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Blood Ties (DrTrollinski & Soul OMU)

"George here just one himself a one-way trip to Atlantis." He laughed a little and patted George's back while he was slung over his shoulder. "You coming in for a swim with us one he's... Had a 'dip'?" He asked with a grin before looking off to Olivia, smiling at her for a moment. (@Soul OMU)
Lexie smiles a bit and sheds her hoodie before racing to the water. "Last one in is a rotten egg King!" She said as she was currently wearing a violet one piece that had cuts going up either side but stopped just under her armpit. Olivia giggles and pulling up her floatie donut ring and runs after her.
Cole ran after her and kept George on his shoulder; as soon as he was at waist-depth he launched George away from him and he plummeted right under the water; Cole did a perfect dive and swum under the water until he ended up in front of Lexie.

"Surprise!" He laughed as he popped out of the water in front of her. (@Soul OMU)
George swam back over and threw himself onto Cole's back and shoved him under the water, laughing as he dived under after him and started grappling him and pulling on him; they both came back up for air which ended up splashing Lexie, but they both continued laughing. (@Soul OMU)
"Lexie!" George called as he popped up from the water. "Do you wanna come and play with me and Olivia?" He asked as he swam over towards the young girl in the donut ring. (@Soul OMU)
"Oof." Cole grunted as she landed on his back. He laughed and then grinned. "Looks like you're coming for a ride." He smiled and then kicked his legs from under himself, resulting in the two of them instantly falling under the water and hitting the ground on the lake's floor. They only hit it gently, though - He soon shot back up out of the water with Lexie on his back and laughed as he shook his head to get the water away from his hair. (@Soul OMU)
Lexie laughs softly while carefully readjusting her hold on him, fixes her arms so they aren't as tight but unconsciously pressing more into his back. "Jeez whoa boy." She said while ruffling his hair.
(I think you mean subconsciously, by the way :P I've just noticed.)

Cole laughed to himself. George was kicking his legs under the water while swimming beside Olivia. He was doing this to keep himself afloat, obviously. He looked at Cole and Lexie and tilted his head a little, but smiled - It was nice to see that they were both so happy together, in a sense, it reminded him of himself and Cole - He was always close to him, and he'd be nobody if he didn't have his big brother around to look after him. He knew how much Cole liked Lexie because he spoke about her so much - he may have been young, but he sort of understood what love and attraction was.

".. You want to stay over tomorrow night? I'm gonna' have a few friends of mind staying over because the party's gonna' go on 'til quite late. You're welcome to stay, if you'd like." Cole smiled while slowly swimming around with her on his back. (@Soul OMU)
(Sorry... I'm a bit out of it today...)

Lexie smiles a bit while holding on. "Hmm... I dunno, I planning on gorging myself on pizza." She said while resting her chin on his shoulder, holding onto him tightly.

Olivia watching them and smiles brightly while spinning in her donut. "They look very happy don't they Georgey?" She said while looking at her older brother while scrunching her nose up at him. (@DrTrollinski)
(No worries :) )

"Well, I'll get mom to make us all some pizza as well." He smiled and looked over his shoulder while swimming so he could get a look at her face. She was a beautiful girl, without a doubt. The suspicions were true - he'd liked her ever since he was thirteen, so it wasn't one of those 'high-school one night romances' bullshit scenarios. ".. I hope you can stay over. You'll complete the night." He grinned a little and then chuckled warmly under his breath.

"Yeah, they do." George smiled as he went over and leaned onto her donut ring, grinning as he gently gave her a push off in the opposite direction. He was only playing with her - he didn't push her hard, or anything. Just enough to make her drift. He laughed a little as he began swimming after her. (@Soul OMU)
Lexie smiles a bit in amusement. "I think someone just wants his best friend around all the time, can't get enough him? I was told I can't be taken in large doses. True story." She said while grinning and resting her head against his neck.

