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Multiple Settings Buncha Plots, Canon and Original!


New Member
Hiya! The name's Paenitet. Why, you ask? I believe it means 'Sorry' in Latin?

So, now that we've got the name out of the way, a bit about me. I'm just girl with a passion writing. I mean...I've been writing for about four years now. I write in third person (and I highly prefer you do as well), I average 6-8 paragraphs in the beginning and 1-4 when I get a tad more comfortable. I'm not the BEST at writing, though I try my best!

I love doing all sorts of genres, but I'm horrid at historical and action based roleplays, though I can surely try, if you'd really like. If you don't wanna do one of these plots but you like the sound of me, hit me up and we can come up with something else! I use Discord for the most part.

I only really play females (usually) but I could be coaxed into doing MxM. I'm most comfortable, though, with doing FxM with me as the woman, since that's what I'm most used to - I play a lot of male side characters, though! I'm not comfy with FxF.

Now, onto the plots.

So, it's 2054. Earth is...polluted, to says the least, but the advancements society has made are life changing - one of which is a ship capable of traveling through hyperspace. Well...it's a work in progress. Muse A and Muse B are top class students at a good 'ol space academy. ATLAS Academy - firmly situated on the Babylon Space Station, a rather large station secured to the Earth's moon. Our Muses are chosen to test out the new Hyperspace vehicle...however, when they pulse jump, the earth somehow explodes. How? They don't know, all they know is that if they don't shift into hyperdrive, they'll be crushed by the shockwave. So, they do - and they end up on a deserted ice planet, their ship out of fuel and partially broken.

This is definitely inspired by No Man's Sky and the music video for Let's Go by Stuck in the Sound. I'll probably be using the same terminology NMS uses cause it's waaaay easier...which means Sentinels, mining with guns, and fun freighter battles.

To add drama, our characters could possibly be enemies or rivals. Whatever you'd like!

Some sort of DETROIT : BECOME HUMAN plot. Either something to do with a detective and their android partner, or possibly someone whose android (that was meant to be a replacement for a spouse or something) begins to deviate and fall in love with the human. The possibilities are endless!

Something canon with the OverWatch universe. That new hero is pretty damn interesting - I'd love to explore something to do with him. I'm best roleplaying Angela Ziegler - it'd be interesting to play against Siebren de Kuiper. I'm always happy to play against legit anyone else, though - some of my favorites would definitely be Jesse, one of the Shimada brothers, or Moira.

So, I made up this plot a long while ago. I have a character for the blind person, so I'd highly prefer playing them. Your character is a convicted 'criminal' - the quotations meaning they're completely innocent. They were framed for a murder and sentenced to death...which, generally isn't fun. A few days before their initial 'due date', they're approached and asked if they want a second chance. Well, moreso just a chance to not die - which your character promptly takes. On one condition - they become a test subject for a sort of...new therapy experience. Basically like parole, but in somebody else's house. Basically the goal is to put the criminal in someone...more in risk of dying, to put it lightly. In this case, a blind suicidal woman in her late twenties. The hope is for the supposed criminal to be a sort of...emotional support and help her with everyday activities in the house. They can't leave, of course, the police would be immediately alerted...though...something strange is happening in the town which the the woman isn't exactly noticing. At night, the 'criminal' notices cars going a little too slow in front of the house...or the occasional person standing in the yard, just...staring at the house. Something is wrong, though they just don't know how to tell their companion.

If any of these scenarios seem interesting to you, message me with a bit about yourself and which plot you're interested in! If it's a canon plot, make sure to tell me who you'd like to play! If ya want, also include a sample of your writing. Sorry for any misspellings, it's nearly midnight here. Please DO NOT comment on this post, I most likely will not answer!
Hey there! If you're still looking for a partner, I'd love to give your first plot a shot. PM me if you want to talk more

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