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Chapter Four: Enlightenment and the Daughters of Summertime

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She looks unhappy. "I know. We will most likely have to face it, I just want to get past it to the captured girls to make sure we don't let them get killed while we are playing with the ettin. Unless Powerpaw wants to linger behind and slam his maul into the heads of the sleeping monster as we begin our attack, that way we get the bonus of it being sleepy and groggy as it is getting hit. Then, once it is up, Powerpaw pulls back to join the rest of the Wanderers, and we all fight together against whatever the greatest threat is. It is up to you, kitty-face. Can you pull that off, and get to the rest of us? I fear that you might not be able to take it on by yourself."

  • Luna's studies in this field of Giant certainly paid off! Luna knows that one of these creatures is about equal to about four ogres. But that is not all she has learned from her studies at school...

Bren nods and offers an encouraging smile. "It's a bad spot, but we're doing what we can to make it better." He looks at Powerpaw, and then back at Luna. "We have two sturdy fighters here. Might I suggest that if we do find ourselves splitting up, you, Wolf, and Bria try to keep in the middle, and Powerpaw and I each focus on one of the threats, with Otiorin going where he may best be of service?"

Another thought comes to him, and he adds, "The chance of this ettin speaking at all well in Common is rather small. If need be, I know the language of giants, and can translate - or eavesdrop - as needed."
"While I hate to split up the party, that might make the most sense. Just watch that ettin. It is going to be very nasty in melee. Take it on from a distance if you can. Lets get ready."
Otiorin sez,

"Ehlonna's Grace, Kitty-face! It looks like someone thought his faces looked wrong so they tried to tear them off and start again. Why is this even significant?"
Then Luna sez,

"It is up to you, kitty-face. Can you pull that off, and get to the rest of us? I fear that you might not be able to take it on by yourself."
Powerpaw closes his eyes and thinks back. When he opens them, they gaze at Luna. He begins nodding a little too much more than normal. "Oh yeah... He's mine, Lunaz. No healerz. No support. Jus' me an' him."

Bria's eyes get wide as she watches Powerpaw' face become more animated with anticipation, and apparently, burning resolve. "Who, Powerpaw?" her voice is small but unafraid. "You and who?"

He turns, grips his maul and growls, "'Dubble Trubble.'"
"Are you sure? It will be a deadly fight. I would like it if you had some help, but I won't force you to accept it."
"Force?" With a mind to the Wanderers' continued stealth, Powerpaw lets out a lusty, if restrained, laugh. "You right about dis, Lunaz... It willz be a deadly fights."

He turns his unusually intense and thirsty gaze to Otiorin. "Which way iz Dubble Trubble?"

Bria cannot hide her concern. "Powerpaw, you're really riled up. You... know this ettin?"

"Yep. An' he knowz me too."
She looks at the large furry guy, then nods. "I understand the need to face your demons. Just don't let this one get the best of you. Now, the rest of us need to get past that thing as quietly as possible. If it wakes up as we pass, Powerpaw, do your thing. The rest of us will then hot-tail it onto the next chamber and deal with whatever it is threatening both this place of peace and the allies of the wood."

Powerpaw tries to give a friendly grin, but boy, if those fangs, eyes, and mood don't make him look mean as hell. "Good advices, Luna-face. For da record... he ain't my demon - I'm his. Hoo, hoo, hoo..."

Then another thought takes him and he looks to Luna again. "Hey, unless you iz gonna be super-quiets in da caves beyond Dubble Trubble, he iz gonna wake up at da first sign of noise; I'll bet my maulz on it. It O.K. if I wakes him up after you passes? We gotta score ta settle..."
Luna says, "We will be as quiet as possible. But, I would ask you one last favor. I have a scroll of a spell called Displacement. I can cast it on you, and it will give you a few precious seconds of being harder to hit, giving you a few rounds of combat where you can face him with a 50% chance of not getting hit. Would that be ok? I don't wish to imply that you can't do this without the spell, but if I have it and can use it on you, why not let me?"

Cantrips: Read Magic, Ray of Frost, Mage Hand, Detect Magic

Level 1: Burning Hands x2, Shocking Grasp

Level 2:

Level 3: Fireball

Level 4:

Force Missile x8

Mage Armor active - 2 hours left
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With serious effort, Powerpaw suffuses his death-lust long enough to hear Luna out. There in the dark, his whiskers cease flaring, his claws retract, his tail slows in its swishing. He thinks hard behind those eyes, and finally comes to a conclusion.

