Lucky's head snapped towards Pearl's clone. Ah, Pearl. A clone of the one lady who had the nuts to threaten him on the plane. Of course she would still be trying to hold some authority over the one guy who still had original DNA. "Just TRY to catch me, Suckers!" He shouted back. "That mercenary is just a steppin' stone, Lassie. You are the boulder I need to demolish! In fact, you can be the first to meet Felix in Hell!" Using Felix's pistol-just for some irony-he fired at Pearl, cackling.

Fortunately for the Inkling, his hurt knee prevented him from aiming straight.

Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind
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Narancia Ghirga

Narancia would spit on the fallen Felix’s face, sneering a simple but straight to the point,

“Va’ a fare in culo! I hope your ass burns in hell!”

with absolute contempt in his voice. At least the asshole was now hopefully dead or close to dying, leaving only one more jerk to deal with. He'd stand by the downed man until someone had the idea to put a few bullets in the guy's neck as a precaution. From there he could hear someone shout for them to aim at the bug named guy's grenade belt and to take cover. While he wasn't usually one to follow rules without question, those did sound like some pretty good directions considering that if he didn't immediately get the fuck out of the way now, Narancia was about to become a fresh pile of very, very, burnt human organs. So exactly as ordered, Narancia would take aim for one last shot in the vicinity of Locus's belt with his pistol, hopefully landing a shot before getting the fuck out of there and hide behind a conveniently placed rock.

Team: Red
Location: (Not so) Sidewinder
Interacting with: thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Mentioned: DerpyCarp DerpyCarp

Current Items:
On Hand-
1. Paper clip (1)
2. Throwing Knife (1)
3. Pistol (1)

Bedsheet Bag-
1. Assault rifle (1)
2. Pistol (1)
3. Ammo
4. Extra Ziplock bags (9)
5. Miscellaneous Food and Water
6. Sandwich (1/2)
7. Silver Plate
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.pngCaptain Falcon sees Price, Kassandra, and Alloy running way from the outpost "Oh hey...Hey! There goes my team! 'Ey! 'Ey guys, wait up!" Falcon begins to full sprint after them and in almost no time, manages to catch up with them "Yo' guys, it's been a minute! What're we running for? A perfectly good metal house is just back the other way!"
Pearl Pygmy

The squid girl quieted. Her face went from distrustful to outright mortified. What clicked in that deranged little bunny's head to make him target his own allies like this? She'd get to the bottom of this, lest he somehow damages the team. "Soldier, we're going to have a talk after this."

P PopcornPie
"Soldier?! Soldier?!" Lucky tossed his head back with laughter. "As if I would ever be on your side, copy! Remember how your fuckface Toffee made me a Solo team member? Technically speakin', I can be on whatever team I damn want, and right now, it's down to Team Lucky!"

"Whoohoo!" Lupé, who had been silently cheering him on this whole time, piped up, waving pom-poms.

"And Team Lucky's mission is to wipe out every trace of Toffee! Including all! Of! You! Clones!" Lucky was now firing crooked shots at everyone who passed him. None of them were hitting, thankfully, but Lucky's expression alone made it all more terrifying than being shot at by a tiny bunny would sound on paper. "I will not let you live. I will not let the only people who've given a fuck about me live on as mindless killing machines. I will not let Toffee keep seeing me as a joke. I will not live with any of this for any longer than I've already had to!"

Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind @And pretty much everyone else...this bunny has snapped.
Amongst all the chaos, Snake had lie in wait for a good shot, and had two shots lined up on Locus. Once again he had no reason to kill anyone, he didn’t have enough information to do it. No motive. He took aim at Locus’ left knee, and fired. This shot would be more likely to hit then the other. And with quick precision, Snake took another shot at his left knee. He only aimed to immobilize him. Possibly interrogate him but be knew that wouldn’t happen. After the shots were taken, he set down the rifle and watched what would unfold through binoculars.
Pearl Pygmy

"..." The squid was frankly speechless. What was he talking about? It was hard to stay particularly mad when, well... whatever this situation is. With sheer confusion, Pearl approached the injured rabbit near-fearlessly, "Lucky. Where in hell did you get the idea that anyone here is a clone??"

P PopcornPie (sorry she isn't doing much more than talking back and forth with Lucky, the crazy rabbit dummy)
"Th-the fuck?!" No matter how much he fired, Pearl kept advancing. Lucky's gut took a kick, and his knees were trembling. The other clones could wait-She absolutely needed to be taken out first. But when he turned the pistol towards her...

Clik. Clik. Clik.

"Oh fuck, oh shit!" Repeating the same two curses, Lucky threw the underwear off-revealing his "BLABBERBUTT" forehead marking-and fumbled with the bullet box. This would be easier said than done, with or without fingers; His nerves were absolutely shot. "I can't reload in time! Shit!".

Despite the Oh-Fuck-No-O-Meter reaching critical levels, Lucky continued to make himself intimidating. "You can't fool me! I awoke alone, and found the bloodied remains of all the originals, right there in the middle of the canyon. The originals were led here to be shot!" As his last resort, he would wield one of the grenades, backing away from the Inkling.

