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Fantasy Blaumgartner's School for the Gifted

Well things are bound to pick up in the morning ^_^ At some point I'd enjoy Aza being sucked into one of your character's worlds. I think that would be an interesting experience.
It's an interesting concept, and a great place to be all OP without destroying the school ;3 The headmistress approves on that accord xD
Hahaha yeah. I read the rules. It totally made me laugh! Especially the "attending classes aren't mandatory."
Lol yeah xD classes provide a good structure, but sometimes it can be limiting. Plus, the headmistress is all for branching out and finding potential in however students want to do it. Of course, if they skip class to be lazy she'll frown upon it xD
what a good headmistress you are!

well, if you're itching to RP, then I don't mind creating another character~ ^_^
I'd be down for that ^_^ I might bring in an NPC to interact though, since my existing characters are engaged atm xD
okay! i'll create one right now.

& you might be able to interact with it since i plan to make a teacher
[QUOTE="Aughto von realname]uno momento por favor, I need to dig deep into character art to find my edgiest of photos

I await your submission with bated breath ^_^
[QUOTE="Aughto von realname]Call dibs on crazy Janitor

Omg yes do it
[QUOTE="Aughto von realname]....YOU KNOW NOT OF WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!!!!!

If things can get crazier than they already are, I'll be very entertained xD
My Rectum Opus, My Magnum Uranus....IT IS COMPLETE!!!! Also you said we could be as OP as we can be therefore I am now god DESTROYER OF GRIME!!!!
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haha, thanks. took me forever to come up with it >.<

oh, now there's someone who'll be on par with juniper haha.
Lol freaking epic xD Though I think you might have to re upload your picture since it's not appearing on my computer. Maybe that's just me though?
Still not working for me, though I'm not sure why.

Unfortunately it seem I'll have to turn in for the night since it's super late. I plan to have the headmistress give her speech when I get up tomorrow xD I feel kinda bad since Lenny went through all the trouble of creating another character. Though at least you two can interact ^_^

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