obviously superior to other peoples.

Most people don't take their time out of some kind of elitist mindset - they just lack the time or ability to post quickly

Oh--yeah, sorry, I didn't mean I think people are slow because they want long's kinda two separate problems in my head. Like...they want long replies, and they're slow. And...I don't know. I mean, part of my problem is too much free time. But I do understand that people have lives, and I try not to expect too much of them. But like I's more like...if someone spends, say, half an hour on one of those long, detailed replies...couldn't they spend that half hour on a few shorter replies instead? And--actually, these are questions for anyone who wants to answer:

I don't want to sound like I'm expecting you to be at your RP partners' beck and call...but you really have that little free time? (How do you survive? Haha I'd die.) Or do the replies take you a really long time? (How long do they take, anyway?) Or is it just that when you say you don't have time, you mean you spend most of your free time on something else? (Again, no judgment or anything if that's the case! I'm legitimately trying to understand.)

And a lot of the people who DO have the time to post quickly are younger teens and they tend to skew more towards the one-liner territory out of simple lack of experience with anything else.

I think this is more a problem with age demographics than it is with literacy style.

For most of the other slower typists or people who do the longer posts it's not some kind of one-up manship or anything it's just

Sometimes you only have enough free time to get one or two posts out a week ( or even a day ) and when your replies are less frequent people tend to make them longer so that more things happen and you can progress the story along faster.

Yeah, that part about age, I'm unfortunately aware of, and it's too bad :( That's one of the reasons I'm trying not to ask for more time from people. But I'm hoping that somewhere there are people who are willing to structure their RP time differently :)

My favorite RPs tend to take place over Discord. You know why? Chat style RP or as I call it, lightning RP. I am someone who will gladly sit back and spend hours upon hours when I'm not working with a partner going back and forth. In fact, I've been doing such with a friend I met on a Discord D&D for months!

Yes! Discord is where my Regency Era group is (well, we also have a client), and I love it! My other group uses Chatzy--which is nice, but not quite as much as Discord is, haha--and I do a consistent one-on-one with a friend over Skype and Google Hangouts. But yeah...loooove Discord since I was first introduced to it a few months ago. And yes, this is exactly what I mean about chat-style without quite being chat RP. "Lightning RP"--I like that. (...I don't suppose you are looking for partners...haha. The two paragraph thing could possibly be worked out if you were...)

With that in mind, I'm also a big fan of long responses, especially when I have to wait a few days. It would severely disappoint me to wait an entire week and only receive: She smiled and nodded, muttering a softly spoken agreement.

Yeah...true, that does make sense. That would frustrate me, too, if it took a week! So I do see why long responses would be good if the person isn't around much. I guess I'm hoping to find someone who is around more than that.

**Also, when I use the term literate I typically mean being able to form proper sentences and spell correctly. A lot of people, myself included, lump it in when mentioning some sort of length requirements. Doesn't necessarily mean we only consider that length literate, they are just semi-related so they get paired. It's not the case for everyone but that is how I do it.

Yeah, I mean...I can see using the word that way...that's closer to what it actually means. I guess that's why I have a mild objection to its use to mean length requirements. But it really is a mild objection. It's not a big deal :) And that does make sense :) Thanks for the explanation!

Right here mang... right here is what I respect. If this is how you have fun with your roleplays and what not, then go for it. Seek out others that have similar tastes in terms of posting and commitment and have a ball. =w= /

Thanks! :) Hopefully I can do that!

I'd love to hear more from people, especially if anyone knows of any other sites that might be more likely to have people who enjoy this kind of RP. That's been part of the problem, because, like I said, this particular site is a forum, so it makes sense that most people here would want forum RP. And, I mean, I don't object to doing it in the forum, if it works the way I was talking about with speed and post length. But yeah, I'll probably take you guys' advice and just post a check, see who I can come up with. Thanks, everyone! :)
Well speaking for myself I have a very uneven schedule. So on average ( excluding my coworkers randomly drafting me to take up slack for the, )

1 work four hours in the evening Monday thru Thursday and five hours on Friday and Saturday. Now this is in EST usually in the late evenings ( mom -thurs ) and early afternoon to early evening ( fri &I sat )

But that's just work and again I often get extra shifts when my coworkers need vacation time.

I also have limited access to a computer - usually because either we have guests over or I'm out running errands ( which I usually know about either the day I'm meant to be doing things or only a week in advanced )

So replies are actually more often than not written up from work in the time I have free at the computer or if I'm lucky before work after I wake up and provided I'm not stuck babysitting our dogs.