As he did, he would catch sight of Rex, Lana, Lealan, Megumin, everyone he had once tolerated. He let himself fall over on his bad knee, watching them either run away or take final shots. He even caught on the trail of blood Luffy left behind. Fuck...the originals would have been looking to him for advice, wouldn't they? He was the only one he knew of who had actual experience in weaponry. And he let them down. "Toffee is probably gonna unleash them on the world, if I die. They'll just...Those idiots, those fucking clingy assholes...Their bodies being used as killing machines...It's all me fault. They were confused. They didn't know." His voice had become soft, melancholy, and a little gravely from all the yelling. If Pearl looked closely, she would have noticed his eyes misting over. He sat and stared awhile. While still reaching for the grenade. "And, I swear on me mother's foot, I will fix this!" He managed to seize the grenade in both nubs, and was now trying to activate it with his teeth.

Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind (Mentioned in passing: GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara DerpyCarp DerpyCarp Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts StaidFoal StaidFoal )
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Benedict would peek out from the trenches before noticing Orange mans goodness this was exciting. Benedict pointed his cane in the air towards Locust
....nothing fired, oh no....NO! They were all out of watermelons
“Ah, Josh, this isn’t good, we ran out of watermelons just like in Iran...” Josh put a hand on Benedicts shoulder....nothing should or will ever be like the Iran job. Now, they planned a new scheme.
“Ah....It breaks my heart to say it” Benedict said with a heavy heart....this decision as General of Everything would not be easy.
“Fire the cantaloupes.” Benedict whimpered as Josh now flung a cantaloupe at Locust.....along with two more for good measure
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
After some well applied elbow grease and knife work, Lealan was able to retrieve the arm. She pulls the previous occupant out of it and shoves her own into it. While her own frame is a little slimmer than the hired guns, her coat sleeve helps fill up the extra space. Lealan would flex her new armor piece and text out its range of motion.
While she is doing that, she would grab the discarded bit of cadaver for a snack later, and leave the scene of her crime, heading to where she can hear Lucky making a commotion.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore P PopcornPie Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind
After the successful rounds were fired at Felix, it took a few more moments for the merc to go down, thankfully. "Nice job", the operator whispered, "Switch Targets."

The frame proceeds to nod as it readjusts a bit, moving a slight bit to the left to avoid being in the same position as it refingered the trigger and focused the sights on Locus's head. "Wait for it..", the whispers of his young friend came into the warframe's ear.

Amidst the chaos, the group had begun their assault on the last remaining hostile, and once the rounds from Snake's weapon went for his leg, there was the opening he needed. The moment Umbra saw the bullet trail, he fired his own set of rounds, only, these went straight for his head.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Everyone Everyone
Felix was knocked out from Lobo's fiery groin attack, and therefore could not hear his ramblings.

Meanwhile, Lealan would have been able to remove Felix's arm, though it took quite a bit of work. However, with enough time and effort, she managed to cut Felix's arm off entirely with pretty much no resistance from the man in question. It looked like Lobo's crotch shot really did a number on him, huh? Regardless, she now had a free arm and Hard Light Shield, so that was pretty epic.

"Lucky, listen, I get that you're probably going through something right now... but please, shut the hell up," Church groaned over to the rabbit, tired of his inane ramblings. His attention was taken away soon enough at the resounding sounds of explosions, with each of Locus' grenades going off in rapid succession. A loud bellowed howl could be heard from the final mercenary's mouth as he flew backward and landed in the snow, with Snake's shots and Benedict's cantaloupe only adding insult to injury. And, finally, Umbra's shots towards his head sent him crashing toward the ground, half of his helmet entirely shattered from it all. When he finally landed, chunks of armor were spread throughout the area, and various deep cuts, bruises, and general bloodiness could be seen from the spots that weren't covered up by his armor. The armor had taken the brunt of the grenades, but he was certainly in no shape to continue. And, with one last pained grunt, his head fell back into the snow, and he passed out from the pain and shock.

"That was.... so fucking badass!" Grif remarked when it was all over, while the other Reds nodded in agreement.

"Yeah? And where the fuck were you when we were fighting those assholes? You too, Caboose!" Church asked, sounding a bit peeved about the Reds and their utter lack of help in the fight.

"We were here for MORAL SUPPORT!" Sarge exclaimed proudly as he pumped his shotgun into the air with one arm.

"Yes... I was also here for... support," Caboose said, despite having been facing the other way the entire fight. He turned around towards the two teams, facing you all for the first time since Felix and Locus had even shown up. "You look... very nice today, and you are valued as... a person." He said, clearly trying to provide said moral support.

"Jesus Christ..." Church muttered under his breath as he gazed down toward the ground. "You know what? Forget it." He said, throwing up his arms. It was then that yet another person came charging through the portal. Quite literally, in fact. The person in question had their pistol drawn, and upon seeing the turquoise armor, you could tell who it was almost immediately.

"Die, ya clone bitches!" Tucker shouted as he rapidly fired his pistol, first using it to destroy the portal, and then aiming towards Lopez and firing, with every shot hitting him right in the chest. As soon as he did so, Lopez began to rapidly convulse while speaking unintelligible Spanish, and then suddenly a panel opened up on his chest, revealing... a clock? The clock in question ticked loudly, except each tick was a loud, high pitched beeping noise.

"Tucker, what the fuck are you doing!?" Church would shout angrily, causing Tucker to spin around and aim his gun towards him.

