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Fantasy Blaumgartner's School for the Gifted

I'm writing short responses and I hardly can type fast enough to keep up lol
[QUOTE="Aughto von realname]Alright have fun slaughtering sentient beings without me I gots to go for now

If he must! Also a guard and whatever else! (Hilariously open for a weird romantic thing like how Idk)
It just occurred to me a few minutes ago that Shadow has the same name and color scheme as Shadow the Hedgehog, I didn't even realize when I made the character.

I have to ask the same question. Since lunch was announced to be at 1 and I don't think it's happened yet in the RP, I'm assuming we're close to noon or still in the morning.
Lol I feel like I missed a lot just being away one day xD I was skimming through the responses and it's been pretty lively. I kinda lost track, so does anyone have any particular need of my characters? (Also, two NPCs are up to play with. I'll probably make use of them myself in a moment to join in somewhere or another xD )

Also, if anyone is having trouble joining in, I'll make use of one of the NPCs to interact with you :3 Just let me know and all that.

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