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Futuristic Centaurus Military Academy

"Aye, I might, but a Soldier should also do what they think they must do in order to protect others, even against orders," Zeon said, not likely the tone in Echo's voice, "I did what I thought I should do,"

She felt it. Echo glaring at her, her anger growing inside. The wrath within her was bubbling up

"So the cube broke...at least it wasn't a bomb, and by the looks of it now....,"


Nothing happened as the two collided and the cube fell to the ground, breaking into four parts. Nikowa knew the report was right, but followed the colonels order to have more tests done on the cube. He grimaced at the two girls in the cube room, a tense air around them. He read the information on them and if they were to fight, well, Zeon will most likely fall first, but Echo isn't getting out without a scratch.
"well uh.. in human culture, inviting a man back to your room totally alone, and by the way it was worded, it's more often than not an invitation to uh...reproduce, in most understandable terms"

He did not think he would ever have to uses those combinations of words ever in his entire death machine-like life
"What you thought you should do was idiotic and the worst possible choice. Now the only piece of evidence from the murder is destroyed! And it's your fault!" Echo glared up at the shark woman. "And a soldier is also supposed to do what would protect others, well what if it had been a bomb? What if you hitting it had set it off? You possibly could have killed yourself, Eldirir, Tauburn, and our teacher. What you perceived as the best possible option could was the worst! I have no choice but to report you to the colonel for destruction of evidence and fearlessly endangering lives..." She said, anger was apparent in her voice.
SOA was surprised, though in hindsight it made sense that such things would go that way, well it seemed the two of them lacked any manes of doing such an act so it was odd that Sith would think that though apparently he did not know much about her people, well no one did but them.

" Hmmm… I see well that does not matter as far as you have told me we both lack the ability and desire to breed, after all my people don't reproduce like yours, we do not have the concept of family or love " she explained " But I did want to ask about that is it breeding season ? I understand many organics have season for such activities and I have noticed a rise in secret actives that hi have been led to understand are breeding signals." She asked getting right back to her questions.
He doesnt know how much he can handle before he starts to feel like a dad teaching his daughter about the birds and the bees.

"We don't have a breeding or mating season or whatever. If someone wanted to reproduce they can do so whenever they wish. Then again, that could also work to say we're permanently in a breeding season. We survive by overpopulation and destroyed our original predators with numbers, so the idea of a season where it all happens is too inconvenient. Any yes, I'll never be able to breed, even if I wished to."
" Well that is interesting" SAO said she like most of her people had though all creatures that reproduced like that had a season unless they were a colony type creature, but this was a step closer, though Sith's inability to breed was only a foot note as she doubted her people would be interested in that.

" Well moving off that subject do you know why your current design was used instead of something more streamlined and practical, was it shock value?" She asked changing subjects without a second thought not even caring how her words had been misinterpreted.
"Back when i had my humanity, when they first took me, they asked me what my favorite animal was. I said scorpions. I like the way they looked and their stinger. In the end, I got this tail; which constantly sends me through pain. When I was created and they put it on me, it was the most painful part that was modified about me. I regret telling them what I liked back then, but I still love scorpions, despite hating what I've become."
Organics were really confusing or rather the logic behind the choice was confusing, why ask what he had liked instead of making him efficient. Also if it caused pain constantly that meant the augmentation had to be very crude or it was meant to cause a berserk state, though to SAO it all seemed like Sith had been a prototype to help them refine their technique otherwise why would they use such inefficient designs and pointlessly heated devices. Still it gave her a few ideas on improvements but that would require too much and well she doubted she could get the ok to change him.

" I can think of only one more question though you do provoke many ideas, why do you think organics would make someone like you?" She asked.
Tauburn entered the room finally, having previously been unsure of who to side with on the matter. However, he could tell that a fight breaking out wouldn't be best at the moment. And so, he stepped between Zeon and Echo. "Before we take this any further, is anyone going to examine the cube pieces you both made?"


He wondered that himself despite knowing the answer. Someone even with his amount of issues completely understood the reasoning, so he questioned why as a human being; the motives and the results, being only for a single lifetime.

