• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Thrun Mukurn
Interactions: Spencypoo Spencypoo (Anne)

Thrun was looking out the window of the bus. Just looking back at the school, he was starting to doubt that listening to Gigi had been a brilliant idea. Maybe rather then making some kind of connection he should just be focusing on surviving his studies, beyond just getting study groups anyway. Aside from Gigi, Thrun really had been very isolated honestly, and Gigi was such a socialite he barely saw her. Dayana he'd screwed things up with, his roomate he barely ever saw, Dominique didn't like him one bit, he'd scared that Fang guy into submission practically. Honestly aside from Gigi, he hadn't really been very successful in making friends. This recent failure had just added salt to the wound.

An indignant, Orcy side of Thrun wanted to be stubborn. After-all Dayana had ditched him too when he had put his good name on the line making that plan to sneak into the school, and also because of her sister, and he'd all but brushed that aside.

That didn't last long though, it wasn't in Thrun's nature to hold grudges and he knew even thinking about it too long wouldn't make anything better. Like always, he forced down the stubborn orc in him and tried to think above it, the side that wanted to be defensive, strong, just wanted conflict and nothing else. The side of Orcs he hated, and why he hated fighting, despite very much enjoying a fight.

His thoughts were interrupted by a woman's voice, he blunk and lazily looked over. There was an unfamiliar woman there, "Oh, hey, I'm Thrun." He said, despite this woman having the same text color as him he couldn't dirge up much energy to give more then a weakened friendly smile. He tried, Thrun was an optimist, it just wasn't in his nature not to try. "Can i uh, help you with something?" He asked, he immediately knew she wanted something. People didn't approach him, not a single person had since he had joined the school. So logically it must have been because she wanted something.

He wasn't wrong either.

Bula Mukurn

Interactions: Cello. Cello. (Pyrite)

Bula looked around as they boarded the bus. She quickly realized Thrun wasn't on this bus, he was a green orc afterall he kind of stuck out. She breathed a sigh of relief, taking off her ring and turning back to her normal Orcy appearance. She grinned, waggling the ring a bit, "Yeah pretty cool right? You want to wear it I bet you'd make a cute girl." She teased, obviously just messing with him. She then leaned back with a sigh, looking up thoughtfully and tilting her head some. "Yeah no I dunno..." She shrugged. "Kinda weird, we just got here. Maybe all of the property damage was too much, decided we were too much trouble and they're shipping us all off to juvie in one batch." She giggled at the thought. Depending on which bus Pyrite picked, they miiiight have ended up on the same bus as Dayana potentially. Potentially, in which case she would stick out like a sore thumb with the ring off.​
Piranesi; Loc: Courtyard

Piranesi likes to believe that they thrive in chaos.

It should be indicative of their nature after all, a creature born to work for the most chaotic of all forces—the ever-churning tides of life and death, the pushing and pulling of gods' whims—living as merely a vassal for the cosmic forces that spin the universe from the loom of infinity.

But really, who are they kidding? Hell is a bureaucracy (Satan is a shit CRO), and between nearly getting pummelled by the bags of some student who decided it would be wise to toss them out of the second-story window and the absolute travesty of having to travel in yet another mortal vehicle after spending six hours in a different one, Piranesi was ready to give up that pretence.

And this was supposed to be a bloody vacation for them.

Pulling up their scarf, they quickly boarded the first bus, their briefcase slung over their shoulder. There really was no point to emptying the contents of the (enchanted) bag, and even if they did, they doubt they would have it done in the time provided. So bring the contents of their entire room to another school they hadn't even told they were going to attend to while simultaneously chaperoning several teenagers as the only adult in sight, it was.

... Maybe they'll ask for their next assignment to be in the Bahamas.
Interactions: Zef The Owl Zef The Owl
Anne wanted to smile back but something about his was...Fake? Maybe forced. All she could know for sure was that it didn't reflect how he was feeling at all. She blinked a few times as he expected her to want something from him- I mean she did but there was a chance that she didn't. On a normal day, she would probably walk right up to him and get to know him....Okay, maybe that's a lie but still!

"I can't just come to say hello?" She shook her head and sighed, "But there is something.. You could say I'm here for damage control?" She sat back as she tried to further explain without sounding like some kind of creep who peeks into people's private conversations. "My friend Dayana was looking kinda out of it and apparently, you do too. I was trying to figure out what happened so I could try to help her a bit but I already know better than to ask her." She tapped her seat for a minute in silence, "Sorry if I'm coming off as nosey, I'm really just a bit concerned."
Interactions: Gao Gao {Emery} Zef The Owl Zef The Owl {Bula}
Amethyst Lightwood and Lapis Ashford

Amethyst looked up to see Emery walk onto the bus. She shrunk back slightly into the seat. She didnt want to talk to him out of all people. Lapis noticed Amethyst growing uncomfortable and his grip tightened on her shoulder. He death glared the ghoul as he looked him up and down. He watched as the male slid into the seat behind them. Amethyst was pressed against the seat and her breathing was shallow.

"No he is not my boyfriend nor is he any of your concern." Amethyst answered Emery, trying to keep herself calm.

"Whos Milky, Amethyst?"

"No clue."

Amethyst was lying and Lapis knew that. His mind suddenly clicked with clues. Grayson the kid from earlier. He sucked in a sharp breath before looking at Emery.

"Listen here mate im not leaving her side and you will stop bothering her."

Amethyst looked at Lapis with a grateful smile before closing her eyes. She didnt want to see the fallout of whatever this was. She signed a small symbol on her head and fuzziness filled her limbs and everything went dark. Peace and quiet. She couldnt hear anything as her body seemed to relax. Lapis looked over at Amethyst and laughed slightly before turning to face forward.

He didnt want to deal with the bitch behind them. He slid on headphones he so happened to have in his bag and a song filled his ears. He closed his eyes and rested his arms behind his head.

Pyrite Lightwood

He laughed at Bulas comment about him making a cute girl. "I would look to much like my sister." He joked and rested his head on his arms. He was looking out the window letting his mind run. Nothing really to do but watch students scramble onto buses. He could hear the bus grow noisy by the minute. When Bula said something about being shipped off to Juvie, he nodded with a small laugh.