"Shut the fuck up, clone-y!" Tucker replied, finger on the trigger.


"Don't play dumb, asshole! I saw all those dead bodies!" Tucker exclaimed, before tilting his head to the side, motioning towards Lucky. "Besides, I heard that rabbit dude talking about it when I woke up!"

"That was O'Malley who killed them, dumbass! He possessed Doc, don't you remember?" He asked, very clearly annoyed. "And you're really gonna trust the crazy rabbit guy?!" Church continued, not really seeming concerned with sparing Lucky's feelings. Tucker remained silent for a bit, and after a while, he slowly began to lower his pistol, until it was fully holstered.

"Alright... but I can't say I trust you fully, clone-y!" Tucker spat, which just caused Church to groan.

"God... what the fuck is that beeping?" Church asked, his annoyance towards Tucker and the Reds and generally everything heightening his annoyance towards Lopez's sudden beeping.

"Uhhh... now might not be the ideal time to mention this, but Tucker may or may not have triggered a ten megaton bomb inside of Lopez's gut..." Sarge said all too casually.


"Because that way, if Lopez was ever captured by you Blues, then it'd blow up your base!"
Sarge exclaimed, following up his words with a hearty chuckle. The beeping would then get faster and faster, and faster and faster and faster.

"Well then just disable it!" He shouted, though Sarge shook his head.

"Impossible! I specifically designed it so that I wouldn't be able to defuse it! That way, if I was ever captured by the Blues and brainwashed, I couldn't stop their inevitable demise!"

"Great thinking, Sir!" Simmons suddenly chimed in.

"You just had to get one last kiss-ass in before we died, didn't you?" Grif asked. And, after that final comment, what sounded like a phone being dialed could be heard, and....


"Oh, son of a---"

The last thing you heard was the loud crack of an explosion, and the last thing you saw was a bright, all-encompassing white light.

And then?


Cast List
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) [Blue Team] DEAD!
Chungchangching Chungchangching as Vitan (OC) [Blue Team] and Slamacow (Minecraft) [Blue Team] DEAD!
2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B as Gripen (Girly Air Force) [Blue Team] and Shalltear Bloodfallen (Overlord) [Red Team] DEAD!
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Lealan Deathweed (Starbound OC) [Solo Team] DEAD!
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch as Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch (Classified) [Blue Team] DEAD!
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss as Karma Darkon (OC) [Blue Team] and Odessa (OC) [Red Team] DEAD!
Dylan.thomas7 Dylan.thomas7 as Goro Majima (Yakuza) [Red Team] DEAD!
Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 as Kohirumaki Karen (Gun Gale Online) [Red Team] DEAD!
Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins as Heavy (Team Fortress 2) [Red Team] DEAD!
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts as Rex Salazar (Generator Rex) [Red Team] and Sora (Kingdom Hearts) [Red Team] DEAD!
Topless Topless as Baby Bonnie Hood (Darkstalkers) [Solo Team] DEAD!
FactionParadox FactionParadox as Saburo Kusanagi (OC) [Blue Team] and Dalek Scout 7570 Gamma (Doctor Who) [Red Team] DEAD!
Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva as Achilles (SMITE) [Solo Team] DEAD!
darkred darkred as Aloy (Horizon Dawn Zero) [Blue Team] and Maya "Echo" Visari (Killzone Shadowfall) [Solo Team] DEAD!
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC) [Blue Team] DEAD!
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja as Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece) [Solo Team] and Rachel Roth (Teen Titans) [Blue Team] DEAD!
SheaFlower SheaFlower as Akechi Touma and Saiki Kusuo (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) [Blue Team] DEAD! SHOT!
Superwholock Superwholock as Nero (Devil May Cry) [Red Team] and Salem Jay Nilson (Devil May Cry OC) [Red Team] DEAD!
SheepKing SheepKing as Narancia Ghirga (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) [Red Team] DEAD!
SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 as Fernando "Slayer" Duran (Rise of Incarnates) [Solo Team] DEAD!
Ineptitude Ineptitude as Celty Sturluson (Durarara!!) [Solo Team] DEAD!
animegirl20 animegirl20 as Amy Rose (Sonic X) [Red Team] DEAD!
Riven Riven as Umbra (Warframe) [Blue Team] DEAD!
Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 as Logan (X-Men Origins) [Red Team] DEAD!
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara as Lana the Braixen (Pokemon OC) [Red Team] DEAD!
BoltBeam BoltBeam as Red Riding Hood (Mary Skelter Nightmares) [Red Team] DEAD!
Veradana Veradana as Myrtle Ryder (OC) [Blue Team] DEAD!
Marksman Marksman as Actus-199 (Warhammer 40k OC) [Red Team] DEAD!
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia as Jun Hyuga (Fate OC) [Blue Team] DEAD! SHOT!
The Explorer The Explorer as Seiryo Teshigahara (OC) [Solo Team] DEAD! SHOT!
Jeremiah Jeremiah as Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes) and Miss Pauling (Team Fortress 2) [Solo Team] DEAD!
ManyFaces ManyFaces as Lobo (DC Comics) [Solo Team] DEAD!
Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak as Biggie Cheese (Barnyard) [Red Team] DEAD!
FoolsErin FoolsErin as Double Trouble (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) [Solo Team] DEAD!
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind as Pearl Pygmy (Splatoon 2) [Blue Team] DEAD!
QizPizza QizPizza as Gabrielle Akimoto (OC) [Solo Team] DEAD! SHOT!
jigglesworth jigglesworth as Captain John Price (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare) [Blue Team] DEAD!
P PopcornPie as Lucky (Whacked!) [Solo Team] DEAD!
RedLight RedLight as Marcus Silver Pete Amsterdam Indigo Nautilus Tesla (OC) [Blue Team] and Kylo Ren (Star Wars) [Red Team] DEAD!
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla as Kassandra (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey) [Blue Team] DEAD!
The Shadow The Shadow Mercenary as Snake (Metal Gear Solid/Crysis OC) [Solo Team] DEAD!
StaidFoal StaidFoal as Corvo Attano (Dishonored) [Blue Team] and Megumin (Konosuba) [Red Team] DEAD!
Maxiliase Maxiliase as Tony Montana (Scarface) [Red Team] DEAD!
Birb Birb as Delta (OC) [Solo Team] DEAD! SHOT!
Senki Senki as Synder Dre (OC) [Blue Team] DEAD!
Addicted to Coffee Addicted to Coffee as Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII) [Red Team] DEAD!
Raynar Saassin Raynar Saassin as Doom Slayer (DOOM) [Red Team] DEAD!
Rodan The Asexual Kaiju Rodan The Asexual Kaiju as Revan (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic) [Blue Team] DEAD!
shio shio as Shio (OC) [Blue Team] DEAD!
GearBlade654 GearBlade654 as The Guards Rifleman (Company of Heroes 2) [Blue Team] DEAD!
Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes as Toshinori "All Might" Yagi (My Hero Academia) [Blue Team] DEAD!
Tibb-E Tibb-E as Tiberius Asletro (OC) [Red Team] DEAD!
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow as Eric Fiamatta (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon OC) DEAD!
Lucky stared Pearl down, growling. No response from her. Time to run.