"Greed. Greed is all the reason I was taken and created. It's not something I think, but know for a fact in my modifications. I am me because of myself, though the shell that is seen is pure greed in its physical state, and has consumed me against my will. It's not something I wanted but it is fact."
SAO really did not expect that answer and she just couldn't see how greed was linked to changing another organic. Greed was normally wanting more without end. She could understand power, she could understand control but greed was confusing to her because of just how off it seemed. Perhaps his organic body had been worth something, perhaps it was cheaper to make him than something like echo, really SAO just didn't get it.

" I do not understand your answer, I cannot see how greed has a connection to your current state was your body made of something rare, did they profit off it?" She asked confused though the suits translator didn't quite articulate her confusion correctly.
Eldirir didn't know what to say. He was petrified. He'd seen Zeon angry plenty of times so there wasn't anything new there. Echo is one of the kindest people he had ever met. To see her shouting and filled with such fury. It scared him. He looked down at the cube. He was but a medic and a poor one at that. The cube made no sense to him. Zeon had to know there wasn't much she could do either. If anything it'd be best to leave it to the techs and engineers. They're trained for this. He looked back up at Zeon, he spoke softly afraid she would direct her anger at him, "I think.... we should leave it to them. This is their job.... not ours. You belong on the training grounds preparing yourself to fight the enemy. Mine is in my lab learning how to heal your wounds."


Ufulo suddenly comes through the door, "Ay, yo teach how you enjoying the meal?" She looked over to see Tau, Eldirir, Zeon, and Echo surrounding something on the ground. She walked closer to them, "Hey what are you guys doing here?" She looked down to see the cube broken on the floor. "No... NO!!" She rushed over to pick up the pieces and slammed them on the table. "Damn it all! What did you guys do?! Do you have any idea how important this device is?! We need to just let archno-bot and the other officers handle this!" Ufulo looked down at the device frustrated. "Now how are we supposed to get our data? We needed them to figure out this device so we know what our enemy is planning! What if we miss something huge all because you broke this device?!" She hissed at them and pounded her fists on the table.

@VictoriaFirewriath @Rosyshark @Kalin Scarlet
This was getting much for Nikowa. As he just finished his meal, he went over to small fridge with a red cross on it. He opened it to reveal vials and other things. It was a medical fridge, just a quick heal just in case something went wrong or he needed to calm some people down. He took a vial from the way back, also taking a syringe, he took some of the contents out from the vial and into the syringe. He sighed as he closed the small door, he hate doing this, but as a teacher he had to, the girls would fight any minute and the others might be brought into the fight, and that outburst from Ufulo...

Nikowa gave another sigh as he climb up the wall and around to the cube room, Zeon was the nearest, he placed the syringe into her shoulder.


Zeon fight a needle pierce her skin. She glanced to see the teacher putting something in her body, "What the F-," she was about to say when she felt drowsy. She swayed for a moment before falling backwards to the ground, asleep.


Nikowa sighed again as he turned to Echo, "Unless you want me to take out your chip, I suggest you do not tell Anarasa about this....That's an...Order...," he walked farther in and jumped down next to the cube, he picked up the four piece and put them together, "And look no harm done," he told them. 'Luckily they actually stayed together,'

He turned to the other three, "And you three are not to speak a word of what happened, just that I let you have a peek at the cube, and Tauburn, you can keep the recording as long as you don't show it anybody,"

He momentarily forgot the sleeping shark on his floor and he tried to walk over her, "And...uh...if someone please bring this one to her room, that be nice....so...please leave,"

@Rosyshark @Kalin Scarlet @Cocoabutterkisses
VictoriaFirewriath said:
This was getting much for Nikowa. As he just finished his meal, he went over to small fridge with a red cross on it. He opened it to reveal vials and other things. It was a medical fridge, just a quick heal just in case something went wrong or he needed to calm some people down. He took a vial from the way back, also taking a syringe, he took some of the contents out from the vial and into the syringe. He sighed as he closed the small door, he hate doing this, but as a teacher he had to, the girls would fight any minute and the others might be brought into the fight, and that outburst from Ufulo...
Nikowa gave another sigh as he climb up the wall and around to the cube room, Zeon was the nearest, he placed the syringe into her shoulder.