"Naw. 'Cause it would breaks a code I once followeded. A code dey once followeded. Dat code don't mean nuffin' now, but back den... it waz everythings."

Powerpaw sighs and examines his fellow Wanderers, his features unnaturally large in the dim of the cavern. "Tanks, Luna. I kin explains some after we save dis place an' its peoples. You deserves dat; you all does. But fer now, one of us gotta die - but it's gotta be me or thems. No outside helps. Not even warm, happy Bria magics." Powerpaw reaches down and ruffles the Ko monk's long brown hair. Bria remains thoughtful and quiet. There in the dim light where she seems like a light herself, she smiles up at him with an expression that truly says, "I have faith in you."

Powerpaw grins softly at the sight of her expression, but then that grin turns to anything but soft as he stares down the cavern.

His death-lust for the ettin called Dubble Trubble has returned...
"Then its settled. Powerpaw takes on the ettin, and the rest of move on through to the other cavern where the girls are. Everyone, I pray to Boccob for the best of luck for all of us. Powerpaw, I'll expect to see you on the winning side of that fight. If you don't, I'll be very unhappy with you, and you don't want to make me unhappy. Lets go."

Cantrips: Read Magic, Ray of Frost, Mage Hand, Detect Magic

Level 1: Burning Hands x2, Shocking Grasp

Level 2:

Level 3: Fireball

Level 4:

Force Missile x8

Mage Armor active - 2 hours left
Luna's words get about the friendliest chuckle one can get out of Powerpaw given his date with destiny. "Hoo, hoo, hoo. Mebbe iz best you keeps Displacements; I haz advantage - I knows what I iz up against..."
Wolf doesn't try to dissuade Powerpaw. Instead he walks up to him and says only this: "Good luck, kitty. May your moar strike true."

The quiet ranger then prepares to move as quietly as possible in order to sneak past the sleeping giant with the others. He grips the dagger in his right hand, letting the bow hang on his back for a bit longer.

Otiorin watched Powerpaw's change from soft kitty to angry kitty and recognised the signs. In his own experience, he had not experienced anything like a nemesis, a perennial foe that charged his blood and polarized his mind. To be honest, he'd been too lazy to hold grudges for slights against him previously. But he could tell that whatever had passed between Powerpaw and this Dubble Trubble, it would be resolved one way or the other and the resolution would be in blood. He approached the catman and laid a gentle hand on his armored shoulder.

"No veren, Powerpaw, savo 'lass a lalaith. Na lû e-govaned vîn.", he whispered an old phrase of parting historically used between warriors of yore.

In his heart, he called upon the elder Elven gods of war and luck to watch down on Powerpaw and aid him in battle.

"Away now, Wanderers, swift as shooting stars, stealthy as shadows.", he breathed, before moving to catch up to Wolf.

Bren's eyes widen, then narrow, and he nods as he recognizes in Powerpaw a determination to face the ettin alone - and for long-standing, if currently unexplained, reasons. Not knowing the customs of the kitty-face race, he instead borrows from a race filled with fierce and respected fighters, and also invokes one of his own patrons. "May the Saint guide you to victory," he says, offering Powerpaw a fist for a Highwind-minotaur-style fist-bump. Then he, too, moves off stealthily.


  • Wolf sez,

    Wolf doesn't try to dissuade Powerpaw. Instead he walks up to him and says only this: "Good luck, kitty. May your moar strike true."
    This action above all others puts a sudden and thoughtful gleam into Powerpaw's eye. "Moar..." He repeats the word reverently. Then he nods. Apparently its very mention has strengthened Powerpaw's spirit somehow. He returns to Wolf a grateful grin before he stalks off into the dark with you.

    Sparkle gives Otiorin a tap on the shoulder.

    "Efficient work, Otiorin. You got us fabulous information without napping off," she winks in that kidding grandmotherly fashion of hers that she usually reserves for Luna before hopping back onto the comfort and familiarity of the fire-mage's shoulder. It is clear to the half-elf that the pseudo dragon is genuinely appreciative of his efforts.

