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Blood Ties (DrTrollinski & Soul OMU)

George laughed a little. He didn't care how old he was, he didn't expect to not find this funny any time soon. He giggled and then reached up and took her hand, holding it away from her face. "You're gonna have to try harder than that." He laughed a little and grinned at her; Cole looked at them and smiled but then leaned over to whisper to Olivia.

"Hey, Olivia... Me and George are gonna go and swim in the lake after breakfast. You wanna come with us?" He offered, smiling. (@Soul OMU)
Miranda smiles a bit and kisses his forehead. "It was worth a shot." She said before hearing the doorbell and gets up. "I'll get it. I have a feeling I know who it might be." She said as Olivia stopped eating for a moment to answer him.

"Sure, also who do you think that might be?" She said while smiling a bit before eating again. (@DrTrollinski)
"Well... It's either Lexie or someone else." He said, Brandon slowly clapped in a sarcastic manner and then rose up.

"You're really good at narrowing things down, Cole." He laughed and then walked towards the hallway. "You kids stay and eat your breakfast." He said, and then walked down the hallway to stand behind Miranda and look out of the open door. (@Soul OMU)
Miranda smiles a bit. "Hello Lexie." She said as the blonde teen stood before her. Lexie popped her bubble and smiled a bit. "Hey Mrs. King." She said while waving briefly.

Olivia giggles a bit. "Why is it you always only think it's Lexie or someone else? Why not that other girl you always mutter about in your sleep... Rhiannon?" She said while looking at him, she knew that Lexie didn't like Rhiannon due to Lexie telling Olivia to keep away from her. Olivia looking up to Lexie did exactly that and didn't really like Rhiannon because she was mean to her when Cole wasn't around. (@DrTrollinski)
"Rhiannon?" He puffed his cheeks a little. ".. You say crazy stuff in your sleep, too, so you ain't got nothing on me."

He said as he ruffled her hair. "Plus... I like Lexie more, but that's a secret." He whispered to her as he gently bopped her nose.

"Ah, Alexandra." Brandon greeted her with a smile. "What brings you by on this fine day? Just stopping by to say hi?" He asked, putting his arms around Miranda's lower body and putting his head on her shoulder. (@Soul OMU)
Olivia giggles and smiles. "Good cuz I like Lexie more then her." She said while continuing to eat, humming softly as she does so. "Oh also why did you take so long in the bathroom?" She said while looking at him and tilting her head.

Lexie huffs a bit when he uses her full first name. "Yeah. And was wondering if Cole is allowed to come out and play?" She said in amusement while holding her skateboard under her arm. Miranda laughs softly and smiles a bit as she feels Brandon's arms around her. "Only if he finishes his breakfast and takes out the garbage he can." She said loudly so Cole could hear her.

"Oh," He went silent for a moment. "I was just... I was making sure my hair looked nice. For when Lexie got here." He said with a nod.

"Yeah, that should be fine. He said to George and Olivia that he was going to go and swim in the lake with them after breakfast, but that can wait... I mean... You can't deny two teenagers private time alone, can you?" He said, but in more of a sly and playful way. He was expecting a slap from Miranda, but it seemed so worth it while he was holding back his laughter. (@Soul OMU)
Olivia blinks and tilts head. "But it looks the same as always... Also you didn't know Lexie was coming over today..." She said while watching him.

Miranda gasps a bit and hits Brandon's shoulder lightly. "Brandon!" She said as Lexie looked away a bit, completely got the message. "Uh well if he's busy I could come back later..." She said slowly while rubbing her arm holding the skateboard.
"You're too curious for your own good, Olivia." He sighed and hugged her with one arm. "Let's talk about something else, eh?" He said.

Brandon tutted while smiling. "Oh, come on. I was kidding. Lex, why don't you come in and see him? He was eating breakfast, last I saw." He offered, smiling.
Olivia smiles a bit and hugs him back. "Kay~! Ooooo maybe Lexie can come swimming with us!" She said excitedly while hopping in her seat a bit.

Lexie smiles a bit. "Uh alright, thanks Mr. King." She said as she headed inside and took off her shoes before walking to the kitchen and hearing the last bit of Olivia's request. "Swimming Huh? Sounds like fun." She said while smiling.

Miranda huffs a bit and turns to face him after closing the door. "Honestly... Stop pushing... I'm sure she'll figure it out.." She said as she pecks his lips. (@DrTrollinski)
"Ah, Lex!" Cole said as he stood up and went to her, greeting her with a hug like he always did; George also got up and went to her side. "How have you been?" Cole asked.

"Hi, Lexie..." George squeaked as he shyly waved up at her.

"Hey, honey... You know I didn't mean any offence. I'm sorry." He hugged her and kissed. "You can't deny that Cole likes her, though. I'm not trying to be funny now." He whispered to her, a warm smile on his face. (@Soul OMU)
Lexie smiles a bit and puts her skateboard against the wall before hugging Cole. "Hey you! Birthday boy tomorrow Huh? Excited?" She said while pulling back and smiling before looking at George and smiling at him and lightly ruffling his hair. "Hello Georgey." She said before looking at Olivia. "Olive!" She said as the little girl quickly hopped off her chair and ran over to the older girl and hugged her leg. "Lexie!"