Zeon fight a needle pierce her skin. She glanced to see the teacher putting something in her body, "What the F-," she was about to say when she felt drowsy. She swayed for a moment before falling backwards to the ground, asleep.


Nikowa sighed again as he turned to Echo, "Unless you want me to take out your chip, I suggest you do not tell Anarasa about this....That's an...Order...," he walked farther in and jumped down next to the cube, he picked up the four piece and put them together, "And look no harm done," he told them. 'Luckily they actually stayed together,'

He turned to the other three, "And you three are not to speak a word of what happened, just that I let you have a peek at the cube, and Tauburn, you can keep the recording as long as you don't show it anybody,"

He momentarily forgot the sleeping shark on his floor and he tried to walk over her, "And...uh...if someone please bring this one to her room, that be nice....so...please leave,"

@Rosyshark @Kalin Scarlet @Cocoabutterkisses
Tau watched the proceedings from his relatively front row seat, standing between the arguing girls. When he was told not to share his recording, he nodded. It was never his intent to share it, anyways. He kneeled, lifting Zeon into his arms. "I came here with her, so it makes sense that I be the one to get her back to her room." he said to Nikowa.
Echo stayed quiet as the teacher spoke. She didn't like this. She was upset at Zeon for her recklessness, upset at Nikowa for telling her not to report this and threatening to take her A.I. chip out, upset at Ufulo for her own outburst, and... Well she wasn't upset at Tau or Eldirir, they hadn't done anything wrong really. She saw Tau pick up the shark woman, she had to admit she was surprised that an organic could lift her considering her size, but she would think about that later. For how she had to "cool off" if that was the term. She turned and stormed out of the room, and made her way to her own "room" so to speak. It wasn't her dorm but a workshop. Apparently the place she had been made and her A.I, had been programmed. She went inside and shut the door, entering in the code to lock it before sitting down at one of the computers.
Eldirir noticed that Tau picked up Zeon, "I-I'll go with you. I know her room number." He followed after Tau. He was afraid to be left alone with Ufulo. She went completely off her rocker, and Echo looked like she just wanted to be alone. After they had left the room he asked Tau, "What in the world happened in there? This device really is making everyone crazy."

@Kalin Scarlet

Ufulo felt her outburst justified. It wasn't of course, but she felt it right to have gotten upset. They needed that device and the jarhead almost destroyed it. They needed to protect their allies and without that device what could they do. The militia is relying on finding out the meaning of that device. She stayed in the tech lab. "I'm sorry Nikowa. When I saw the device on the ground. I just went wild. We need to know what it is, so we can find out if 'they' are planning something against us."

Nikowa sighed. And sighed again.

He told the students to leave, but one decided to stay. It was one of his own students, Ufulo. She talked more about the device and blah blah blah. It was still lunch time for him and he hadn't even started on his second meal.

"Uh. Yes. I know, it's my job to find out.....so...can you please leave?"

He sighed a bit, tiring from talking more than he ever has in a single sitting.

"I'm a war machine. They want to use me to do whatever they please. With me working for them; as I do now just like you, they can tell me to do anything. I'm a source of power, money, and anything they could ever want in one tight little slow moving package. They had no specific intent when creating me, only that they knew anything they'd ever want would come out of it. Simple greed is my creation"
SAO still found the idea that what was described was greed, it to her seemed more like power though it also seemed a waste when they had echo which maybe why she did not see many of those like Sith. It did seem that he was under a misconception that she worked for anyone but her people she was only here to observe it was closer to say she was a diplomat.

" I do not work for any but my people I am closer to a diplomat than anything I am just to understand from this position. Still you have a very interesting perspective, you bring new outlooks that we did not notice before " She said and with such a dark side she did feel that it was worth a very urgent repost " I will make a report right now you may stay if you wish, though I think our interview is over for now I hope you agree to remain a source in the future though" She said.

( I suggest he stays)

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Hasina was still shaking when she got out of her ship. Sweat had dampened her fur and her shirt was sticking to her uncomfortablely. She gripped the wing for balance and took a moment to regain her wits. After one of her flashbacks she used to need medication to calm down, now though she was able to bring herself out of an episode. She swore and began a slow and shakey walk back to the school, hoping her fur and clothes would dry on the way.
Ufulo sighed and left the teacher to himself. She mumbled, "Enjoy your 'secret' meal bro." As she left the building she saw a student stumbling around. She went over and saw that it was Hasina. "Hey, are you okay? Do you need help getting back to your dorm?"