Olivia squeals a bit as she spins away from George and huffs. "Georgey! Why would you do that?" She pouted.
".. Well, it's a good thing that my body's able to take things in large doses, isn't it?" He chuckled and continued swimming her around. The water was actually moderately warm, and the water was crystal-clear. It was beautiful.

George swam over and stopped the ring from spinning. ".. I'm sorry, I was only tryin' to play with you." He shrugged a little and then took a deep breath as he looked around, and then looked off towards Cole and Lexie. ".. Do you wanna' swim out there with me and see Cole and Lexie? And what did you buy Cole for his birthday?" He asked, smiling a little. (@Soul OMU)
Lexie smiles a bit and laughs. "Good to know." She said while closing her eyes for a moment, resting her head against his neck lightly.

Olivia giggles and pecks George's cheek. "It's okay, I forgive you and maybe in a bit." She said as she spins away again. (@DrTrollinski)
The Next Day

July 30th, 2015

It was the day of Cole's seventeenth birthday and everyone was hyped up. It was only six-thirty in the morning that George awoke, and the first thing he did was charge into his mom and dad's room and jump onto the foot of the bed. It was early, and he didn't know if Olivia would wake up before Cole - Hell, George didn't even know what she'd gotten him. He and his dad had gone out and gotten him a nice new watch. George was proud, he even paid for half of it himself with his allowance money.

".. Mom, dad, can I go wake Cole up and give him my present?!" He asked with a grin, bouncing on the bottom of their bed a little. Brandon simply groaned and rolled over to put his face down in the pillow.

Cole had been up late the night before, calling all of his friends and inviting them over for today. (He was also on the phone to Lexie for two hours, but we'll leave that part out for now.) - He was tired, seeing as he stayed up and played video games on his Xbox One - He'd asked for a PS4 for his birthday, though, and he knew his mom and dad had gone out and gotten it already. (@Soul OMU)
Miranda sighs softly and curls up tighter under her blankets. "He's probably still asleep darling... Go see if Olivia is awake..." She said softly and snuggled closer to Brandon.

Olivia actually awake, had a nightmare and couldn't fall back asleep, shaking under her covers. (@DrTrollinski)
".. Oh.. Okay." George said, looking a little disappointed. He walked out of the bedroom and then went over to Olivia's room and crept inside, looking over at her bed. He saw that she was awake and visibly shaking. Was she cold? No, it was really hot today, unless she was sick. He scratched the back of his head and then walked over to her bed, kneeling down beside it. ".. Are you okay, Olivia?" He asked in a gentle tone.

(inb4 nightmare about Cole, #foreshadowing :D ) (@Soul OMU)
(That'd be pretty damn awesome and pretty creepy at the same time. It's plausible, too. When my dog died last year, about two months before he died I dreamed that he died - He died under different circumstances IRL, but it was fucking scary nonetheless.)

George frowned and climbed into bed with her, lying down and hugging her tight, her face against his chest. He hated seeing his little sister upset - he wanted her to be happy - Damn, he wanted everyone to be happy. She looked like she was about to burst into tears, and he didn't want that to happen. He took a deep breath and gently rubbed her back like his mother would do to him whenever he was scared or upset.

".. Why? What's wrong...?" He squeaked in question. (@Soul OMU)
Olivia shaking and holding onto him, face buried against his chest, the tears start to run down her face as she clutches onto his shirt; not quite ready to speak about it until she's calmed down. (@DrTrollinski)
He felt his chest getting damp with the tears and then gave a sad frown, he snuggled up with her and then hugged her tight, still rubbing her back to try and comfort her. ".. Don't cry... You gotta' remember that tears are scared of you, and that's why they run! All the tears are just gonna' run away from you, so you don't need to make no more." He smiled warmly and put his head down against her own. It was his attempt at trying to calm her down and make her happy again. The logic he used was quite... Accurate, in a sense. (@Soul OMU)

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