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Fandom Boku no Hero: Peace Sign Academia OOC

Shouto is best penguin
Actually, the majority of the fights took waaaaaay longer than they seem to be. This isn't cannonically stated, but if you take into account:
1. That anime that visual mediums usually only have a couple hours at most to work with, so they have to fit in whole days into the space of a few minutes, AKA accelarating time by narrowing it down to the important parts is common pratice.
2. That you could not reasonably expect students to make it out of arenas of the size we are shown, some of which involved mazes or teachers blocking the gates in less than half an hour, yet we see plenty of fights that end at or near the time limit (off the top of my head, Tusyu's, mineta's and Kaminari's)
3. When a fight does end faster, this is aknowledged, like when Iida threw the tail guy, and it was "a little forced".
So the fights in the show did take longer than what they let on.

Furthermore, unlike those midterm exams, the fights are mandatory here. There is no "escape gate" to cross, and no "hand cuffs". Just a plain fight.

I disagree with that. There's nothing to imply the fights are taking a long time. And in the few times they give a time at all it's super low. I mean, look at the stain fight. That was over in less than 10 minutes. Indeed, when it comes to anime in general fights take way longer than they actually do because they show us multiple scenes that should all be happening simultaneously. Actually not just anime, but media in general. What is actually 10 seconds lasts a full minute because they're letting us hear their thoughts, showing us multiple people, showing us multiple different angles from something that all happens in the span of a single second.

BNHA sets itself as having low short fights, which is why a lot of quirks have low time limits and yet are still usable. The fights in BNHA aren't endurance fights, they're quick bursts with all parties using their quirks and generally getting the upper hand very quickly. That's why having a quirk that only lasts for a couple minutes is still perfectly viable, because that fight will only lost a couple minutes. If your average fight lasted for half an hour, pretty much any hero with a time-limited quirk would be literally useless.
I disagree with that. There's nothing to imply the fights are taking a long time. And in the few times they give a time at all it's super low. I mean, look at the stain fight. That was over in less than 10 minutes. Indeed, when it comes to anime in general fights take way longer than they actually do because they show us multiple scenes that should all be happening simultaneously. Actually not just anime, but media in general. What is actually 10 seconds lasts a full minute because they're letting us hear their thoughts, showing us multiple people, showing us multiple different angles from something that all happens in the span of a single second.

BNHA sets itself as having low short fights, which is why a lot of quirks have low time limits and yet are still usable. The fights in BNHA aren't endurance fights, they're quick bursts with all parties using their quirks and generally getting the upper hand very quickly. That's why having a quirk that only lasts for a couple minutes is still perfectly viable, because that fight will only lost a couple minutes. If your average fight lasted for half an hour, pretty much any hero with a time-limited quirk would be literally useless.
Oh I was referring to the tests fights specifically, not fights in general
Oh I was referring to the tests fights specifically, not fights in general

Test fights are usually more than just straight combat. There's other factors involve. The actual fighting is just as short and bursty, but there's more surrounding the straight fight. However in this case, since there is no other criteria and it's just "teacher beats down three students", it shouldn't last that long. If a pro hero took half an hour to apprehend a bunch of untrained teenagers they'd be pretty bad against actual villains.

That's why I said either the teacher's going easy on them or people's sense of time is off.
Test fights are usually more than just straight combat. There's other factors involve. The actual fighting is just as short and bursty, but there's more surrounding the straight fight. However in this case, since there is no other criteria and it's just "teacher beats down three students", it shouldn't last that long. If a pro hero took half an hour to apprehend a bunch of untrained teenagers they'd be pretty bad against actual villains.

That's why I said either the teacher's going easy on them or people's sense of time is off.
Hmmm, you may have a point. I'd say people's tend sense of time is off here, but that is ok in this case. We are not trying to mimic the real world here, the time thing exists to help create concrete time limits and cooldowns.
Test fights are usually more than just straight combat. There's other factors involve. The actual fighting is just as short and bursty, but there's more surrounding the straight fight. However in this case, since there is no other criteria and it's just "teacher beats down three students", it shouldn't last that long. If a pro hero took half an hour to apprehend a bunch of untrained teenagers they'd be pretty bad against actual villains.
Well it's because these are students. Tokage is a rescue teacher with some more controversial methods of fighting villains. She has to be easy on them and not try to rip them apart :P
Hmmm, you may have a point. I'd say people's tend sense of time is off here, but that is ok in this case. We are not trying to mimic the real world here, the time thing exists to help create concrete time limits and cooldowns.

I'm use to time-based mechanics from my D&D days. 1 turn = 6 seconds, and a lot could happen in a turn. Could run like 30 feet, cast a spell, swing your sword. So I'm use to the concept that you can do a surprising amount of stuff in surprisingly little time.

Well it's because these are students. Tokage is a rescue teacher with some more controversial methods of fighting villains. She has to be easy on them and not try to rip them apart :P

Just rip and tear, what's the worst that can happen? :O
I'm use to time-based mechanics from my D&D days. 1 turn = 6 seconds, and a lot could happen in a turn. Could run like 30 feet, cast a spell, swing your sword. So I'm use to the concept that you can do a surprising amount of stuff in surprisingly little time.

Just rip and tear, what's the worst that can happen? :O

Who needs a torso anyways?

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