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Futuristic Centaurus Military Academy

Anarasa looked down at the paper for a minute before looking back up at him. "... Bernal. Can you please be serious. We have a murder on our hands, and unknown Krayer tech... Now can we please focus.." She said, her signature glare never leaving. ".... And my waist is not that small..."
Sith was too comfortable with not getting up; considering usually his main job is practically walking around or laying on a table for modifications or maintenance. Pretty much like the entire time he's been stiff like a statue, only his jaw slightly moving up and down as he spoke because of how the armor was. He had no intent on leaving.

"I'll leave once you do, or once you ask me. For now I'm going to rest my systems..."
Eldirir nodded, "Yes we are. We should go before she wakes up." Eldirir headed for the door. He noticed how often he would begin to speak as though absent-minded then stop. There must be something he wants to talk about. Maybe he's afraid to or hasn't found the right person to listen. Eldirir knew went to leave things alone. Everyone has their problems. We are all refugees here. These things take time, one day he hoped that Tai would be able to open up and forget his troubles. It's not good for the body to go around with what feels like the weight of the world on your shoulders. Oh wait... military... the universe is on our shoulders.... whoops.

@Kalin Scarlet

Bernal laughed, "OH Anarasa you have to lighten up! If I didn't know any better I'd say your face froze like that a long time ago! This is a serious matter but until we can come up with a plan I can't just sit here looking constipated like you. This is my relief from a stressful situation." He begins to scribble on another paper and mumbles quietly, "and my drawings are flawless. I am a true artist."

Cocoabutterkisses said:
Eldirir nodded, "Yes we are. We should go before she wakes up." Eldirir headed for the door. He noticed how often he would begin to speak as though absent-minded then stop. There must be something he wants to talk about. Maybe he's afraid to or hasn't found the right person to listen. Eldirir knew went to leave things alone. Everyone has their problems. We are all refugees here. These things take time, one day he hoped that Tai would be able to open up and forget his troubles. It's not good for the body to go around with what feels like the weight of the world on your shoulders. Oh wait... military... the universe is on our shoulders.... whoops.
@Kalin Scarlet

Bernal laughed, "OH Anarasa you have to lighten up! If I didn't know any better I'd say your face froze like that a long time ago! This is a serious matter but until we can come up with a plan I can't just sit here looking constipated like you. This is my relief from a stressful situation." He begins to scribble on another paper and mumbles quietly, "and my drawings are flawless. I am a true artist."

Tauburn began to follow Eldirir out, but stopped and closed his eyes. Four different colored stars appeared in his hand, before floating to the ceiling; one red, another blue, then green, and finally a yellow one. He then made his way put. "Alright, I'm starting to feel hungry. Mind showing me to the cafeteria, El?"


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" Very well" SAO said

SAO then started gathering the crystals and moving where they floated moving them into a configuration that was a cylinder that was about 5 feet in diameter with a single one floating in the middle.

" While I doubt you are easily shocked, I will warn you few have seen a Yolari outside of our suits, they have been very shocked for some reason " She said attributing their shock to the stranger nature of her kind.

SAO then twisted the part of her suit where the translator was located and removed it, from the empty port a bright almost light flooded out. Then she removed her face mask and the whole suit just fell to the ground. Where a normally just under 6 foot SAO stood not a nearly ten foot one stood, which shrank back down.

Without her suit SAO resembled a very powerful light her body seemingly nothing but a transparent light with just the outline of a body in the middle of the light, all around SAO there was a luminous rainbow mist. To a primitive human there would be a very easy connection between SAO's light body and the angels of old. The whole time SAO stood even without speaking there was the pronounced buzzing like that of T.V. static and mosquitoes

SAO looked to Sith her movements fluid as if she was in water and yet as if there was no friction in the water to hold her back. The deeper mosquito like buzzes got louder and softer seemingly at random and realizing there was no way sith could understand the buzzing as no organic understood it yet she picked up the translator

" This will take only a second, I am sorry for the light" She said and then she dropped the translator and stepped into the crystals all of which came to life with light. The buzzing reached new heights as SAO grabbed the central crystal. Once she had the crystal the buzzing because an odd yet beautiful chorus.
Eldirir was shocked by the new nickname. He hadn't been called El before. "Oh sure its right this way. What are you in the mood for eating? I could always go for a nice garden salad." He said as he started to make his way out of the dorm and towards the cafeteria.