As he scrambled down the forest, however, more bullets whisked past him. Were the clones fighting back?!

No! It was...a miracle! Somebody believed him! Lucky, at long last, had an ally!

"Hold on, Laddie!" Lucky whooped and hollered, excitedly dodging Tucker's fire like a puppy. "I wasn't cloned! I'm me!" He actually hugged Tucker, right around the leg! "Thank God! Somebody who believes me! Now, let's-"

Before he could finish his proclamation of alliance, Tucker did...something. Something really bad. He blasted Lopez, in turn activating a time bomb. The rabbit could only listen to the explanation, his eyes widened. There was no running.

This was the end.

He supposed he should be happy...He was gonna go find the others. And apologize. For everything. He would find it in him up there.

"Tucker...thanks for believing me. Lupé? Thanks for being me teammate."

"You're welcome." The rat replied.

He faced the explosion with quiet dignity. This was what he deserved. "Lana, Rex, Luffy, Megumin, Lealan, Sora, Umbra..." He would utter their named one more time. "Forgive me, for making it come to this..."

And the light consumed him.

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
This was the end and Odessa felt strangely calm about it. At least you have had a fulfuling life. Odessa didn't really believe in an afterlife or anything of the sort so this was truly it. Her only regret was that she didn't attempt to make more friends and could have made smarter decisons. She closed her eyes and just waited for it to happen, while listening to the idiots scamper. The last thing she saw was a blind flash of light and then .... nothing.
Benedict lay on the ground as the explosion commenced, as the great winds came, Benedict was on his back in defeat as he smiled, Josh crawled over as the great winds blew ever stronger, he put a flipper on Benedicts chest
"Honk?" Josh honked in despair.
"Ah.....Josh, do not fret...I am awaiting death...for we arranged a tax meeting at this very moment, time has come"
Benedict then began to slowly slide with the wind before Josh grabbed his ankle,
"Ah...Josh...let go you oaf." Benedict would say as he slapped Joshs flipper before pulling out his megaphone
Benedict would yell as the great winds overtook him, and a depressed Josh as well.
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
Pearl Pygmy

First, the dumb bunny is firing off randomly and screaming about clones. This is fine. She can handle this- there is no disputing the truth with enough discussion. No matter how deep they are, if they agree with you on basic facts of reality, you can convince them that they're crazy eventually. She just had to get to that point first.

Then, however, Tucker came in, screaming, through the portal. Evidently a similar set of circumstances somehow convinced him, too, that everyone had been cloned. Tucker had already shown that he was surface-deep and thoughtless, but it was irritating enough for her to be accused of being someone else pretending to be herself. "Tucker! Shut the hell up and put your damn gun awa-"

Lopez's chest began beeping, and Sarge explained exactly how fucked everyone was now. Great. Great! Fucking fantastic. Would be splendid if someone at the MPF realized she was missing about now. She turned to Lucky and pointed, "This! This is what happens when you try to tear the group apart! Infighting and chaos! Is this what you wanted, dumb bunny? Because this ten-megaton bomb is what you get! None of this would be happening if you had kept your trap shut and realized sooner that nobody was cloned, and that you had lost your grip on any semblance of reality!"