So all this to say - I have very un even amount of free time and it's usually eaten up by my doing actual adult things.

And when I do get a period of time with a lot of free time I still don't move much faster than I'd say maybe twice a day because if nothing else I do work all the time ( I get no vacation time as I part time so the times I'm off work I'm usually either so sick I can't go to work or it's a vacation we've spent all year planning and I can't exactly be rude and type up replies while we're in like Disney or on a cruise )

And as I said it takes me some time usually to formulate a response. It's rare I am at the computer at the same time as a partner for one thing so usually imdrafting replies in my head then writing them up when I get a chance. Or if I am on at the same time I'm always aware I might be called away so I keep things short and quick.

But again that rapid fire response might happen like once a month on the rare blue moon when my partner and my schedules align.

Because nine times in ten when I'm available they aren't or vice versa.

So that's why a lot of people as I say do longer responses. Think of it like writing letters back and forth versus texting. Texting are usually quick responses to an immediate situation but if you can only text with someone say once a week those quick responses would lose momentum and would get a little choppier as you would have a harder time continuing a descusion you started last week from where you left it.

Now with letters you writ more in depth but usually with the expectation that your reply will be slower and it doesn't break up as much as you are not really expecting that rapid response to your posts.

( now this is just my way of looking at it I'm sure there are other ideas out there as well )
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Well speaking for myself I have a very uneven schedule. So on average ( excluding my coworkers randomly drafting me to take up slack for the, )

1 work four hours in the evening Monday thru Thursday and five hours on Friday and Saturday. Now this is in EST usually in the late evenings ( mom -thurs ) and early afternoon to early evening ( fri &I sat )

But that's just work and again I often get extra shifts when my coworkers need vacation time.

I also have limited access to a computer - usually because either we have guests over or I'm out running errands ( which I usually know about either the day I'm meant to be doing things or only a week in advanced )

So replies are actually more often than not written up from work in the time I have free at the computer or if I'm lucky before work after I wake up and provided I'm not stuck babysitting our dogs.

So all this to say - I have very un even amount of free time and it's usually eaten up by my doing actual adult things.

And when I do get a period of time with a lot of free time I still don't move much faster than I'd say maybe twice a day because if nothing else I do work all the time ( I get no vacation time as I part time so the times I'm off work I'm usually either so sick I can't go to work or it's a vacation we've spent all year planning and I can't exactly be rude and type up replies while we're in like Disney or on a cruise )

And as I said it takes me some time usually to formulate a response. It's rare I am at the computer at the same time as a partner for one thing so usually imdrafting replies in my head then writing them up when I get a chance. Or if I am on at the same time I'm always aware I might be called away so I keep things short and quick.

But again that rapid fire response might happen like once a month on the rare blue moon when my partner and my schedules align.

Because nine times in ten when I'm available they aren't or vice versa.

I'm never t saying that it's impossible to do what you suggest I, just says no that for me it is just because my schedule is too changeable and for a lot of older people they have to work roleplaying around other concerns ( and also find partners with similar schedules to even assure they can be on at the same time to reply )

Wow! Sounds like you've got a lot of craziness! Kudos to you for surviving it :D Haha. If everyone has that kind of schedule, I see the problem! I mean, I guess I kinda assumed most people don't, but maybe I was wrong? Anyone else wanna input? Haha.
This is the general mindset that says essentially - well I can do blah blah and that means that is is really the only proper way to roleplay and if you don't match me in blah blah it's because your lazy/illiterate/not fit to roleplay etc.

So to use a specific example

Elitist - Well I can write a reply every hour and make the reply at least four paragraphs long in less than twenty minutes.

And if you can't do the same than your just being lazy and illiterate and don't deserve to roleplay

(( not meant to be a shot at the OP i just remember vividly someone saying essentially that exact same thing once and it was kind of a obvious case of elitism ))
I'll come back to this another day in a seperate thread. I find this notion of elitism interesting, but this really isn't the place to hash it out.
Wow! Sounds like you've got a lot of craziness! Kudos to you for surviving it :D Haha. If everyone has that kind of schedule, I see the problem! I mean, I guess I kinda assumed most people don't, but maybe I was wrong? Anyone else wanna input? Haha.

Well I think that assumption is sort of what powers a lot of the frustration and miscommunication with roleplayers. I don't think a lot of people realize how global and diverse RPN is. There are people on this site from all over the world, from ages 13 - 50, and from a wide variety of roleplay backgrounds.

