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Realistic or Modern Blood Moon [Reboot] [OOC]

if i worried about every person that dissappeared from RP sites then i'd have a head full of grey hair. it takes too much energy to worry about stuff that is in your own life. let alone stuff that is about the unknown. I'd say try to move on. if they come back then that's great. if not then it happens.
if i worried about every person that dissappeared from RP sites then i'd have a head full of grey hair. it takes too much energy to worry about stuff that is in your own life. let alone stuff that is about the unknown. I'd say try to move on. if they come back then that's great. if not then it happens.

Then don't worry about it lol you, by all means, are not required to =)
I'm sure no one is worrying until it impacts their daily life, but thanks for the advice xD However would we all survive
I think Svad is doing alright. She's still posting on her Instagram- maybe something just came up. I have yet to ask her about it because I don't want her to stress, y'know? You guys are really sweet to worry, though. I'm sure she'll appreciate it when she comes back c:
I think Svad is doing alright. She's still posting on her Instagram- maybe something just came up. I have yet to ask her about it because I don't want her to stress, y'know? You guys are really sweet to worry, though. I'm sure she'll appreciate it when she comes back c:
That's awesome to have some concrete info she's okay. I've had people disappear and actually be in hospitals and all, so it was definitely a worry. My last group GM had a death in the family and was gone for months.
That's awesome to have some concrete info she's okay. I've had people disappear and actually be in hospitals and all, so it was definitely a worry. My last group GM had a death in the family and was gone for months.
which RP was that? cause i had that happen to me as well.
which RP was that? cause i had that happen to me as well.
I'm not totally sure, it back when I first started RpN. I was in a high school RP and one person stopped responding and it turns out they were in a car accident, didn't find out for a few months after the thread had already died.
I'm not totally sure, it back when I first started RpN. I was in a high school RP and one person stopped responding and it turns out they were in a car accident, didn't find out for a few months after the thread had already died.
oh! it wasn't the same one that I was in but it was also the first RP i joined on this site. the GM had a relative that passed away and they left the site due to the event. it was a downer for that happening as well as the RP having a ton of potential.

Haha, by that I meant personal troubles happened, then got overloaded with work and more troubles. Rip. I'm back now though!
Damn, I'm so sorry you guys... :ghostxx:

Thanks for keeping this alive though! I had so many plans for this RP, and I actually still have all the events and different storylines written out!

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