"This bomb symbolizes your failure, Lucky. Your failure to others, to whoever the hell Toffee even is, and to yourself. Lucky! When this bomb explodes, remember that this is due to your mental shortcomings! Your idiocy and failure to see reality as it is has resulted in the total destruction of everyone here! Maybe, if your world has an afterlife, you'll be able to make it up to all the people you've wronged just now. Maybe, then you'll be able to-"

And then the bomb exploded, and everyone was turned into dust instantly. How... quaint.
Umbra at the time had shouldered his weapon and made his way to the general group. The sounds of the Operator's sigh of relief was relaxing in a way. "Well, that's over with..", the child's voice spoke. The warframe simply kept a firm nod, almost seemingly appreciative that it was all dealt with.

Then, it began. The yelling of being clones, the confused chatter, there was too much going on to get a grasp at the situation. The frame simply crossed its arms, unsure of what exactly was happening. And finally, it came to the strange device popping out of the other machine's chest. "I'm sorry.. A TEN MEGATON BOMB?!", the Operator exclaims, caught completely off guard with the realization.

If everyone were to see, the frame almost seemed to jump with how fast it dropped its arms. Great. Fucking great. "I'm sorry Umbra..", the operator sadly speaks, "I'll find a way to bring you home.. I promise." Umbra slowly nods, wanting to believe his Operator but, knew the truth. He turned his head to the bomb that had turned on, the light, so bright and warm with the sudden flash. But, it wasn't going to allow the Operator to die here. The frame forced its eject system, cutting the transference connection on it's own without the operator's permission, the frame suddenly glowed a bright blue and fell onto his knees like a puppet with it's strings suddenly cut, as he was engulfed in the bright light.



The Operator had been forcibly ejected from his transference connection, the sudden force of the bomb throwing his body into what felt like a crash as he suddenly sat up from the Control Pod, awakened. The child quickly took off his mask as he turned his head to the screen, the view of Umbra turning to the explosion as it suddenly bursted into a bright light, before cutting out into static.

With a sudden loud slam, the Operator slams his fist onto the table in frustration, before turning, looking back at the Control Pod. "Dammit Umbra..", he spoke softly, knowing his warframe cared too much to the point of allowing itself to accept its fate, but to sever the mental link they shared to keep the operator alive.

With a sudden look of determination, he reset the controls, restarting the transference procedure as he placed his helmet back on and jumped back into the opened Pod, lying back down as it slowly closed around him. He began to close his eyes, feeling the mental tug at the back of the mind, as the Transference System rebooted itself, and he began to return to the Second Dream, feeling himself get tired.

"I'll find you Umbra.. This isn't over yet.."

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The snowballs made its target and shortly after Felix was defeated. Everything was going great! Maybe a bit too well... I was right because now there were bombs with no way to defuse them! We were going to die. There was no way around it. There was so much I never got to do. I never got to tell Eric how I felt, I never found out why Lucky hated me, I was never able to make many friends... I don’t want to die... I want to live... I want to be happy... Out of the corner of my eye I saw Eric and quickly rushed over to him. I wrapped my arms around him tightly I’m a hug and I was finally able to act like myself again. I began to sob uncontrollably as I buried my face into his fur drenching it with my tears.

“I’m sorry Eric... I-I’m sorry for everything!! I’ve been such a bad friend and a bald person! I’m such an idiot! I don’t want to die! I love you! I wanted to spend my life with you... I wanted us to be happy together.. why.. why can I never win.. I’m so selfish only thinking about my wants even when we are about to die.. I’m sorry..”
I just continued to sob and looked up at Eric. My eyes were red from and my cheeks were stained with trails of tears. I tried to lean in to kiss him before we died, but the bomb went off before I could... everything went white and I died never accomplishing a thing...

CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow
F-Zero_-_Captain_Falcon_as_seen_in_F-Zero_GX_and_F-Zero_AX.png"So this is it, huh? This is how I die? Having been kidnapped, ignored, humiliated, and left behind. I die a fumbling idiot... This is how I die? Me? The one! The only! CAPTAAAIN FALCON! This is how I go out?! No! Thi-This is unacceptable! I have fought a giant dragon turtle, a giant glove, then two giant gloves, a digital dimensional deity, and the literal embodiment of good and evil themselves.... Who commanded an army of giant gloves! I even raced the creators of the universes! And you know what? I've beaten all of them! With help save the last bit. I will not go out the fool in this venture! I will not! Imma 'bout to defy the laws of the afterlife itself over this! You hear me space heaven?! I DEFY YOOOUUUUUUUUUU!"
Lealan was spending time admiring her new arm, when she saw the bomb ticking down. A Growl would echo through her throat. "S.A.I.L, Teleport please.... S.A.I.L, Teleport... S.A.I.L?" She tries one last attempt to get in communication with her ships A.I. to help her escape, to no avail. She closes her eyes and braces for the impact. Unlike on the Ruin, there would be no Cultivator this time. Lealan releases one last odd utterance of defiance before all fades to white. "Ssssssssssson of a Bitch."
thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore
“No...” Rex said in horror as Tucker basically killed everyone. “I can’t believe this is how it ends. Not by O’Malley, Locus or Felix. But a little slip.” It gets worst as Rex watches his only friends here die. “Lana, Lealan. They’re.. no...!” Rex watches as Lucky says his final goodbyes to everyone including Rex before he’s engulfed by the light. “LUCKY..!”