A lot of people sort of get into this idea that - oh well because I'm in this point in my life and I like to roleplay this kind of way than everyone should at least try to do things my way because why shouldn't they? They're all in similar points in their life and roleplay exactly the same way so it's got to be some reason why they don't do things the same way I do.

But that is a lot of false assumptions. Again like I said there are people from all over the world. So just because your a teenager in America doesn't necessarily mean your partners will be as well. They might be twenty-somethings in England or Mothers from Spain. You don't know and most people won't exactly volunteer the information unless you ask or they're making their own search thread.

And to further complicate things it's not as easy as just finding people with a lot of free time ( which to be clear there are a LOT of people on this site with that kind of time ) it's finding people that have free time AND are interested in the same kind of roleplaying you are.

And that's the other thing about this site - there are people that come to this site who have never done forum roleplaying before or done it only in a specific way and have no idea how to translate that into something else.

So even just taking the people who have free time into account you might not get people who are interested in your way of roleplaying.

This could be because they're looking for a different thing out of the roleplay. For instance maybe instead of focusing on roleplay interaction ( and faster replies ) they like to take their time and really put effort into world building. So instead of replying they're going to spend their time coming up with the reasons the roleplay world works a certain way.

Alternately some people who reply with shorter responses might not necessarily be interested in telling a story at all and instead are just looking to do some rapid fire character interactions for a few hours before moving onto something else.

So for instance to answer your question about why I tend to do longer posts at a slower pace than shorter posts at a rapid pace ( excluding the obvious answer of just no free time ) I tend to do longer posts because that's just what's easiest for me. I am very verbose and it is actually more difficult for me to make my posts shorter than it is to make them longer. I actually have to concentrate more and it becomes more work than it would be if I just wrote a post at whatever length it ends up being. And further I usually pack a lot of exposition and world-building into my replies ( well in the beginning at least ) and that does tend to lengthen them as well. But the thing is I do this naturally. And if I were to try to write in the manner that your describing that wouldn't come naturally to me. It would be something I would have to put a lot of effort and thought into so as to make sure I didn't overload my responses and I got them out in a specific time frame.

Which would honestly stress me out over a period of time and thus why I don't do it.
Chat roleplays haven't really been my thing mainly because I just love writing a lot. I love detail, scenes, feelings, descriptions. It irks me so badly when I put out my best and receive so much less in return. I make it very clear that I like at least a paragraph, anything less drives me insane. I'm going to be honest I didn't really read everything because I just can't. But I hope you find what you're looking for somewhere. Don't be ashamed of your writing style, everyone is different.
Chat RP with asterisks used to be the only form of RP-- mostly around the late nineties. Y'know. Before some of the elitists who say it's a terrible way to RP were even born.
Chat RP with asterisks used to be the only form of RP-- mostly around the late nineties. Y'know. Before some of the elitists who say it's a terrible way to RP were even born.

They're still a distinct style. On my other rp site ( an elitist haven ) it's actually a sub-genre that's considered perfectly acceptable. People spend waaay too much time making elaborate codes to mimic twitter conversations but the actual writing portion isn't seen as illiterate or anything. For that matter that same site has a lot of Roleplays done through poetry - like rp via haikus - which are again seen as fine.

Now one liners are still shat on but it's less about chat style as it's own entity ( as in asterisk rips ) and more when you have a novel format but write like a sentence or twelve typo ridden paragraphs of nonsense.

Which isn't really the same thing as chat which is it's own distinct format.

Although OP does seem to have similarities with a legitimate chat roleplay just using a paragraph based writing format. Otherwise it's the same sense of care in set up, quality in execution, and of course most notably rapidness in response.
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From the side of RP I come from, pretty much everybody RPs on AIM, hence, chat RP. It's not even only scenes that are written like that; people actually chat IC, which's something I absolutely adore. Both people can get a feel of each other's muses before jumping into a scene. Granted, that's only possible for non-AU/modern roleplay, but still.