    As the Wanderers move as quietly as they can through the cavern, the sounds of their rustling gear and footsteps lightly echo off of the moss-covered walls. There is the heightened feeling of anticipation and your caution increases lest the foul ettin be roused prematurely and all plans become foiled. Otiorin guides you through the cavern unerringly to the sleeping giant's room and as you near it, you hear it - two half-groaning voices in the dark. Not far into the next cavern, all of you see the lantern-light and the great humanoid body thusly illuminated. Twin metal bars topped with rusting nails, both of terrific size, lie near ugly, knotted fingers that twitch as you quietly circle about the snoring horror. Then you see its body. It is twice taller than any of you save for your unblinking kitty-face.

    Suddenly, the big creature stirs! Grotesque muscles move and its twin mashed faces come out of its deep sleep! Powerpaw points down the cavern, urging you all onward with all haste! The kitty-face stands tall, not thirty paces from the creature, maul in one hand held like a cane. As you move beyond him, Powerpaw taps the handle of the maul against the rock floor.

    Boom, boom, boom... Boom, boom, boom...

    The steady, ominous rhythm echoes around your cavern; three beats loud while a fourth is silent (or 3 beats in a 4/4 time if you prefer). You see recognition dawn in the ettin's eyes as it lumbers to its full height of thirteen feet, the two muscled hands eagerly curling about each of those horrible spiked metal bars. Its two crushed and scarred countenances are the kind of horrid ugliness superseded only by the legendary Fomorian giants of old whose misshapen, disgusting features alone routed enemies.

    As the last of you exit its cavern, you hear only the beginning of their conversation beginning with the ettin...

    "Tha Boom of Challenge! Who- AAAAAR!! Poooooower..."

    "...Paaaaaw! Yoooou daaare? Yoooou steal our crown! Cheater!!"

    Powerpaw's tone is casual. "Heya Dubbles! My Hammer Smacks in yer faces sure improved yer looks. So how you two figurez I cheateds?"

    Then their raging becomes distant as you move quickly into caverns new to you and beyond the line-of-sight of the two killers. Your kitty-face has most-definitely taken the giant's fullest attention so much that it did not even appear to think to look for you. Congratulations! Your plan seems to have worked - it appears your attendance in this cave is completely unknown to the hulking, two-headed monstrosity.

    Forest Mother's blessings be with you. This you hear Vardadraug send as he looks back down the tunnel towards Powerpaw. Then he continues prowling on with your group and to your own destiny.

    The tunnel you have taken is tall and wide with green moss and thick strips of torn and chopped vines are littered about the floor. There is no sign or sound from the young women Otiorin and Sparkle heard earlier. Still, your feet move as swiftly and silently as skill and fate allow. As the tunnel twists and winds, it leads you yet through two more long caverns and on again through another tunnel until the sounds of Powerpaw and Dubble Trubble are but dim echoes, seeming far and away.

    Just when it seems that you are out of the hearing range of that encounter, terrified shrieks suddenly fill the shadowy corridor ahead of you - the shrieks of young women that Otiorin and Sparkle have certainly heard before! Their cries are followed by the unmistakable grunting laughter of two Bloodland Minotaurs. The sounds ring across the hard stone from a cavern beginning not far ahead, perhaps 50 feet around the bend of the tunnel you are now in. In other words, this is all happening 50 feet away out of your line of sight down a tunnel that curves sharply to your right. You see no illumination in your part of the tunnel.

    Each of you then hear the power of a strong and confident male voice. He sounds human or perhaps human-like, for you can easily detect a great wickedness combined with great drive in the man's every word.

    "I would tell you the purpose behind your leaving this world."

    Three lovely voices plead. "Just let us go!" "Please!" "What have we done to you?!"

    "Absolutely nothing!" comes the haunting reply. "It is for me, of course. I can no longer live this way. Still, let none say that Karthas the Master Wizard let such beauty fall from Sharseya for trifling reasons..."

Luna feels her stomach tighten up at the sound of the name of Karthas. Even if I were at full strength of my magic, he would easily outclass me. Thank Boccob that I have the Wanderers here with me. She creeps back and motions for the others to lean in. "This is a bit of bad news. I know of Karthas from my days at the sorcerers college. He is a member of my order, and is a downright evil man. Do not give him any quarter, for he will give us none. He is quite capable of performing any number of sinister acts, and do not underestimate him. Hit him hard and don't let up, or he will eviscerate us all."