"Im so tried." He grumbled after a minute and rubbed his face. He closed his eyes and without thinking he drifting into sleep. He didnt really remember he was talking to Bula as he did. Tiredness just grows on him randomly and this happened to be one of those times.
Thrun Mukurn
Interactions: Spencypoo Spencypoo (Anne)

Why did the spirits hate him today? Here was yet another situation that wasn't going to end well. He judged all of the ways he could tackle this that wouldn't end in her hating him like, well like a lot of people so far? Ok maybe hate was a strong word, they liked to avoid him. Point being, perhaps he could have said he didn't feel comfortable talking about it. Or perhaps he could have been vague. However, his self-esteem was beyond low at this point, and Thrun was still just... Honest to a fault?

She did say she wanted to help Dayana, so, maybe telling her would do that. Even if it was to his detriment.

"If you're a friend of her's it's... Fine. She probably could use the support right now." He sighed, looking down, before looking out the window ashamed. "Sorry just, been a bad first two days. Dayana wanted me to join her at breakfast. I said I'd go but, something came up, and I broke my promise." He said, slowly running hand through his hair. "I was on my way there just-- I don't know, I screwed up. She's clearly fed up with me and has every right to be." He shrugged, he didn't say anything flattering. No excuse. Anyone who had been in a position like this would know he was still in full 'Beat yourself up' mode in that way hormonal teenagers would do.

"I'm not a fan of promise breakers, so, you should probably help her out. I'll just be here reflecting on how I screwed up. She's probably on one of the other buses."

Yes, he was aware this could be a deathknell to whatever he and Dayana had between them. He could see this girl going to Anne and talking her out of talking to him again for her own sake. However Thrun just, couldn't lie and say something else. His father always told him to take his medicine on the chin, own the consequences of his actions.

And no, he didn't mention his sister, he wasn't about to shift blame on her, he was past the 'Deflection' phase and well into the 'Acceptance' phase already. Even if it was actually kinda her fault, he just didn't know how much yet.​
Bula Mukurn

Interactions: Cello. Cello. (Pyrite + Pyrita)

She snorted out a chuckle, "Yeah I guess so." She giggled, until she noticed he was zonking out. "Wait are you--" She looked over, aaand he was out like a light. She huffed a bit, stubbornly puffing out a cheek. Well there went her talking partner for the ride.


There was a mischievous glint in her eye, she looked around to make sure no one was watching. She picked up his hand, and, slowly, so as not to wake him, slipped the Glamour ring on one of his fingers. It was just an illusion spell after-all, so he wouldn't feel any different. He wouldn't know anything was the wiser unless he looked down at himself-- Well herself, or unless he looked in a mirror. Bula grinned, then leeeaaaaned back, her hands behind her head, totally satisfied smug look. So, would she have problems disguising herself once they got off the bus? Yes, but that was for future Bula to worry about. Present Bula had a fun prank to watch the chaos of.

Hey, that's what you get for falling asleep on your buddy, Pyrita.​
Emery- Cello. Cello. (Lapis + Amethyst)
"Mate?" Emery cooed, clearly taking what Lapis had said in a different direction completely. "Hehe, flirt. I'm flattered, but I'm not really into commitment, yeah?" Amethyst had motioned a symbol and tuned out, assumedly asleep. Much to Emery's disappointment.

"Hmph." The ghoul narrowed his eyes at this, but his sly smile was still on his face as he looked at Lapis. Playful, ready to instigate. "So if Pigeon is off limits, I will have to settle for the runner up. Lucky for you I don't mind scraps." Backhanded to refer to the male as 'scraps'.

After a few minutes of Emery sitting down and being quiet for a rare short while, he leaned around the seat to look at Lapis. His blue eyes burned into the relaxed boy, who now had headphones in and was tuned out. The ghoul was grinning, blonde hair hanging loose around his face. A finger gently tugged at the cord of the headphones to pull it off the male's ears.

"What we listening to, mate?" Relentless and annoying. Partially Emery was just curious, partially he was just pestering the Lapis for the fun of it. Emery was bored. "You ever tried bird meat?"
Anne & Dayana
Interactions: Zef The Owl Zef The Owl (Thrun)
Anne slowly nodded and looked to the front of the bus before standing up. "Okay this is really sad and now I see that I have to help both of you....This problem is so small I just-" She walked away and continued her sentence once she got off the bus then sprinted into the first one. She dragged Dayana out of her seat by the ear, "Let's go tinker bell!" Dayana winced as her ear got pulled, "What do you want?! AND STOP THAT!" She smacked Anne's hand and stared at her for a moment. A glare that Anne only returned even colder despite the fact she was still hella tired. "Let's. go." She wasn't trying to play games with this girl right now and she wasn't trying to be late either. Anne already put herself on the line for getting off the bus when it could pull off at any moment.

Dayana relented and crossed her arms,
"Fine..." She followed Anne down the sidewalk and onto the other bus then watched as the girl gestured towards Thrun who was sitting alone. "Anne what are you doing-" She was then suddenly shoved down the aisle but thankfully caught her balance before she fell onto the ground. She slowly turned back to Anne with narrowed eyes, clearly pissed. "Oops," She said simply as she sat down in the same seat as before.

Dayana sighed and sat by Thrun but kept her body turned towards Anne,
What the hell do you want me to do?! She mouthed to the girl across. Anne rolled her eyes for the fifth time this morning...Good day. "Talk to him!" She mouthed back. Dayana groaned and stared at Anne for a moment with a face that screamed, 'Are you fucking kidding me?' Anne only smirked and turned towards the window. She wasn't going to say another word to Dayana until she sorted this out with Thrun. Dayana silently cursed and sat back in her chair as she looked back at the orc, not saying a single word.
Interactions: Gao Gao {Emery}
Lapis Ashford

He simply ignored the males comment about something of Amethyst being off limits. He already had his headphones in and bobbed his head slightly to the music. He had his eyes closed when he felt the earphones get yanked out of his ear. He looked up at Emery with a frown. He crossed his arms much like a child would.