Tbqf I never knew people had a prejudice against chat RP...
Regardless of terminology, though, I think maybe we should consider how we play a little more. Maybe those who want high detail and word count might consider occasionally bending, if the other player is a good writer. And maybe if our replies were shorter, we would get further with a story sooner, instead of having to wait on a cliffhanger with our characters having only performed one or two actions, or said one or two things, per RL day.
I'm sorry, but this bit I have a problem with. I understand the idea of having preferences. By no means are you better or worse for what length you want. But why would a roleplayer who, by your own words, WANTS high detail and word count, this is, high detail and word count is part of what makes it enjoyable, have to bend to you?
I understand this is probably not what you are trying to say. You are probably not trying to imply that because there is a majority, that majority has to sacrifice it's own enjoyment for this supposed minority of chat roleplayers. But either way, I must express that I have a real problem with how you phrased that.

I do want to make a point that, detailed roleplayers or even those with those actually not that large post minimums, are not trying to make you bend. They are trying to say, if you like the things they do, let's hang out, if not you're not a good match. It would be one thing if you were planning a roleplay and suddenly they add that detail about post length, but when it is exposed forefront, complaining about it is like walking into a barber shop and complaining about why they won't serve cheeseburgers.

That said, here is one reason: detailed roleplayers are not trying to steamroll through the story. They want to cherish and appreciate the story as it goes, even if that means a slower pace. We don't want the jet plane even if it's more pratical to have the jet plane, we'd rather have the train and the boat to appreciate the view as we go on the journey. Speaking on a more personal level, I want detailed and large posts because I want to make those worth it. I want each individual post I make to be somehting with value of it's own, something I won't look back to as a waste of my time, something I won't regret. Plus I enjoy reading my partner's responses, and I want some standards for replies to my own input, so I also want them to have some bare minimum in terms of posting.

"literate RP"
Now on this topic, I do agree. It's an abuse of the word that unfortunately caught on and spread like wildfire. Although I personally don't use it, I'd like to apologize for any emotional harm it may have caused

Mostly, though, I just get impatient. I feel like the story can't possibly go much of anywhere if we only reply once or twice a day, even if the posts are the most detailed ones possible. Unless the characters are not in one another's presence, every little thing they do can affect what the other one does. If A talks about their grandmother's death and starts to cry, B can do any number of things. Maybe they're most likely to sit and listen patiently. But what if, for some reason that A's player doesn't know, B suddenly decides to run away with their fingers in their ears? Or what if they are harboring secret feelings for A, and, instead of just listening, they actually pull A into a hug and let them cry on their shoulder? But then, what if A feels like they don't deserve comfort, and pulls back? Then that will affect what B does, and so on and so forth. And that's not even touching on the conversation topic. RP, like interactions in life, is made up of a multitude of tiny choices, and every single one affects what the other person does, and they all overlap. So with RP, the longer the reply you're writing, the better you have to know the other character, to be sure they won't make a choice that will change the whole situation. And it seems to me that that surety takes away some of the point of role playing with another person, rather than just writing a story yourself. Part of the fun of RP is never knowing what the other person will do next, whether that's in a "the future is completely unknown and this story could go anywhere" kind of way, or "we know that event X is going to happen, and the question is, how will our characters' choices make us get to it?" way, or anywhere in between. Now, obviously we can't simulate the multitude of overlapping choices and cause and effect exactly in writing. But a dozen short replies can allow the course of an interaction to change depending on the characters' actions without either invalidating parts of previous replies or godmodding, which I feel like are inevitable to some degree with long replies. And what's more, I have a hard time if I have to get in character again every time I write a reply. Much easier--and less frustrating--to get IC and stay that way for a couple hours.

With this in mind--and, admittedly, with my own impatient nature in mind as well (yes, I'm a millennial. I apologize)--I much prefer a couple of hours of slightly shorter, consistent back-and-forthing, or even a slightly shorter reply every one to three hours, if players find it difficult to be both available at once, rather than one or two super detailed replies every other day (or every day if you're lucky). I think the story can take more shape in less time and less writing if it's allowed to change in what I see as a more realistic manner, based on the millions of tiny choices each character makes. This is also harder to do the bigger the group. But especially with 1x1 RP, I'd take this way of playing any day.

The question of "why not just write a book" is one I struggled with for a little bit- but ultimately, it is still very different from detailed even planned out replies. You shouldn't just ignore the factor that even detailed roleplays are still with another. It's the interacting and communing and sharing with the other player, all indulging in their view and creativity.