Miranda smiles a bit as she strokes his cheek and small beard lightly. "I know my love. You were always quite serious when it came to relationships." She said while smiling warmly at him.

"Oh yeah, I'm excited." He chucked. "You're coming tomorrow, right? We're gonna have a party here, a barbecue by the lake... Sounds cool, right?" He smiled at her and then looked down at Olivia. He enjoyed seeing how close his siblings were to Lexie. He patted the young girl on the head and then looked at Lexie again.

"So, you joining us for a swim?" He asked.

"Yeah, maybe I have." He kissed her nose and then smiled playfully. "You gotta be serious sometimes, otherwise we wouldn't have the three wonderful kids we have now." He said. (@Soul OMU)
Lexie smiles and puts her hands in her pockets. "Of course I'm coming tomorrow. And I would love to but I don't have a swim suit..." She said while brushing her bangs out of her eyes. Olivia's eyes lit up a bit. "I'm sure you can borrow one of mommy's old suits!" She said while rushing upstairs.

Miranda smiles a bit and kisses his cheek. "I suppose that's true enough... I love you Brandon..." She said softly while looking into her husband's dark brown eyes.
"Awesome." Cole said, then he watched the scene play out in front of him followed by Olivia dashing up the stairs. "That answers that problem, I guess." He chuckled. "George, you going to go get changed?" He asked as he looked at him; George was busy taking all the plates and putting them in the sink, and when that was done, he looked at Cole and nodded with smile.

"Yeah, I'll go do that now." He chirped and then dashed up the stairs.

"I love you too. When I look at Cole I see your personality, when I look at George, I see your face, and when l look at Olivia, I see your eyes... Everything is just... Ugh. You make me a very happy man, in other words." He smiled and laughed a little. (@Soul OMU - last post tonight! Goodnight! <3)
Olivia goes to Miranda's closet and starts looking for her old swimsuits that her mommy used to model in. Lexie follows and looks around a bit since she still can't get over how nice the house is, in a black hoodie and jeans.

Miranda smiles and cups his face lightly between her hands and kisses him. "And you, made me a mad woman for you..." She said between kisses before pulling away.

(Night darling! @DrTrollinski)
Cole also went up to his room to get changed; he closed the door over and went to the drawers of his dresser and pulled and some swimming shorts. He slipped them on and smiled to himself as he went over and looked out of the window. He went downstairs and then sat back at the kitchen table.

"And I'm glad I did." He smiled and pulled away, squeezing her shoulder. "I hate to be a killjoy, but I need to go and get some work done in my study." He sighed, he'd done back to being a computer analyst, so some of the stuff he saw was pretty bad and he didn't like risking the kids seeing it. "Tell the kids not to come in, for me? I don't need them to see anything they shouldn't." He said. (@Soul OMU)
Olivia looking through the suits with Lexie, Lexie trying not to blush at how revealing they are.

Miranda pecks his cheek. "Alright darling. In going to make some lemonade." She said and smiled before squeezing his hand lightly. (@DrTrollinski)
George came shooting out of his bedroom and downstairs and back into the kitchen. He as in his blue swimming shorts; he was quite skinny, but he was still the healthy size for an eight-year-old. He smiled as sat back down.

Brandon saw George run down and then sighed. "Honey, you want to go put some sunscreen on George? We don't want him getting burned out there." He said. (@Soul OMU)
Olivia goes off to go change into her own swim suit while Lexie finally finds one that she'll be okay with and goes to the bathroom to change.

Miranda smiles a bit and kisses his cheek. "Of course love..." She said as she made her way back down the hall and to the kitchen to find George. "George hun, you need sunscreen!" She said while getting a bottle.
"Okay, mom." He said softly, turning to her and closing his eyes; he knew he'd end up with some of it on his face, so he'd just brace himself beforehand. Cole had already gone out back and was lying on the sand while waiting for everyone else to come out. (@Soul OMU)
Olivia goes to the kitchen to wait for her mom to put sun block on her as well as help her put on her water wings. Lexie eventually finished putting on the swimsuit and bluahed a bit before grabbing her hoodie and throwing it on over top before making her way down and outside.

Miranda lightly puts some sunblock on George's face and then lathers some of his arms and legs before moving on to Olivia. (@DrTrollinski)
Cole stood up and looked off towards the house again, and then George came running out and flew into his arms, laughing as he tried to push him toward the lake but got nowhere with it. Cole laughed and swept him up, lifting him onto his shoulder.

"Just you wait. As soon as everyone else gets here, your getting thrown in." He grinned.

"No-oo-oo!" George laughed, kicking and struggling. (@Soul OMU)
Lexie steps outside and brushes her bangs out of her eyes. "What's this about someone getting thrown in?" She said, currently only showing off her legs since her hoodie is covering everything else up.

Miranda finishes putting sunscreen on Olivia and sends her outside while she starts making lemonade while watching them from the window. (@DrTrollinski)

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