Rex looks down at the ground seeing his friends die before his eyes. Sora goes to comfort Rex one last time in their final moment together.
“Rex. Stuff, just happens. Friends come and go, but they’ll live on in the hearts of their other friends and the same goes for us too. Even if you and I go, there’ll be others to protect universe, and if they remember us, then we’ll always live on.” Rex’s head perked a bit before turning to Sora. “Sigh. I guess you’re right, I mean. Who wants to live forever huh?” Sora and Rex continue to watch all of their friends disappearing.

“Not a bad little adventure if I do say so myself.” “Yeah.” As the light get closer, the two share their last words “I wish we could have ended this on better terms, but it was great knowing you Rex.” “Same here Sora. Same here”

And with that. The hero of the keyblade and the legendary EVO have perished. they’re gone. The end.........

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore


So Felix and Locus were defeated soundly. Great, wonderful! It was my first big victory in months, the first time since me and a bunch of other ragtag idiots beat the snot out of a Mario villain. Yes, things were good indeed. It was time to head back to Blood Gulch, where we could make a future of eternal verbal warfare of ourselves. Fun, right?


It happened fast. Tucker came out of a portal and killed Lopez. His chest opened to reveal a clock, and the beeping started. Some people realized what was happening. None of the Reds or Blues, of course, save for the 50-megaton class-A tard that was Sarge. Only reason being was that the bomb was his idea. Which was why I decided I loved him too in that moment.

So here we are, stuck in an unfamiliar icy canyon far away from our homes, living our last moments, waiting for death. I look around. Those who understand what would become of them are saying their final farewells to each other, some teary-eyed, others taking it in stride. Fearless in death, perhaps. Pearl’s ranting, of course- maybe it’d be a better use of her breath to make amends. Lucky is setting aside his insanity for long enough to apologize for his ‘wrongs.’ Captain Falcon is screaming at the sky.

Words begin to fall from my lips slowly. One last somber song, I think, one last somber song to say goodbye.

“Standing... on the edge”
“of the crater”
“Like the prophets once said”
“and the ashes are all cold now”
“No more bullets...”
“and the embers are dead”

I feel arms wrap around me and pull me into a desperate embrace. I look over to see Lana’s teary-eyed face peering into mine. She buries her head in my fur, stammering out all her regrets and apologies that should, in all truth, be my own. The song continues; I see no reason to stop.

“Whispers in the air”
“tell the tales”
“of the brothers gone”

My paw gently wipes away the tears from Lana’s face.

“What a mess we made...”
“when it all went wrong...”

Lana wouldn’t have to worry that she never got to kiss me, for in our last moments, I lean in and give her a peck on her lips, and shut my eyes, waiting for it all to go dark.


I grab Lucky and leap onto a nearby rock, procuring a kazoo from thin air, and play it passionately.

And like a blessing from Tchaikovsky, at the end of the chorus’ last note, the bomb detonates, and all goes white.

Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara (Lana)
P PopcornPie (Lucky)

thatguyinthestore thatguyinthestore (Tucker, Lopez, Sarge)
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind (Pearl)
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- (Captain Falcon)

...what, did you think I was actually sad? You fool. Don’t trust the Ultimate Liar.​
Chapter Four
"The Future Sucks"

A sharp, loud ringing sound in your ears would cause you to regain consciousness after you had previously believed yourself to have been blown up by the ten megaton bomb Tucker had accidentally set off. Upon waking up, though, you realized that you were... well, you were certainly somewhere. The first thing that you would notice was that your bodies felt oddly light, almost as if you were aimlessly adrift in space.


"W-w-what's goin' on...?" Sarge asked in a dazed, confused, and worried tone of voice, being the first of all of you to speak up.

"Where are we?"

"Are we dead?"

"I don't want to be dead! I want to be alive! Or... a cowboy!"

"Dead? Aww... man! Tomorrow was all you can eat day at the mess hall! And I wanted to eat all that I could!"

"We're not dead, you idiots! We're in some kinda temporal--" Sarge would pause after a moment, gasping as yet another light appeared to begin consuming your vision yet again. "Oh God! Head's up boys! Brace for impact!" He exclaimed as the light overtook you once more, and your consciousness was taken yet again.


Upon your reawakening, you found that the area you were in was no longer Sidewinder. The skies were much darker and filled to the brim with smog. All around you were collapsed or otherwise burning buildings, and the general area around you just appeared to be in an all-around state of disarray.

"Hey, they're awake!" Donut exclaimed, being one of the other first things you saw upon waking up. "Guys, they're awake!" He reiterated.

"I still wanna know why I don't get a laser gun..." You could hear Grif's voice complaining from the side.

"Shutup, dumbass..." Simmons retorted as he approached you all as well. "Hey hey hey... take it easy, guys. You've been out for quite a while." He said.

"And I thought I was lazy..." Grif muttered under his breath.

"Wh-where are we...?" Church asked as he slowly stood up to his feet, rubbing the side of his head groggily. Clearly he had just woken up alongside the rest of you.

"Church! Church!" Caboose said as he ran over to his self-proclaimed best friend. "We are in the future!"