"You mean what im listening to. Its called classical music- most likely havent heard of it." He snorted and pushed one of the earbuds back into his ear. Devein filling his senses and he relaxed a little more. Devin was a true music god and anyone who dared said otherwise was deemed less in his eyes. He never cared for much of what more people listened to now but more of classical music.

When Emery asked his next question, he glared slightly. "No nor do I want to. Angli are vegetarians." He said simply before shoving the other earbud in his ear. He looked at Amethyst who was curled up against the window with a peaceful expression on her face. Not smiling, not crying, just peaceful. He liked seeing Amethyst in this state like nothing was flooding her mind about anything.

He smiled softly before tearing his gaze away to look up at the ceiling of the bus. He closed his eyes again and let Devin drown out any sounds for the moment being. Another song shifted on and he opened his eyes. It wasnt a Devin piece but one of Beethovens. He liked alot of the Human composers almost as much as he did Devein but they couldnt compare to the extreme cellist.

"Also it would not be wise to flirt with me or Amethyst if you have that damn girlfriend." He said to Emery suddenly. Not looking at the male and unbothered by anything the male said earlier. Flirting didnt bother him like it did Amethyst.
Thrun Mukurn

Interactions: Spencypoo Spencypoo (Anne and Dayana)

Thrun blunk at Anne's reaction, "No you really should just focus on Day--an...a..." He watched her go, right... She was a weird one, kind, but, really kind of strange. He didn't know what she'd say to Dayana, but he resigned himself to that fate. He wasn't sure the buses would be around long enough for it to matter, she'd probably just sit down with Dayana. He sighed and looked out the window of the bus, while putting his backpack in his lap. He wanted to get his mind off of it but, one thing in his mind stood out, I screwed up. He felt like he'd been doing the right thing.

If Bula had gotten in trouble that'd tarnish the name of the Orcish people, it'd screw other people signing up for the school.

Telling that to Dayana seemed, not only too wordy for text but it was just another excuse. He had to weigh his options, and he chose his people. It was simple as that, unfortunately turns out he couldn't do anything anyway because he didn't actually catch Bula. So he might as well have just gone to the cafeteria. Hell, maybe he was even seeing things? Maybe it wasn't her?

He'd just screwed up, that's all there was too it.

And as his fingers found the falcon feathers on his backpack, he couldn't help but idly rub them between his fingers while he looked out the window, and began to daydream, and think back.

Because this wasn't the first time he'd screwed up.

It started with a kiss!

Kurug didn't mind, the falcon had grown very attached to its owner. He'd given the bird a peck on the beak, and naturally the bird affectionately nibbled back on his lip. "Haha, hey! Hey! Watch it! That hurts!" He laughed, grinning some. He'd just left the capital building, where his family lived. Being chief they'd always lived in a big place, but moreover they had acres behind them. His voice was so much higher then, and he was so much shorter. Still a child, with his young falcon, this was going to be his first free-flight and he was excited! Real exercise, getting to watch Kurug fly free. He'd raised Kurug from a chick, first a little baby Falcon who he'd cut up meat from beef to hare meat in order to raise by hand, grown into a majestic sub-adult. The bird was just now getting used to wide-range flying, testing out it's wings more and more. Thrun made a "Pfffbt!" as the wings buffeted his face, "Ok ok! I get it you want to fly! Haha, don't worry! I'm right here with you Kurug! I know it's spooky, big wide place! No ceiling or cage, but you can totally do it."

He held up his arm, bird perched on it, "At the count of three... Ok? One... Two..." He raised up his arm, the bird taking flight. Thrun was thrilled, seeing the bird bank, majestic brown wings spread out. He jumped in the air, throwing up a fist, "Woo! Go Kurug! Alright! Yeeeah that's it! I'm so proud of you! Haha!" He ran after Kurug, it was hopeless to keep up. However the Falcon would bank and turn, never going far from Thrun. He was overjoyed, his beloved bird could finally fly, he could finally take him out whenever and they could just do this.

For a good hour, they just ran, Kurug gaining distance, before banking around to meet Thrun after they ran over more and more grassy field, the ocean lapping against the beaches filled with tourists in the distance.

Then Kurug turned, something caught their eye.


Thrun slowed down, trying to see what got the bird's attention. The bird banked, fixated on something, before folding in his wings. Drooping down and extending talons as it went into a dive. Thrun was so confused, watching Kurug dive into the distance. He was confused, until the bird hit the ground near some grass. There was a Squeal, and he saw fuzzy feet tumble head over heels. Thrun's heart stopped, only then did he realize what had happened.

"Kurug! KURUG NO!"

He squealed in distress, in the way only a child could. Rushing to the scene, where Kurug stood upon a now bleeding rabbit. It's last kicks coming from it as it's eyes grew distant. Kurug looked occupied with that, and Thrun looked aghast. "Kurug! Oh spirits what have you done!?" He skidded to a hault, desperately shooing the way the bird form the rabbit. Kurug took off in a dart, as Thrun propped up the rabbit, only for its final movements to cease in his little hands with a few more spasms.

Thrun was young at the time, he really didn't understand why Kurug had done this. He hadn't had a graps of, predatory instinct. He just assumed if Kurug was full, or if he was preoccupied playing, he wouldn't hunt, he had no need to Thrun gave him everything. "K-Kurug how could you?" He sniffled, looking down at the rabbit, "Oh... I-I'm sorry Mr. Rabbit... I swear I'm not like the bad Orcs.. I-I didn't mean..."

The crunch of grass wasn't heard until a full ten minutes later, when Thrun's father had finally noticed his son wasn't laughing or running anymore, curled up in the grass. At first he was uncertain what was wrong, but as he got close, he got the idea. A large hand fell reassuringly on Thrun's shoulder, as a large Orc lowered himself next to him. In a nice suit fit for a chieftain, with a fur collar for that tribal touch. Fake fur, the Orcs didn't believe in fur farms, but the aesthetic was there. "Thrun?"

"D-Dad... Kurug he--."

"I know Thrun, this is what the falcon does."

"He wont come back to me, I tried calling to him... I-I think he's scared of me for yelling at him..."

"He was just doing what came natural, Thrun, he couldn't help himself. It's not anyone's fault."