@Kalin Scarlet
Cocoabutterkisses said:
Eldirir was shocked by the new nickname. He hadn't been called El before. "Oh sure its right this way. What are you in the mood for eating? I could always go for a nice garden salad." He said as he started to make his way out of the dorm and towards the cafeteria.
@Kalin Scarlet
"Salad will do just fine." Tauburn said with a grin. He seemed somewhat more like the strange, energetic self he usually acted out. " Salad...ever try playing with that word? Salad...Sal-ad... Sa-lad...huh, its weird, saying words alot."
Anarasa sighed again before picking up the paper and folding it up. "..... Are you really not bothered by this? This attack was way too close... And it's putting our students on edge too. Echo spent most of this morning standing outside the door to that device.... Hopefully Nikowa told her to leave it alone. And that Snail thing has been a wreck since it happened." She groaned and ran a hand threw the crest of hair on her head. "People are either on edge or don't care. No one is in the middle here..."
Nikowa made his way back to the Colonels office, absentmindly gnawing on his food. As he walked across the ceiling, he wonder how he'll show Colonel the cube, but he'll figure it out once he gets there. He once again reached a familiar door and knocked again as he did before.
He watched with a feeling of not shock, or interest, but rather just being done with his day. He's seen and learned more than he ever has in a long time. He didn't understand how one could live like that, the being under the suit. He let out a long sigh, steam flowing out as the lights on his mask went dimmer and dimmer until they were jet black. It was more than a blink, he's practically passed out from exhaustion. Not only did he miss the good rest he's been devoid of for the past few weeks, but he actually felt comfort with another person for the first time in a long while. His mouth stayed slightly open to show his spiked teeth that connected ever so perfectly, as he was still like a carved and painted statue made from stone.
The chorus continued only for less than a minute yet everything SAO had learned in her interview and more had been transmitted. Thanks to her peoples odd technology the message would be received nearly in an instant despite the galaxies between here and the destination.

When SAO was down she turned in a fluid motion and saw that SIth's face had gone back and he did not seem to be awake. She wondered if perhaps he had run out of power and had shut down until he could recharged, or perhaps he had feinted from the sight of her, he wouldn't be the first, or maybe the mask was filtering out the bright light of her people. Still she moved close to him again her face just as close as it had been before but now the curiosity could be seen in her eyes, which were the only things that she could use to express herself, and the buzzing started up again as she tried to see if he was ok . As she asked in her buzzing language one of her hands reached up to SIth and actually into him on accident, not that it would hurt him or her but it might be odd.
The lights lightly flickered on as if a light burnt out, until they kept on, but only a slight dim. He didn't really speak, but his tail was rolling around a bit getting its bearing, his teeth slightly parting and connecting again. Finally after what felt like an eternity his jaw opened wider and the usual smoke bursted out between the gap in his teeth.


And he returned to being silent; his eyes flickering between black and red, but never losing its ever so slightly red light.
Bernal kept scribbling. "They do the best they can. They're students. Unlike us they've never seen their comrades die. This is needed for them to grow." He looked up at Anarasa. "The soldier is dead. There's nothing we can do. If I could I'd trade my life so all my students can live, but I cant. You know as well as I do, if they don't get used to this now, they'll all die on that field. Let Echo drool on the device and give the snail sometime to come to terms with what he saw. That way next time they won freeze up. They won't be scared. They will be able to do what is needed to keep others and themselves alive." He went back to drawing. "I know it looks like I'm goofing off, but I'm giving them the time they need so they can grow." He heard the knock on the door. He sat up straight and said, "Come in."

@Rosyshark @VictoriaFirewriath

Eldirir laughed a little. Tau was quite interesting. "Yeah I suppose it is an unusual snord." They made it to the cafeteria. He grabbed himself a salad and scooted over to a table.

@Kalin Scarlet
Cocoabutterkisses said:
Bernal kept scribbling. "They do the best they can. They're students. Unlike us they've never seen their comrades die. This is needed for them to grow." He looked up at Anarasa. "The soldier is dead. There's nothing we can do. If I could I'd trade my life so all my students can live, but I cant. You know as well as I do, if they don't get used to this now, they'll all die on that field. Let Echo drool on the device and give the snail sometime to come to terms with what he saw. That way next time they won freeze up. They won't be scared. They will be able to do what is needed to keep others and themselves alive." He went back to drawing. "I know it looks like I'm goofing off, but I'm giving them the time they need so they can grow." He heard the knock on the door. He sat up straight and said, "Come in."
@Rosyshark @VictoriaFirewriath

Eldirir laughed a little. Tau was quite interesting. "Yeah I suppose it is an unusual snord." They made it to the cafeteria. He grabbed himself a salad and scooted over to a table.

@Kalin Scarlet
Tau grabbed a salad as well, and joined the snail at his table. He started to dig in immediately. "So, why did snou join the military, El?" Tau asked through bites of lettuce, taking a jab at the snail's way of speaking.
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Nikowa opened the door and walked in. He went past Anarasa and straight to the desk. He took out the cube and placed it there. He then proceeded to take it apart and reattached them back 5 times, showing them what it now can do.