"The future? Oh, I can't wait to fuckin' hear this one..." Church mused aloud when suddenly Sarge came running from down a hill.

"Obviously, Lopez's ten megaton bomb caused an explosion so large that it caused a temporal time rift, which cascaded throughout the--"

"Sarge! Sarge!" Donut suddenly exclaimed as he frantically rose his hand into the air. "Can we do the skit now?"



"But I don't wanna do that stupid skit..." Grif complained, as usual.

"Fine! But only because I wanna see Grif miserable! I miss the old days!" Sarge shouted in agreement.

"Okay! Okay! Places, everyone!" Donut shouted, and suddenly the Reds and Blues began to form a line, and then Donut proceeded to clear his throat once everyone had gone off to their designated areas. Speaking in a comical attempt a deep narrator voice, Donut began, "The Red vs. Blue Players present a Franklin Donut play. Written and directed by Franklin Donut. In association with Light-Red Danish Productions--"

"Can we just start!?"

Then, seemingly out of nowhere, a pair of red and blue curtains dropped down, covering the participants of the supposed skit up. They slowly opened, only to revealing Donut in the center, as well and Sarg, Grif and Simmons off to the right. Sarge was the furthest to the right (or to the left from your point of view), Grif was in the middle, and Simmons was the furthest to the left.

"Hello, weary traveler. We represent the timeline."

"I am the past! Where things cost less, and people knew the value of a hard day's work. But they only lived to be twenty-eight years old!"

"And I am the future, where people have no morals and no emotions, but we have a bunch of kick-ass gadgets!"

"And I'm the present, which sucks. We have nothing cool, and also no morals."

"And I am the helpful narrator, a faceless voice used by poor writers."

"But... but you have a face, Donut."

"Shut up, audience! You're ruining my play!" Donut shouted to Church, before clearing his throat. "Anyways... everything was fine with the timeline until one day, in the present--"

"Why does bad stuff always happen in the present?" Grif chimed in, breaking character and sounding a bit sad at that.

"Because that's when people do stuff!"

"Ah, quit yer bitchin'. I have atrocities and a crap-load of wars that seemed very important at the time, but now seems trivial and stupid."

"Yeah, and I've got the apocalypse. That's way worse than anything you two dipshits have." There was a pause as Sarge slowly turned to face Simmons, who turned back to make eye contact behind their helmets, which obscured their eyes. "Sorry, Sir. That 'dipshit' was in character."

"...oh. Well, bravo, Simmons!"

"One day, in the present: a terrible thing happened!" Donut shouted in an attempt to regain control over his performance. He then proceeded to duck, revealing none other than Caboose behind him.

"Enter stage left. Hello, I am Stupid Private Tucker. I am going to set off a big bomb now, and totally mess things up for everyone! Because I am stupid! Turns around," Caboose said, before turning around to face the trio of Red soldiers, specifically Grif. "Hello, Present! I am going to set off a bomb in you!"

"Don't do that, Stupid Private Tucker! That might kill me!"

"Thinks about this for a moment." Before Caboose could finish his line, Donut ran over to him from the side.

"Caboose! Stop reading your stage directions!" He whispered, though it was loud enough for all of you to hear.

"You told me that I was supposed to read anything with my name in front of it!" Caboose whispered back. Though, again, it was loud enough for you all to hear.

"Just the lines, not the blocking. You're ruining my big debut!"

"I do not think that we are meshing artistically. I think you should talk to my agent?"

"This is stupid! I quit!"

"You can't quit! End scene!"
Donut shouted as he faced Grif, before turning to look at all of you one last time. "This has been a Franklin Donut joint!" And with that, he ran off the makeshift dirt stage.

"That... literally explained nothing. At all." Church said, clearly annoyed by how much time they had wasted just now. He then proceeded to take a look around the area. "Wait... hold on. Where the hell is Tucker?" He asked.

"Uhh... he went somewhere over yonder. Said he was gonna try and build a radio or somethin'." Sarge explained.

"Alright, well it's at least more productive than whatever the hell it is you asshats are up to." Church complained, before turning to the group at large. "Blue Team, you're with me. I think building a radio to command is just what we need in this situation, anyways." Church said, before walking off, expecting those of you on Blue Team to follow.

"Uhh... guess that leaves Red Team and you Solo Guys. Luckily, Grif 'n Simmons saw an old, busted up Warthog down yonder, and I think that we can somehow rebuild it if we can find the right parts. So, we'll divide up into two mini teams!" Sarge exclaimed. "One mini team will go with Grif 'n Simmons to try and get the damn thing workin'. The other mini team will come with me and Donut to try and find some extra parts, like a transmitter and a radio!" He said, and with that, the Red Team divided up, leaving those of you on the Red and Solo Teams to either go with Grif and Simmons, or Sarge and Donut.