Thrun looked down, tears welled in his eyes, "N-Natural...? I-I shouldn't have taken him out flying. I-I shouldn't have yelled I--"

His father pulled him into a reassuring hug, Thrun sniffled.

"It's my fault... I screwed up..."

"Give him time... He'll come back."

"What about the Rabbit...?"

"They've gone to join the other spirits of hare... It's okay to mourn, show your respects. Come on, I'll get a shovel, we can do the prayer rites to the spirits."

"Will the spirits be mad at me too?"



Thrun jolted back to reality, startled out of his daydream. He heard some bickering, and went to look at what was going on. Only to see something he did not expect. Anne, shoving freaking Dayana down the aisle. "Oh spirits no..." Cool, he wanted to melt back into his seat and fucking die.

So many questions ran through his head, all very good ones such as;


Why the fuck?

Why the fuck Anne?

As Dayana sat down next to him, clearly freaking fuming and staring at him, he winced a moment, gritting his teeth. Oh good he'd managed to make Dayana's day even worse, fantastic. "I... I'm sorry, I didn't think she'd go out and just drag you back here like--" He collapsed his face in his hands, a double facepalm that he slowly rubbed over his face. He could not believe this was happening and the guilt he was feeling had only gotten worse now. "I should have just kept the whole thing to myself... I know." Well, this had backfired spectacularly, again he made no excuses. He just accepted his medicine, yes he thought Anne would actually help her, not drag the fuming woman off her bus! But that didn't excuse that he really should have kept things between himself and Dayana. Karma was a bitch.​
Emery- Cello. Cello. (Lapis)
"I've heard classical music." He commented, adding "Unfortunately." Right after it. He didn't like it. Emery wasn't big into music. He liked eating, that was about it. His only drive or passion in life was to eat, nothing else. He should really get some hobbies.

The ghoul rolled his eyes, droning a bored, "Vegetarian...." Emery then made a noise of disgust. He had no time for such a horrid conversation. "No wonder you're so tense. Or maybe, that's just because you're a prude." Emery's smile grew, sneakier and more malicious. "Tell me, I am ever so curious. Are all prudes so.." Another annoying tug at the headphones. "Neurotic?"

He paused and cocked his head in confusion, looking at Lapis after the boy said that odd sentence.

"Girlfriend? What one?" The ghoul grinned again. He didn't have several girlfriends. He didn't have any partner, but he found it funny either way. "There's a few, you're sitting next to one of them." Sly jab to the sleeping Amethyst.
Gao Gao (Gigi)
"Gigi!" Lillian hissed, lowering her voice. "Do not say that out here. It's supposed to be a secret. This is serious Gigi. Please." Lillian jus barely managed to sigh in disappointment as Gigi snatched her up by the arm and dragged her out of the cafeteria. "Gigi!" She repeated, "W-wha-!" Theblind girl stuttered out as she was yanked away.

Lillian was hurriedly pulled back into the dorm, quite annoyed with her bubbly roommate. "Gigi!" She repeated once more. "Don't fuckin' do that! I can't see! Do you have any idea how scary it is to be yanked around like that? Also, we agreed that O' Throdo Ehye was a SECRET. As in, don't fuckin' say anything about it." She hissed, opening her eyes to reveal the inky blackness of those portals into unspeakable depths that had replaced her eyes. Lillian massaged the bridge of her nose, eyes furrowed in frustration. "Lets just get fuckin' packed. Whatever." She barked irritably, throwing her hands up and tossing her bag on the bed, or atleast trying. It landed on the foot of the bed, flopping over. Lillian groaned and stormed into the bathroom to grab all of her beautification products.
Interactions: Gao Gao {Emery}
Lapis Ashford

He rolled his eyes at the guys comment about music. Now really not interested in talking to this dude. Classical music was the soul within him and he couldnt live without it. He wasnt as good as Amethyst with music nor was he even close. She was able to lose herself within a piece and fully dive in, he couldnt. As much as he wanted to he just couldnt. He could enjoy the hell out of it but he didnt find the beauty in every note like Amethyst did.

The guy was starting to talk again and Lapis snapped out of his thoughts. He had a small glare fixed on his face when he called him a prude. "I am not a prude though you seem like one. Bet you dont even know what a prude is." He said and a coy smile appeared on his face. When he tugged at his headphones again, Lapis hand snapped around Emerys. Much like a bear trap would with something that stepped in it.

"Dont touch my damn headphones-" He growled as his grip tightened on Emerys wrist. "-Amethyst is not up for play nor would she ever date you. Hell I dont think she would date anyone."

Lapis knew he was lying about that last part because Amethyst had once dated someone. Long ago and one that broke her in half but was never mentioned and she seemed to forget about him. Though he saw the imprints on her in the way she moved and acted sometimes. He knew better than to ever bring it up to her or a stranger.

Amethyst Lightwood

While in her dream sleep she knew where she was going, a memory from long ago. The clouds were cleared from the sky and the sun was reflecting off the towers. The ones back home that loomed over the ground below and casted the light in so many different ways, you couldnt look at one thing and it would be the same as the next. She was standing on her balcony with her wings spread debating if she was ready for her concert tonight.

Her cello was propped up in her room, the black and white swirls dominating the redwood and it made her smile. She loved that instrument more than life itself and it tore her apart when she watched it get destroyed. She walked back into the room and closed the doors behind her. Wings drifting to the ground as she looked in the mirror. Her face still looked bright and happy. A child that had not seen the worst yet to come.

She had not seen what would destroy her over and over as she fought to survive. She glanced at her arms in the mirror - no scars or gloves pale smooth caramel skin. She tore her eyes away from the mirror and to the cello. She walked over to it and picked it up gently in her hands. She had a concert that night and was nervous. Her first time playing in front of more than her school.

She sat down on the edge of her beg, her yellow dress draped over her legs as the cello was propped in-between. She picked up her bow and adjusted her hand on it as she set it down to the strings. She slowly ran it over a string and closed her eyes. She just learnt her favorite piece, "The Battle of Lys." and was going to play it tonight. She quickly started up on the soft tempo before it suddenly came to a stop.