@Belle Moon

Eldirir and Tau arrived at her dorm room. "Um here I'll get her key. She should probably give me a spare." He reached into her left pocket carefully and grabbed out her key. He opened the door and walked in. The room was simple and neat. There were weights and punching bags in one corner of the room. She only kept two pictures on her nightstand. One of her and her mother superior and one of her and Eldirir. He remembered taking that picture. It during one of the times when she was in the training room working on her fighting and would let him practice healing wounds. "She is a simple girl, but it works for her. Let's set her down on the bed. I'm sure she will wake back up in a couple hours." He gestured to her bed. Then he walked over to her desk and began writing her a note for when she woke up explaining what happened.

@Kalin Scarlet @VictoriaFirewriath
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Nikowa sighed once again. He walked over to desk and picked up his second food item, 'why did that girl say secret?, he wondered, he never really told anyone what he ate, but he wouldn't keep it a secret.

He munched on the item, hanging out of his mouth. He then picked up the cube, took it apart and reattached it, apart, together, apart, together.

He then sighed again as he put the cube in a small bag and wrapped it around himself.

'Hope the Colonel isn't busy,'
Cocoabutterkisses said:
Ufulo sighed and left the teacher to himself. She mumbled, "Enjoy your 'secret' meal bro." As she left the building she saw a student stumbling around. She went over and saw that it was Hasina. "Hey, are you okay? Do you need help getting back to your dorm?"
@Belle Moon

Eldirir and Tau arrived at her dorm room. "Um here I'll get her key. She should probably give me a spare." He reached into her left pocket carefully and grabbed out her key. He opened the door and walked in. The room was simple and neat. There were weights and punching bags in one corner of the room. She only kept two pictures on her nightstand. One of her and her mother superior and one of her and Eldirir. He remembered taking that picture. It during one of the times when she was in the training room working on her fighting and would let him practice healing wounds. "She is a simple girl, but it works for her. Let's set her down on the bed. I'm sure she will wake back up in a couple hours." He gestured to her bed. Then he walked over to her desk and began writing her a note for when she woke up explaining what happened.

@Kalin Scarlet @VictoriaFirewriath
Tau laid Zeon down, and began to look around. "You're not kidding...Have you ever asked her about decorating this place?" he asked Eldrir. "Wait, forget I said anything..." noting the training equipment. He set up one of the training bags, and tapped it with a weak jab.

Eldirir continued writing his note. "Zeon focuses on the essentials. Anymore than that she deems uneeded." He folded up the paper and set it on her nightstand. He wrote on the outside, "Please snead!" In large letters. He turned to Tau, "If she notices her stuff messed with know she'll come after you first, and she won't be too nice about it." He struggled out a slight chuckle.

@Kalin Scarlet

Bernal sat at his desk scribbling avidly on a piece of paper. He would look up at Anarasa and squint then go back to scribbling on the paper. He kept at this for a while until he sat up straight and very loudly cleared his throat as though to get her attention. He slid the paper over to her an winked. "I think I grasped your agressivness quite nicely."

Cocoabutterkisses said:
Eldirir continued writing his note. "Zeon focuses on the essentials. Anymore than that she deems uneeded." He folded up the paper and set it on her nightstand. He wrote on the outside, "Please snead!" In large letters. He turned to Tau, "If she notices her stuff messed with know she'll come after you first, and she won't be too nice about it." He struggled out a slight chuckle.
@Kalin Scarlet

Bernal sat at his desk scribbling avidly on a piece of paper. He would look up at Anarasa and squint then go back to scribbling on the paper. He kept at this for a while until he sat up straight and very loudly cleared his throat as though to get her attention. He slid the paper over to her an winked. "I think I grasped your agressivness quite nicely."

"I see. Just admiring the equipment. Haven't trained myself in...once again, I ask you forget I said anything." He said, removing the monitoring device from his eye. "Well, we're all done, yes?" Tau asked, looking down at his hand, which he had clenched tight into a fist without meaning to.


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