Then he stood back, waiting.

@Cocoabutterkisses @Rosyshark
Sith was defiantly confusing , just going to sleep in another's room like that or whatever passed for sleep. Really it seemed like the people that made him had cut a lot of corners that would cost more than help if he was made form organic greed then their greed was very stupid. Well that was one thing to note latter what mattered was what she had sent, while her people were allies of these organics the only reason they were against the Krayer was the threat posed by them but they were also somewhat wary of theses organics now SAO could see why.

SAO quickly got back into her suit which was more like a balloon being inflated than someone wearing clothes and she put the translator back in place.

" I believe that I will be leaving now I would like to conduct more interviews with others " She said.
His eyes lit up again, and he quickly stood up despite usually being slow. When called to action or was told to leave this is how he was, and he gave a nod without saying a word as he caught ahold of the implication he should probably leave.

"of course, then i will be on my own way as well then."

He stood by the door, not like he had moved far anyways, and would follow her out when she decided to leave.
SAO walked to the door rather surprised how fast Sith could move she guessed this was his active state, though apparently it required some kind of activation otherwise why have a dormant and active state as and always active would allow for better reactions to threats, but she didn't know how organics thought or had Sith was made.

" If you wish to ever talk again you know where my room is do not hesitate to drop by" She said more or less giving him an open invitation to come by whenever as she walked out the door.
Basically information to not be told by sith or others, but he only had two states, dormant; and psychotic. He just reacts fast under certain situations.

"Today was a lot to take in, but I do believe i just might. It's not dreadful to be in this state of relaxtion."

He was also a bit happy that he for once had a place he could feel comfortable in with another person, someone not afraid of him
" Then I shall hopefully see you soon " SAO said simply turning and leaving, not exactly the most polite thing to do but she was unsure how exactly to say goodbye with him as she heard friends hug, and acquaintances shake hands and she was unsure which they were so leaving just seemed to be the best route also she doubted Sith would care for either.
Sith followed her out, and watched as she went her own way, turning and continuing on his own path walking another way, back to the usual avoided behavior. Though he didnt really think much of it, he didn't before, but now he was even more so uncaring of it all. And her assumption would have been entirely right, he doesnt even remember the last time he shook someones hand or got a hug anyways, and mostly forgotten about those types of greetings and farewells long ago, back when he became so militarized and modified for combat.
Eldirir continued eating, "I snoied because my planet is on the verge of being taken over.... or maybe it has already. My sneople are prone to just rolling over and giving in. We just follow whoever poses a bigger threat. I hated it, and I didn't want to see my snamily enslaved. This is the only way I can help. What about you?"

@Kalin Scarlet

Bernal looked at the pieces. "Ah yes.... this is.... a device. Did someone break it?" He picked up some pieces and put them next to each other. "Anarasa! Do you know what this is? You know their weaponry and what not. Afterall you tried to use some of their weapons to kill me. What is this thing?"

@VictoriaFirewriath @Rosyshark
Cocoabutterkisses said:
Eldirir continued eating, "I snoied because my planet is on the verge of being taken over.... or maybe it has already. My sneople are prone to just rolling over and giving in. We just follow whoever poses a bigger threat. I hated it, and I didn't want to see my snamily enslaved. This is the only way I can help. What about you?"
@Kalin Scarlet

Bernal looked at the pieces. "Ah yes.... this is.... a device. Did someone break it?" He picked up some pieces and put them next to each other. "Anarasa! Do you know what this is? You know their weaponry and what not. Afterall you tried to use some of their weapons to kill me. What is this thing?"

@VictoriaFirewriath @Rosyshark
Tauburn's expression got serious suddenly, his eyes seemingly drawing in the shadows around him "They took something of mine...and I intend to get it back. Joining a military unit seemed the easiest way to do that. I don't care how long it takes, I'll do what I came here to do...and hopefully build up a body count, in the process."
"Just an accident," Nikowa said, "But I find it interesting how it separated in four equal pieces,"

He took the pieces and put them together and apart once again. It intrigued him how he can do that with such a device. Perhaps It played a bigger part with four separate pieces, but he wasn't sure. He waited to hear what Anarasa might say about the device.

@Rosyshark @Cocoabutterkisses
Eldirir gave Tau a very concerned look. He though to himself Hopefully build up a body snount.... HOPEFULLY BUILD UP A BODY SNOUNT AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HE'S INSANE HE'S GONNA KILL ME!!!! He looked back down at his food. "O-oh I see. That's certainly a good cause." He tried to chuckle a little.

@Kalin Scarlet

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