She launched into a series of notes as her fingers danced across the elegant neck of her cello. Light starting to circle her as her bow flew over the strings. It never left the main higher strings unless it went into the battle parts where she quickly dropped to the C string. She slowed down a bit as it drew gloomier and gloomier as it faded to a stop. She readjusted her bow and slowly started out on the higher notes again.

The signal that Lys had come and gave hope to those in war. She brought peace and she brought them their nation. The greatest known event of Angli history. The start of them all.

She faded out again and took a deep breath. Her hand was shaking as she rested her bow back on her empty music stand. She heard clapping from behind her and she was confused. She sat the cello down and turned around to see Lapis. She let out a squeal of delight and launched into his arms.

"You were awesome!"

"Thanks! We are going to kill it tonight!"

"Yea we are! Did your parents take time off work?"

Amethyst shifted slightly and looked at the ground. Lapis' parents were always able to make it to his things but when it came to Amethyst.. Well she wasnt so lucky. Her parents were on the council and constantly busy. She had grown used to the disappointment of not seeing them at her showings at school. Work came first and so did the rest of Angelia.

"No but its ok! They said they will be there next time!"

"Ok then. Lets get ready now yea?"

Amethyst nodded and walked to her wardrobe, pulling out a nice black and gold dress. The black was deep and the gold was rich as it laced its way across her chest and sleeves. She walked off to the bathroom and quickly changed into it. The dress brushed her ankles and dragged on the floor slightly. She loved this dress and had been saving it for a special occasion like tonight.

When she emerged Lapis was dressed in a deep blue suit. One that matched his eyes and she smiled.

"Lets do this thing!"

She grabbed her cello and looked outside. It was starting to grow dark and she walked out to her balcony. She and Lapis flew over a couple towers and down to the music pavilion. When they landed it was a bustling mess of people and she grew nervous. What if she couldnt do it? What if she forgot part of the piece or she didnt keep beat or-

She shut her mind down and took a deep breath.

"I can do this."

"Yes you can."

She looked over at Lapis and gripped his hand tightly. They entered the room and walked up the stage. This was where her whole life changed for the better. Where her love of music became her life besides her studies.
Grita & Ava
Location: The Third Bus
Interaction/Mention: Zef The Owl Zef The Owl (Greenie) Spencypoo Spencypoo (Blue Eyes + Blonde)
Grita had sat in the seat directly across from Ava. Despite Grita being more than willing to scrunch up together, Ava was unconvinced that such an act was even necessary. Utilizing two of the bus seats was far more practical, and Grita's carapace was not soft... not by any definition of the word. After explaining this to her roommate, the two had sat across from each other. And while Grita took the time to look over her possessions, Ava was free to have her attention drawn by some kind of kerfuffle going on two seats behind her. A blue-eyed student had made her way over to a green skinned boy who had already been seated.

Apparently she'd gone to him specifically due to an issue between him and some other girl. As he explained it, Ava found herself raising an eyebrow at how petty the issue truly was. It was simply a missed eating arrangement that had him bemoaning his own inadequacy, and his friend scorning him. Why he didn't just apologize and move on was beyond Ava, as fretting over things that had already happened was not constructive to her. Apparently, the Blue-eyed girl thought similarly, and quickly vacated the bus before returning dragging another girl along.

Ava leaned up, confused as to why such force was necessary. Sure it was a trivial matter that could be solved in mere minutes at most, but did that really necessitate tossing the blonde forward like that? This action managed to draw Grita's attention away from one of her handheld console's with one of her eye stalks rotating around as the Blonde caught herself.

"Oh, nice catch." she noted as she watched her make her way towards the green guy, watching in confusion before glancing towards Ava. Recognizing that her roommate was wondering what exactly was going on and why Blue-Eyes back there was essentially strong-arming Blonde and Green into sitting together, Ava rolled her eye before gesturing with her hand that she'd fill her in.

Of course, Green seemed positively mortified about Blue-Eyes' actions, and began apologizing to the blonde for telling her his woes.

"Actually, the end goal of getting you two to talk it out seemed a reasonable endpoint for aiding your current problem." Ava commented before glancing away "I'd say the main point of contention would probably be in the execution somewhere."

Though Grita still wasn't entirely sure what it was exactly that they were having a problem over, she was still managing to keep up using context clues. Furthermore, that soon became irrelevant as she realized that the blonde actually had some pretty flowing locks on her. Taking a second to close her handheld, Grita actually leaned back against the wall of the bus so she could get a better look at her and realizing that she'd actually look pretty dope with her hair done into curls. She tapped two of her fingers against her lower jaw in thought, eyes already working out just what kinds of treatment she'd need for such an alteration.
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Emery- Cello. Cello. (Amethyst + Lapis)
Emery only giggled as Lapis tried to call him a prude instead. "You're funny. I like you."

And then commenced Emery trying to tug at the headphones again, but he was quickly stopped by Lapis grabbing his wrist. Emery didn't mind, just started wiggling his hand to be annoying.

He blinked at Lapis, before leaning in slightly to the boys face. Lapis was showing signs of anger, and Emery was brimming with entertainment. "Touchy, touchy." He belittled, "But holding hands already? You are bold. The bus isn't even moving yet." He smiled, a smile of teeth.

"But I suppose you're right," Emery sighed and glanced towards the peaceful Amethyst. It seemed for a moment the Ghoul had softened and retired his advances, seeing reason. That was not the case. "Because SHE HAS MILKY." He shouted very loud in attempt to wake her up. "Can't say I agree with such a suitor, can you? No room for you and little old me." An evil glance back to Lapis. "I'd kill Milky. Don't like his shoes." Emery then leaned back in his seat, out of view again. This did not stop Emery from talking.

"Have you ever fished someone's eye out their socket?"
Whether Emery was threatening the boy, or was just talking about hungry things again was left unexplained. He was kind of just talking for the hell of it at this point. "Hey, you listening?" He kicked the back of Lapis' seat to get his attention. "You have to get your fingers behind it, scoop it before it sinks in." He tapped a finger against his lower lip, casting a gaze down the bus aisle. "Quite a therapeutic feeling. If I do say so myself. Slippery little things, though."