Realism is important, sure, but it's hardly a big priority. We are roleplayers, not making a documentary, realism only matters as much as our interest in it. The idea of a story which could go anywhere is still possible in detailed roleplay and sure a few options are cut, but ultimately, a story is being written. But since you bring up the topic, do indulge me for a moment while I express what shorter roleplay lacks: Flavor. While, occasionally, a shorter reponse will indeed portray good characterization, the surrounding setting, a character's internal and external reactions, etc... All things which in reality happen constantly... you can't convey all of it in shorter replies. And shorter replies are easier to make, and the pace is more hooking, I get it, I've done chat roleplay many times in my life, but the story itself undeniably loses for it. Foreshadowing, blocking, and many other basic writing elements are lost in virtually every roleplay I've known that was in a shorter format.

Now, this sounds really ranty, and maybe it is. But I do want to repeat that one style is not better than the other. It comes down to preferences and one's own goals, so if I'm defending detail as much as I am, it's for some fair representation in the argument. And if you have your impatience, I have my paranoia about my experience with roleplayers abusing the freedom they are given to constantly break character and create convenient situations, giving short reponses which still don't have meaning and roleplays dying one day being left with nothing but a sudden gap and a sense that I had been doing nothing.

So yeah, if anyone knows how or where I can find others who may think similarly...let me know?
The problem is that forum RP drives me ABSOLUTELY BONKERS.
I think you answered your own question. A forum roleplay is not the place where one should expect to find chat Rpers. Again, cheeseburgers in the barber shop. I mean, I guess I can advise looking for people who roleplay in discord and other platforms here on RPN might be a way, and as can be seen above, there are plenty of people who, while it not necessarily being chat roleplay, do go along with shorter replies...

Still, let me throw the book quesiton back at you, to ask yourself.

What is it you ultimately want out of your RP, and where is it the best place to get it?
I think people have the right to rp however they want so long as they are making an effort. Shoot, I used to chat rp with the *'s all the time with a buddy of mine. I think there is a difference between something like,

Troy: WTH! *Stomp*
Troy: *angry, fists clenched* What the hell did you say?! *Stomps forward a few steps* *raises fist as though about to punch him but swiftly turns around and punches the nearby wall* *glares at him* I dare you to say it again!
ok so i know op is probably not active anymore LOL but, i agree with the above, i absolutely adore chat rp just as much as i love posting super long posts, it all just depends on the amount of effort being put into it. i just want to know that you care about the characters and hobby as much as i do. i do tend to be slightly wary of chat rp nowadays just because it's hard to find people who chat rp AND put a decent amount of effort into it, not trying to generalize but it's just the unlucky wave i've gotten, and i never let it keep me from joining a rp. i still chat rp, or script style that is (to me, 'script style' is the term of the above, and 'chat rp' is when you are actually rping out characters texting or IMing each other, but thats just me, term confusion lol) with my best friend to this day. but honestly, i love all types of RP. detailed rp is what i'm used to nowadays since it's what's 'preferred' in most circles, but a lot of the times i do miss the days when it was also chat/script style. RP is just fun in general.

this is just my personal opinion, and from experience with other rpers, but i think maybe people could benefit from branching out a little more in terms of rp style. it's one thing if you've tried out a type of rp multiple times and KNOW for a fact you don't like it, but i know certain people who just stray from a type of RP because they're afraid of what COULD happen. this applies to everything in life, but people always makes things out to be worse in their head than they actually are. think to yourself what is the worst thing that could happen if you join a chat rp? will something horrifying and traumatizing happen to you? most likely not... the worst thing is that it's not enjoyable for, at the very most, an hour (if you're a very stubborn person) and you leave / stop responding. i'm always willing to try out new things when it comes to roleplay even if i end up not liking them, it's still good to grow as an rper and even analyze why you might not like certain things and if it's a personal problem. sometimes insecurity with your writing can really throw a wrench into things (not saying you deal with that op, i don't think you do, but i've met some people that are afraid to join more detailed rps because they think they won't be accepted or that it will be too hard), but the only way you'll know if it's really that bad is if you try.

also, a side note on a conversation taking forever to get anywhere in a detailed rp...sure, maybe it's difficult while you're actually rping it to not get impatient, but honestly, not only do i tend to prefer to reply multiple times a day if a thread is interesting [rapid fire detailed rp exists, although it takes a bit of free time compared to script style ofc], but i think overall when you finally finish the thread/rp, on the upside it's almost like you've made a little time capsule with your rp partner that you can go back and read whenever. i mean, i know all rp can be that, but i think with detailed rp it's a lot more gratifying and enjoyable. maybe i'm just the outlier here but i read through old detailed rps occasionally and it's just as enjoyable as reading a book. so that's a pro to me :p
Chat RP is the shit! says the dude whose typical RP response is around 5000 words long.

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