Cast List
Kameron Esters- Kameron Esters- as Captain Falcon (F-Zero) [Blue Team]
Chungchangching Chungchangching as Vitan (OC) [Blue Team] and Slamacow (Minecraft) [Blue Team]
2Bornot2B 2Bornot2B as Gripen (Girly Air Force) [Blue Team] and Shalltear Bloodfallen (Overlord) [Red Team]
DerpyCarp DerpyCarp as Lealan Deathweed (Starbound OC) [Solo Team]
Benedict Cucumberpatch Benedict Cucumberpatch as Sir Benedict Cucumberpatch (Classified) [Blue Team]
PolikShadowbliss PolikShadowbliss as Karma Darkon (OC) [Blue Team] and Odessa (OC) [Red Team]
Dylan.thomas7 Dylan.thomas7 as Goro Majima (Yakuza) [Red Team]
Gundam Watcher 27 Gundam Watcher 27 as Kohirumaki Karen (Gun Gale Online) [Red Team]
Sir Skrubbins Sir Skrubbins as Heavy (Team Fortress 2) [Red Team]
Atomic Chucklenuts Atomic Chucklenuts as Rex Salazar (Generator Rex) [Red Team] and Sora (Kingdom Hearts) [Red Team]
Topless Topless as Baby Bonnie Hood (Darkstalkers) [Solo Team]
FactionParadox FactionParadox as Saburo Kusanagi (OC) [Blue Team] and Dalek Scout 7570 Gamma (Doctor Who) [Red Team]
Hahli Nuva Hahli Nuva as Achilles (SMITE) [Solo Team]
darkred darkred as Aloy (Horizon Dawn Zero) [Blue Team] and Maya "Echo" Visari (Killzone Shadowfall) [Solo Team]
ConnorOfficials ConnorOfficials as Lilith (OC) [Blue Team]
GeorgeTownRaja GeorgeTownRaja as Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece) [Solo Team] and Rachel Roth (Teen Titans) [Blue Team]
SheaFlower SheaFlower as Akechi Touma and Saiki Kusuo (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.) [Blue Team] DEAD! SHOT!
Superwholock Superwholock as Nero (Devil May Cry) [Red Team] and Salem Jay Nilson (Devil May Cry OC) [Red Team]
SheepKing SheepKing as Narancia Ghirga (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) [Red Team]
SpaceRavens03 SpaceRavens03 as Fernando "Slayer" Duran (Rise of Incarnates) [Solo Team]
Ineptitude Ineptitude as Celty Sturluson (Durarara!!) [Solo Team]
animegirl20 animegirl20 as Amy Rose (Sonic X) [Red Team]
Riven Riven as Umbra (Warframe) [Blue Team]
Dragonlord318 Dragonlord318 as Logan (X-Men Origins) [Red Team]
Sayo-Nara Sayo-Nara as Lana the Braixen (Pokemon OC) [Red Team]
BoltBeam BoltBeam as Red Riding Hood (Mary Skelter Nightmares) [Red Team]
Veradana Veradana as Myrtle Ryder (OC) [Blue Team]
Marksman Marksman as Actus-199 (Warhammer 40k OC) [Red Team]
Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia as Jun Hyuga (Fate OC) [Blue Team] DEAD! SHOT!
The Explorer The Explorer as Seiryo Teshigahara (OC) [Solo Team] DEAD! SHOT!
Jeremiah Jeremiah as Travis Touchdown (No More Heroes) and Miss Pauling (Team Fortress 2) [Solo Team]
ManyFaces ManyFaces as Lobo (DC Comics) [Solo Team]
Caffeine Freak Caffeine Freak as Biggie Cheese (Barnyard) [Red Team]
FoolsErin FoolsErin as Double Trouble (She-Ra and the Princesses of Power) [Solo Team]
Ferociousfeind Ferociousfeind as Pearl Pygmy (Splatoon 2) [Blue Team]
QizPizza QizPizza as Gabrielle Akimoto (OC) [Solo Team] DEAD! SHOT!
jigglesworth jigglesworth as Captain John Price (Call of Duty: Modern Warfare) [Blue Team]
P PopcornPie as Lucky (Whacked!) [Solo Team]
RedLight RedLight as Marcus Silver Pete Amsterdam Indigo Nautilus Tesla (OC) [Blue Team] and Kylo Ren (Star Wars) [Red Team]
FactionGuerrilla FactionGuerrilla as Kassandra (Assassin's Creed: Odyssey) [Blue Team]
The Shadow The Shadow Mercenary as Snake (Metal Gear Solid/Crysis OC) [Solo Team]
StaidFoal StaidFoal as Corvo Attano (Dishonored) [Blue Team] and Megumin (Konosuba) [Red Team]
Maxiliase Maxiliase as Tony Montana (Scarface) [Red Team]
Birb Birb as Delta (OC) [Solo Team] DEAD! SHOT!
Senki Senki as Synder Dre (OC) [Blue Team]
Addicted to Coffee Addicted to Coffee as Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy VII) [Red Team]
Raynar Saassin Raynar Saassin as Doom Slayer (DOOM) [Red Team]
Rodan The Asexual Kaiju Rodan The Asexual Kaiju as Revan (Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic) [Blue Team]
shio shio as Shio (OC) [Blue Team]
GearBlade654 GearBlade654 as The Guards Rifleman (Company of Heroes 2) [Blue Team]
Professor Spacecakes Professor Spacecakes as Toshinori "All Might" Yagi (My Hero Academia) [Blue Team]
Tibb-E Tibb-E as Tiberius Asletro (OC) [Red Team]
CocoaMarshmallow CocoaMarshmallow as Eric Fiamatta (Pokemon Mystery Dungeon OC)

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