- - -
Gigi- Firelie Firelie (Lillian)
Gigi clutched her fluffy tote close to her body. She could feel that familiar warm prickling in her eyes, yet clenched her jaw and instead forced a timid smile.

"Yes Lillian," She mumbled quietly. Her roommate had cussed again. This time at her. Gigi dumb as she might be, was unfortunately rather sensitive. Her entire body tensed and she shifted her gaze to the floor, hunching slightly to avoid the endless pits that were now Lillian's open eyes. They made her feel unwell, a rare feeling for someone that was dead. Only once Lillian had thrown her bag towards the bed and was storming into the bathroom, did Gigi let out a shaky exhale.

"I'll- I'll get the robes!"
She said, unsure if her roommate had heard or not. Her voice was a pitiful sound, meek, twisted with fake enthusiasm.

Gigi cleared her throat and began to pack a bag, throwing plenty of items into it. Clothes, her favourite shoes (very difficult to decide). She zipped it closed and picked up the heavy bag surprisingly easily. Tough, for her small stature.

"Are you ready, Lillian?" Gigi asked, voice still soft. She was scared to, poke-the-bear, as they say. She hovered near the door of the room, waiting anxiously. "You need help with anything?"
Gao Gao (Gigi)
Lillian came out of the bathroom with a plastic bag full of stuff. She popped it in her bag. "We are fine. We barely got a chance to unpack." Her voice was much softer, filled with regret. She zipped up her plain black bag and slung it over her shoulder. Lillian sighed and walked over to Gigi, her eyes now filled with the colorful wonders of the cosmos. "We- I mean I, uh..." She went silent as she searched for the words. "I'm sorry. For snapping at you. Throdog Ehye thought you should hear that from me. Not us. If you get what we mean..." She gave Gigi a soft smile. "I'm just a little wound up. Really wound up. I'm stressed. We think it isn't smart for me to sully our relationship... Our as in us not as in Throdog Ehye and I, just to uh, yeah. Sooooo..." Lillian took a deep breath after the long, slightly rambly apology.

"Lets go." She held her arm out for Gigi to link on to, so the other girl could guide her, a soft smile on her face.
Interactions: Gao Gao {Emery}
Lapis Ashford

"You wont like me when I light you on fire." He mumbled to himself and closed his eyes. He rubbed his free hand over his face and let go of Emerys wrist. He crossed her arms over his chest and slouched in his seat.

"Not touchy or bold. Keep your dirt hands off my headphones." He snarled. He opened his eyes to look at Amethyst who had shifted in her seat to lean on Lapis and he smiled. When Emery shouted he growled and shot up from his seat to look at Emery. Fury was clearly shown on his face as his hand shot out to grip Emerys throat. His fingertips growing hot with his anger.

He knew Amethyst couldnt wake up unless she wanted to but shouting could disturb her and this was the first time she was in a peaceful state. "A suitor? That boy doesnt like her and its clearly seen." He snarled and his fingertips were still growing hotter by the second. He finally tore his hand away from Emery seat and sat back down. He would also kill the dude if he could. He didnt want to see Amethyst get hurt again.

He tucked his headphones back into his ears and another Devin song was playing. He wondered if he could get Amethyst to play it again. For old times sake plus she could use a distraction whenever. Emerys next comment brought a smile to his lips still not answering. He felt a kick in the back of his seat and he sighed. Could this boy get anymore annoying? He just wanted to listen to his music.

"Yes. Yes I have, Its not pleasant with hands. Blades are much more preferred." He commented bluntly. The way he said it made it seem like he had done it multiple times and he had. Not that he was telling anyone that but if it would get Emery to shut up then so be it. "Also shut up before I burn your eyes out of your skull and burn your mouth together." He hissed and closed his eyes again.
There Minma stood at the entrance of Coral Coast academy, his letter of invitation was still gripped in his left hand. The sheer beauty and size blew Minma away and he wasn't one to be easily impressed. His right hand gripped a suitcase connected to another suitcase. A breeze passed him, causing his hair to dance with the wind. Minma took one last glance at the invitation then shoved the letter into his pocket, crumbling it as it went in.

He let of a loud sigh of nervousness and with that last sigh his heels lifted. As he trotted along the pathway that lead to the entrance he began to grow more anxious with every footstep. The last time he stood infront of a building this big he was preparing to go to war. He now stood only a foot away from the entrance. Taking a big gulp of nothing he began to slowly raise his hand for the door knob when he was interrupted by a man's voice coming upon the intercom speakers advising the students to get packed and make thier way towards north.

Minma let out a slight chuckle. "It seems I've arrived late. No worries it works out perfectly for me, I'm already packed." He said with a grin on his face. Upon opening the door one last breeze hit his back as if it was forcing him to enter. The halls were empty and no sound was heard.

Minma didn't stop for a second and just continued to make his way North with his suitcases dragging behind. After a little more walking he was coming up to double doors which were propped open. He continued to walk and he noticed busses in the distance. I suppose I've made it he thought to himself as he continued to walk. He wasn't quite sure as to what bus he was meant to get on so he made the choice for himself and headed towards a random bus.

He was now coming upon the stairs of the bus when he gave the driver a nod of his head. He easily lifted his suitcases up the stairs and to the alleyway of the bus. Before moving forward he scanned to see who was on and surprisingly only three people were occupying the bus. "Hm" he hummed as air slightly blew out his nose. Unbeknownst to him Amethyst, Lapis and Emery were the ones he randomly choose to ride with. He slowly walked down the isle and choose his seat. Before seating he placed his suitcases in the seat adjacent to his and then took a seat. I hope the headmaster isn't surprised when he sees me. I've shown up pretty late he thought to himself.
Amethyst Lightwood

She soon faded from her dream and was entering another one. She was now standing back on her balcony, it was dark outside and the stars glittered like hidden gems in the sky. She looked up in awe as she dangled her legs over the edge of her balcony. The air was quiet and still tonight and everything felt back at peace. She wondered which memory this was. She laid back onto her back and blinked slowly.

How could something as perfect as this sky exist while wars were raging on in other countries or people were getting hurt. She ran a hand over the smooth marble underneath her and sighed. She heard a laugh behind her and she tilted her head to see Lapis there. A smile slowly broke out over her face. She sat up and yawned while looking him up and down.