Cantrips: Read Magic, Ray of Frost, Mage Hand, Detect Magic

Level 1: Burning Hands x2, Shocking Grasp

Level 2:

Level 3: Fireball

Level 4:

Force Missile x8

Mage Armor active - 2 hours left
At the sound of the captives' cries, Otiorin found Moonlit Edge, unbidden, in his hand. His whole body trembled with the urge to rush forward and deal death to his foes, but Luna's words restrained him. He turned and looked where he thought the others were.

"Without Powerpaw, we're down one of our heavy hitters, until he's finished with his duel. How should we proceed?"
Luna whispers, "I have a Fireball spell prepped and ready to cast, along with several on scrolls. If I can catch a few of our foes in the blast, it will knock a sizable chunk of of damage into them. On our part, don't bunch up. Assume that this bastard can do everything you've ever seen me cast; Lightning Bolts, Fireballs, and more. If we are in a tight space together, that's just asking for him to do to us what I'm hoping to do to him. I'll throw my Fireball, then follow up with my Lightning Bolt scroll against Karthas. I want to make sure he is taken down. It shames me to think that my Order produced such a monster. He must be ended here."
"I don't think fireballs in an enclosed area with hostages is a good plan.", Otiorin hissed quietly, "How about I toss in a Thunderstone, we all shield our eyes and then attack with whatever will cause the least collateral damage?"

As he spoke, he invoked the power of his rings for protection.

Ring of Force Shield and Ring of Mind Shielding.
"That could work, but look at the size of the cavern. Its quite large, and I can maneuver my Fireballs like a surgeon works his scalpel. Even if they are all close to the hostages, I can drop it off far enough away to hit just Karthas and his minotaurs." Luna sounds confident in her ability to control the area of effect to just hit the bad guys. "Once melee is joined, I can then turn to my Force Missiles with no risk of hitting anyone on our side. I think that this will work." Assuming that there is no Anti-Magic Field in effect, that is. But if I worry about every possible problem, it will keep me fro being able to act. We must win. We WILL win!
Bren nods grimly. "I will trust to your aim, lady mage. Our foes are likely as close together now as they will ever be, and we ought to take advantage of that if we can. Only take care that you know the length of that lightning bolt, as well!" He offers as good a smile as he's capable of while within earshot of the poor captives. "Perhaps Otiorin can keep his Thunderstones handy, for distraction during the battle itself?" He turns to look toward the fateful bend in the tunnel. "I suggest that I follow your fireball in, and station myself between our foes and the captives. Desperate enemies are sometimes drawn to do despicable acts, and I would be ready to prevent that. Such positioning is also likely to put me in melee of that wizard - not the place most spellcasters wish to be!"
Wolf silently agrees with the rest of the Wanderers. He prepares for what's about to come; completely dousing his dagger and putting it away, then equipping his bow and drawing an arrow. If the enemy happens to be lit up, great - if not, he will be at a disadvantage - but in either case having a light on himself would not do him any good at all.

The ranger moves to take position on the left flank in the rear. "I'll focus this Karthas person then, if I am able to see him. "
"Bren, once I throw my Fireball, the next spell I'll cast is my Displacement scroll upon you. It will last for only a few rounds of combat, but during that time, you'll be much harder to hit. After that, I'll see what target needs my attention the most." She feels quite nervous, facing off against the other mage, but determined to get the job done. "Sparkle, take to the air. I don't want you to get hit by anything aimed at me. Use your judgement for any targets of opportunity to use your stinger on. Is everyone ready? I don't plan on giving them any chance to strike back if I can avoid it."

Please Boccob, let this spell work! Poking her head up just enough to spot her targets, she gathers her mystic energies into a burning ball in her mind. When ready, Luna raises up her hands and aims. "Fireball!"

Cantrips: Read Magic, Ray of Frost, Mage Hand, Detect Magic

Level 1: Burning Hands x2, Shocking Grasp

Level 2:

Level 3:

Level 4:

Force Missile x8

Mage Armor active - 2 hours left

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