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Fantasy Blaumgartner's School for the Gifted

Heck yeah, imagine all the stuff you want ^_^ The limits of reality don't have to apply.

Also, splendid news~ I got a tab for neutral characters that I'm gonna use for NPCs. NPCs can be controlled by anyone, though it is preferred to try to adhere to whatever details are posted on their sheets in terms of personality and whatnot. I think anyone can post in it, so if that's true then anyone can feel free to make an NPC if they want to make a character that they don't really need to keep track of themselves. (if people can't post in the thread then just pm me and I'll put characters in)
Aughto von realname] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/33143-alphaius/ said:
it's either crazy girl with a god complex or crazy janitor dealing out sex changes to anything with pants on, Good luck
Be careful that it doesn't turn into crazy troll on a smash spree...the female trollkin are no less horrifying they just have longer hair.
He's not human

Trolls don't generate either testosterone or estrogen they have a unified hormone that links up to allow mating once a year besides that they are relatively the same
Aughto, thank you. You actually made me take a step back from the computer, read that last bit again, and begin to harshly contemplate life.
I didn't expect it to pick up this quickly, this is too fun. I might just have to make another character for the fun of it.

time to open up paint again
Troll launguage index

Kin=a general term referring to family, friends, ally's in combat,and guests in ones home

Graaaaahhhh: pretty much every curse word lumped into one insult

Dolak: a term given to someone of great respect such as ones own father or the chief maybe the shaman

Noblec:hated foe,one deserving of death

*will update more as I come up with it.

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