He was leaning against the wall of her room and shadows covered his face to make him seem like he was apart of the shadows. He lit a small flame and it danced on his fingertips and she giggled.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well we are going to the Great Library of course."

"We are? But its closed."

"I know that. You finished your book though and need a new one."

He said and gestured to the stray book on her side. Midnight Runaway. The first time she had ever truly read it and it moved her to tears half of the book. It became a quick favorite of hers and she smiled up at Lapis.

"Oh I guess I do."

He led out a hand for her to take and she took it as she stood up. They both leaped into the air and flew over a couple of the towers before seeing the Great Libraries. It was quite easy to tell as the glass stained windows stood out starkly against the white walls. She landed on light feet and almost tripped but Lapis caught her just in time. She let out a shaky breath as they walked into the Library.

No guards were ever present so it was quite easy. She let out a little gasp as she looked at the Library in the dark. It was so different like another world. It looked like a secret garden in the middle of a moonlit forest. She traced a hand on a nearby bookshelf before starting to her favorite section. Pulling a book off the shelf and Lapis followed her. They both found a book and sat down near a side of the room.

Lapis had a small flame on his hand and held it out to both of them so they could read. The light flickered back and forth as she slowly opened her book and got lost in it. This was going to be the first of many break-ins but young Amethyst didnt know that quite yet.
Emery- Cello. Cello. (Lapis) + Minma Minma (Minma)
Emery only had a stupid little smile as Lapis threatened and set his hand around his throat. Like usual, Emery was very dismissive by the threat of danger. Confident, yet very stupid.

His lips could only curl into a sneer, entertained that Lapis was still trying to threaten him.

"Stop flirting." Emery gasped and scolded after Lapis mentioned to burn his eyes shut. "My girlfriends will get jealous." Followed by an evil little giggle.

"The blade ruins the eyeball." He drawled as if it was obvious and he was talking with an idiot. "You spoil the best part, wasteful" Emery tutted and sat forward again, speaking quieter now to the boy, as if he were divulging his ghoul secrets. "The clear gel in the eye is called the vitreous. Real sweet stuff. If you could taste ichor, that would be it." He smiled at Lapis, not an entirely kind smile. "What knife you got?" But that was a curious, harmless little question. Like a child asking if you had games on your phone.

"They're just like grapes." Back to eyeball talk. Yay. "Stab it and it's ruined." With a sigh he sat back. "But now I'm hungry." Another annoying kick to the back of Lapis' seat, petty as if it was this guys fault he was craving eyeball. Like a kid upset on a car ride, kicking the back of the driving parent. "Thanks for that." But Emery was always hungry, he couldn't blame that on anyone but himself.

He was quiet for a while, laid his head back on the seat and stared up at the ceiling of the bus. All until he heard movement, another student arriving.

He tilted his head back down and watched. A quiet and studious gaze. Just seeing who this was and how they composed themselves. Emery hadn't seen them before, which was odd. Since he loved to stare. Not even the scent of the boy, while human, was familiar to him. Emery concluded he simply hadn't been nearby this guy, or he had only just arrived.

"Helloooo Blueberry." It seemed the ghoul loved nicknames for people. Pigeon, Milky, now Blueberry. He made a mental note to make up something annoying for Artemis. "Are you the entrée?" Quite happily, he hopped out of his seat and slid down the aisle, only stopping next to Minma. Emery's pale hand slithered over the head rest of his seat as he gazed down at this newcomer.

"Awfully kind of the headmaster to supply nibbles." Same sinister smile, hungry vigour in his eyes. "Though," He poked the boy in the shoulder with a critical finger and a slight frown. "You're not as tender as I like them to be."

- - -
Gigi- Firelie Firelie (Lillian)
Gigi lit up with delight, an abrupt 180 as Lillian approached and apologized. It wasn't very smooth, or well thought out, but Gigi thought it was perfect.

"Now, now. Don't be silly." She scolded, as if Gigi hadn't been close to tears just moments beforehand. "Of course you'd be stressed, I'm really sorry for, you know." She hinted at the whole star god thing. "Talking about him. I'll keep it really secret. Pinky promise."

"Things just like to fall out of my wee fat mouth."
She giggled and hooked her arm through Lillian's, this time leading her gently. Not pulling or sprinting around wildly. "Come, let us get to the bus."

And that's what they did, Gigi lead them down the hallways and to the front of the school, where students were all piling into buses. She was happy again, any signs of upset long gone. Straight out the window. Forgotten.

"I like this one." She picked the bus just as she picked the table in the cafeteria. By energy. "This is a good bus." She smacked her hand on the side of it, "Fancy that, though! No carriages." She wiggled her eyebrows to Lillian, despite the girl being blind and not being able to see it. This bus also seemed the emptiest at the moment, so she thought it'd be more peaceful for Lillian as well. The girl got headaches, so heaps of people might not help it.

"Did you bring your medication? How about socks? Could get cold. Maybe I should've brought some snacks, for the school. Maybe muffins again. Hope they don't mind. Oh! Steps, be careful on those. You got big shoes on. Love those. Want a window seat? Oh right you're blind... You still want it?"

She cast a brief glance down the bus, seeing who was there. She hadn't met any of them, excluding Emery who was being a bastard as usual. She had to remember to check up on him later, see how he was doing. For now, she popped her bag into some storage space. She was smiling, happy. Excited for this trip.
Interactions: Gao Gao [Emery]

Minma sat quitely in his seat with his right foot bouncing as it hanged over his left knee. He couldn't help but overhear the conversation taking place behind him but he choice to ignore it. It wasn't his time to introduce himself so he thought. After rubbing his fingers through his hair two words in particular caught his ear. I'm the only one on this bus with blue hair....so this imbecile was referring to me. He though to himself.

Before having enough time to react to the nickname forced upon him he was dumbfounded when he was asked if he was food. Minma opened his mouth to speak but words didn't come out. Only a "agh" sound did in replacement of lost words. Minma took a deep breath and as he did he heard the person getting closer. Judging by the sound of his voice and the sound of the thump caused by the guys walking Minma concluded it was the grey haired fellow. He didn't help to look back to entertain Emerys nonsense. But ignoring it was no longer an option as Minma felt a finger poke him then degrade him as food.

Minma took his left hand and wiped off the place where Emery poked him at. He then slowly turned his body to meet the guy gave to face. A slight chuckle escaped his lips as a short sad kind of sigh followed. "I'm quite sorry to disappoint but I'm not what your looking for and you've got it all wrong. For starters I'm no food, and even if I was being served on a plater, it would be served to kings and thier families not to some freak who goes around giving nicknames to strangers and poking them." Minma stopped to consider his choice of words. Maybe a little to harsh for a rebuttal to a joke I suppose he thought to himself. He then reached his hand up and poked Emery on the nose. "Ah man I was hoping you was going to be a little more tender. I like it when my leather vest last a while."
Interactions: Gao Gao {Emery}
Lapis Ashford

"Yes totally flirting. Like I would ever." He said and rolled his eyes. He was looking back at Amethyst and a half grin appeared on his face. When Emery said something he dragged his gaze away from Amethyst to the window. They still havent moved yet. He felt a stab of jealous that Amethyst could just put herself to sleep but shook it off. Emery was still talking about eyeballs and he sighed.

"No one likes eyeballs but you. And I have this." He said and pulled out his blade. A dark metal glistened in the morning light and it was a wicked looking blade. Much like Pyrites it was make out of almost the same things but his had a magical substance within it to help it light on fire. A small red flame embedded on the blade and he smiled. He held it over the seat so Emery could see it clearly.

He lit his fingertips on fire and it danced up the blade. It glowed bright red and the flame flicked before dying out. He tucked his blade back away when Emery went back to talking about eyeballs. He felt a kick to his seat and he rubbed his face. He put his headphones back in and it was some random composer he had forgotten. No bad music but still not as good as Devins.

He closed his eyes after watching Emery get up to bother someone else. Finally. He slowly fell asleep and everything was drowned out by his music. His head was leaning against Amethysts and he had a peaceful expression on his normally scowling face. He didnt look as angry as he would all the time.
Emery- Minma Minma (Minma) + Cello. Cello. (Lapis)
"Nicknames are charming, Blueberry." The ghoul was showing no intentions of stopping that anytime soon. Simply smiling at this newcomer, full of deviance. Even if the male chose to tell him his actual name, Emery would still be using the term 'Blueberry' to refer to him.

Emery laughed quietly at the boy's ego. Half surprised the guy hadn't struck out a fist to attack him, and half surprised the guy wasn't seething on the spot. Much more calm than Lapis. A shame.

"My my, high standards for yourself." Emery purred, tapping a finger to his lower lip in thought. He cocked his head to the side, a confused frown overcoming him at what he said. "Served to Kings? Royalty doesn't eat mutton."

His face broke into a smile, and he gave another poke into this boy's shoulder. "Not enough for a family, either. Scrawny runt you are." Bold words, since this guy was taller than him. But Emery was not aware of that. His victim was sitting at the moment, giving the ghoul that self-esteem boost.

Emery did not mind physical touch. In the slightest. In fact he usually welcomed it. However the boop on the nose was so unexpected, it made Emery go silent. A rare and beautiful sound, Emery not talking. The ghoul blinked, shifted his gaze to the side, then back to the boy. Not sure what that was about, Emery wasn't about to ask either. Maybe it was some kind of human hello he wasn't accustomed to.

"Are you-" Emery paused to process what on earth this guy just said to him, something about a vest. He grinned and exhaled a laugh through his nose, equally confused as he was entertained. "Are you going to skin me? Now don't tease, Blueberry. We've only just met."

The male leaned against the seat, still stood in the aisle with his shit eating smile. "Don't be shy, ask my name. It's a good one, I promise." He spared a glance to where Lapis and Amethyst were seated, "I'd tell you the names of the grumpies over there, but they're awfully shy." He then turned his head to call out to Lapis, tormenting the other boy again. "Isn't that right, Mister Temper Tantrum? Brooding, are you?"
Interactions: Gao Gao {Emery} Minma Minma {Minma}
Lapis Ashford

Right as he was about to fall asleep he heard something being jabbed at him. He opened a eye to look at the dude and the blue headed person. He snorted at Emerys comment. "I am not shy and that is not my name. Its Lapis." He said stiffly and ignored the comment about him brooding. He was just trying to sleep. Mind his own business and not light anyone on fire. Why did people insist on making it so hard to do.

He sighed as he shifted in the seat looking at the Blueberry head. "Dont worry. He flirts with everyone. He thinks its cute but its super annoying." He whisper-yelled as he held his hand over his mouth as if to tell a secret. A indirect jab at Emery though he knew he could hear it. He leaned back against the seat and stuck his earbud back in.

"Now leave me alone. I would like to sleep or eyeballs with be boiling out of your brain or I will just burn all your nerve systems together to become a lump of a human." He said and laughed. He closed his eyes and let his mind wander for the time being. Until Emery starting talking again. Which he knew would be soon.
"You would hold your standards high too if your were me, but sadly for you you would never get to experience such a lavish life." Minma said, dismissing the insults thrown at him completely. As Emery leaned on the seat with a smile that slightly ticked Minma off. Minma reached his hand up adjusting the top of his shirt.

Minma couldn't help but chuckled as Emery picked at the person in the back. Just as Minma was about to ask the name of the guy he heard Lapis speak for the first time and she told him her name. Lapis....isn't that some kind of stone? Minma questioned himself. Either way he now knew the name of one participant.

"If that's his way of flirting I'm surprised he isn't surrounded by at least fifty beautiful people." Minma said in a sarcastic tone. He then began to rise from his seat using his hands to push himself up. "I suggest you let the man sleep. I wouldn't want my best friend being turned into a lump of a human. Although your not far from it." Minma said chuckling at his own insult.

He now stood directly infront of Emery. He looked down upon him. It was clear Minma was taller by a long shot but the fact that Emery was leaning wasn't helping either. "So, shorty" Minma was now going to always refer to Emery as shorty. "My name's Minma. Tell me your name now since your so eager.C'mon I want to be impressed. Let it be something like Neptune or Historian."

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